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Bundy stand off over. 1 " militant " dead.


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Happy ? You got at least 1 kill.

Talking to yourself again?

No idea what you mean, but I saw this on Twitter



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Instead of peacefully protesting a lawless government, (redundant, I know) why not just obey the law?

Many better paths they could have chosen, no doubt.

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Those guys should have packed up and gone home when they were given that opportunity. Oh well, the guy that got shot had been quoted as saying he'd prefer death over loss of liberty. Not sure his death accomplished anything and that seems like a waste.

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Instead of peacefully protesting a lawless government, (redundant, I know) why not just obey the law?

Let the gov't set an example and start enforcing ALL the laws

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Not seen the video, but never for a second bought ' hands up / don't shoot '. In Oregon, or Ferguson.

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Get off our land. Bunch of redneck idiots trying to play gi joe completely turning that community upside down. If they had been people of color, they might all be dead. Getting arrested is getting off easy.

For those rednecks spreading the rumor he was shot in cold blood, the only cold part about it was him laying in the snow right after he tried to shoot someone.


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Get off our land. Bunch of redneck idiots trying to play gi joe completely turning that community upside down. If they had been people of color, they might all be dead. Getting arrested is getting off easy.

For those rednecks spreading the rumor he was shot in cold blood, the only cold part about it was him laying in the snow right after he tried to shoot someone.


Not that I disagree with your sentiment regarding "people of color", but one of the leaders of either the SWAT team or FBI was on NPR the day it happened. He cited Ruby Ridge and Waco as examples as to why they didn't straight up storm the place.

I saw a post or two the day of on FB claiming that the victim had his hands up when he was shot. Then went on to blame the "libruls" and not caring because it wasn't Ferguson or somesuch.

NPR also mentioned how the locals were largely against the group and found them as a nuisance.

Furthermore, send snacks.

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Video is out. Went for a gun. Justified shoot.

when did the other yahoo get shot. I think the Bundy brother was hit in the arm?

Don't know. Probably incidental. Mixed reports as to whether is was a bullet or shrapnel. It was a minor wound. Treated and released the same day.

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Get off our land. Bunch of redneck idiots trying to play gi joe completely turning that community upside down. If they had been people of color, they might all be dead. Getting arrested is getting off easy.

For those rednecks spreading the rumor he was shot in cold blood, the only cold part about it was him laying in the snow right after he tried to shoot someone.


Not that I disagree with your sentiment regarding "people of color", but one of the leaders of either the SWAT team or FBI was on NPR the day it happened. He cited Ruby Ridge and Waco as examples as to why they didn't straight up storm the place.

I saw a post or two the day of on FB claiming that the victim had his hands up when he was shot. Then went on to blame the "libruls" and not caring because it wasn't Ferguson or somesuch.

NPR also mentioned how the locals were largely against the group and found them as a nuisance.

Furthermore, send snacks.

Yeah I saw that. I completely understand.

Just hope that they go to prison a while to not inspire others.

I live in Portland, it's on local public radio constantly

Send snacks..and sex toys

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Y'all should see some of the interpretations of this footage I'm seeing online. People asserting he was shot for no reason, that shooting him in the back (he wasn't) was dishonorable yadda yadda yadda. Some serious pockets of humanity out there, man.

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Y'all should see some of the interpretations of this footage I'm seeing online. People asserting he was shot for no reason, that shooting him in the back (he wasn't) was dishonorable yadda yadda yadda. Some serious pockets of humanity out there, man.

People believe what they want, be it Hands up/ Don't shoot, Bush detonated the levees in NOLA, or 9-11 was an inside job.

Doesn't help when our govt actually does unthinkable things, such as Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Tuskegee experiments, or using the IRS to limit free speech.

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Y'all should see some of the interpretations of this footage I'm seeing online. People asserting he was shot for no reason, that shooting him in the back (he wasn't) was dishonorable yadda yadda yadda. Some serious pockets of humanity out there, man.

How can you say for sure he wasn't shot in the back? I can't from the video.

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Y'all should see some of the interpretations of this footage I'm seeing online. People asserting he was shot for no reason, that shooting him in the back (he wasn't) was dishonorable yadda yadda yadda. Some serious pockets of humanity out there, man.

How can you say for sure he wasn't shot in the back? I can't from the video.

I see an LEO standing in the roadway and another officer to the left of him that shoots him in the side, not in the back. He falls away from the shots from his left. And even if that was the case, why does it matter? It was not a duel where one's honor is at stake. If someone was reaching for a gun and there was another officer about 135 degrees away on an arc with the perp in the center, why would you not shoot? He is about .25 seconds from engaging either of you.

This was a perfectly justifiable shoot, no matter how much the usual fools on the Interwebnet say otherwise.

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I'm not disagreeing but I just thought he was shot from behind. But you are right....as Hillary would say "what difference does it make"?

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I'm not disagreeing but I just thought he was shot from behind. But you are right....as Hillary would say "what difference does it make"?

This slowed and zoomed version should disabuse anyone that thinks he was shot in the back of that notion.

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Wow that makes me think even more he was shot from behind. The guy behind him clearly raise is gun to fire and the guy immediately falls. I guess we will never know. Ordinarily a coroner could match bullets but that's not going to happen in this case for sure.

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Wow that makes me think even more he was shot from behind. The guy behind him clearly raise is gun to fire and the guy immediately falls. I guess we will never know. Ordinarily a coroner could match bullets but that's not going to happen in this case for sure.

Both officers had their guns leveled. The one coming from the woods to his left as he turned is clearly the shooter.

You've been watching too many movies. This isn't Hollywood. People don't absorb bullets.

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