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New Stadium updates?


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Found this and it looks like a legit plan for some of the stadium updates they might do. Looks like they want to make over the concourses and vendors. I like the idea of 4 big trons in the corners of the stadium instead of one huge one. Also if you hit the back button on the bottom you can see they are working with other schools to develop their facilities as well.


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I don't like the sketch at all. If we ever do expand, I hope we bowl in 1 upper deck first like UGA, and then if there is demand, we can do the other. I think the sketch looks like crap (too much like UAT's stadium). If we are going to do it, do it right, or don't do it at all.

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They also need to take a trip to LP field and get their sound system in place. Ours is in need of replacement big time.

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I don't like the sketch at all. If we ever do expand, I hope we bowl in 1 upper deck first like UGA, and then if there is demand, we can do the other. I think the sketch looks like crap (too much like UAT's stadium). If we are going to do it, do it right, or don't do it at all.

I agree 100% !!!

That sketch looks like absolute POO!

That graphic artist must be a bammer!

"That's what we should do... We should copy bammy's architecturally flawed stadium".

"Yeah... let's do that".

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I'm with you guys...if that is indeed the master plan...it sucks! I'd much rather see them address a range of esthetic issues before bowling in the endzones and if they do enclose the endzone they should do the north first and go from there as demand dictates.

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I'm with you guys...if that is indeed the master plan...it sucks! I'd much rather see them address a range of esthetic issues before bowling in the endzones and if they do enclose the endzone they should do the north first and go from there as demand dictates.


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That particular sketch looks very BDS'ish to me.

They need to go back to the drawing-board and bring something creative and unique to JHS. There's no need to copy what our rivals have, when multi-millions will be spent, then go all out and be creative.

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If we they go with that plan, there's a lot of open space in the 4 corners where they could put more seats insteed of 4 huge trons in the corners.

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I would like to see some estimates regarding capacity, I agree that it looks very similar to UAT's stadium, but I'd be fine with that if seating capacity is maximized. Just because we had a down season and aren't selling out now doesn't mean that 3-4 or even 15 years down the road we be. Actually, I'm fairly certain within the upcoming years we will need all the seats we can get. We can't let UAT get in the way of making a sound business decision.

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What are you guys yammering about? The drawing, while not terribly inspiring, looks about like what you would expect given that we are not building from the ground up. What is it that makes it look like BDS? Jumbo-trons in the corners? Where else would you put them that they wouldn't block out the view of the game? I'm at a loss. Please explain how you think it should be different.

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The Auburn Family doesn't need or want anything on the Plains that's a copy of what UAT has. I for one would like to see a bowl shape all around the upper deck with openings in the 4 corners.

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What are you guys yammering about? The drawing, while not terribly inspiring, looks about like what you would expect given that we are not building from the ground up. What is it that makes it look like BDS? Jumbo-trons in the corners? Where else would you put them that they wouldn't block out the view of the game? I'm at a loss. Please explain how you think it should be different.

Like this for the North end but with 1 row of luxury boxes along the top in place of the 2 top rows of those seats. In addition, brick up the exterior.


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There are only so many ways you can build around a football stadium especially when the original lower level sideline stands allowed space for a running track. If you started from scratch the sideline stands would be much closer to the field and the field surface several feet lower for better views of the field. Someone in JHS on the first row on the 50 yard line is about 25 yards from the actual field side line, and they cant see over the players on the sideline......



I also heard that the east and west upper decks at JHS are not at the exact same height, so having a continuos upper deck end zone bowl shape would be difficult.

Back in 2003 the architects (Trahan) that did the last stadium update and expansion design also provided plans for upper decks in the end zone and upgraded concourses.



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What are you guys yammering about? The drawing, while not terribly inspiring, looks about like what you would expect given that we are not building from the ground up. What is it that makes it look like BDS? Jumbo-trons in the corners? Where else would you put them that they wouldn't block out the view of the game? I'm at a loss. Please explain how you think it should be different.

Like this for the North end but with 1 row of luxury boxes along the top in place of the 2 top rows of those seats. In addition, brick up the exterior.


This is impressive, looks like it would be loud too!

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What are you guys yammering about? The drawing, while not terribly inspiring, looks about like what you would expect given that we are not building from the ground up. What is it that makes it look like BDS? Jumbo-trons in the corners? Where else would you put them that they wouldn't block out the view of the game? I'm at a loss. Please explain how you think it should be different.

Like this for the North end but with 1 row of luxury boxes along the top in place of the 2 top rows of those seats. In addition, brick up the exterior.


This is impressive, looks like it would be loud too!

Yes it would. To go from the one below to the one above would be fairly straight forward and make a big difference in the overall look. Add some more luxury boxes along with a nice brick exterior and you are set for decades to come with a great looking 95- 98K stadium. Now you also have a bonus. You can finance it at the lowest long term interest rates in over 50 years.


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What are you guys yammering about? The drawing, while not terribly inspiring, looks about like what you would expect given that we are not building from the ground up. What is it that makes it look like BDS? Jumbo-trons in the corners? Where else would you put them that they wouldn't block out the view of the game? I'm at a loss. Please explain how you think it should be different.

Like this for the North end but with 1 row of luxury boxes along the top in place of the 2 top rows of those seats. In addition, brick up the exterior.


