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Defensive performance

Swamp Eagle

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About as shi**y as I’ve seen from Kevin Steele at AU. Except for Smoke’s pick six, not much to brag about tonight.  Got pushed around all night.  Alabama’s offense might get arrested for molestation next week.

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5 minutes ago, Swamp Eagle said:

About as shi**y as I’ve seen from Kevin Steele at AU. Except for Smoke’s pick six, not much to brag about tonight.  Got pushed around all night.  Alabama’s offense might get arrested for molestation next week.

I think sodomy might be the charge....

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I thought they played a lot better after the first qtr.  Dline needs more quality bodies. LBs are missing their best player.  Steele did a great job making changes tonight.

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I think the problem is almost entirely the LB corp. We are playing two strong safeties in there and expecting them to run-fit. Seriously, find someone who doesn't know anything about our roster and show them 9 and 0. They'll say "those are safeties or corners". 

I think those kids do great for what they're asked to do, and they play way over their weight. But they still can't physically take on guards. We miss KJ BADLY. But we also miss size, in general, in our LB corp.

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I’m not sure why I’ve read several posters saying the DL got better after the first quarter.
NO they absolutely did not. They got completely manhandled and UT ran it right down our throat. Also Steele did nothing to counter. 

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2 minutes ago, BurtonJ20 said:

I’m not sure why I’ve read several posters saying the DL got better after the first quarter.
NO they absolutely did not. They got completely manhandled and UT ran it right down our throat. Also Steele did nothing to counter. 

Newkirk played well. Big Kat brought pressure. Wooden played well. Yes, Trues is having a tough year, but they weren't the issue, as a unit. 

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UT has done a great job of recruiting O-Linemen. They have  a bunch of 5* and also highly rated 4* on the O-line. While they have not had a good year this year they definitely have talent.  we were beaten badly twice on draw plays both times I predicted they would run a draw play and our LB's were out of position and did not react quickly enough.  Last year our LB's were protected by our D line the O-line had to work so hard syopping Davidson and Brown they didn't get to second level.  

All year but especially starting with the Arky game we have not done a very good job of stopping swing passes to RB's They always seem to get outside of us.  Luckily our O was ok today not great but good enough to beat Tenn. 

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LB problems in a nutshell. 

Zakoby gets demolished by a pulling guard. Owen makes wrong read and then is neutralized by a single tight end. We HAVE to figure something out. It's not even fair to 9 and 0, though Owen needs to be quicker on his reads. 


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1 hour ago, Win4AU said:

I thought they played a lot better after the first qtr.  Dline needs more quality bodies. LBs are missing their best player.  Steele did a great job making changes tonight.

I’d be satisfied with what qualifies as effort. I’ve not seen a DL so comfortable with being shoved around.

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To think small linebackers is a problem but not think a small d line is a problem is as counter intuitive as thinking I have the best bait so I'm going to catch a bass fishing in my toilet

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12 hours ago, BurtonJ20 said:

I’m not sure why I’ve read several posters saying the DL got better after the first quarter.
NO they absolutely did not. They got completely manhandled and UT ran it right down our throat. Also Steele did nothing to counter. 

Someone who watched the same game as me 

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The DLine was manhandled last night. Anyone who thinks otherwise was watching a different game. Newkirk and Trues are not elite. They are role players thrust into primary roles based on poor recruiting. Britt's injury forces Zacoby and Pappoe to be primary run stoppers and thats not their role as LBs. They are way too small. They excel in support of a run thumper like Britt where they can cover space but not as primary run stopping LBs. Im even more scared for next year bc i see little development at the 2 tackle spots behind Newkirk and Truesdale and they are both gone as is Britt. God help us. 

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Alabama will beat us as bad as they want to.   Our offense puts up another mediocre performance.  I don't see Tank being ready.  You could tell on the one play he came back in an ran; as soon as he tried to cut back; all the spring went out of his step.  Our rushing game will be lead by two guys who've put up a total of ~350 yds all year.  The good news is, on the road, Nix comp% is under 60%; against a team with a pulse, 50%.  OK, that's not good news.  There is no good news.  

As for our D, well, Bama is averaging ~50 points a game, Jones is completing nearly 80% of his throws and Harris averaging just under 6 yds per carry.  

The effort at the end of the game last night was absolutely pathetic.  Watch the last 3 or 4 plays.  The D line didn't move...made no effort to rush and just stood around.  Gassed, probably...but even a gassed player should make an effort.  That was pathetic. 

It will be great to be around family.  We rarely get back to Alabama and see the extended family.  This year; we will be in Bham and have both families in on Saturday to watch games...that will be great.  I suspect the sound will be off on the Iron Bowl by 3:00 pm.  Hey, more good news; Gus will probably be back and suck another $7m out of the Auburn athletic program in 2021 and the facilities will not change....ok, ok....   

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1 minute ago, japantiger said:

Alabama will beat us as bad as they want to.   

The Iron Bowl will be decided by 14 points or less. Mark it down.

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13 hours ago, ShocksMyBrain said:

Really missing Brown/Davidson. 

True, but they signed in 2016. Jeff Holland left in 2017. What exactly has Rodney Garner been doing since then? Brown was a generational talent who stayed healthy, and came back for his senior year. I think he covered up a lot of other weaknesses. Aside from Brown, our D-line recruiting and development is looking subpar in recent years. 

The buck position is a black hole. (One former 4 star recruited for this spot who shall remain nameless) does not appear to know how to play football. I had thought Hall might be able to grow into the position, but last night he couldn't even line up onsides. This is our third year without a pass rusher - how many years is acceptable before we start to ask serious questions about Garner? I know that's borderline blasphemy but it seems like the elephant in the room right now on the defensive side. 

Other position groups have questions too, but it starts up front.


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20 minutes ago, CleCoTiger said:

The Iron Bowl will be decided by 14 points or less. Mark it down.

Games under Saban in Tuscaloosa have been decided by Bama winning by an average of 25 points.  One of those is a one point Auburn win (10 years ago).  

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