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Chizik's SECCG presser


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Those on the beat are live blogging beginning 11:00AM CT...





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From the Twitter accounts detailed above...

Gene Chizik has arrived. (Only six minutes late today!) Wearing beige suit, sans tie, white and blue striped shirt. Light blue pocket hanky.


Gene Chizik: "Exciting times for us here at Auburn..."


Chizik on SC: "They were a very, very good football team when we played them eight weeks ago. They've kept improving."


Gene Chizik on South Carolina: "They're No. 1 in rushing defense. That's the ultimate stat that tells the tale."


Chizik on USC, "They were a good team the first time we played them, they kept improving...this is an extremely good football team."


Gene Chizik: "I think (the team) isextremely excited. We've been in a lot of big games in the last five weeks. I think that's helped."


Chizik on channeling emotions, "We've been in a lot of big games the last few weeks, that's helped. They've done a good job all year."


Gene Chizik on the defense: "We need to be better communicators, we need to react better (early in games)."


Chizik on first half D struggles, "I see guys out of position...I don't care what we are seeing, we have to play better. Not acceptable."


Chizik on if this season is vindication for his hiring, "We have a great fanbase. I don't believe in vindication, that's now how I live."


Chizik on Atlanta recruiting ties, "Knowing that's a huge recruiting base...it's an inspiration for our guys to go back and play there."


Chizik on first SC game: "That was a special game for (Cam). That was eye-opening for us at that point in time."


Chizik on Newton's first game against USC, "The run he had was a wow moment...it was a learning moment for us on what he could do."

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Cam passes for 300 plus and the WR corps has a day to remember....Dyer will get his in the second half. Just my eyeball take of the game on Sat. in Clemson. FWIW

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Chizik on first USC game, "That game was so close...that's what our team remembers. They remember it could have easily gone the other way."


Chizik on support of community for Cam, team, "This is a great community, built on support of one another the responsibility we have as a team is what we bring to the community. Our community and fans deserve it."


Chizik on community support: "When you pull up after a bus ride from Tuscaloosa and come up to 100s of fans, that's what it's all about."


Chizik on seeing signs of support around town for Newton: "This community was built on family. It was built on supporting one another."


Gene Chizik on changing punt returner after IB fumble: "We’re going to evaluate that this week. That was potentially a game-changing event"


Chizik asked if Newton will be available to speak to media again this year (SEC rules require it after title game). Chose not to answer


On team playing gm of this magnitude: "they don't give me any reason to believe they'll respond differently."


Chizik says 2004 and 2010 Auburn teams are different in their own ways, but says chemistry is one similarity between both teams.


Gene Chizik: "When we didn't play last week it was an Auburn problem...This game is going to be about Auburn."


Chizik on being the favorite, "Our focus is on what we control..this is an Auburn deal."


Chizik on Alabama comeback: "At some point, we'll have a chance to breathe, look back on that and understand how monumental that was."


Chizik on the Iron Bowl comeback: "I'm sure when all the smoke clears, we'll look back on that and go, 'Wow.'"


Chizik on Marcus Lattimore: "They do a great job of utilizing him the right way." Said SC uses him well in the passing game


Chizik on Lattimore, "He's a great football player. He's a great RB in this league...he's an all around football player."


Chizik on Gus Malzahn being up for the Broyles Award: "He's a great football coach and anything he gets, I'm all in. He deserves it."


Chizik on Malzahn, "He's huge to our staff....anything he gets he deserves it."

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I agree whole-heartedly about chemistry. I wish we could bottle it, but chemistry is just a mystery. It can come from all sorts of things. 2004's chemistry was forged in the fire of 2003... they came out linked together literally and figuratively that year. That team was so spiritual and so humble. As a senior on campus at the time, I found them fascinating in how protective they were of each other. They always wanted to give credit to someone else.

But chemistry can also come from anger. 2001 Miami was like that. They were so MAD about being shut out of the title game in 2000... they just played to hurt folks all year in 01. And they did. I think Bama had something special last year. They had a collective chip on their shoulder from start to finish. Not anger like Miami but they had a point to prove. Although I've still never seen the game, I think that's why they struggled in the title game. Bama's season culminated against the Gators. Dominating Florida and beating them into submission was the point to their season.

This year, they just seem to have such an overriding joy. This team should not have the harmony it has. The defense has not held its end of the bargain, and most of the time, the offense would've resented the pressure. Not this team. We will never know why, but I think it has to do with losing Tommy and Gene giving them a choice: buy in or watch the program fall apart. They bought in, and they love everything about it. It's fun to watch. While I don't think this team is on par with 2004 on the field, it is absolutely its equal in terms of chemistry.

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