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Top Ten Rules to Rule By


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Top Ten Rules to Rule By

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's oil or public services unless your neighbor is a Muslim or your campaign funding is on the line.

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness unless it helps you start a war.

8. Thou shalt not steal unless you let the European corporations have a little too.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery!!!

6. Thou shalt not kill but it's OK to force poor people to kill and be killed if it helps the corporations and if you don't let anyone see the bodies.

5. Honour thy father and thy mother – besides they don't NEED Social Security.

4. Never work on a Sunday. This rule is not to be construed as in any way stipulating a requirement to work on any particular day or days that is not or are not Sundays.

3. Don't talk back to Karl.

2. Don't get too attached to stuff, cause you can always buy another one.

And the number one Rule to Rule By:

1. Don't listen to nobody else when Karl ain't around.



(Thanks to BuckFush.com!)

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Here's another:

Thou shalt not perjure thyself, even if it's about getting a hummer from a 20 year old intern...something that would have gotten any CEO in the country fired immediately.

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That's hilarious. He lives 'em everyday!!!

And Titan...Drop your stones and move on. Clinton's gone now.

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Here's another:

Thou shalt not perjure thyself, even if it's about getting a hummer from a 20 year old intern...something that would have gotten any CEO in the country fired immediately.

That only cost the American taxpayer $26 million, but Bush's mess has cost us much, much more than that. $87+ BILLION, with a "B," plus some of my friends in the 101st Airborne/Air Assault Division, and I had a couple of friends in the 4th ID.

Why is it that men who have never seen combat always seem to get us into wars, and when they lie about the reasons, people like Martha Stewart go to jail for lying, and these guys never get close to a prison? I, truly, believe that Dubya will be indicted after January 2005. I for one would love to see he and his little clan of elite morons sent up the river for a while. I would hate to have to stake my reputation, and definition of significance, on the day 3000 innocent people lost their lives because I could not negotiate a settlement with the Taliban for pipeline construction in Afghanistan. It takes real nads to stoop to such lows, as to deviate from the path in the war on terror, instead vengefully seek to repair a family legacy in a country that has no radar image as to date. Knowing full well the ramifications of my actions would lead to instability in a region of the world that has no understanding of the meaning of democracy.

I would just have to kill myself, and Dubya should because he’s going to hell anyway. :au: It's funny how those have never seen combat are always the ones to desire it first.

And, for the company that did the background checks for the Florida elections, mistakenly (right) mixing up the names of law abiding citizens with those of convicted felons, thus depriving them of their right to vote, I wish an implosion in all of your families. Including Katherine Harris' family. I hope she burns in hell!

47) The source of this so-called "glitch": Database Technologies, a division of ChoicePoint; hired by Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Harris hired Database Technologies to identify people registered in other counties, those who have died, or those who are felons. In 1999 the FBI suspended their contract with DBT because of suspected ties of the company founder to drug smugglers, despite the fact that one year prior, a respected former DEA agent and narcotrafficking specialist was hired as Vice President.


48) ChoicePoint's founder, Rick Rozar, died from an accident in 1998. According to Guardian Observer reporter Gregory Palast, he was "under fire for misuse of personal data in state computers." ChoicePoint is a very private firm with tight Republican ties.



49) The computer glitch that disenfranchised the 4,000 Floridians stemmed largely from Texas state records that erroneously included people with misdemeanors as having felonies.


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I would just have to kill myself, and Dubya should because he’s going to hell anyway.

Hey, Bottomfeeder, that's a pretty gnarly picture you got there. Don't you find it ironic that Bush has banned any photos of coffins returning from Iraq, but in his first election ad, it shows firemen carrying a flag-draped body on a stretcher? He doesn't mind us seeing 'his crowning moment' but he doesn't want us to notice his little handiwork.

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Don't you find it ironic that Bush has banned any photos of coffins returning from Iraq, but in his first election ad, it shows firemen carrying a flag-draped body on a stretcher? He doesn't mind us seeing 'his crowning moment' but he doesn't want us to notice his little handiwork.

Amen, Brother.

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What is up with you bottomfeeder? Be careful buddy, with all that hate storing up inside you may be the one burning in hell :roll: :roll: .

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And Titan...Drop your stones and move on. Clinton's gone now.

Hey, as long as we're talking about rules to live by, I figured I'd just make it an equal opportunity list.

