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Supreme Court nominee


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3 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:



5 minutes ago, LakeBum said:

No.  I am following it now because President Trump has made it interesting and because the media seems infatuated with dogging him.

As I was saying.

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Article that indicates Gorusch is preferred by conservatives based on more info on his stands, particularly religious liberty:


How his views on religious liberty may apply to measures such as the travel ban might make for interesting questions during confirmation hearings.

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4 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Your tax dollars paid to fly in the other guy just to add "suspense."

I'm surprised he didn't bring them both out and tell one "you're hired."

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3 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

I'm surprised he didn't bring them both out and tell one "you're hired."

First President to ever ask the crowd if they were "surprised."

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13 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

Will be Gorsuch. 

Sounds German. ;) 

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18 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

First President to ever ask the crowd if they were "surprised."

Oh, I was riveted. Absolutely riveted, 

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8 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

I guess the Post and TT were wrong. No surprise there!!  It was a great ceremony, very professionally done. And only ONE nominee was there.

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6 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

I guess the Post and TT were wrong. No surprise there!!  It was a great ceremony, very professionally done. And only ONE nominee was there.

The WH lied about it:

"White House sources acknowledged Tuesday night they left the impression with reporters that he was coming to Washington. Hardiman appeared to play along. One source said Hardiman was given the sense that there could be a spot for him should another vacancy open up."


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Some good information/analysis on Gorsuch, some from more liberal publications and some from the conservative side.  All did a good job of showing balance and depth:


"Gorsuch is a solid conservative, but an eloquent and thoughtful one"




"So it’s Neil Gorsuch for SCOTUS: a jurist who is conservative, but not mad about it.

With this pick, the president has come through in a big way for socially conservative voters who chose him over Hillary Clinton because of the Supreme Court’s future."




"...Gorsuch demonstrated admirable and reassuring judgment in these cases. Not only did he cast a principled vote against overreaching law enforcement, he cast a principled vote against the overreaching executive branch. It's not difficult to imagine Gorsuch imposing the same severe judicial scrutiny against the misdeeds of the Trump administration."




"This time, with the ideological tilt of the Supreme Court hanging in the balance and Democrats fuming over their Republican colleagues’ stonewalling of Merrick Garland, Barack Obama’s choice to fill the seat, the nominee will face a tougher crowd. But Mr Gorsuch is a scholarly, refined jurist whom Democrats will be hard-pressed to vilify. In contrast to William Pryor, another judge shortlisted for the seat, who once called Roe v Wade "the worst abomination" in the history of constitutional law, Mr Gorsuch is not given to the sort of incendiary remarks that could haunt him in confirmation hearings." 




Trump Picks a Bioethicist for the Supreme Court
Neil Gorsuch has spent his career considering questions of life’s ends—and beginnings.

"Neil Gorsuch, President Trump’s pick for the U.S. Supreme Court, is deeply interested in matters of life and death... In 2006—the year he joined the Tenth Circuit—he published a book called The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, outlining the moral, legal, and logistical challenges that emerge at the end of life.

"The most remarkable thing about the book is its measuredness. Gorsuch is a Jesuit-educated Episcopalian, but he does not rely on theology to make his argument. In fact, he takes pains to ground his work in “secular moral theory,” laying out a careful case based on the writings of thinkers from Aquinas and Epicurus to contemporary scholars Peter Singer and Ronald Dworkin. His work reads more like a philosophy paper than a legal brief, which is appropriate given his background: He holds a doctorate in philosophy from Oxford."




"Gorsuch is a brilliant jurist and dedicated originalist and textualist. He thinks through issues deeply. He writes with clarity, force, and verve. And his many talents promise to give him an outsized influence on future generations of lawyers."



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9 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Some good information/analysis on Gorsuch, some from more liberal publications and some from the conservative side.  All did a good job of showing balance and depth:







The reality is, this is about the best Dems can hope for in this situation. I hope they don't waste too much time trying to please an angry base. There are winnable issues to focus on.

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10 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

Everything I've read so far, I think he's an excellent pick. And I was impressed with him as he spoke tonight. 

The pedigree doesn't get any better. Trump also met with Dem leadership to hear their views on what they wanted in a SCJ and he picked a guy who was unanimously confirmed for his seat on the 10th Circuit Ct of Appeals. In my view, the democrats will look awfully petty and purely obstructionist to fight this too vigorously especially since 8 or more Dem Senators are up for reelection in states that Trump won easily.

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Just now, TexasTiger said:

The reality is, this is about the best Dems can hope for in this situation. I hope they don't waste too much time trying to please an angry base. There are winnable issues to focus on.

I think Chuck Todd on NBC said it best last night:  this will be a "noisy confirmation" because of the angry base and the Garland deal, but in the end he'll be confirmed.  Too many Democratic senators in red states who won't be able to hold out even if they wanted to.

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On a side note, a good friend of mine is a good friend of Gorsuch.  He said you will not find a better jurist, period and in addition, you won't find a better human being.  He is stunned that such an incredible pick came from Trump right out the gate.

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13 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

On a side note, a good friend of mine is a good friend of Gorsuch.  He said you will not find a better jurist, period and in addition, you won't find a better human being.  He is stunned that such an incredible pick came from Trump right out the gate.

Trump needed to please conservatives with a Heritage Foundation pick.

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1 minute ago, TexasTiger said:

Trump needed to please conservatives with a Heritage Foundation pick.

I will say, my friend is no blind ideologue on this stuff.  He's far too intelligent to base all his thoughts off of what conservative thinktank or pundit puts out there as the talking points.

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2 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I will say, my friend is no blind ideologue on this stuff.  He's far too intelligent to base all his thoughts off of what conservative thinktank or pundit puts out there as the talking points.

Not referring to your friend. During the campaign Trump had the HF give him a list and he only considered candidates on it. Not a slam on Gorsuch, either.

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9 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

The WH lied about it:

"White House sources acknowledged Tuesday night they left the impression with reporters that he was coming to Washington. Hardiman appeared to play along. One source said Hardiman was given the sense that there could be a spot for him should another vacancy open up."


For sure somebody (sources) are lying but the WH this morning denied the WP/CNN reports and said there was never any intention to have another nominee up. Gorsuch was told a couple of days ago by Trump he was it. They flew Gorsuch to DC on a military plane in order to keep the selection under wraps until the actual announcement. It doesn't matter now for sure.

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