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Cuba Has a New Communist

Proud Tiger

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Wow. If visiting a communist country makes one a communist, then we sure have had a lot of communist Presidents, including FDR, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, GHW Bush, Clinton, and GW Bush.



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Posing in front of that mural of the terrorist Che is probably the lowest moment in US Presidents history.

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Posing in front of that mural of the terrorist Che is probably the lowest moment in US Presidents history.

Worse than Reagan's speech in front of a huge bust of Lenin?

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Yes, much worse. Why? Because Reagan was actually quoting the Bible in the Soviet Union while Obama was apologizing for America in Cuba.

Reagan wasn't playing the part of a puppet, with his hands being held up by the president of a communist country. Obama was.

Also, nobody doubted for a second where Reagan stood on the Soviet Union and that form of government. There is no question he was opposed to communism. Now you're going to try to play cutesy with this tit for tat , quid pro quo response by showing him in front of a bust ?

Meanwhile, Obama is a devout lifelong socialist and admiter of communism. I don't know which is more pathetic, you trying to pass this off as an example of two equal things or that you knowing differently & still playing this game.

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Posing in front of that mural of the terrorist Che is probably the lowest moment in US Presidents history.

Worse than Reagan's speech in front of a huge bust of Lenin?


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Yes, much worse. Why? Because Reagan was actually quoting the Bible in the Soviet Union while Obama was apologizing for America in Cuba.

Could you quote where he's apologizing for America? Because the parts of his speech I'm seeing so far don't have that. I do see statements like...

"I am here to bury the last remnants of the Cold War in the Americas. I am here to extend a hand of friendship to the Cuban people,"

"The differences between our governments over these many years are real and important. I'm sure President Castro would say the same thing,"

"It’s time to lift the embargo," Obama said, followed by sustained applause in the 1,500-seat theater. But the applause was more subdued when he continued that "even if we lifted the embargo tomorrow, Cubans would not benefit from that change without changes here in Cuba."

That statement received approval only from the corners of the theater, as Obama urged Cuba to eliminate its two-currency system, recognize free speech and religious freedom, and allow access to the Internet on all parts of the island.

Just so we're clear, he's standing on Cuban soil, speaking to the Cuban people and he's telling them and their leaders that lifting the embargo won't help unless Cuba makes significant changes such as recognizing free speech, religious freedom, allowing the Internet in freely and stopping the manipulation of their currency.

Yeah, he's kowtowing left and right. <_<

Reagan wasn't playing the part of a puppet, with his hands being held up by the president of a communist country. Obama was.

This seems to be a statement of opinion backed up by nothing more than you.

Also, nobody doubted for a second where Reagan stood on the Soviet Union and that form of government. There is no question he was opposed to communism. Now you're going to try to play cutesy with this tit for tat , quid pro quo response by showing him in front of a bust?

I can only go by your statement. You said him posing in front of that Che thing was our lowest moment in presidential history. So I showed you where another president was photographed doing something similar.

Meanwhile, Obama is a devout lifelong socialist

No he's not.

and admiter of communism.

I'm going to assume the type was supposed to be "admirer." And no he isn't.

I don't know which is more pathetic, you trying to pass this off as an example of two equal things or that you knowing differently & still playing this game.

What's pathetic is how you make blanket statements, get called on them, then change your argument to something else and act like everyone should have been able to read your mind in the first place.

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You cherry picked from the parts of the speech by Obama that made him sound good. Oddly, you omitted the part where he agreed and free healthcare ,free education where he was praising Cuba and admonishing the United States. But of course, I would've expected that from you. My "opinion" about Reagan? That was from the Video which you posted. It Wasn't opinion, it was description.

Yes, Obama is a lifelong socialist . Agree or not, it doesn't change the fact.

I guess if you're un educated and don't understand the significance of those photos, then yes. It, does make sense. But for those who actually understand the meaning of who Che Guvera was and what he did, and who Obama is , with his socialist loving background, it's laughable and sad that you would try to counter with a image of Reagan. There are so many things wrong, and that you don't understand it, is very telling of your lack of comprehension.

* and I didn't change one damn thing. You're the one who posted the video of Reagan, not me. There were a substance to that video, whether you want to believe it or not. Maybe you should've actually watched the video instead of just looking for a quick counterpunch what I said. Trying to play message board games instead of actually understanding what was being discussed.

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You cherry picked him the parts of the speech by Obama that made him sound good. Oddly, you omitted the part where he agreed and free healthcare free education where you was praising Cuba and admonishing the United States. But of course, I would've expected that from you.

The speech is still happening or just finished. I grabbed what I could find.

There isn't anything wrong with a belief in universal healthcare and free education. We already do the latter from K-12 in this country. And a belief that healthcare should be treated as something that is a benefit to the entire society in the same way that interstates, infrastructure, clean water and so on are is not just a view relegated to commies. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that whatever Cuba's faults are (and he listed several of them), that there are some things they are doing that are good and that we could do better on.

My "opinion" about Reagan? That was from the Video which you posted. It Wasn't opinion, it was description.

Yes, your opinion that Obama is acting as a puppet while Reagan wasn't. And it doesn't jive with the facts or the respective speeches given.

Yes, Obama is a lifelong socialist . Agree or not, it doesn't change the fact.

Nope. You still purposely misunderstand or simply lie about what a socialist is.

I guess if you're on educated and don't understand the significance of those photos, then yes. Your, does make sense. But for those who actually understand the meaning of who Che Guvera was and what he did, and who Obama is , with his socialist loving background, it's laughable and sad that you would try to counter with a image of Reagan. There are so many things wrong, and that you don't understand it, is very telling of your lack of comprehension.