And before you chide me to "drop [my] stones", you need to take a long, hard look in the mirror Mr. Glass House.

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And Titan...Drop your stones and move on. Clinton's gone now.

Hey, as long as we're talking about rules to live by, I figured I'd just make it an equal opportunity list.

And before you chide me to "drop [my] stones", you need to take a long, hard look in the mirror Mr. Glass House.

Titan, if the Dems dropped their stones for Bush, they would not have a thing to say or do.

"We Hate Bush! We Hate Bush! We Hate bush!"

I just hope the Dems dont remember before the election that the only rule that trumps "It's the Economy Stupid" in an election, is "Dont Be Boring."

8 More months of "We Hate Bush! We Hate Bush! We Hate bush!" may just give Bush the election. You have to give them something to vote for, not just something to vote against.

Remember guys, 8 weeks ago, We were told to "FEAR THE DEAN!" Nowadays, you cant even "FIND THE DEAN." :lol:

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I would just have to kill myself, and Dubya should because he’s going to hell anyway.

Hey, Bottomfeeder, that's a pretty gnarly picture you got there. Don't you find it ironic that Bush has banned any photos of coffins returning from Iraq, but in his first election ad, it shows firemen carrying a flag-draped body on a stretcher? He doesn't mind us seeing 'his crowning moment' but he doesn't want us to notice his little handiwork.

Don't you find it interesting that Kerry claims to be a Viet Nam Vet but he won't show pictures of :

A.) His throwing his...I mean someone elses medals over the fence at the White House, OR

B.) His testimony to congress

Remember, He's the "War Hero!!"

Nice try, Al!

Many of you claim that Bush is politicizing 9/11 and the war on terror but most of you from day one have politicized it by trying to bring him down with it!

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tiger88 Posted on Mar 7 2004, 01:26 PM

  What is up with you bottomfeeder? Be careful buddy, with all that hate storing up inside you may be the one burning in hell

"Righteous anger" is justified in scripture by the actions of Jesus at the Temple concerning the den of thieves.

Another reason for the hatred of Bush is the legacy of Prescott, who, infact, made most of his fortune of the backs of slaves in Gremany. Also, by trading with the enemy, namely Hilter and his Nazi clan, Bush was a one percent owner of union bank of New York. I guess the source of the animousity derives from the fact that the 2000 election was bought and paid for with Blood Money. And it may, possibly, happen again in 2004 if Dubya wins.


The global disapproval of George Bush Jnr may

have to do with the Bush's Union Bank past,

whose profits derived, ultimately, from

laundering Thyssen Industrial war profits

which were, in part derived from Nazi slave /

death camp labor. Prescott Bush (George Bush

Snr's father) received a massive payoff from

German clients shortly after WW2 ended, and

used the money to go into politics, and so

began the Bush dynasty.


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Can any of you imagine AL and Donut's replies if a Conservative on this board for ANY reason told someone they were going to "BURN IN HELL!"

Do any of you remember Al's little rant about "Savin' It with his "Moral Supremacy" blabber?

Savin' It

And that was just about premarital sex!


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tiger88 Posted on Mar 7 2004, 01:26 PM

  What is up with you bottomfeeder? Be careful buddy, with all that hate storing up inside you may be the one burning in hell

"Righteous anger" is justified in scripture by the actions of Jesus at the Temple concerning the den of thieves.

Another reason for the hatred of Bush is the legacy of Prescott, who, infact, made most of his fortune of the backs of slaves in Gremany. Also, by trading with the enemy, namely Hilter and his Nazi clan, Bush was a one percent owner of union bank of New York. I guess the source of the animousity derives from the fact that the 2000 election was bought and paid for with Blood Money. And it may, possibly, happen again in 2004 if Dubya wins.


The global disapproval of George Bush Jnr may

have to do with the Bush's Union Bank past,

whose profits derived, ultimately, from

laundering Thyssen Industrial war profits

which were, in part derived from Nazi slave /

death camp labor. Prescott Bush (George Bush

Snr's father) received a massive payoff from

German clients shortly after WW2 ended, and

used the money to go into politics, and so

began the Bush dynasty.


Well there's righteous anger and then there is extreme hatred which is the point that went flying over your head. Do you have any biblical support of extreme hatred :roll: :roll: ?

