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Ontario McCaleb RB according to rivals. Anyone know anything about him?

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He signed with us this past year but had to go a year to prep school. He's going to re-sign with us for the 2009 class so they put him in there.

Personally, I think it's silly to count players multiple times if they sign then have to go to JUCO or prep to get their grades up and sign again later, but they do it for everyone so it's just the way it is.

That said, kid's got some jets. He should do well in this offense.

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haha..that's kinda funny. I was like Another one! Then I saw the name. Do the expect him to come in for the spring semester?

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He "counts" for the 2008 and 2009 recruiting classes. If he makes the grades at prep school and shows up for Spring, he will then receive one of the 85 allowed scholarships. I'm not certain, but I believe he gets 4 years of eligibility, but does not have the ability to redshirt.

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He's not a commit, yet. He has just started at Hargrave and Scout assumes that he'll resign with the team that he commited to the year before. As of right now, he won't be listed on Rivals as a commit, until the Auburn Coaches tell them different. I'm hoping he stays true to his word and comes back, after tearing up the military schools.

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He "counts" for the 2008 and 2009 recruiting classes.

Don't forget the 2010 or 2011 class if the unfortunate event occurs and he ends up going to JUCO.

I wish him the best and hope he gets here one way or another. I'm just being a jerk about it because of recent instances of similarity.

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He "counts" for the 2008 and 2009 recruiting classes.

Don't forget the 2010 or 2011 class if the unfortunate event occurs and he ends up going to JUCO.

I wish him the best and hope he gets here one way or another. I'm just being a jerk about it because of recent instances of similarity.

Ya know......CFB schollys are one way to break poverty cycles without spending taxpayer dollars. Many of these kids came from homes where their parents never even read to them before they attended school. Prep and Juco are opportunities for these kids to "learn how to learn". Get off your arrogant horse or go be a Bammer....they are masters of self induced arrogance and you aren't far behind.

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I'm just pointing out that the Prep / JUCOroute hasn't necessarily been the best for us in recent history. I'm not judging if someone SHOULD go there or the academic support they receive from those schools. I'm just talking football here. This is a football forum ya know :rolleyes: People on this board try to justify that JUCO is great and nothing is wrong with it. I would like to see some stats on guys that originally signed with Auburn, but went Prep / JUCO and came back to Auburn and were significant playmakers. This excludes guys like Chris Todd since he was a transfer.

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I would like to see some stats on guys that originally signed with Auburn, but went Prep / JUCO and came back to Auburn and were significant playmakers. This excludes guys like Chris Todd since he was a transfer.

Carlos Rogers and Anthony Mix immediately come to mind. There are probably others, I'm not investing a whole lot of time and effort into this.

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So is David Irons.

Carlos Rogers and Mix played 4 years at Auburn I believe. Maybe they were Prep, but definitely not JUCO.

My point is, no one in the last few years has been from JUCO / Prep. And when you can point out those who have gone that route and been successful, what is the percentage of those from JUCO / Prep. 5% ?

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So is David Irons.

Carlos Rogers and Mix played 4 years at Auburn I believe. Maybe they were Prep, but definitely not JUCO.

My point is, no one in the last few years has been from JUCO / Prep. And when you can point out those who have gone that route and been successful, what is the percentage of those from JUCO / Prep. 5% ?

wasn't Rudy a JUCO?

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Carlos Rogers was Prep. Anthony Mix was Prep. Rudi Johnson was JUCO. David Irons was JUCO. Brandon Jacobs was JUCO (not his fault it didn't work out and certainly not a talent issue). Doug Langenfeld was JUCO. Jonothan Wilhite was JUCO. Chris Slaughter went Prep and resigned. PreRod was a JUCO guy. That's a pretty good return on JUCO/Prep guys. Those are some pretty nice names, and I'd say the return on JUCO/Prep players is AT LEAST as high as the general return on players (even top name guys).

For example here are some names of top guys that just didn't pan out for whatever reason: Tony Bell, Leon Hart, Bryant Miller, Lee Tilley, Alonzo Horton, Mike Harness, Rex Sharpe, Jarrod Britt, Courtney Denson... there are more but I'll stop there. Those guys were all 4 or 5 star guys that just didn't work out (for a multitude of reasons), but you wouldn't suggest that we stop recruiting big name players just because some of them bust, would you?

Bo Harris was Prep and unfortunately couldn't keep his grades up this year. Greg Smith resigned but couldn't control his weight. Enrique Davis changed his mind about where he wanted to be (primarily because he just wanted a traditional offense and lots of carries guaranteed). LeMarcus Rowell couldn't get his life on track. Some of these cats just don't work out, but we've had a LOT of great contributions from guys that went the Prep or JUCO route. On top of that, we about to get Wilford Journet, Nick Fairley, and Eltoro Freeman back. We'll probably get another shot at Jermaine Johnson as well. Both JUCO and Prep have been pretty dang good to us since Tubby came. You might not like losing a guy from time to time or having some of these guys bust, but the return on these players is no worse than the return on high school guys.

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