Your passive-aggressive and fact-free dismissals are noted and put aside appropriately.

I know the significance of both Che and Lenin. I know what photos can look like devoid of context. And I also understand what socialism is and isn't, unlike yourself. So it's laughable that you would be so ignorant yet arrogant about this at the same time.

You're a blind partisan that will stop at nothing to twist and denigrate the other side. That's what this all boils down to. Nothing more.

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Havin relations with commies is stupid libural BS. Look how we done did with China. I hate hypercritical libtards. Them libturds wood have us bein friends with all the commies.

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Not slanted . You're just stubbornly denying the facts

The only fact in this scenario is that there was an awkward handshake moment where the Obama went in for a handshake and Castro instead lifted his arm. The rest is your particular take on it, which is opinion.

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You cherry picked him the parts of the speech by Obama that made him sound good. Oddly, you omitted the part where he agreed and free healthcare free education where you was praising Cuba and admonishing the United States. But of course, I would've expected that from you.

The speech is still happening or just finished. I grabbed what I could find.

There isn't anything wrong with a belief in universal healthcare and free education. We already do the latter from K-12 in this country. And a belief that healthcare should be treated as something that is a benefit to the entire society in the same way that interstates, infrastructure, clean water and so on are is not just a view relegated to commies. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that whatever Cuba's faults are (and he listed several of them), that there are some things they are doing that are good and that we could do better on.

My "opinion" about Reagan? That was from the Video which you posted. It Wasn't opinion, it was description.

Yes, your opinion that Obama is acting as a puppet while Reagan wasn't. And it doesn't jive with the facts or the respective speeches given.

Yes, Obama is a lifelong socialist . Agree or not, it doesn't change the fact.

Nope. You still purposely misunderstand or simply lie about what a socialist is.

I guess if you're on educated and don't understand the significance of those photos, then yes. Your, does make sense. But for those who actually understand the meaning of who Che Guvera was and what he did, and who Obama is , with his socialist loving background, it's laughable and sad that you would try to counter with a image of Reagan. There are so many things wrong, and that you don't understand it, is very telling of your lack of comprehension.

Your passive-aggressive and fact-free dismissals are noted and put aside appropriately.

I know the significance of both Che and Lenin. I know what photos can look like devoid of context. And I also understand what socialism is and isn't, unlike yourself. So it's laughable that you would be so ignorant yet arrogant about this at the same time.

You're a blind partisan that will stop at nothing to twist and denigrate the other side. That's what this all boils down to. Nothing more.

Just bringing this back to the main thread of our discussion instead of side issues of awkward handshake moments.

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Your ignorance is not me lying. I really wish you'd figure that out .

I wish you could learn to have a discussion instead of half-assing your responses.

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How Obama set a trap for Raul Castro

HAVANA — In Cuba, just having a news conference is news.

President Barack Obama jokes that he likes news conferences and wants to do more of them, and let them go on longer. That tends to be less the case at the White House than abroad, when Obama’s trying to make a point about a repressive regime by turning to the news media.

He did it in China in 2013 by giving a New York Times reporter a question to President Xi Jinping right after the government in Beijing had kicked out a reporter from the newspaper. He did it in Ethiopia last year, when he forced the journalist-jailing prime minister to stand next to him for a long news conference during which Obama talked about the country’s record on human rights and held forth on American politics.

Monday afternoon here in Havana, he did it to Raúl Castro, right in the Revolutionary Palace, letting him be pressed with questions for the first time — ever — and joining in himself. And not just that: He had to answer for the political prisoners whom the government rounds up almost daily — yet denies even exist.

Cubans watching on state television, which broadcast the whole thing live and in full, had never seen anything like this. Neither has the White House press corps. Or anyone who works at the White House.

The awkward photo that ended the event, with Obama looking like he had a limp wrist because he resisted Castro’s attempt to raise their hands together in victory as they walked out of the room, couldn’t change what had happened in what’s likely to be the most important hour of the president’s two-day trip here....

Read more: http://www.politico....9#ixzz43eTiiFkp

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Your ignorance is not me lying. I really wish you'd figure that out .

I wish you could learn to have a discussion instead of half-assing your responses.

Well, I am on my phone, which is an excuse I've seen others use before. I'll admit to being handicapped in my responses, but I half azzing ? The substance is still there, and valid.

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Your ignorance is not me lying. I really wish you'd figure that out .

I wish you could learn to have a discussion instead of half-assing your responses.

Well, I am on my phone, which is an excuse I've seen others use before. I'll admit to being handicapped in my responses, but I half azzing ? The substance is still there, and valid.

You've offered zero substance. What planet are you on?

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I've offered him plenty of substance, what planet are you on? it's clear I'm wasting my time with uninformed .

Tim Alberta ‎@TimAlberta

Castro grabs Obama's limp wrist, hoists his hand into the air like the winner of a prize fight. Most awkward POTUS scene I can ever recall.

3:00 PM - 21 Mar 2016

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I've offered him plenty of substance, what planet are you on? it's clear I'm wasting my time with uninformed .

Tim Alberta ‎@TimAlberta

Castro grabs Obama's limp wrist, hoists his hand into the air like the winner of a prize fight. Most awkward POTUS scene I can ever recall.

3:00 PM - 21 Mar 2016

That may be "substance", but if it is, it has no relation to any contention you've made. An awkward scene is not the same as making someone a puppet and all that it implies.

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