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Ro 8:7

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

Jas 4:4

Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

1. an adulterer

2. one who is faithless toward God, ungodly

Strong's Number


hatred - ejcqevß - echthra

ejcqevß from (2190)

Transliterated Word TDNT Entry

Echthra 2:815,285

Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech

ekh'-thrah Noun Feminine



cause of enmity

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Maybe the average simpleton is impressed by your ability to throw around Strong's references and link them to the discussion using logic you pulled out of the recesses of your own butt, but I'm not.

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I see absolutely no connection to the material you provided and the justification of the hatred you are spewing ever so gladly :roll: :roll: . Perhaps thats why you didn'y try to provide a connection. Your heart is black with hatred buddy. Hold on to your opposition but let that hatred go! The negative energy is taking you to an early grave.

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God hates the sin and not the sinner. I agree with some of your observations, but as one who has entered the Holy of Holies and into the very presence of either an angelic being, the Throne Room or the strong presence of the Holy Spirit, I can with Him condemn the carnal mind misrepresentation in the White House. Dubya is No Christian; instead he is a "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing." And since he doesn't repent of his sinful nature then he is open game as an "Adulterer."

2. one who is faithless toward God, ungodly

THE ONLY REASON I USE STRONG'S ONLINE IS BECAUSE TOOK ACCOUNTING, IN HIGH SCHOOL, INSTEAD OF TYPING. I have the peper Strong's handy and well broken in. I reference the Strong's because that is how I interpret the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Berean by birth!


"Voice of Evangelism" - Perry Stone


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Holy crap!! A liberal preaching to us about the sins of adultery!! Pot, thy name is black.

Obsess much there Bottomfeeder? What an appropriate name.

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God hates the sin and not the sinner. I agree with some of your observations, but as one who has entered the Holy of Holies and into the very presence of either an angelic being, the Throne Room or the strong presence of the Holy Spirit, I can with Him condemn the carnal mind misrepresentation in the White House. Dubya is No Christian; instead he is a "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing." And since he doesn't repent of his sinful nature then he's is open game as an "Adulterer."

2. one who is faithless toward God, ungodly

THE ONLY REASON I USE STONG'S ONLINE IS BECAUSE TOOK ACCOUNTING, IN HIGH SCHOOL, NSTEAD OF TYPING. I reference the Strong's because that is how I interpret the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Well all righty then! :blink:

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Holy crap!! A liberal preaching to us about the sins of adultery!! Pot, thy name is black.

Obsess much there Bottomfeeder? What an appropriate name.

Stay in Spain! No, serious it’s probably the safest place to be right now. Maybe, later, consider Australia or New Zealand, because the U.S of A. is a third world country. And I hope you make 40, cause I already have reached that mark. Any who, if you had bothered to read the post you would have noticed that 'adulterer" is also defined as "one who is faithless toward God, ungodly." So, with simple minds come simple statements, like the "pot calling the kettle black."

Libertarians look at freedom as a way of life, and not just a God given right. By living a liberated life one's influence on others becomes so powerful that it spreads hope into the hearts of the fainthearted. Christ had this same characteristic overflowing in his earthly personality. There is No Bondage in freedom, so "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s."

[Ps 50:18] When thou sawest a thief then thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers.

Adulterers—Strong’s reference number: 5003 Hebrew: na’aph

Definition: to commit adultery; fig. to apostatize

The Pharisees knew that those who participate in evil through the use of an agent are guilty of the act themselves:

"...to enforce heathen laws makes the one who pays the tribute guilty of the acts of the heathen government. The Pharisees knew that those who are obedient to God will not pay toll, tribute, and custom to a heathen king ["Caesar"]:"

[Ps 94:20] Shall the throne of iniquity [wicked rulers] have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law? [make enactments or decrees which condemn innocent blood by adding to or diminishing from God’s Law]

Even the creatures know, for the creation groans:

"The apostle Paul tells us that creation groans (Romans 8:18-22). He is referring to the “non-rational creation, animate and inanimate. Paul tells us the “non-rational creation, animate and inanimate” creation “waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God” (v. 19). It “groans and suffers the pains of childbirth until now” (v. 22)."

"This is obviously why the Pharisees marveled at Him. They were not about to tell "Caesar" that God’s Law required him to be put to death, because "Caesar" would have then come after the Pharisees. In addition, Jesus had just rebuked both "Caesar" and the Pharisees by stating publicly that both "Caesar" and the Pharisees should be put to death, and the Pharisees who hated Jesus knew it but couldn’t go tell "Caesar" in order to get Jesus in trouble. Also, "Caesar" and his agents didn’t know enough about God’s Law to realize that Jesus said that "Caesar" should be put to death, and "Caesar" thinks to this very day that Jesus was saying to pay tribute."


