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Summertime Secrets (Rumors Only)


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Now that Mond is gone and we wait for the next batch of recruits to commit...does anybody have any secrets that they'd love to share? Any juicy secrets that would shock us all? Maybe shock is too strong of a word...anything that would interest us for a few seconds at least? Auburn football related secrets would be best (so-and-so actually left AU because of this reason, etc.), but it doesn't have to be...could be that your neighbor has a strange addiction, or your pastor isn't really who he says he is.

Edited to clarify these are only rumors...and let's try to keep current AU coaches and admin out of the discussion.

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Now that Mond is gone and we wait for the next batch of recruits to commit...does anybody have any secrets that they'd love to share? Any juicy secrets that would shock us all? Maybe shock is too strong of a word...anything that would interest us for a few seconds at least? Auburn football related secrets would be best (so-and-so actually left AU because of this reason, etc.), but it doesn't have to be...could be that your neighbor has a strange addiction, or your pastor isn't really who he says he is.

Wouldn't this thread be better suited for the woodshed?
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Now that Mond is gone and we wait for the next batch of recruits to commit...does anybody have any secrets that they'd love to share? Any juicy secrets that would shock us all? Maybe shock is too strong of a word...anything that would interest us for a few seconds at least? Auburn football related secrets would be best (so-and-so actually left AU because of this reason, etc.), but it doesn't have to be...could be that your neighbor has a strange addiction, or your pastor isn't really who he says he is.

Wouldn't this thread be better suited for the woodshed?

Not at all...prefer football related...dig deep...Nallsminger, Terry B, Muschamp.

Often we have "insiders" that can't reveal the whole story until years later. Now's the time...let it fly.

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dig deep...Terry B.

Someone swore to me a longgggggg time ago that Terry B. got Lowder's daughter (Terry B.'s secretary) pregnant, then aborted, thus leading to the friction that came to a head in 98. And that daughter left AU to take a job at Samford.

Hey...you asked.

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I don't see the mods letting this thread last. Too open to rumor in speculation.

I get enough heat here with some of the stuff I post. Imagine what I could do in this thread? :wareagle::bananadance::moon:

Yup! You could get banded.
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How about being in Jackson's the night Mike Price arrived? Or being in the Pro Am when he found out about his credit cards?

Or being allowed to see the security cameras in the hotel when Price and his late night guests arrived?

Would any of those do?

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How about being in Jackson's the night Mike Price arrived? Or being in the Pro Am when he found out about his credit cards?

Or being allowed to see the security cameras in the hotel when Price and his late night guests arrived?

Would any of those do?

More detail!!!!

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Trooper knocked up a co-ed and there is a bit more to that story.

LOL are you serious? Please expand on this. PM me if you have to. That is wild.

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Now that Mond is gone and we wait for the next batch of recruits to commit...does anybody have any secrets that they'd love to share? Any juicy secrets that would shock us all? Maybe shock is too strong of a word...anything that would interest us for a few seconds at least? Auburn football related secrets would be best (so-and-so actually left AU because of this reason, etc.), but it doesn't have to be...could be that your neighbor has a strange addiction, or your pastor isn't really who he says he is.


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How about being in Jackson's the night Mike Price arrived? Or being in the Pro Am when he found out about his credit cards?

Or being allowed to see the security cameras in the hotel when Price and his late night guests arrived?

Would any of those do?

Or being at Arety's Angels in Pensacola when the coaches came rolling in.

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Now that Mond is gone and we wait for the next batch of recruits to commit...does anybody have any secrets that they'd love to share? Any juicy secrets that would shock us all? Maybe shock is too strong of a word...anything that would interest us for a few seconds at least? Auburn football related secrets would be best (so-and-so actually left AU because of this reason, etc.), but it doesn't have to be...could be that your neighbor has a strange addiction, or your pastor isn't really who he says he is.


Committed to aTm the other day. QB we were pursuing.

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Love the title. Flies directly in the face of the no rumors rule.

I made it worse?! Dang...not winning today.

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Love the title. Flies directly in the face of the no rumors rule.

I made it worse?! Dang...not winning today.

IDK. I was just picking on ya. I would be surprised though if the thread is not locked when WT logs on tonight or tomorrow. Not a shot at him at all FTR.

Seriously though if you want good stories you know who you can PM...and I don't mean me.

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I got some rumors I could tell but I would have to ban myself..........Think I better lock this before that happens. Plus I want to safe WT some time.

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