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Why Common Sense Matters


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I replaced a few of Trump's words in his disinfectant quote because I want to see what you think he is talking about doing.....I would like to see how and why you come up with the conclusion. 

And this isn't to discuss if he should have been talking on a subject he clearly has no clue about or his own common sense. This is strictly in interpreting the following...…...


"And then I see the automotive paint booth process where it flawlessly paints it Cheeto orange in about a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by spray or, or almost a painting? Because you see it gets on the face and it does a tremendous number, so it will be interesting to check that. So that you're going to have to use technicians. But it sounds, it sounds interesting to me. So we'll see.+


But since some people seem to be able to determine what Trump was trying to say originally but can't understand the slightly tweaked version......


Say you are stuck at home and instead of the virus you are super pale skinned now (you want to not be as pale.). You see an automotive paint booth.....it paints cars flawlessly and quickly. You are impressed with how fast it does it....like in a minute. You ask, "is there a way we can do something like that by spray or almost a painting? It would work great on the face and arms. Might need to check into that.....


You either think A: He wants to paint himself with automotive paint


or B: Go get a spray tan. 


If you were a newspaper writing a story on my thoughts (blurted out loud) would you Headline it "WDEFROMTX Suggest to put automotive paint on your skin?" or "WDEFROMTX Suggest to spray tan your skin?"


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On one side you have a person (or people) that are butthurt by all of the negative comments that are directed your way about how you do your job and this taints your objectify. On the other hand, the President is insecure. The result is that the American people are not getting objective news coverage that is needed during this pandemic. 

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3 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

On one side you have a person (or people) that are butthurt by all of the negative comments that are directed your way about how you do your job and this taints your objectify. On the other hand, the President is insecure. The result is that the American people are not getting objective news coverage that is needed during this pandemic. 

I agree with your points, but I want to try to keep this thread to the question I posed in the original post. 

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Your point is common sense and logical. Common sense tells me POTUS never said to drink a disinfectant, he never mentioned Clorox and he never mentioned Lysol. Yet today we still have media types and left wingers stating those things as facts. He did mention "on the surface" soon after yet those same people will deny that one, lol. So why do they have to lie ? One has to ask, did they say those things before or after they called him a Russian spy for 3 years ? It's all ridiculous. The topic of external and internal disinfectants is certainly germane. Internal disinfectants and caustic chemicals have been part of chemotherapy for decades. We all know that. It puts into context his "is there a way" statement. Common sense and logical. 

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1 hour ago, IronMan70 said:

Your point is common sense and logical. Common sense tells me POTUS never said to drink a disinfectant, he never mentioned Clorox and he never mentioned Lysol. Yet today we still have media types and left wingers stating those things as facts. He did mention "on the surface" soon after yet those same people will deny that one, lol. So why do they have to lie ? One has to ask, did they say those things before or after they called him a Russian spy for 3 years ? It's all ridiculous. The topic of external and internal disinfectants is certainly germane. Internal disinfectants and caustic chemicals have been part of chemotherapy for decades. We all know that. It puts into context his "is there a way" statement. Common sense and logical. 

I changed the wording slightly of what he said to something that is just a different subject to see how people would infer what he said. Basically all the folks that think he was really talking about Clorox or someother disinfectant would have to think he’d be saying we should get painted in an auto paint booth. When common sense would lead one to realize he’s talking about a similar process but in a spray tan booth. 

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7 hours ago, wdefromtx said:

I changed the wording slightly of what he said to something that is just a different subject to see how people would infer what he said. Basically all the folks that think he was really talking about Clorox or someother disinfectant would have to think he’d be saying we should get painted in an auto paint booth. When common sense would lead one to realize he’s talking about a similar process but in a spray tan booth. 

Well, except the dude said he was being sarcastic. So it's a shame that you've spent so much time telling how dumb everyone else is for not assuming it was an analogy. Never mind that if you'd actually been paying attention for the last 4 years- never mind the jackass's decades-long public life before that- you'd know damned well that his brain doesn't operate at "analogy" depth. He can't even describe things like test kits or UV light in words other than "beautiful" and "tremendous". 

