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Bama Scumbag Turns Himself In

Proud Tiger

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This was on the Channel 12 news out of Montgomery at six O'clock. He turned himself in because his cousin is the sheriff in Russell County. Cousin told him if he didn't go back he'd be arrested in Phenix City and sent back.

And bammers wonder why they are the laughing stock of college football!

Question: What are the odds that this guy becomes a beloved bamzo icon just like Updyke? I say very high.

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This is why bamzos are the most hated fan base in college football. I know..."It's just one person". But that "one person" keeps getting multiplied exponentially with every breath.

This jerkwad should really enjoy his time in a Louisiana prison. And he'll spend the rest of his life having to register as a sexual offender.

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I know I get under y'alls skin but this guy is a complete idiot and a loser. From what I understand, he is married with a 3 yr old daughter and now will have to go to jail, register as a sex offender, lose his job and he disgraced his family. Sad how you can throw it all away in a matter of minutes.

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I know I get under y'alls skin but this guy is a complete idiot and a loser. From what I understand, he is married with a 3 yr old daughter and now will have to go to jail, register as a sex offender, lose his job and he disgraced his family. Sad how you can throw it all away in a matter of minutes.

Hey E. Can you give us some insight into how do the bammies fans do it? I mean how do they manage to keep ignoring that little voice in the back of their mind that urges them to ... think?

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Saw a link to a news channel with the story. Believe it said this guy was 32 years old. I mean come on your 32 and do that.

Deserves what he gets. Shame none of the fans around him have to suffer some punishment over it. They were far from innocent by sitting there and encouraging him instead of stopping him.

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This jerkwad should really enjoy his time in a Louisiana prison.

Lots of LSU fans in a Louisiana prison. He might get a taste of his own medicine ten fold.

As deplorable as his actions were, I bet he avoids serious jail time.

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I know I get under y'alls skin but this guy is a complete idiot and a loser. From what I understand, he is married with a 3 yr old daughter and now will have to go to jail, register as a sex offender, lose his job and he disgraced his family. Sad how you can throw it all away in a matter of minutes.

And he'll forever be a symbol OF and a hero FOR your fan base. Congrats.

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There is no doubt that this guy's actions are deplorable & worthy of criminal prosecution. Further, it's pretty clear that the Alabama fan base is, once again, out of control. Defending this dude & seeking photo opps with Updyke is proof enough.

The teabagger turned himself in quickly. I'm quite sure that he understands that he understands his behavior to be unacceptable.

Silver lining: Their lack of control will continue to push the limits of NCAA bylaws. If they haven't already, someone soon will give reason for investigation. This is what they do. Mark Emmert will not be able to turn his head.

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We've seen more and more of these "rare" fans pop up over the past year with Harvey Updyke and the Teabagger of New Orleans. And while there may only be two major examples of these "fringe lunatics," just listen to the callers of Finebaum today (also called the "lunatic fringe") and hear the deflecting and downright defending of these two. It's those people that help further the claim that the "fringe" may be the majority.
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I know I get under y'alls skin but this guy is a complete idiot and a loser. From what I understand, he is married with a 3 yr old daughter and now will have to go to jail, register as a sex offender, lose his job and he disgraced his family. Sad how you can throw it all away in a matter of minutes.

Did he throw it away in a matter of minutes or did his normal personality finally get him in a situation he couldn't just slip away from? If you're just an everyday Joe, you don't do things like that. It's not normal, it's....bammerish.

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It's already bad enough that his guy did what he did, but he had no fear of doing it on camera. What a piece of s***....how embarrassing

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I know I get under y'alls skin but this guy is a complete idiot and a loser. From what I understand, he is married with a 3 yr old daughter and now will have to go to jail, register as a sex offender, lose his job and he disgraced his family. Sad how you can throw it all away in a matter of minutes.

Did he throw it away in a matter of minutes or did his normal personality finally get him in a situation he couldn't just slip away from? If you're just an everyday Joe, you don't do things like that. It's not normal, it's....bammerish.

I think he was probably an a--hat from the beginning. From the article:

co-workers "couldn't believe it," and that it was an "awful awful drunken mistake, but damn ... what an a--hole."

No mention of "he is a really nice guy" or "I can't believe it". There is a second story of something he said to his own grandmother earlier that same day. This guy is typical white trash that somehow became manager at Hibbetts. I bet they are sorry for that mistake!

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What a DA!!! Where I work, you get charged with something like this and you get suspended without pay. Convicted and you're fired. Good luck explaining to your next prospective employer why you were let go from your last position. Unless this guy's wife has a good job, the double-wide will be repossessed and they'll be living in van down by the river...He'll have to sell the Daniel Moore prints and move in with Harvey.

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What a DA!!! Where I work, you get charged with something like this and you get suspended without pay. Convicted and you're fired. Good luck explaining to your next prospective employer why you were let go from your last position. Unless this guy's wife has a good job, the double-wide will be repossessed and they'll be living in van down by the river...He'll have to sell the Daniel Moore prints and move in with Harvey.

He probably won't have a wife for long.

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I know I get under y'alls skin but this guy is a complete idiot and a loser. From what I understand, he is married with a 3 yr old daughter and now will have to go to jail, register as a sex offender, lose his job and he disgraced his family. Sad how you can throw it all away in a matter of minutes.

And he'll forever be a symbol OF and a hero FOR your fan base. Congrats.

He might be some bama fans hero but not mine.

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I know I get under y'alls skin but this guy is a complete idiot and a loser. From what I understand, he is married with a 3 yr old daughter and now will have to go to jail, register as a sex offender, lose his job and he disgraced his family. Sad how you can throw it all away in a matter of minutes.

Did he throw it away in a matter of minutes or did his normal personality finally get him in a situation he couldn't just slip away from? If you're just an everyday Joe, you don't do things like that. It's not normal, it's....bammerish.

So I take it that the 4 AU players involved in the armed robbery is Auburnish.

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He might be some bama fans hero but not mine.

If true, you're in the extreme, vast minority.




Miserable dirt bags, one and all.

And as for the " Auburnish " crap , where 4 college kids, most of them freshmen, indeed were part of a extremely stupid and isolated incident... You're SERIOUSLY going to compare that to the actions of UAT players AND fans, most of the latter are well past the 'crazy' college age, and are suppose to be mature adults ?

DUI Colette, Rantin' Ricky, Tree Killer updyke, fake recordings Moore, Lying about the bagman Sheridan, sack draggin' Bwian, along w/ knife wielding zealots and Phyllis.... you absolutely have NO room to talk. pal. ZERO

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I can certainly see how he could have thought the act was funny, but (like someone else said earlier) that voice in your head that says "Don't be an idiot" should have been SCREAMING as he removed his testicles from his pants. I feel sorry for the idiot and especially for his family. I also feel sorry for Updyke and his family. But, they have to be punished in some form if we want to pretend to be a civilized society.

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If the victim had been lying face down there would be a new meaning to the term rammer jammer.

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I can certainly see how he could have thought the act was funny, but (like someone else said earlier) that voice in your head that says "Don't be an idiot" should have been SCREAMING as he removed his testicles from his pants. I feel sorry for the idiot and especially for his family. I also feel sorry for Updyke and his family. But, they have to be punished in some form if we want to pretend to be a civilized society.

I don't feel sorry for either of them. They made conscious decisions to do what they did, they get the comeuppance when they get caught. I'm not going to delve into my opinions of what is or isn't right with society, but there were NO extenuating circumstances in either case. Throw the book at 'em.

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The worst part of this is that he wasn't the only one who was thinking about doing it. If I recall seeing this correctly, another guy was shown in the video about to take off his belt.

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