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Should we lock Ranger12's ridiculous topic?


Should we lock Ranger12's ridiculous topic?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we lock Ranger12's ridiculous topic?

    • Yes, it have no place in this forum.
    • No, we should be able to make whatever ridiculous topics we want.

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I think you are acting like a whiny bittch about this and your choices for the poll reflect that.

Go huddle up with rir and give him some sugar and it will all be gone before you know it. It was a jokish thread and I thought it was funny because to say rir is currently obsessed with destroying the Powerful Enigma that is Sarah Palin is the understatement of the year.

I think you need a big glass of sthu. thats what I think. It was a joke and a political one. It wasn't even an attack. Just a friendly jab in the ribs.

I encourage the admin of the board to not let this little wuss throw a tantrum and get his way.

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I think you are acting like a whiny bittch about this and your choices for the poll reflect that.

Go huddle up with rir and give him some sugar and it will all be gone before you know it. It was a jokish thread and I thought it was funny because to say rir is currently obsessed with destroying the Powerful Enigma that is Sarah Palin is the understatement of the year.

I think you need a big glass of sthu. thats what I think. It was a joke and a political one. It wasn't even an attack. Just a friendly jab in the ribs.

is that what you think?


Look, I get that R's outnumber D's by a ton on here, but that doesn't mean that the minority (on here) should be held to a double standard. My poll is a counterbalance on the the crazy that Ranger12 choose to introduce.

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You need to lighten up friend. I was doing it just to have a little fun and lighten up the forum a little. You have instead tried to turn it into some silly little pissing contest. RIR and Tex apparently gets that it was just in fun, yet I guess you feel like RIR's his big brother and have to protect him. Go pop a cold one or something and chill out. Quit taking things so seriously. My little poll was no more ridiculous then some of the stuff that gets posted in this forum from both sides of the fence.

I guess it is too much to ask for a sense of humor in the political forum. <_<

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I think you are acting like a whiny bittch about this and your choices for the poll reflect that.

And that is why I voted NO.

Maybe Justin is trying to take the title "Boards Whinniest Bittch" away from rr. But I could be wrong.

is that what you think?


Look, I get that R's outnumber D's by a ton on here, but that doesn't mean that the minority (on here) should be held to a double standard. My poll is a counterbalance on the the crazy that Ranger12 choose to introduce.

And you wonder why people come to the conclusion that dims have no sense of humor.

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I think you are acting like a whiny bittch about this and your choices for the poll reflect that.

Go huddle up with rir and give him some sugar and it will all be gone before you know it. It was a jokish thread and I thought it was funny because to say rir is currently obsessed with destroying the Powerful Enigma that is Sarah Palin is the understatement of the year.

I think you need a big glass of sthu. thats what I think. It was a joke and a political one. It wasn't even an attack. Just a friendly jab in the ribs.

is that what you think?


Look, I get that R's outnumber D's by a ton on here, but that doesn't mean that the minority (on here) should be held to a double standard. My poll is a counterbalance on the the crazy that Ranger12 choose to introduce.

Yes, and you said what you thought of rangers poll over there and this is my heartfelt opinion on what I think of your poll.

Not knocking you as a whole. Just your whininess here. Get over it. If you want to make a poll try a funny one like rangers and you'll get a better response than this style here.

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Look Justin, the poll was just about having a little fun in this forum for a change. It was not a personal attack on RIR, just poking at his many number of threads he has started about Palin. It has nothing to do with him being in the minority (politically) on this board or anything like that. To assume that is ridiculous. Tex and I disagree politically, but outside of that we see eye to eye on most other things. I have swapped so many friendly PMs with Tex and Al, that I could hang out with them no problem. So, I don't hold political views against a person.

Maybe you need to ask yourself why does everybody else get the humor in this except you?

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It's not funny when they are starting to lose their edge against another dumb ole republican fart. The Palin pick has really gotten them worried. The attacks on Palin have picked up and the felatio on achmed has lessened. The tide it is a turning.....

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