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Donutboy, TigerAL, etc.


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I am not an admin or even a moderator, so don't think this is a threat. I have noticed numerous times that some people's sigs are causing problems over in the Football forum. People have taken offense. Personally, I have only had problems when there were Democrat/Anti-Republican statements made in the signature which is why I have highlighted our resident liberals (CShine excluded). Now, considering that not everyone on this board is a conservative like I am, this statement can also be applied to those voicing Republican views in their signature over in the football forum.

Let's PLEASE keep the political statements in the political forum. If someone wants to read about how much you hate President Bush or Hillary Clinton, they will come into THIS forum.

If I could draw your attention to the boxes below the typing window. There you will find some boxes with checkmarks in them. The second box from the top is, by default, checked. It reads "Enable Signature." Uncheck it when posting in other forums. This will disable you signature for that post only. I have used it several times when I felt as if my signature was too long to attach to an already long post. It takes NO time and it will save all of us the headache of sleepwalking into a minefield on the football forum.

Thanks for your time.

War Eagle to you all.

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Let's PLEASE keep the political statements in the political forum. If someone wants to read about how much you hate President Bush or Hillary Clinton, they will come into THIS forum.

I couldn't agree more. Keep the politics in this forum.

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My signatures were a direct result of the one that MDM4AU uses with the crying baby as the seal of the Democratic Party. I notice that he wasn't mentioned (Wonder why?) but when ALL political signatures are ended, mine will be as well. Don't ask just one political view to be quiet. That is SO Bush!! As for using the signature in the football forum, if someone can tell me how to have my signature show up ONLY in this forum, I'd be happy to do it. If not, I guess the people in the football forum that gladly accept the conservative political signatures will have to "get over it", as I was told by a moderator when I reported about a conservative calling me no-nut boy the first time.

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I know the sigs are sometimes a poke in the eye, but we really need more than one side on any issue. I suggest all posters keep a real sense of humor at your disposal at all times.

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If you need help, see below.

If I could draw your attention to the boxes below the typing window. There you will find some boxes with checkmarks in them. The second box from the top is, by default, checked. It reads "Enable Signature." Uncheck it when posting in other forums. This will disable you signature for that post only. I have used it several times when I felt as if my signature was too long to attach to an already long post. It takes NO time and it will save all of us the headache of sleepwalking into a minefield on the football forum.

Oh, and I'm sorry I offended you, but I don't know who it was that had an anti-democrat signature, that is why I said...

Personally, I have only had problems when there were Democrat/Anti-Republican statements made in the signature which is why I have highlighted our resident liberals (CShine excluded). Now, considering that not everyone on this board is a conservative like I am, this statement can also be applied to those voicing Republican views in their signature over in the football forum.
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That's OK. I realize this forum is controlled solely by conservatives. Why else would a moderator tell me to get over it when one of their buddies calls me no-nut boy but my signature is deleted for profanity for having "gasp" the three letter word that begins with "A"?

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If you need help, see below.
If I could draw your attention to the boxes below the typing window. There you will find some boxes with checkmarks in them. The second box from the top is, by default, checked. It reads "Enable Signature." Uncheck it when posting in other forums. This will disable you signature for that post only. I have used it several times when I felt as if my signature was too long to attach to an already long post. It takes NO time and it will save all of us the headache of sleepwalking into a minefield on the football forum.

Oh, and I'm sorry I offended you, but I don't know who it was that had an anti-democrat signature, that is why I said...

Personally, I have only had problems when there were Democrat/Anti-Republican statements made in the signature which is why I have highlighted our resident liberals (CShine excluded). Now, considering that not everyone on this board is a conservative like I am, this statement can also be applied to those voicing Republican views in their signature over in the football forum.

You didn't offend me. I was just pointing out WHY I use my politcal signatures and why I plan to keep them. I'm just trying to stick to the accepted norm of the group I'm in.