Also, do you really think that you should have to explain the President of the United States's comments by replacing his actual words with your own? Don't you think that somebody in that position should be able to speak clearly enough that his supporters aren't constantly having to supply alternate meanings?

I know many of you are exhausted by your sensible fellow Americans discussing POTUS's endless stream of lies, stupidity, ignorance, indecencies and major faux pas, but you are focused on a symptom and not the illness. We are not talking about a famous athlete or artist here. We're talking about the President of the freaking United States. Even if he weren't a narcissistic attention whore by nature who is proactively and incessantly supplying his enemy with bullets, the conversation would be constant, loud and ongoing because it has to and should be. 

As much as you want the media to be the problem, it's not. 

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18 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Well, except the dude said he was being sarcastic. So it's a shame that you've spent so much time telling how dumb everyone else is for not assuming it was an analogy. Never mind that if you'd actually been paying attention for the last 4 years- never mind the jackass's decades-long public life before that- you'd know damned well that his brain doesn't operate at "analogy" depth. He can't even describe things like test kits or UV light in words other than "beautiful" and "tremendous". 

Also, do you really think that you should have to explain the President of the United States's comments by replacing his actual words with your own? Don't you think that somebody in that position should be able to speak clearly enough that his supporters aren't constantly having to supply alternate meanings?

I know many of you are exhausted by your sensible fellow Americans discussing POTUS's endless stream of lies, stupidity, ignorance, indecencies and major faux pas, but you are focused on a symptom and not the illness. We are not talking about a famous athlete or artist here. We're talking about the President of the freaking United States. Even if he weren't a narcissistic attention whore by nature who is proactively and incessantly supplying his enemy with bullets, the conversation would be constant, loud and ongoing because it has to and should be. 

As much as you want the media to be the problem, it's not. 

I never said he wasn’t part of the problem, if you’d open your mind you would realize the media is just as much part of the illness that is going on as well. I don’t like the guy am not voting at the presidential level because both options suck. 

Its a damn shame on those sensible Americans think they were told to go injection bleach or whatever. 

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1 minute ago, wdefromtx said:

Its a damn shame on those sensible Americans think they were told to go injection bleach or whatever. 

That's closer to accurate than him making an analogy.

So many claim to dislike the guy but are so quick to play devil's advocate on his behalf. He lets you down every single time. 

As for the media, take them completely out of it and just read his twitter stream. It's a shame that such an obvious lunatic, sociopath and complete jackass has been able to so easily convince so many of you that it's somebody else's fault. 

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Just now, McLoofus said:

That's closer to accurate than him making an analogy.

So many claim to dislike the guy but are so quick to play devil's advocate on his behalf. He lets you down every single time. 

As for the media, take them completely out of it and just read his twitter stream. It's a shame that such an obvious lunatic, sociopath and complete jackass has been able to so easily convince so many of you that it's somebody else's fault. 

The media’s been a big part of the problem long before he came along. He hasn’t convinced me of anything. 

All the media has done is make it harder for Americans to get accurate information to make informed decisions. And for the record this goes to left and right wing media. 

It’s less of defending him and more of just tired of the bs media all around! 

And if you’d paid attention to anything I’ve said, there’s no need to try to crucify him over minced words. Just nail him when it’s something legit. 

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10 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

The media’s been a big part of the problem long before he came along. He hasn’t convinced me of anything. 

All the media has done is make it harder for Americans to get accurate information to make informed decisions. And for the record this goes to left and right wing media. 

It’s less of defending him and more of just tired of the bs media all around! 

And if you’d paid attention to anything I’ve said, there’s no need to try to crucify him over minced words. Just nail him when it’s something legit. 

Did I miss something? Has it never really mattered what POTUS says? Have I been naive to think that it does? 

