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Germany orders US intelligence chief out of country


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When Barry gets back from shootin' pool and drinkin' beer, and first learns about THIS on the news, he's gonna be madder than hell!

Who wants to bet ?

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In his efforts apologize to and make the world like us, he has made our enemies not respect us and our allies distrust us.

He just doesn't care.

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He just doesn't care.

He does care. A great deal. About destroying this country and fulfilling the dreams of his father.

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He just doesn't care.

He does care. A great deal. About destroying this country and fulfilling the dreams of his father.

You think a U.S. president--from either party--is trying to destroy the country? To what end?

That's simply an ignorant statement.

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He just doesn't care.

He does care. A great deal. About destroying this country and fulfilling the dreams of his father.

You think a U.S. president--from either party--is trying to destroy the country? To what end?

That's simply an ignorant statement.

Quite the opposite of ignorance. This man in the WH grew up despising this country. His wife was never proud of it until her husband was nominated by the Democratic Party for President.

A bit late in the game to figure out who this guy really is, but I suppose better late than never.

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He just doesn't care.

He does care. A great deal. About destroying this country and fulfilling the dreams of his father.

You think a U.S. president--from either party--is trying to destroy the country? To what end?

That's simply an ignorant statement.

More crazy than ignorant. Ignorant implies a rational point actually exists that could be made given the intelligence.

Raptor's posts are more for the purpose of addressing emotional needs - sort of like a 2 year-old's temper tantrum.

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He just doesn't care.

He does care. A great deal. About destroying this country and fulfilling the dreams of his father.

You think a U.S. president--from either party--is trying to destroy the country? To what end?

That's simply an ignorant statement.

Not so fast my friend. his ultimate ambition is to fundamentally transform America to be more consistent with his vision of multiculturalism. He laid out his desires to change the country specifically in his first SOTU address. What do you think that means? IMO, it means he wants to remake America. It cannot be remade unless it is "unmade" first. The age old adage has always been.."if its not broken, dont fix it." By extension of logic one could argue, if you want to change it, break it, then remake it. There is a great movement afoot in America to do just that and BHO didn't make that, that "movement" is what made him.

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He just doesn't care.

He does care. A great deal. About destroying this country and fulfilling the dreams of his father.

You think a U.S. president--from either party--is trying to destroy the country? To what end?

That's simply an ignorant statement.

Not so fast my friend. his ultimate ambition is to fundamentally transform America to be more consistent with his vision of multiculturalism. He laid out his desires to change the country specifically in his first SOTU address. What do you think that means? IMO, it means he wants to remake America. It cannot be remade unless it is "unmade" first. The age old adage has always been.."if its not broken, dont fix it." By extension of logic one could argue, if you want to change it, break it, then remake it. There is a great movement afoot in America to do just that and BHO didn't make that, that "movement" is what made him.

Wow, that's quite a stretch, Blue. I don't think Raptor was referring to some warped brand of creative destruction.

I think most presidents want to "remake" America. They all run on promises of improvements. But in re-casting the notion of reform to that of "destruction" as being a prior necessity is quite the semantic adventure.

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barry done destroyed the USA. maybe when he gets back from vacashun and playin hem some golf and shootin pool he can start builden in sted of tarren up stuff. maybe hes plannin on uses them illegells for his rebilleding. hell he is an illegell. and a commie and a moslim. sad he thinks hes are dam king.

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Dem 'publicans main dey be narn but white racis. Dubya done went n loss me mines money. 'Crats main we is da smart ones, ion get mine and obama gone git it fo me whe Iz be chillin on my stoop.

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Dem 'publicans main dey be narn but white racis. Dubya done went n loss me mines money. 'Crats main we is da smart ones, ion get mine and obama gone git it fo me whe Iz be chillin on my stoop.

Are you seriously going for a minstrel dialect?

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More crazy than ignorant. Ignorant implies a rational point actually exists that could be made given the intelligence.

Raptor's posts are more for the purpose of addressing emotional needs - sort of like a 2 year-old's temper tantrum.

Doesn't even know what the word 'ignorance' means. Fancy that.

No comment on Germany expelling an American official, huh? On Obama's watch. After the Germans have already caught us ( Obama ) spying on Merkel's cell phone.

Not even curious as to why this admin is so hell bent on keeping close tabs on our allies ?

That fact doesn't even register w/ you, does it ?

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More crazy than ignorant. Ignorant implies a rational point actually exists that could be made given the intelligence.

Raptor's posts are more for the purpose of addressing emotional needs - sort of like a 2 year-old's temper tantrum.

Doesn't even know what the word 'ignorance' means. Fancy that.

No comment on Germany expelling an American official, huh? On Obama's watch. After the Germans have already caught us ( Obama ) spying on Merkel's cell phone.

Not even curious as to why this admin is so hell bent on keeping close tabs on our allies ?

That fact doesn't even register w/ you, does it ?

You are a racist for mentioning such things.
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barry done destroyed the USA. maybe when he gets back from vacashun and playin hem some golf and shootin pool he can start builden in sted of tarren up stuff. maybe hes plannin on uses them illegells for his rebilleding. hell he is an illegell. and a commie and a moslim. sad he thinks hes are dam king.

According to Harry Reid, Obama was electable because he was light skinned and didn't use a negro dialect. Maybe you should listen to harry because your act is not only pathetic and foolish it only makes you look like you're incapable of posting anything else.


and you have, with great emotion, called me a despicable racist. :-\

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More crazy than ignorant. Ignorant implies a rational point actually exists that could be made given the intelligence.

Raptor's posts are more for the purpose of addressing emotional needs - sort of like a 2 year-old's temper tantrum.

Doesn't even know what the word 'ignorance' means. Fancy that.

No comment on Germany expelling an American official, huh? On Obama's watch. After the Germans have already caught us ( Obama ) spying on Merkel's cell phone.

Not even curious as to why this admin is so hell bent on keeping close tabs on our allies ?

That fact doesn't even register w/ you, does it ?

You are a racist for mentioning such things.

Aww , man!


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More crazy than ignorant. Ignorant implies a rational point actually exists that could be made given the intelligence.

Raptor's posts are more for the purpose of addressing emotional needs - sort of like a 2 year-old's temper tantrum.

Doesn't even know what the word 'ignorance' means. Fancy that.

No comment on Germany expelling an American official, huh? On Obama's watch. After the Germans have already caught us ( Obama ) spying on Merkel's cell phone.

Not even curious as to why this admin is so hell bent on keeping close tabs on our allies ?

That fact doesn't even register w/ you, does it ?

This administration? :rolleyes::laugh:

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More crazy than ignorant. Ignorant implies a rational point actually exists that could be made given the intelligence.

Raptor's posts are more for the purpose of addressing emotional needs - sort of like a 2 year-old's temper tantrum.

Doesn't even know what the word 'ignorance' means. Fancy that.

No comment on Germany expelling an American official, huh? On Obama's watch. After the Germans have already caught us ( Obama ) spying on Merkel's cell phone.

Not even curious as to why this admin is so hell bent on keeping close tabs on our allies ?

That fact doesn't even register w/ you, does it ?

This administration? :rolleyes::laugh:

We spy on every country. Some more that others. This administration announced to the world 5 years ago that the US would repair its international relationships. So they get caught spying on our 2nd best ally in Europe............

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