-census (among the Romans, denoting a register and valuation of property in accordance with which taxes were paid), in the NT the tax or tribute levied on individuals and to be paid yearly. (our capitation or poll tax)

-the coin with which the tax is paid, tribute money

"When one understands that the answer was given under Hebrew law, then they understand that the same fate awaits all who pay the tribute to Caesar that God will mete out for Caesar, then we can see that Jesus was clearly saying, "Do not pay taxes unto Caesar", as was alleged at His trial."


George W. Bush made a commitment to the god of this world whether or not he knows it. When he joined the "Skull and Bones" society at Yale, he then lost his soul. It now belongs to the god of this world, satan. No amount of repentance, or declaration of faithfulness, can save the sold out soul of a "bonesman." G.W. Bush has openly admitted his membership to this society, and only satan can give man "the kingdoms of this world" as he tempted Christ with in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. Think about it will you. Oh, and Kerry is one, too. So, regardless of who wins the elite society members will have control. Like I said, the god of this world is satan. [bF-2004]

The Secret Origins of Skull & Bones

"On September 29, 1876, a group calling itself "The Order of File and Claw" broke into the Skull and Bones' holy of holies. In the "tomb" they found lodge-room 324 "fitted up in black velvet, even the walls being covered with the material." Upstairs was lodge-room 322, "the 'sanctum sanctorium' of the temple... furnished in red velvet" with a pentagram on the wall. In the hall are "pictures of the founders of Bones at Yale, and of members of the Society in Germany, when the chapter was established here in 1832." The raiding party found another interesting scene in the parlor next to room 322."


P.S. - By my voting for Senator John Kerry instead of Governor Bush, I am casting a vote for the lesser of two evils. With Bush in control we will continue to see our bartering medium lining the pockets of multinational corporations, overseas conquests for oil, and other natural resources (to include water). With Kerry in charge and his liberal bias, we will see our currency stay at home where it belongs. It's difficult for one to purchase food if the medium of exchange is not accessible, in other words unemployment, which increases the dependence upon the state, which translates into "BONDAGE." Think about that for a moment will you.

Gold use to be the standard by which money was measured, but with the world's population approaching infinity, it seems to me that commodities should be the new standard of measurement of currency rather than nothing at all. If we look real close at the markets, I believe they already reflect this theory. Inflation is directly proportional to the price of barrel of oil, which, also, dictates the inflated prices of everything else.

Oh yea, and another thing, the terrorist’s attacks on us are provoked by a combination CIA, Oil Giants and the DoD. The CIA has a special task force that does just that, create chaos and war as to fund the defense department spending budget and dominate other countries which gives security to multinational companies to exploit the natural resources and cheap labor for their own gain. By the time the spending gets to us, it is so inflated that we will not benefit from the money supplies that fund the venture. Also, there are direct connections between the "Skull and Bones", the CIA, DoD spending, Militaristic society, police state, etc. These guys don't care about our well being; they only care about increasing the gap between the have and the have-nots. And finally, when the New World Order is recognized, as being in place it will be too late to do anything about. Control of our country is evident by policies favorable to those who are in control, and rejecting the needs of the masses. The "Shadow Government" as Dubya put it. [bF- 2004]

Now if you wish to do your own research that's fine. But, I already know what's going on. After 9-11, I spent countless hours at the local Jr. College library looking for the answer to the question we all asked ourselves, "WHY?" I found the answers and I am not crazy. Just shocked at first, then angry, then I accepted it. A typical mourning for the America I thought I lived in. Most people that are confronted with the truth reject it because they don't want to know. They would rather blindly follow the leaders and believe lies, because it's easier to do, rather than thinking and praying for the answers. Lazy Americans, huh?

Well, I have said enough for not. I must read a book now.

]Financial Reckoning Day - by Mark Thornton


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:poke: Just a little touchy this morning aren't we?

