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Why Biden/Harris will win


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10 hours ago, homersapien said:

Only a cultist would hope for such a thing.  They foolishly believe they will be spared.

If Trump wins, he'll immediately federalize the National Guard and the storm will be quelled rather quickly. Today's "stormers" only pick on the old, children and the badly outnumbered. National guardsmen with fixed bayonets don't fall into those categories. The late, great Ronald Reagan left a fine blueprint for dealing with rioters at Berkeley in 1964 and again in 1969. I expect President Trump to follow Reagan's excellent example. https://thefederalist.com/2017/04/24/heres-ronald-reagan-college-kids-went-ape-uc-berkeley/

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8 hours ago, Mikey said:

If Trump wins, he'll immediately federalize the National Guard and the storm will be quelled rather quickly. Today's "stormers" only pick on the old, children and the badly outnumbered. National guardsmen with fixed bayonets don't fall into those categories. The late, great Ronald Reagan left a fine blueprint for dealing with rioters at Berkeley in 1964 and again in 1969. I expect President Trump to follow Reagan's excellent example. https://thefederalist.com/2017/04/24/heres-ronald-reagan-college-kids-went-ape-uc-berkeley/

Do you even understand what the "storm" means in this context?  Because this post would suggest that's a big ole nope.

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27 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

Do you even understand what the "storm" means in this context?  Because this post would suggest that's a big ole nope.

My understanding of his use of the word "storm" indicated more rioting, looting and similar actions by the Marxist-inspired domestic terrorist groups that are a current plague. What does "storm" in his context mean in lefty lingo?

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2 hours ago, Mikey said:

My understanding of his use of the word "storm" indicated more rioting, looting and similar actions by the Marxist-inspired domestic terrorist groups that are a current plague. What does "storm" in his context mean in lefty lingo?

QAnon lingo, actually. 

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4 hours ago, Mikey said:

My understanding of his use of the word "storm" indicated more rioting, looting and similar actions by the Marxist-inspired domestic terrorist groups that are a current plague. What does "storm" in his context mean in lefty lingo?

Yeah, it's a term from QAnon.  The "storm" isn't "lefty lingo".  It comes from the far right conspiracy group QAnon.  You can look up that big ole bag of crazy yourself.

So yeah, as expected, you had zero clue.

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10 hours ago, Brad_ATX said:

So yeah, as expected, you had zero clue.

Homer is the one who I was quoting, so I assumed it was a looney lefty thing. Do I waste my time by perusing the internet to see what extremist groups might be out there and learn what their jargon might be? No, I don't. I never heard of QAnon until you lefties brought it up in this thread. You are an odd bunch indeed.

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5 hours ago, Mikey said:

Homer is the one who I was quoting, so I assumed it was a looney lefty thing. Do I waste my time by perusing the internet to see what extremist groups might be out there and learn what their jargon might be? No, I don't. I never heard of QAnon until you lefties brought it up in this thread. You are an odd bunch indeed.

Translation:  "I don't read anything outside my bubble, yet still feel qualified to talk about such things."

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8 hours ago, Mikey said:

Homer is the one who I was quoting, so I assumed it was a looney lefty thing. Do I waste my time by perusing the internet to see what extremist groups might be out there and learn what their jargon might be? No, I don't. I never heard of QAnon until you lefties brought it up in this thread. You are an odd bunch indeed.

Stop assuming and take the time to educate yourself before commenting.  Your president pushes QAnon theories all of the time, as do some running for Congress this year.

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26 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

Stop assuming and take the time to educate yourself before commenting.  Your president pushes QAnon theories all of the time, as do some running for Congress this year.

Small potatoes when compared to the asinine policies being pushed by backers of the Biden ticket.

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2 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

Translation:  "I don't read anything outside my bubble, yet still feel qualified to talk about such things."

Nailed it in one! Or, maybe you should chastise Homer for using such a nebulous term as "storm" to indicate some obscure political position.

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6 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Small potatoes when compared to the asinine policies being pushed by backers of the Biden ticket.

Oof. One hell of a self-own here. 

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5 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Nailed it in one! Or, maybe you should chastise Homer for using such a nebulous term as "storm" to indicate some obscure political position.

LOL "nebulous." 

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20 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Nailed it in one! Or, maybe you should chastise Homer for using such a nebulous term as "storm" to indicate some obscure political position.

There is only one definition and one way to use the word "storm."  All other definitions and usages have been culture cancelled by the left.  Come on man....keep up with the times!  

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41 minutes ago, SocialCircle said:

There is only one definition and one way to use the word "storm."  All other definitions and usages have been culture cancelled by the left.  Come on man....keep up with the times!  

SC doesn't understand context. Color me shocked. 

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47 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Since you appear to be unfamiliar with the word: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=nebulous

"Unclear, vague, ill defined" Just like Biden's declining mind.

Yes, Mikey, whatever you have to say to soothe the burn you just gave yourself. 

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30 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

Completely.  The guy has zero idea of what he's endorsing.

I'm endorsing President Trump. Beyond that, I'd endorse using the National Guard to quash the rioters that currently plague the streets of cities in which the locals don't have the guts to do it. If we're going to be able to use the word "storm" to mean anything we wish, then I'd like to see fixed bayonets quash the storm of rioters!

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17 minutes ago, AUDub said:

SC doesn't understand context. Color me shocked. 

It is typical of the left to accuse others of what you are guilty of doing yourself. 

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11 minutes ago, SocialCircle said:

It is typical of the left to accuse others of what you are guilty of doing yourself. 

Been reduced to non-sequitors, have you? 

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36 minutes ago, Mikey said:

I'm endorsing President Trump. Beyond that, I'd endorse using the National Guard to quash the rioters that currently plague the streets of cities in which the locals don't have the guts to do it. If we're going to be able to use the word "storm" to mean anything we wish, then I'd like to see fixed bayonets quash the storm of rioters!

Really man, you need to educate yourself on the subject at hand.  This is making you sound like a freaking moron.  You obviously have an internet connection, so let me help.


Search "QAnon Storm"

No one in this thread made up the term "storm" as it was used.  It's taken directly as a reference to QAnon and how they use it.  And if you endorse that bag of crazy, well, God have mercy on you.

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8 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

Search "QAnon Storm"

No one in this thread made up the term "storm" as it was used.  It's taken directly as a reference to QAnon and how they use it.  And if you endorse that bag of crazy, well, God have mercy on you.

Trump endorses it.  And Mikey endorses Trump.  Ergo.......

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7 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Yeah, I don't think we're going to scare that one off by linking him to bags of crazy. 

It's like Brer Rabbit and the briar patch. ;D

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1 hour ago, AUDub said:

Been reduced to non-sequitors, have you? 

Kind of like lefty Midler tweeting out xenophobic comments about our First Lady after calling Trump xenophobic in the past and saying he is anti-immigration despite him being married to a foreigner who immigrated legally to America. And doing so after watching a nationalization ceremony hosted by Trump on the same day. Just a typical day in the life of today’s Democrat. And don’t you just love how “racist” Trump pardoned Ponder and allowed the young AG of KY speak during prime time? 

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