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Will it be a  +/- for either team in your opinion  ?    Make no difference  ?  Will it tone down the bammer crowd a bit  ?  A lot of people would say it favors defense .......  agree ?  disagree ?   

I would prefer no rain during the bout . Then again .... what do I know .... I'm no Lou Holtz . Maybe we should hope for one of ole Tubbs  " Toad Strangler's "  .

I think we will find a way to win this one .......... somehow .  Weegle .

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The weather is always horrible when this game is played in Tuscaloosa for some reason. The best weather I can remember for an Iron Bowl in tuscaloosa was in 2006 ... and it was overcast during the game and had rained that morning.

CBS should request that the Iron Bowl permanently be moved to Auburn where the weather is nice 85 percent of the time for the Iron Bowl. We could even start splitting tickets in JHS straight down the middle each year. All bama'd have to do to get the game back in tuscaloosa is somehow change the weather so that it's not always crappy weather .... I watched Superman 3 the other night and there are weather satellites that control the weather ... something to think about, bammers. 

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I personally don't think it will hurt us and if anything I think it may help us.  IMO, when it rains, the passing game is affected.  Not tremendously, but enough to drop a few balls here and there and make some bad passes.  I think our defense can stop UA's run all day and if it is raining, I think it helps out our pass D a little.  I think we can out-rush them anyday.  Our line is superior, wide recievers are certaintly superior to theirs in regards to blocking and believe it or not, I think our 3 headed monster (Cam, Dyer and OMac) is extremely more dangerous than the Ingram/Richardson combo.  No doubt the rain will just make this game more intruiging to watch for everyone.

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If it's sunny, the bammers will be sad.

If it rains, the bammers will be sad and wet.

If it snows, the bammers will be sad, wet, and cold.

If fire shoots down from the sky and God vanquishes evil from the Earth, BSPN will claim the game doesn't count because our opponent did not show up.

War Eagle,

SC '95

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If it's sunny, the bammers will be sad.

If it rains, the bammers will be sad and wet.

If it snows, the bammers will be sad, wet, and cold.

If fire shoots down from the sky and God vanquishes evil from the Earth, BSPN will claim the game doesn't count because our opponent did not show up.

War Eagle,

SC '95


If it rains we fight them in hip waders

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Chance of rain is only 30%. 

It will be cool, though.  Kickoff temps in the 50s and probably hitting the 40s by the 4th quarter.  Maybe that helps keep the defense fresh.  Who knows?

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one thing you can count on .....It will be windy friday.....those going to the game better wrap up good......the wind will be a factor...kicking game especially......passing game also.....which i think would bother bama more who would be throwing deep to maze and julio.

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If it's sunny, the bammers will be sad.

If it rains, the bammers will be sad and wet.

If it snows, the bammers will be sad, wet, and cold.

If fire shoots down from the sky and God vanquishes evil from the Earth, BSPN will claim the game doesn't count because our opponent did not show up.

War Eagle,

SC '95

That brought a smile to my face.  I might have that printed and framed.  Thank you!

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It has been my experience that rain/a wet field helps the passing game rather than hurts it.  Receivers know where they are going so they can make better cuts than the secondary, who must react.  I'm wanting a dry field and a strong wind.  Wind plays a big factor on passing.


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I don't think it raining will give one team much of an advantage. Both teams will rely on their running games. It could hurt us a bit on our speed sweeps with McCallebb on the edge (he has footing issues when not wet) and we've been a but loose handed with the ball so I would worry about turnovers. Don't follow bama very closely so they could have turnover issues as well? But on the flip side, if its wet and windy that could hurt bama's passing game a bit. So in the end I think it would come out even.

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the field will be wet regardless if it rains much on Friday. The heavy rain is supposed to be here Thursday. But I really don't think it will matter much for either team. If there is any advantage I think it will be that Cam's hands are huge which means that a wet ball won't affect him very much, but might be a hindrance to McShirley.

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Oh, its gonna RAIN! 

Its going to rain a downpour of Crimson tears...and it will be so sweet. 

I like the way you think, girly!!




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A wet field is best case scenario for Bama.  Slows the game down, lets Richardson and Ingram do their thing.  Auburn played well on a wet field with WV.  The misdirection on offense may cause the Bama defense some trouble on a wet field.

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If it's sunny, the bammers will be sad.

If it rains, the bammers will be sad and wet.

If it snows, the bammers will be sad, wet, and cold.

If fire shoots down from the sky and God vanquishes evil from the Earth, BSPN will claim the game doesn't count because our opponent did not show up.

War Eagle,

SC '95

If fire shoots down and God vanquishes evil, there won't be a BSPN!!
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rain favors smash mouth football and we can play that with anybody. if it comes down to that we will miss goggins and blanc as it will come down to which team can control the line of scrimmage. I think we can run better than them

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I've always understand that a light rain and/or wet field after rain actually HELPS the passing game. Think about it: We're at the level of football where there won't ever be a water logged ball. If we want to run 80 plays, Auburn will have 80 new footballs Friday. And as for footing, the advantage comes for the simple reason that receivers and quarterbacks know what's coming, while defenders don't. Easier for a receiver to make a slightly slower, more deliberate cut, with the defender then having to react on wet ground. For reference, remember what Kafka and his bunch did to us in the Outback Bowl last year? Wasn't it misty part or most of that day? Of course, those more deliberate cuts certainly hurt running backs with McCalebb's style, as someone above noted. Anyway, I ain't afraid of no stinkin' rain. Neither are our Tigers. Bring on Ginger, Coach Spanky, that Escalade-drivin' Julie-Jo and whatever else they think they've got!

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I actually think rain will help us. The turds have a head and half running game. We have a three headed running game with the possibility of a reverse or three mixed in. Rain would not hurt us at all IMO.

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