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Should we really cheer for Alabama?


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You know for 12 games this season we have all wished that Alabama would pull a Shula and lose. But is it really worth it? Sure Auburn has been down. Everybody on this forum's friend are majority Alabama fans no doubt. Either fair weather fans or true fans. Doesn't matter. Should we pull together annd rout Alabama on in the national championship game?................................................yeah no. Hook'em Horns. It's funny the betting Alabama fans i know from a certain establishment were sweating their asses off that they didn't have to play TCU or Cincinnati in the NC game.

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No. I won't watch the game. There just wouldn't be any satisfaction in it. But if I did, I certainly wouldn't cheer for Bama. I'll find something else to do far, far away from a TV that night. I really hate Alabama.

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Is this some kind of joke? How, under any circumstances, could I bring myself to cheer for Alabama? It is simply impossible. As a matter of fact, I doubt i will even watch the game, since they will destroy Texas.

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I am WAR-GIGEM-EAGLE's exact shoes...I have degrees from both Auburn and Texas A&M. This matchup is absolute hell on Earth for me. I haven't missed watching a bowl game that had national championship implications for over 30 years, but this may be the first. I truly don't think I can watch it. The upside is that it's on a Friday night, so I can definitely find something to do to occupy the time.

I think I need someone to give me a severe whack in the cranium that will put me into about a 2-month coma.

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I understand you guys hate Bama but all you saying you won't watch the game are full of it. Anybody who likes college football watches the NCG.

please don't try to speak for people. If they say they won't watch it, who cares? I can tell you right now, I won't be watching it either, guess your going to tell me i'm full of it too, huh? won't change the fact that i won't be watching that cheating corrupt program buy another title.

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I understand you guys hate Bama but all you saying you won't watch the game are full of it. Anybody who likes college football watches the NCG.

please don't try to speak for people. If they say they won't watch it, who cares? I can tell you right now, I won't be watching it either, guess your going to tell me i'm full of it too, huh? won't change the fact that i won't be watching that cheating corrupt program buy another title.

Wartiger, you will watch it because there is a decent chance Bama will lose and you would love to see that.

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I understand you guys hate Bama but all you saying you won't watch the game are full of it. Anybody who likes college football watches the NCG.

Speaking of full of it, we plan to put a wide screen in the bathroom. :OnTheCan:

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I am not sure if I have ever posted on here but have been reading this site for a few years. Now I decided at age 3 I was going to be an Auburn Tiger. My family for years always had Turkey Day on Iron Bowl Saturday and I was given hell like a grown man. So, I bleed Blue-N-Orange as intense as anyone else. BUT,

I nearly choked on my turkey sandwich when I heard Saban's Quote after the Iron Bowl. Now I watched the post game last night and he floored me again. The man has done ONE HELL OF A JOB and I have had to admit to myself that he really is one of the best coaches right now. This takes NOTHING from Chizzy and crew, I called my Bammer cousin last night and he told me he is scared to death of Bama playing Auburn next year. What I am getting at is don't y'all see that with Bama's success in 3 years is what we may very well be looking at for ourselves? That means in a year or two, we will be bitching about the fact we are both in the SEC West.

I commend Alabama's TEAM ( and like our 2004 Team that was cheated ) on one hell of a season. And damn if I can't respect Satan as a coach. What I have said here we all know is true. We just can't stand that we are down for a minute but, WE WILL BE BACK. And the Bammers on here need to admit that to themselves too.

What I hated about FLa\Bama was that one of the best pure athletes I have seen play the game, had to lose. Tim Tebow is the man.

The fact of the matter is that Florida and Urban Meyer are in deep doo doo for next year.

As far as cheering for Bama, I do not like Texas either. There are certain teams that the press push every year and till this year I have felt that way about Texas, USC, Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Ohio State and USC. Oh I forgot to mention USC in that last list. lol

Anyway, I can't say I will cheer for Bama. The idea of the farcity of a Got 13? makes me wanna puke. Just because the rules in the old days were screwed up doesn't mean to me that they should claim all the NC's that they were awarded before being beaten in their bowl games. I can say I am proud that a team from what most of the country considers to still be backwards, has a chance to take all the marbles. The guys that make up Bama's TEAM should be rallied for. I mean think about it, these guys are doing something extraordinary and I tip my hat to them and even SATAN for what they have accomplished. Now the Alabama Program not players but the Athletic Department, I have no respect for.

In closing, WGDEAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I understand you guys hate Bama but all you saying you won't watch the game are full of it. Anybody who likes college football watches the NCG.

please don't try to speak for people. If they say they won't watch it, who cares? I can tell you right now, I won't be watching it either, guess your going to tell me i'm full of it too, huh? won't change the fact that i won't be watching that cheating corrupt program buy another title.

Wartiger, you will watch it because there is a decent chance Bama will lose and you would love to see that.

actually, I've addressed this already. Is reading comprehension that difficult for you? What part of " I WON"T BE WATCHING" don't you understand? get a tutor, you clearly need one.

