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A guess: All the NCAA sniffing won’t cost Auburn its BCS title


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A guess: All the NCAA sniffing won’t cost Auburn its BCS title

Yada-yada...Tiger Prowl, Yada-yada...Chaz Ramsey/NCAA talks, Yada-yada...Thayer Evans Louisiana recruiting story...

And now you’re thinking: With all these probes ongoing, the NCAA has to be able to find something with which to hammer Auburn. Doesn’t it?

I’m not so sure. The Tiger Prowl thing could be another of those secondary-violation-spawners, and the Louisiana thing could amount to nothing. Auburn’s defense against the HBO-aired allegations was that none of the four ex-players has offered any proof, which isn’t the world’s worst defense. Which brings us back to Cam Newton, and here’s what I think will happen to Auburn regarding his recruitment:


At last check, men with ties to Mississippi State have admitted taking part in discussions with Cecil Newton, Cam’s father, about money. But the only suggestion that Auburn paid Cam/Cecil has taken the form of leaping logic: If the dad wanted $180,000 to sign with Mississippi State, does it make sense that the son would enroll at another school for free? But a logical leap is not proof.

As I read it, the SEC school that should be worried isn’t the one that landed Cam but the one that didn’t. I say again: Men with ties to Mississippi State have admitted taking part in discussions regarding money and a recruit. This could well have been a case of boosters talking through their hats — meaning nobody actually intended to pay Cecil Newton a dime — but can the NCAA and the SEC let such an admission slide?

Many among us insist it’s only a matter of time before something is found that will stick to Auburn, but I’ve come to believe any such something will not — repeat, will not — involve Cam Newton. Unless/until someone offers evidence that he (or his dad) received improper benefits from Auburn, the Tigers will keep their BCS title. And I’m not sure such evidence exists.

Link to entire article from the AJC

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What these goobers can't seem to grasp is that Kenny Rogers never came up with the money. Apparently, the money boys at MSU knew better than to trust Rogers with $200, let alone 200,000.

The "leap of logic" that Cecil wouldn't have turned down that kind of money doesn't exist. Rogers never came up with the money, so Cecil didn't turn down anything.

According to the recent response to the freedom of info request, the 2009 Tiger prowl investigation, technically still open but inactive, is the only NCAA investigation going on at Auburn. That has to hurt some bamzos and DullDawgs. Sad. (not)

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C'mon, guys, let's just admit that Auburn is just better at cheating and hiding the evidence than anybody else.

If by cheating you mean we have Malzahn and they don't.

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C'mon, guys, let's just admit that Auburn is just better at cheating and hiding the evidence than anybody else.

If by cheating you mean we have Malzahn and they don't.

And Chizik.

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C'mon, guys, let's just admit that Auburn is just better at cheating and hiding the evidence than anybody else.

If by cheating you mean we have Malzahn and they don't.

And Chizik.


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What these goobers can't seem to grasp is that Kenny Rogers never came up with the money. Apparently, the money boys at MSU knew better than to trust Rogers with $200, let alone 200,000.

The "leap of logic" that Cecil wouldn't have turned down that kind of money doesn't exist. Rogers never came up with the money, so Cecil didn't turn down anything.

According to the recent response to the freedom of info request, the 2009 Tiger prowl investigation, technically still open but inactive, is the only NCAA investigation going on at Auburn. That has to hurt some bamzos and DullDawgs. Sad. (not)

Right now they (Bamzos and DullDawgs) had better worry about their own houses.....Dream Team and BC headache powder and all.

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