This would be perfect. Me likey. I believe that would put us at about 100K.

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What are you guys yammering about? The drawing, while not terribly inspiring, looks about like what you would expect given that we are not building from the ground up. What is it that makes it look like BDS? Jumbo-trons in the corners? Where else would you put them that they wouldn't block out the view of the game? I'm at a loss. Please explain how you think it should be different.

Like this for the North end but with 1 row of luxury boxes along the top in place of the 2 top rows of those seats. In addition, brick up the exterior.


This would be perfect. Me likey. I believe that would put us at about 100K.

I like this one as well. But I don't have a problem with the one the OP linked either.


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What are you guys yammering about? The drawing, while not terribly inspiring, looks about like what you would expect given that we are not building from the ground up. What is it that makes it look like BDS? Jumbo-trons in the corners? Where else would you put them that they wouldn't block out the view of the game? I'm at a loss. Please explain how you think it should be different.

Like this for the North end but with 1 row of luxury boxes along the top in place of the 2 top rows of those seats. In addition, brick up the exterior.


This is impressive, looks like it would be loud too!

That looks horrible. It reminds me of Arizona State's stadium in Tempe or Neyland Stadium a few years back.

I think there's so much that can be done to both increase capacity and modernize the look of the stadium.

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What are you guys yammering about? The drawing, while not terribly inspiring, looks about like what you would expect given that we are not building from the ground up. What is it that makes it look like BDS? Jumbo-trons in the corners? Where else would you put them that they wouldn't block out the view of the game? I'm at a loss. Please explain how you think it should be different.

Like this for the North end but with 1 row of luxury boxes along the top in place of the 2 top rows of those seats. In addition, brick up the exterior.


This would be perfect. Me likey. I believe that would put us at about 100K.

The problem with this design factors in when you try to figure out a place for a 2nd scoreboard. One scoreboard definitely would not be sufficient and trying to put one on top of that north endzone expansion would put it way up there.

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This is impressive, looks like it would be loud too!

That looks horrible. It reminds me of Arizona State's stadium in Tempe or Neyland Stadium a few years back.

I think there's so much that can be done to both increase capacity and modernize the look of the stadium.

:'( :tease:

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What are you guys yammering about? The drawing, while not terribly inspiring, looks about like what you would expect given that we are not building from the ground up. What is it that makes it look like BDS? Jumbo-trons in the corners? Where else would you put them that they wouldn't block out the view of the game? I'm at a loss. Please explain how you think it should be different.

Like this for the North end but with 1 row of luxury boxes along the top in place of the 2 top rows of those seats. In addition, brick up the exterior.


This is impressive, looks like it would be loud too!

That looks horrible. It reminds me of Arizona State's stadium in Tempe or Neyland Stadium a few years back.

I think there's so much that can be done to both increase capacity and modernize the look of the stadium.

As someone who grew up in Knoxville and went to quite a few UT games, I completely understand why having a stadium like Neyland is good and not good at the same time.


1. 100K+ fans screaming is enough to unsettle even the most focused players, especially when those fans are on their feet for the majority of the game.

2. More fans = more revenue for the university (ticket sales, consession stands, etc.) and for the town (more visitors = more hotel rooms rented out + more people eating at restaurants)

3. More box seats- These are a HUGE selling point to not only donors but to recruits. I had a buddy in high school (actually committed to UT earlier this year) that was offered schollarships by something rediculous like 24+ different schools including UA and AU, and he said that one of the coolest parts was that the coach would take them up to the box seats at night, turn on the stadium lights and say "Now son, can you see yourself playing on this hallowed ground infront of X many fans screaming your name as you just made the game winning play?"


1. Like I said, I have been to my fair share of UT sporting events over the years, and the takeaway I always had from the football games was "Why does the hometown team suck so badly?" (JK, but really.) No, it was actually "why do I even bother going to the games?" It's a huge hassle to find a parking space, then you have to walk through the broken glass and drunks on the Strip, then once you finally get to the stadium, you find that you are sitting in a different area code than the game is even being played in! In JHS, I have sat up in the upper deck as well as in the student section, and I can honestly say that even the upper deck experience (even with us getting creamed by Georgia) was more enjoyable than the best experience I have had in Neyland.

2. Like I said before, more fans means more hotel rooms being rented out; however, currently the Hotel at Auburn pretty much runs out of rooms for every football game and people end up having to stay at hotels that are further away from campus and drive to campus for the game. Adding 20k+ more fans to the equation poses the problems of hotel rooms and parking; some students already have to move their cars for gameday, and there isn't a guarentee that they will have a spot to park their car. AND even if they do find a spot, if Parking Services deems that they didn't park in a marked spot,they get hit with a $50 parking ticket. The parking woes would only escalate the an influx of patrons.

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I lived in Knoxville a few years ago and went to an Auburn game at Neyland Stadium. I barely felt that I was at the game. The place is gigantic. JHS feels intimate to me, and it would suck if that was lost just to add more butts/money.

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The photo above would only add about 10,000 seats after you subtracted 2 rows of seats along the top for a row of luxury boxes. The capacity of JH would be in the 95-98K range.

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I love that picture the best. That's the look our stadium should go for. That other style looked too close to UAT's stadium.

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