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I am not asking you to remove your sig. I just dont think the political sigs are appropriate for OTHER forums. Keep on with your anti-Bush stuff. I just dont want to see it. That is why I have stayed out of this forum for so long.

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I am not asking you to remove your sig. I just dont think the political sigs are appropriate for OTHER forums. Keep on with your anti-Bush stuff. I just dont want to see it. That is why I have stayed out of this forum for so long.

And yet YOU are the one who posted the fire walker link in the football forum? :rolleyes:

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I am not asking you to remove your sig.  I just dont think the political sigs are appropriate for OTHER forums.  Keep on with your anti-Bush stuff.  I just dont want to see it.  That is why I have stayed out of this forum for so long.

And yet YOU are the one who posted the fire walker link in the football forum? :rolleyes:

Maybe I'm slow but, your point is....?

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I am not asking you to remove your sig.  I just dont think the political sigs are appropriate for OTHER forums.  Keep on with your anti-Bush stuff.  I just dont want to see it.  That is why I have stayed out of this forum for so long.

And yet YOU are the one who posted the fire walker link in the football forum? :rolleyes:

Last i checked it is a football board mainly with an option of talking politics. Dont try and force your beliefs on others, just keep that sig here and not on the football board.

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I am not an admin or even a moderator, so don't think this is a threat.

Then why are trying to act like one? Don't take this as rudeness, I'm just curious.

I have noticed numerous times that some people's sigs are causing problems over in the Football forum.

What kinds of problems? Why were these problems reported to you? Did you report these problems to a moderator?

People have taken offense.

Were the sigs graphic, sexually explicit or profanity laden? Who was offended? As their representative, did you advise them to come to the 'All Things Considered' forum to discuss their problems with all of the offending liberals (except CShine) on this board?

Personally, I have only had problems when there were Democrat/Anti-Republican statements made in the signature which is why I have highlighted our resident liberals (CShine excluded).

So, if they were Republican/Anti-Democrat, you would personally have no problem with them? Are there any other viewpoints that you're intolerant of?

Now, considering that not everyone on this board is a conservative like I am, this statement can also be applied to those voicing Republican views in their signature over in the football forum.

You're making this concession so as not to appear like you're advocating censorship, which you still are.

Let's PLEASE keep the political statements in the political forum. If someone wants to read about how much you hate President Bush or Hillary Clinton, they will come into THIS forum.

You're right, political POSTS should be kept in the 'All Things Considered' forum. Likewise, football in football, basketball in basketball, etc.

If I could draw your attention to the boxes below the typing window. There you will find some boxes with checkmarks in them. The second box from the top is, by default, checked. It reads "Enable Signature." Uncheck it when posting in other forums. This will disable you signature for that post only. I have used it several times when I felt as if my signature was too long to attach to an already long post. It takes NO time and it will save all of us the headache of sleepwalking into a minefield on the football forum.

AURainman, the world is not a tidy little vacuum where you are insulated from ideas and viewpoints that you disagree with. I've seen a few signature lines and pictures that I don't agree with either. Obviously, I don't agree with MDM's or Tiger in Spain's signatures. Jenny has at times put things in hers that I disagree with. Hell, if I had a relative that was autistic I might find YOUR screen name to be offensive. But, I understand that that's life and that I don't get the luxury of deciding what you think or how you act as long as it is done in a generally acceptable manner.

I would invite you and all those you represent to participate in dialogue in this forum about these problems that you all have. Maybe you CAN convince me why I shouldn't be allowed to express my opinions in the way that seems to be threatening to you. Until then, in the words of Charlton Heston, you can have my political signature when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers! :)

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Guys, I understand that some folks are offended by political statements in signatures. However, it has been the position of these forums that unless something violates board rules (like having personal insults directed at other members, profanity, nudity, extremely poor taste, etc.), then we're not going to censor signatures.

It cuts both ways folks. You'll like some sigs, you won't like others. The mods and admins will handle these things on a case by case basis, but as of right now, I see no need to censor anyone's signature.

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Guest AuNuma1

Here's my take on this if you will...and I guess I'll just direct this to Rainman since this is his problem....

