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Trump's ace in the hole


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Election training may be a little more exciting this year. 

Just curious....does anyone here vote paperless? The poll I work at has paper ballots that are counted electronically. 

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22 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Election training may be a little more exciting this year. 

Just curious....does anyone here vote paperless? The poll I work at has paper ballots that are counted electronically. 

Paperless in TX.

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Let me see if I have this right...you're concerned about Trump's relationship with Russia?...but you're not concerned about the people that have, and have had, the actual power in the country...the actual elected or appointed officials that 1) sold 20% of our uranium reserve to Russian oligarch's 2) the people that created the "reset" button and it's ridiculous policies 3) told Putin not to worry, he'd sell out to them after the next election 4) started ceding swaths of sovereign nations to Russian surrogates, etc.....you guys are constantly outraged more by appearances or allegations than you are by the actual outrages committed by the actual leaders that are supposed to support and protect us...



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