More normalizing. As with another person I recently interacted with, I believe that it's not your intent. But it is the result.

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3 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Did I miss something? Has it never really mattered what POTUS says? Have I been naive to think that it does? 

More normalizing. As with another person I recently interacted with, I believe that it's not your intent. But it is the result.

Of course it matters what the POTUS says, but do you honestly believe that this particular situation deserved all attention it has gotten when there is bigger things to worry about? This is way different than him trying push that malaria drug when he's not a doctor? I am not trying to normalize anything.

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12 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

Of course it matters what the POTUS says, but do you honestly believe that this particular situation deserved all attention it has gotten when there is bigger things to worry about? This is way different than him trying push that malaria drug when he's not a doctor? I am not trying to normalize anything.

I know you're not trying to, and said as much.

And yes, I believe that the President of the United States saying extremely idiotic, bizarre things with potentially dangerous consequences is always deserving of significant attention. That he's saying such things in the middle of a crisis, and with an election happening in a few months? That makes it even more important.

Thank God we have a free press in this country to report on such things. 

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8 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

I know you're not trying to, and said as much.

And yes, I believe that the President of the United States saying extremely idiotic, bizarre things with potentially dangerous consequences is always deserving of significant attention. That he's saying such things in the middle of a crisis, and with an election happening in a few months? That makes it even more important.

Thank God we have a free press in this country to report on such things. 

Well the free press took an idiotic rambling that to me wasn't that dangerous because it was obvious what he was trying to say and turned it into something it was not and made a situation worse. 


A more accurate report on this situation could have been like "President Trump was thinking out loud again and went of on a tangent about disinfectant and medicine research. But frankly we don't know what he was saying." 

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8 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

Well the free press took an idiotic rambling that to me wasn't that dangerous because it was obvious what he was trying to say and turned it into something it was not and made a situation worse. 

Except you said it was obvious that he was making an analogy and he said it was obvious he was being sarcastic. Regardless, he's POTUS. You don't do cartwheels to come up with alternate meanings and explanations. His words are what they are.


A more accurate report on this situation could have been like "President Trump was thinking out loud again and went of on a tangent about disinfectant and medicine research. But frankly we don't know what he was saying." 

"What the President of the United States of America says doesn't matter." Christ. How low we've gone. 

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2 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Except you said it was obvious that he was making an analogy and he said it was obvious he was being sarcastic. Regardless, he's POTUS. You don't do cartwheels to come up with alternate meanings and explanations. His words are what they are.

"What the President of the United States of America says doesn't matter." Christ. How low we've gone. 

"What the President of the United States of America says doesn't matter." Christ. How low we've gone. 


Where is this quote coming from?

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10 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Except you said it was obvious that he was making an analogy and he said it was obvious he was being sarcastic. Regardless, he's POTUS. You don't do cartwheels to come up with alternate meanings and explanations. His words are what they are.

"What the President of the United States of America says doesn't matter." Christ. How low we've gone. 

Which I don't understand him saying that was a sarcastic comment. Because in the context it was said didn't seem sarcastic. But assuming it was since he said it was then he is probably trolling the media and the people that get bent out of shape over everything he does or says. Which is childish and un-becoming of a President and I am not condoning it.....but it is entertaining watching people lose their minds over something like that.

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Just now, wdefromtx said:

"What the President of the United States of America says doesn't matter." Christ. How low we've gone. 

Where is this quote coming from?

It's a rewording of your post.

17 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

A more accurate report on this situation could have been like "President Trump was thinking out loud again and went of on a tangent about disinfectant and medicine research. But frankly we don't know what he was saying." 

That's not accurate at all. They've reported accurately. They reported what he said. Not everyone, of course, but every reputable news outlet I follow has. But what you want them to report is an assumption that he meant something other than what he said, even if they don't know what that is. That is equivalent to saying that it doesn't matter what he actually said. 

By the way, it's interesting that if POTUS says something stupid and people act on it, then those people are stupid and they deserve it and they are the problem. But if the media reports in a way that you don't like, they are the problem, and not the consumer? 