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I really like this Alabama team. I have tried in the past to say that I will pull for them when they are not playing Auburn. But invariably, I sit down, turn the TV on and at the onset of the kick-off find myself rooting for the other team. It is the Alabammer fans that make me be this way. After Auburn lost to Kentucky, I was on the way home and stopped to get a diet coke at a gas station in Auburn. There was a so-called lady behind me with cash in her hand. I asked her if she was just buying gas because I was going to let her go ahead of me in the line. She went into roll t--e. Auburn lost two in a row spurted out of her mouth. You see, it is the fans that put Auburn down so bad that make me pull for anyone that is playing the bammers. I have bammer friends that are nice but even they can't controll their tirades against Auburn. After Aubur won 6 years in a row, I didn't call anybody or rub it in to anyone. So my reply. I just can't bring myself to pull for the dark side. I don't like Texas either so it is a lose / lose situation for me. I won,t watch the mythical national Championship game. I have to floss my cat's teeth and won't have the time.

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A few years ago I might have cheered Alabama....but after seeing how their fans react to beating us one year out of seven and now two in a row....I doubt I will ever support that team unless it has some benefit for our team....

I know it isn't fair because the team isn't who runs around acting like they've never won anything...it's the fans.....

For a school that prides itself on a rich tradition of winning and championships they sure act like they've never won a championship....act like you've been there before...

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To me Bammers smell just like roadkill. I mean it's not enough that some of the graduates actually have reading and comprehension deficiencies, to add insult to injury, some 99% of their fans base never finished elementary school and some 55% of them never went to school at all. Back to the smell thing, I have notice recently that most Alabama fans don't take baths except maybe on Saturdays before the game. That gamy smell from hunting deer early in day just continues to rot and linger for the entire week. Now that the maggot infestation has begun, the smell just makes them totally intolerable. You ask me how I know this? I work in construction. While being forced to be around to lowest of all Bammer maggots, this is what I see and smell. Add the lack of toothpaste in their oral hygiene regiment (not need if there are no teeth) then we have what is commonly referred to as an undesirable. I refuse to work around these people and that would help account for my recent unemployment in this state.

If Alabama played TCU in BCS title game, most that stench would go away.

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WarTiger, just FYI, I won't be watching the game either so that makes at least two of us that arrogant turd is wrong about. I hope Texas wins but if bama does win I hope they win big. I'm still pissed with Muschamp so it wouldn't be a huge disappointment to see bama kick his butt. Reading the final score after I get back from a day with no TVs will be all I need to know.

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Etown, I'll bet two things are true: 1) I watched more college football games than you this year (or last year or the year before) and 2) I won't watch a second of the National Title game. It's like this... if Texas makes a good play, that'll give me good feelings (on the scale of 1 to 10) of around a 6 (kind of like eating a decent sandwich or something like that). If Bama makes a good play that gives me a 2 (1 being actual physical harm to me or my family). So every time you make a good play, I'm in a bad mood. Even if Texas strings together a few good plays, it only takes one good play by Bama to erase all the happiness I had. In the end, watching the game all but ensures that I'll be in a bad mood for 3 to 3.5 hours. Even if Texas wins, it'll be a relief, not a joy. So I'll pass. There are plenty of things I could do with my time that would make me happier.

Plus, I'm guaranteed to have the game re-run on Classic not long after the game. So if you lose (and I really hope you do), I can just catch the replay and enjoy all 3 hours.

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Man you guys are just a bunch of sour, jealous little babies. Who doesn't watch the NCG just because their rival is in it? I know I would have cheered for Auburn in 2004 if they would have gone...because after it all, you're still an SEC team (and I always cheer for SEC vs. anyone). But to say you won't even watch the game? You sound like a bunch of petulant children.

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Here's a good question:

If Auburn had received a legitimate shot at the MNC in 2004, would Auburn fans be as pissed as they are right now?

I think that's the big difference maker. It'd be a much easier pill to swallow if we had that legit title to hang over our heads from five years ago. As it stands, we still have bammers waving the "only one national title" flag around us.

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Here's a good question:

If Auburn had received a legitimate shot at the MNC in 2004, would Auburn fans be as pissed as they are right now?

I think that's the big difference maker. It'd be a much easier pill to swallow if we had that legit title to hang over our heads from five years ago. As it stands, we still have bammers waving the "only one national title" flag around us.

Answer: Absolutely not.

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Here's a good question:

If Auburn had received a legitimate shot at the MNC in 2004, would Auburn fans be as pissed as they are right now?

I think that's the big difference maker. It'd be a much easier pill to swallow if we had that legit title to hang over our heads from five years ago. As it stands, we still have bammers waving the "only one national title" flag around us.

I think they'd still be pissed but like you said, probably not quite as pissed.

I'll watch the NC game but I don't think I'll care who wins though. I don't think I could ever pull for Alabama except maybe if they played Miami. Texas doesn't really deserve to be in the NC game anyways after struggling against Texas A&M and Nebraska, so if they lose I won't care.

I won't be cheering for either but good luck anyways to Alabama.

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