George W. Bush made a commitment to the god of this world whether or not he knows it. When he joined the "Skull and Bones" society at Yale, he then lost his soul. It now belongs to the god of this world, Satan. No amount of repentance, or declaration of faithfulness, can save the sold out soul of a "bonesman." G.W. Bush has openly admitted his membership to this society, and only satan can give man "the kingdoms of this world" as he tempted Christ with in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. Think about it will you. Oh, and Kerry is one, too. So, regardless of who wins the elite society members will have control. Like I said, the god of this world is satan. [bF-2004]

The Secret Origins of Skull & Bones

"On September 29, 1876, a group calling itself "The Order of File and Claw" broke into the Skull and Bones' holy of holies. In the "tomb" they found lodge-room 324 "fitted up in black velvet, even the walls being covered with the material." Upstairs was lodge-room 322, "the 'sanctum sanctorium' of the temple... furnished in red velvet" with a pentagram on the wall. In the hall are "pictures of the founders of Bones at Yale, and of members of the Society in Germany, when the chapter was established here in 1832." The raiding party found another interesting scene in the parlor next to room 322."

uh......um........err........uh.......OK then (TiS backs slowly out of the room)

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:poke: Just a little touchy this morning aren't we?
George W. Bush made a commitment to the god of this world whether or not he knows it. When he joined the "Skull and Bones" society at Yale, he then lost his soul. It now belongs to the god of this world, Satan. No amount of repentance, or declaration of faithfulness, can save the sold out soul of a "bonesman." G.W. Bush has openly admitted his membership to this society, and only satan can give man "the kingdoms of this world" as he tempted Christ with in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. Think about it will you. Oh, and Kerry is one, too. So, regardless of who wins the elite society members will have control. Like I said, the god of this world is satan. [bF-2004]

The Secret Origins of Skull & Bones

"On September 29, 1876, a group calling itself "The Order of File and Claw" broke into the Skull and Bones' holy of holies. In the "tomb" they found lodge-room 324 "fitted up in black velvet, even the walls being covered with the material." Upstairs was lodge-room 322, "the 'sanctum sanctorium' of the temple... furnished in red velvet" with a pentagram on the wall. In the hall are "pictures of the founders of Bones at Yale, and of members of the Society in Germany, when the chapter was established here in 1832." The raiding party found another interesting scene in the parlor next to room 322."

uh......um........err........uh.......OK then (TiS backs slowly out of the room)

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Just when Al thought he had another "voice of reason" on his side, Bottomfeeder turns out to be looney tunes.

Thanks for saving me some time, BF. I'll now be ignoring your posts as they contain no useful, or for that matter sane, information.

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Just when Al thought he had another "voice of reason" on his side, Bottomfeeder turns out to be looney tunes. 

Thanks for saving me some time, BF.  I'll now be ignoring your posts as they contain no useful, or for that matter sane, information.

No catechism will save you. Entrance into the Kingdom of God through a commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, through surrendering to him, and giving your life to him, only, will allow you to be seen by God the Father. Otherwise, without the blood of Christ, there is no remission of sin, thus you build-up the wrath of God against yourself. Whereas, your sin killed Christ and that is what God sees without the blood is the sinful human that you are, thus you go to the burning. I asked for forgiveness for hating Dubya. So, now I'm in right relationship with God. That doesn't mean I am not still angry.

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will

be judged and with the same measure you use, it will be measured back to you."

We are to "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." John 7:24. Before we can make righteous judgment against others, we must deal with the sin in our own lives. "Thus shall ye do in the fear of the Lord, faithfully, and with a perfect heart." 2 Chronicles 19:9. Righteous judgment can only be made in accordance with God's view of the situation. This can only be learned by personal, prayerful study of what is written in Scripture with the personal revelation and illumination of the Holy Spirit, not by what someone (even a famous or scholarly someone) said it means. Someone who feels competent to judge, is not. Only someone who has passed through competence to an acute realization of his own weakness can be trusted to judge according to Godly judgment. (Moses spent forty years in the wilderness getting past competence before God sent him back to deliver, lead, and judge His people. Exodus 1-4.)

John the Baptist wore camel hair and a leather belt and ate "locusts and wild honey" [Mark 1:6]. This does not mean that he wore skins like Tarzan but rather that he dressed and lived as a peasant, even though his father was a priest. He wore a woven, camel hair cloak and the working man's leather girdle.

James and John developed the reputation as “Sons Of Thunder” - Mk 3:17; cf. Lk 9:54

"Sons of Thunder" - "Excited but Confused"

The spiritual confinement is a limited state of existence which blocks the mind from the feel of freedom. Therefore , the existence of physical confinement and spiritual confinement are the same nature, but different essence.

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