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Auburn virtually tied with Alabama in PPG allowed


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96 points Auburn has allowed this season or 16 PPG 

95 points Alabama has allowed this season or 15.83 PPG 

Auburn now ranks 15th in the nation is PPG and 4th in the SEC behind 1. Florida 2. LSU 3. Bama

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I like those numbers. The D is playing at a really high level right now and getting better IMO. I believe the whole team is coming together at the right moment. This will be a fun ride down the stretch.  :wareagle:  :aufb:

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Oh geez! With the offense coming around under the direction of the Lashlee-Hand Band, this might get to be some real fun. Next thing you know we'll have teens celebratin' after wins with music 'n dancin' 'n neckin' and stuff! Quick, some doom and gloom'r come in here and throw some cold water on everything before someone gets pregnant!

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There's just something about having a good D that makes football that much better! I love offense and all the schemes and formations and such. But when you have a defense that can be dominate, it makes such a huge difference. 

Our Dline is playing selfishly and with lots of energy and passion. Kudos to our leaders (i.e. Lawson, Adams . . . et. al.) and coaches. Our LBs finally "look" like SEC, D1 LBs! And they are playing with attitude. They play disciplined and with lots of passion and quickness. I loved the stick by Tre yesterday in the gap--a thing of beauty! Last, but not least, our secondary are actually playing the ball! Good positioning most of the time, good technique and tackling. 

Yes, still areas to improve. But overall a marked difference and improvement from the last few years. Keep it up guys! WDE!

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Blackledge kept going on and on about bama's D last night, and it was halfway thru the 3rd quarter and Arky had 24 points. They both acted as if bama just shuts out everyone. Just thought it was funny at the time. They sounded downright silly.

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22 minutes ago, boisnumber1 said:

Blackledge kept going on and on about bama's D last night, and it was halfway thru the 3rd quarter and Arky had 24 points. They both acted as if bama just shuts out everyone. Just thought it was funny at the time. They sounded downright silly.

Heard more than one announcer in that game and the ATM-UT game mention our defense and how stingy they've been.  


Youre right about the uat love though...

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In fairness to Blackledge, at that point in the game. Bama's dedense also had two touchdowns, right?

Our defense compared favorably to any in the conference. We pressure (and very well) with only four. We have CBs that can play press man and zone. We have LBs that can fill run gaps and play in space. There are playmakers at every level. It's fun to watch. 

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24 minutes ago, AU-24 said:

All this, plus two of our opponents are undefeated, solid, Top Ten teams.

and two of the better offenses in the country. Folks forget how good Clemson and A&Ms offenses have done. This defense will be one of the best by season's end. WDE

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i hope some of the debbie downers concerning coach steele show him some love. he is earning his money. so far we have some impressive stats on the d side of the ball.  lol @ the people saying steele was a bad hire...........

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15 minutes ago, AlaskanFAN said:

Here are all the offense and defense stats as far as the NCAA is concerned. 



i hope it works 

Thanks for the info. So after 6 games we are #28 total offense and #29 total defense in the country. Not to many teams that can top us across the board. WDE

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The defense is getting better with each game. I still have some worries about the offense. We go up 35-0 at half, but we're out scored 14-3 in the second half. When if ever will Malzahn learn to never take his foot off the gas. A touchdown or 2 in the second half woundn't have hurt.

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45 minutes ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

Thanks for the info. So after 6 games we are #28 total offense and #29 total defense in the country. Not to many teams that can top us across the board. WDE

This is wining football. Offensive and defensive balance. 

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On 10/9/2016 at 10:57 AM, auburn4ever said:

The defense is getting better with each game. I still have some worries about the offense. We go up 35-0 at half, but we're out scored 14-3 in the second half. When if ever will Malzahn learn to never take his foot off the gas. A touchdown or 2 in the second half woundn't have hurt.

Should have only been outscored by 7 in the second half. JF3 had the TD run but the holding call against Jalen Harris - which was completely unnecessary - negated that score.

But I agree, letting up the way they did was frustrating and does not bear repeating!

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