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Orange you glad for another jersey discussion thread!? Just kidding...

AL.com put together a nice mini-documentary on the short lived orange-experiment. 


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I think folks don't realize this orange alternative could have become as regular as Neutered Dame's green but around '82 Dye gave a little speech (on his review show maybe?) about how Auburn's dark jerseys scared the crap out of him at Georgia. End of orange experiment. 

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Pretty cool. I remember that first orange game against UGA pretty well. We should have won if not for a bad call against us at the end of the first half- believe Andrews scored but was called down.

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I prefer the BLUE,always thought Tubbs would be the one to pull out the orange, he always seemed to like the orange better.I wouldn't be totally against them for road games.

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4 minutes ago, kd4au said:

I prefer the BLUE,always thought Tubbs would be the one to pull out the orange, he always seemed to like the orange better.I wouldn't be totally against them for road games.

I like Tubs personally but will never forgive him for this......................

Image result for the jungle auburn

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3 minutes ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

I like Tubs personally but will never forgive him for this......................

Image result for the jungle auburn

I was a sophomore at AU in early Fall 2001 when Tubby came out with the "The Jungle" bullcrap. People took to it at the time because of Spurrier's decade of dominance at "The Swamp" in the 90's. Anyway, I was a daily listener to the BigEars show when it was about at its peak of ridiculousness...Shane Corn from Center Point, Jim from Tuscaloosa, Bama Earl, etc. etc. and good ol' Patrick Fain Dye on his weekly CraneWorks/Jim Beam segment. The topic of the day was mercilessly making fun of Tubberville for promoting JHS as "The Jungle." I had already bought my official "Welcome to the Jungle" orange student t-shirt from J&M, so I decided to stand up for my school. I wrote out a long, articulate "take" on the psychology of Tubberville's "The Jungle," and then dialed in to the BigEars show. As soon as the producer heard I was from Auburn, man, he zipped me right to the front of the callers. I immediately went on the air. I was nervous, but resolved. First, Ears got my name wrong, so when I kindly corrected him, he was like, "Joey/Johnny--who cares? What do you want?" He threw me off, so I started reading my "take" in my apartment and it sounded like an echo chamber cuz I have a kinda deep voice. So, he interrupted me and was like, "Why do you sound like a caveman?" (I didn't have the radio on in the background.) So, his rudeness completely threw me off, so then he said, "Hey, Joe...how about taking this up with someone who might care....do we have Phyllis on the line?...Phyllis....go ahead..."

Then, all I heard was Phyllis from Mulga's scratchy menthol voice lambast me over who-knows-what on the line: "JOOOOEY, WHO DEW YEW THEENK YEW ARE?? YORE COACH blahblah"...I was so embarrassed; my head was spinning. I just froze and couldn't get a word out hahahaha. I just hung up, vowing to never listen to BigEars again. I'm sure I listened to some segments of his show at some points in time after that, but the incident soured my soul against that silly program...all because I wanted to teach Mr. Ears' audience about "The Jungle."

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IDK I didn't really care either way about the Jungle. It wasn't that bad to me.


But I like the all navy unis/helmet actually. Those look clean. I know the players would get a big kick out of it too. 

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1 hour ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

Some here would be shocked how close AU came to play in the all blue uni like this one.

Image result for auburn blue helmet

Don't want to offend Titan or anybody else with this opinion, but this blue on blue looks pretty sharp to me. This would be a very moderate change, and shouldn't be such a culture shock to everyone. jmo

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10 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

Don't want to offend Titan or anybody else with this opinion, but this blue on blue looks pretty sharp to me. This would be a very moderate change, and shouldn't be such a culture shock to everyone. jmo

I'd give it a solid "meh".  Interesting to look at for a few minutes but then the newness wears off.  We'd look pretty similar to some Virginia teams.

If we're going to change it up for a few games...then let's do it right...Oregon style.  Get flashy, get it out of our systems, and never do it again.

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8 minutes ago, AUDevil said:

I'd give it a solid "meh".  Interesting to look at for a few minutes but then the newness wears off.  We'd look pretty similar to some Virginia teams.

If we're going to change it up for a few games...then let's do it right...Oregon style.  Get flashy, get it out of our systems, and never do it again.

I just enjoy a little variety myself, but would not mind flashy every once in a while, like maybe once a year.

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2 hours ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

Some here would be shocked how close AU came to play in the all blue uni like this one.

Image result for auburn blue helmet

I would be ok with that

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Okay, somebody has to do a photoshop of the orange jersey over the blue pants with the white helmet...

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7 minutes ago, GBAU83 said:

Okay, somebody has to do a photoshop of the orange jersey over the blue pants with the white helmet...


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It's funny how all these teams break out an alternate uniform every once and a while and nobody seems to feel like they lost tradition. LSU, Florida, Notre Dame, Nebraska, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Michigan, etc. I don't think the world would end if we had an orange jersey. 

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14 hours ago, aucanucktiger said:

I think folks don't realize this orange alternative could have become as regular as Neutered Dame's green but around '82 Dye gave a little speech (on his review show maybe?) about how Auburn's dark jerseys scared the crap out of him at Georgia. End of orange experiment. 

I remember during the late 70s and Barfield was our coach. We wore orange jerseys against Georgia. UGA was a much higher rated team at the time, but we gave them one heck of a game that I think ended in a tie. I am lazy and usually depend on you guys on this site such as Big bird, Ellitor, Golf,  and all of the knowledgeable good Auburn fans that share great information for folks like the Doc.




PS: My little Welsh Corgi, "Her Majesty's Lady Annabelle" is holding her on with her Lymphoma and is just as fast and furious as she has always been. Her Oncologist Vet gave her about 1 month maximum to live. She is now 4 months since that diagnosis. It is truly a miracle that has the vets baffled. It is God answering my prayers no doubt. Even if she passes away tomorrow, I will always be thankful for the time that God has given to her and us. She is my baby girl no doubt!

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