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Kerry Infidelity?


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In an off-the-record conversation with a dozen reporters earlier this week, General Wesley Clark plainly stated: 'Kerry will implode over an internal issue. Kerry commotion is why Howard Dean has turned increasingly aggressive against Kerry in recent days, and is the key reason why Dean reversed his decision not to drop out of the race after Wisconsin, top campaign sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT. serious investigation of the woman and the nature of her relationship with Sen. John Kerry has been underway at TIME magazine, ABC NEWS, the WASHINGTON POST and the ASSOCIATED PRESS, where the woman in question once worked.


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Much as I hate to interject this...Bob Packwood wasn't a Democrat. This isn't one party's problem. But, regardless of that, if this is true it isn't a good development for Kerry.

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Please. If you think that for one second that anything that comes from Drudge is credible then you're an idiot. I'm sorry to sound offensive but he's a fool and has admitted that as little as 20% of his website is legitimate, factual and sourced material. He makes National Enquirer and the Star look like respectable journalism.

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I am getting info that Drudge has been hoaxed guys. The pic you get on a google is obviuosly a hoax of Lewinsky.

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I am getting info that Drudge has been hoaxed guys. The pic you get on a google is obviuosly a hoax of Lewinsky.

Like I said...

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Please. If you think that for one second that anything that comes from Drudge is credible then you're an idiot. I'm sorry to sound offensive but he's a fool and has admitted that as little as 20% of his website is legitimate, factual and sourced material. He makes National Enquirer and the Star look like respectable journalism.

Janet's BOOB looked more than 20% real! :rolleyes:B):)

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Well gang who knows how the Kerry item will pan out my source (don't ask) have indicated that over 7 news sources from foreign countries have picked this up

Kerry and the Fun begins

The source also indicated that "CNN is working a reporting team like dogs to get a 'cover story' in place re: Kerry's Johnson problem - my contact says they told her to play it as a 'smear campaign'....."

Yes we are in Atlanta

also (please understand this is a quote edit as needed)

"Limbaugh and Drudge are the only ones to touch it so far..... who is everybody else afraid of - Hitlery?"

"she had two reporters from the Chicago Sun-times and KC Star banned from covering Democrat president candidate events....I never could find out exactly why...."

So is it true who knows it is only information do what you will with it.... I would recommend surfing the net and see what you can come up with something other than mainstream just for a different view of the world....

Good Day

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This is nothing more than a Karl Rove-orchestrated diversionary tactic because the heat's getting turned up on Bush's military record.

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This is nothing more than a Karl Rove-orchestrated diversionary tactic because the heat's getting turned up on Bush's military record.

You're such a goofball al. The heat's been on Bush's military record for decades now...Every since he first ran for public office. This story, my friend, came from a deliberate leak by Gen. Wesely Clark (off the record).

The Democrat Party is imploding. They're eating their own.

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It may surprise you, but Mr. Kerry and I probably don't agree on many things. But I don't think he is stupid. He is probably fairly intelligent. With that said, what kind of an idiot would screw around on a wife worth $999 MILLION? No matter how ugly she is! I think Mr. Kerry would be very much aware of the dire political consequences of an extra martial affair. He has been running for POTUS since college.

Unless he is like Bill Clinton and is so much in awe of JFK that he wants to emulate him in every way. :rolleyes:

Could it be that Clark is looking for the VP spot on a Dean/Clark ticket? :unsure: :o

Nawwwww that could never be. :unsure:

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Do either of you (Tigermike and War Eagle 96) think this might be a buzzkill for your hallucinations?

Retired general Wesley Clark (news - web sites), who just quit his run for the presidency, will endorse Senator John Kerry (news - web sites)'s bid for the Democratic nomination on Friday, two Democratic sources said.   

Asked whether the former NATO (news - web sites) supreme commander would back Kerry, one Democratic source who requested anonymity replied: "He'll endorse him tomorrow."


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Do either of you (Tigermike and War Eagle 96) think this might be a buzzkill for your hallucinations?

I don't know what you are talking about. But if you will read my post even you should be able to conclude that I did not think it true. :P

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Could it be that Clark is looking for the VP spot on a Dean/Clark ticket?

This was your hallucination. If Clark was trying to get on a ticket with Dean, as you suggested, he isn't going to score points with him by endorsing Kerry, is he? Even you ought to be able to figure that out.

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he isn't going to score points with him by endorsing Kerry, is he?

Thanks Al, I was unaware that Clark had done that. If so then it shows he recognizes which of the two is more electable. :P

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WAHR in Hsv and Imus on MSNBC are now reporting that the story is true.

Allegations are that the affair lasted two years and she was an intern at the time. All this might change later on. Working on a link now.

BTW, Imus evidently interviewed Kerry this AM and was unwilling to ask about it. WAHR is reporting that all intern links on Kerry's webpage have been removed. He had a link to apply for an internship and pics as well.

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TA: why do you say karl rove started/leaked this? i haven't seen or heard that anywhere but you. are you HOPING he's the one or GUESSING he's the one or what?

Because this is one of the things he does. He learned from the best, Lee Atwater.

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I really think you need to look at the Dean Camp now Al. They are the ones benefitting from all this. ;)

Why would Clark quit right now, knowing all this?

Dad says Kerry Sleazeball.

She is 24, he is 60. 36 year difference in age!!!!!!!!! Is that not pedophilia? He was chasing her for 2 years. She rebuffed him several times according to Dad.She is journalist and working in.......KENYA! How convenient! :lol:

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Al, it doesn't look like something Rove cooked up. Not with what the dad is saying now.

And besides, charges like that make you look like part of the black helicopter crowd. Don't discredit yourself.

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TA:  why do you say karl rove started/leaked this?  i haven't seen or heard that anywhere but you.  are you HOPING he's the one or GUESSING he's the one or what?

Because this is one of the things he does. He learned from the best, Lee Atwater.

i see.

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