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Sara Palin Groupies Speak Out


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Real, every day Americans who look up to a real, every day American. How about that!

Elites are terrified of her, and that's why people like arnold can't stand the ground she walks on.

I don't think she's ready to be the Commander in Chief, but I also think Obama isn't either. I do like her independent moxie.

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arnaldo, who does that guy think he is? That was an intentional hit piece, asking those people why they like her and then asking them more questions. Sheeesh!!! Like asking them what policies of hers they like and then acting like there's something WRONG with THEM because THEY don't even know she doesn't have any. They're real, everyday republicans who look UP to a real, everyday republican and that scares YOU...no, it TERRIFIES you!!! And you can't stand her because of her freedoms and because she was governor of Alaska for a year or so and that means she's commanded troops, the kind with guns and everything, and you hate her because of that.

It's like that one guy said, he watches foxnews a lot and so does sarah and that means you fear her.

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arnaldo, who does that guy think he is? That was an intentional hit piece, asking those people why they like her and then asking them more questions. Sheeesh!!! Like asking them what policies of hers they like and then acting like there's something WRONG with THEM because THEY don't even know she doesn't have any. They're real, everyday republicans who look UP to a real, everyday republican and that scares YOU...no, it TERRIFIES you!!! And you can't stand her because of her freedoms and because she was governor of Alaska for a year or so and that means she's commanded troops, the kind with guns and everything, and you hate her because of that.

It's like that one guy said, he watches foxnews a lot and so does sarah and that means you fear her.

On no, Al, that is not it at all.You undoubtable, have not read TigerMikes, the "Wilding of Sara" post. There....young grasshopper,..... lies the real truth.

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arnaldo, who does that guy think he is? That was an intentional hit piece, asking those people why they like her and then asking them more questions. Sheeesh!!! Like asking them what policies of hers they like and then acting like there's something WRONG with THEM because THEY don't even know she doesn't have any. They're real, everyday republicans who look UP to a real, everyday republican and that scares YOU...no, it TERRIFIES you!!! And you can't stand her because of her freedoms and because she was governor of Alaska for a year or so and that means she's commanded troops, the kind with guns and everything, and you hate her because of that.

It's like that one guy said, he watches foxnews a lot and so does sarah and that means you fear her.

On no, Al, that is not it at all.You undoubtable, have not read TigerMikes, the "Wilding of Sara" post. There....young grasshopper,..... lies the real truth.

Oh you didn't like the light shining under the rocks.

Too bad.

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I think she's hot. Mother of 5, hunts, fishes, smart, makes big $$, great rack, loves God, Loves America, Loves her husband...the only serious competition out there to my Blount County born redneck babe of a wife!

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Her fans tell why they love her

At least they gave honest answers, instead of the folks who blindly accepted what ever was told to them, as was the case w/ the interviews shown on the Howard Stern clip.

The folks are there to meet her and read her book, indicating they're interested in learning more about her. This wasn't a campaign stop, where they're showing support for a candidate, but a book signing.

The Left is simply livid that she's outselling and out drawing Hillary, to be sure.


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The Left's fascination with Palin continues to amaze! For her to be as irrelevant as they say, they sure are focused on her.

The folks who are fascinated with her are those plopping down their money for her book and waiting to see her. I doubt they're on the left.

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The Left's fascination with Palin continues to amaze! For her to be as irrelevant as they say, they sure are focused on her.

The folks who are fascinated with her are those plopping down their money for her book and waiting to see her. I doubt they're on the left.

Once again you are absolutely correct! The people buying her book probably are not left-leaning. The people starting posts about her on this board are the ones on the left. I do not consider her a serious future candidate for anything. I think she is trying to make money off a book.

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At least none of them said they like her because she is white and it is time for a white woman in the white house.

I love idiots in glass houses playing catch with rocks.

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