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2 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

Which I don't understand him saying that was a sarcastic comment.

Well, shouldn't it be obvious that he got caught with his pants down and is making up a bull**** excuse like he always does?

3 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

But assuming it was since he said it was then he is probably trolling the media and the people that get bent out of shape over everything he does or says.

Well, yes. Because it matters what POTUS says. So if the sitting POTUS constantly says the wrong thing, then responsible, sensible Americans will continue to discuss that. 

That so many other Americans have so blindly, ignorantly and dangerously bought into his "Fake News" rhetoric- seemingly many people who claim not to support him among them- is a separate problem. 

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6 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

It's a rewording of your post.

That's not accurate at all. They've reported accurately. They reported what he said. Not everyone, of course, but every reputable news outlet I follow has. But what you want them to report is an assumption that he meant something other than what he said, even if they don't know what that is. That is equivalent to saying that it doesn't matter what he actually said. 

By the way, it's interesting that if POTUS says something stupid and people act on it, then those people are stupid and they deserve it and they are the problem. But if the media reports in a way that you don't like, they are the problem, and not the consumer? 



I regret that I have but one upvote to give.

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It's a rewording of your post.

I actually said the complete opposite of that..."Of course it matters what the POTUS says"

That's not accurate at all. They've reported accurately. They reported what he said. Not everyone, of course, but every reputable news outlet I follow has. But what you want them to report is an assumption that he meant something other than what he said, even if they don't know what that is. That is equivalent to saying that it doesn't matter what he actually said. 

So using my original post your reputable news outlets should have said Trump says we should use auto paint booths. Got it.


What I wanted them to do is at the time he said it, follow up for clarification. Which they did not. It wasn't until the next day then I think that is when his sarcastic reasoning came out.


By the way, it's interesting that if POTUS says something stupid and people act on it, then those people are stupid and they deserve it and they are the problem. But if the media reports in a way that you don't like, they are the problem, and not the consumer? 


I actually said in another thread its on the person that misinterprets in from Trump  if they watched his press conference and also if they heard it from the media. I said its on the consumer/citizen either way. 

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20 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

I actually said the complete opposite of that..."Of course it matters what the POTUS says"

That's one thing you said. Then you said a whole lot of things to the contrary.


So using my original post your reputable news outlets should have said Trump says we should use auto paint booths. Got it.

I started to read the OP but then stopped because it was... strange... but also it doesn't really matter what you replaced his words with. That's the whole point. He is POTUS and it only matters what he actually said. Which was that maybe we should do something like a disinfectant, except with an injection. 


What I wanted them to do is at the time he said it, follow up for clarification. Which they did not. It wasn't until the next day then I think that is when his sarcastic reasoning came out.

Are you certain that the media outlets with which you take issue were represented in the room and allowed to ask follow-up questions?

29 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

I actually said in another thread its on the person that misinterprets in from Trump  if they watched his press conference and also if they heard it from the media. I said its on the consumer/citizen either way. 

Okay. That makes the all-out, multi-thread attack on the media seem kind of strange, but okay. 

Oh, and you misinterpreted Trump, too, so are you sure it's your fault and not trump's? 

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During an exchange of ideas, both sarcasm and a valid discussion of options can exist at various times during the same exchange. It's not an either or situation.

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5 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

That's one thing you said. Then you said a whole lot of things to the contrary.

I started to read the OP but then stopped because it was... strange... but also it doesn't really matter what you replaced his words with. That's the whole point. He is POTUS and it only matters what he actually said. Which was that maybe we should do something like a disinfectant, except with an injection. 

Are you certain that the media outlets with which you take issue were represented in the room and allowed to ask follow-up questions?

Okay. That makes the all-out, multi-thread attack on the media seem kind of strange, but okay. 

Oh, and you misinterpreted Trump, too, so are you sure it's your fault and not trump's? 

Show me where I said things to the contrary to what I said. 

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