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“This is an isolated incident by one individual that is not representative of what the greatest rivalry in college football is all about. The players and coaches at both schools have a tremendous amount of respect for each other on and off the field, and we encourage our fans to show that same amount of respect now and in the future. We will move beyond this regrettable incident and continue to enjoy this great rivalry.”

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I started to write something a lot angrier, but I will change it to this:

I appreciate the gesture by Coach Chizik, but I do not believe that this is a sincere indication of the attitude Coach Saban has toward Auburn or its fans. 

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I respect the fact that both coaches deemed it necessary to come together to issue this joint statement. This is a volatile situation. I think the statement itself is an isolated, regrettable incident that is not representative of what the greatest rivalry in college football is about. The statement is anodyne.

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Didnt' we all read Saban's lips on national TV 2 years ago at the Iron Bowl ? "Don't you know how much I hate those F*&^$$ers?".

Now that was not a prepared statement but a true measure of his feelings.  WAR EAGLE !

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We will move beyond this regrettable incident and continue to enjoy this great rivalry.

"Regrettable incident" is not the way I would describe what happened. Who ever wrote that garbage needs to find a new job.

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I received a tweet from Dubberly(FOX 6) quoting Chizik and saban. I replied to him and asked "wouldn't saban need to have respect himself before telling others to have it". I received no response.

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Nicky has issued another statement as follows:

I offer my sincere condolences to Auburn for what has occurred to the oaks at Toomer’s Corner. I have fond memories of baking cookies in those trees.


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Nicky has issued another statement as follows:

I offer my sincere condolences to Auburn for what has occurred to the oaks at Toomer’s Corner. I have fond memories of baking cookies in those trees.


The keebler elves are offended by your insinuation that they would associate with  :devil:;)

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