If/when a bama fan comes over here and uses a "bama" signiture in their post, would you tell him/her to remove it?

I'm definitely not a fan of UAT nor do I support UAT but I'm not going to tell that bama fan to remove the sig because I'm "offended" and I don't see how this is any different.

People have opinions and that is what this entire forum is for, no?

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AuNuma1 I couldn't agree more. Seems like the same old 'conservative bias' to me.

And...I happen to enjoy donutboy's picture/signature...I think it's hilarious and love to see it every time he posts. It's very refreshing.

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The PEZ dispenser is funny.......some one needs to fark Clinton on a dictionary opened to the page that includes the word 'is'. He did redefine what 'is' is..... :lol::lol:

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The PEZ dispenser is funny.......some one needs to fark Clinton on a dictionary opened to the page that includes the word 'is'. He did redefine what 'is' is..... :lol::lol:


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Alright, I posted this NOT as a warning or threat or anything. I posted this as a suggestion. That is why I publicly stated that I was not acting under any authority of the board. There are those who have lashed out at the political signatures in the football forum. Therefore, I suggested you keep them in the politics forum. I am not advocating censorship, but rather courtesy.

TigerAl, I am sorry for calling you out because it has been a while since I have seen a sig cause a commotion, but I do remember it happening a few times. However, I posted this in DIRECT response to seeing someone lash out at Donut's post.

I personally do not have any "problems" with opposing views. I just don't want to read a political war in the middle of a football discussion. It is an unintended rabbit we must chase. Therefore, I requested that you keep the politics in their proper place.

BTW, TigerAl my name is not a representation of the famous Rainman but rather a nickname I was once given.

Again, if anyone has a problem with my suggestion, go about your business as usual. Just please remember that when you post a simple, "I love Auburn" post in the football forum, you are still tagging a political statement at the end.

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Yeah, yeah...statement yeah. Political, yeah. OOHHH, OOHHH time for Wapner...............YEAH.

J/K AUrain. Could......not........stop.......my........self.........must.....not.....hit....reply.

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Yeah, yeah...statement yeah. Political, yeah. OOHHH, OOHHH time for Wapner...............YEAH.

J/K AUrain. Could......not........stop.......my........self.........must.....not.....hit....reply.


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I agree with Titan in that are we going to get ticky tack if an LSU or Bama fan has a picture in their sig or the score of the last USC drubbing and then ask them to remove it when they're not posting in the Woodshed? As long as it is not pornographic or profane or something else that assaults the senses like a bloody, mangled body or the like, then we just move past it. That's what adults do.

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yep, fark...the dudes over at Soonertimes.com are pros at it. I almost cried I was laughing so hard at some of their stuff.

The sigs don't bother me as long as they are of reasonable size...I just want people to keep the politics out of the football thread.

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My signatures were a direct result of the one that MDM4AU uses with the crying baby as the seal of the Democratic Party. I notice that he wasn't mentioned (Wonder why?) but when ALL political signatures are ended, mine will be as well. Don't ask just one political view to be quiet. That is SO Bush!! As for using the signature in the football forum, if someone can tell me how to have my signature show up ONLY in this forum, I'd be happy to do it. If not, I guess the people in the football forum that gladly accept the conservative political signatures will have to "get over it", as I was told by a moderator when I reported about a conservative calling me no-nut boy the first time.

I can't believe you reported that to a mod. What a libbie! :lol::lol:;)

Something tells me thats not the first time I've been reported.

I just couldn't help myself, the rhyme was just too much to pass up. I am genuinely shocked that it offended you so greatly. I would apologize but at the moment it would be insincere, and I'm not an insincere person. Maybe after I quit laughing so hard I'll feel bad about it. TOUGHEN UP DUDE!

Okay, I'm sorry I offended you.(It is possible to be amused and sincere I have discovered)

You know if someone here called me no nut boy it would be like water off a ducks back, but thats just me. Call me secure.

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