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Kerry 'Unfit to be Commander-in-Chief'


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Kerry 'Unfit to be Commander-in-Chief', Say Former Military Colleagues

By Marc Morano

CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer

May 03, 2004

(CNSNews.com) - Hundreds of former commanders and military colleagues of presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry are set to declare in a signed letter that he is "unfit to be commander-in-chief." They will do so at a press conference in Washington on Tuesday.

"What is going to happen on Tuesday is an event that is really historical in dimension," John O'Neill, a Vietnam veteran who served in the Navy as a PCF (Patrol Craft Fast) boat commander, told CNSNews.com . The event, which is expected to draw about 25 of the letter-signers, is being organized by a newly formed group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

"We have 19 of 23 officers who served with [Kerry]. We have every commanding officer he ever had in Vietnam. They all signed a letter that says he is unfit to be commander-in-chief," O'Neill said.

O'Neill, currently a Houston, Texas, based attorney, is no stranger to Kerry. O'Neill served in the same naval unit as Kerry and commanded Kerry's swift boat after Kerry returned to the United States. Kerry's command of the PCF boat lasted four months and ended shortly after he received his third Purple Heart. According to naval regulations at the time, any sailor who received three Purple Hearts could request a transfer out of the combat zone.

Kerry and O'Neill engaged in a nationally televised debate in 1971 on The Dick Cavett Show over Kerry's allegations that many Vietnam soldiers had routinely engaged in atrocities such as raping and cutting off ears and heads of Vietnamese soldiers and citizens. Kerry was the then spokesman for the anti-war group Vietnam Veterans Against the War.

"We are going to be presenting a letter that deals with Kerry's unfitness to be commander and chief that has been signed by hundreds of swift boat sailors, including most of those who served with Kerry," O'Neill explained.

"The ranks of the people signing [the letter] range from admiral down to seaman, and they run across the entire spectrum of politics, specialties, and political feelings about the Vietnam War," he added.

Among those scheduled to attend the event at the National Press Club and declare Kerry unfit for the role of commander-in-chief are retired Naval Rear Admiral Roy Hoffman, who was the commander of the Navy Coastal Surveillance Force, which included the swift boats on which Kerry served.

Also scheduled to be present at the event is Kerry's former commanding officer, Lt. Commander Grant Hibbard. Hibbard recently questioned whether Kerry deserved the first of his three Purple Hearts that he received in Vietnam. Hibbard doubted both the severity of the wound and whether it resulted from enemy fire.

"I've had thorns from a rose that were worse" than Kerry's wound for which he received a Purple Heart, Hibbard told the Boston Globe in April.

Organizers are confident that Tuesday's event and the letter with hundreds of signatures will educate people about Kerry.

"It is one of the largest outpourings of concern about him being commander-in-chief that anybody could have in a presidential campaign and it is by the people who know him best," O'Neill said.

'Unfit Commander-in-Chief'

Swift Boat Veterans For Truth maintains that Kerry's fellow Vietnam veterans are almost uniform in their disdain for his military service and anti-war protests.

"Not only a majority of the people who served with him feel that way, but a vast and overwhelming majority," O'Neill said. He added that more than "ninety percent of the people contacted by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth responded to the request to sign their name, with only 12 declining to sign.

"Comrades who actually served with him, almost all of them, are opposed to him, and believe he would be an unfit commander in chief and intend to bring the truth of his actual record to the attention of the American people," O'Neill said.

O'Neill hopes the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth can reveal to the American people what he sees as Kerry's flawed character.

"In the military, loyalty between commanders and the troops serving them is a two-way street. We have here a guy (Kerry) that with all of us in the field [in Vietnam] -- actually fighting the North Vietnamese -- came home and then falsely accused all of us of war crimes at a time when the people in uniform couldn't even respond," O'Neill said.

"And he did that knowing that was a lie," he added.

'Real John Kerry'

B. G. Burkett, author of the book Stolen Valor and a military researcher, believes that Tuesday's event will not be dismissed easily by Kerry's campaign as a "partisan" attack.

"There are probably just as many Democrats amongst sailors who sailed swift boats as there are Republicans. What Kerry fails to realize is this has nothing to do with politics -- this has to with Vietnam Veterans who served, who have a beef with John Kerry's service, both during and after the war," Burkett told CNSNews.com.

"The American people do not know John Kerry and hopefully the swift boat crews and other Vietnam veterans will make sure that the American public knows the real John Kerry," he added.

Jim Loftus of Kerry's press office referred questions about Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's event on Tuesday to spokesman David Wade. Wade did not return CNSNews.com's requests for comment.


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Hard to believe that anyone, other than those poor diehard liberals New Englanders, would even make an attempt to defend this coward.


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Today on Hannity, he and Dick Morris made the case that the real libs in the Dem Party and the Moderates all want him gone. The Dems may split three or four ways with Nader.

Zell Miller and Koch

The Greens

The real Libs

The ABB crowd that must support Kerry.

So far, the NYT, The Washington Post and the Village Voice have all said forcefully or subtley that Kerry has to turn it around soon, or drop out.

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So, those papers are really saying that he might need to drop out??? Do you have any links on that? That sounds a little fishy.

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I have hear alot about how some of the Dems are really unhappy with Kerry also. Just look how hard they were pushing Dean before the primary. I think it is obvious that Kerry was not their man. You have to admit, all this does give some good thought to the rumor that they were actually setting up for failure to promote Hilary in 2008. Think about it, if the Dems win the presidency, then Hilary can't run until 2012. Things that make you go hmmm.....

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So, those papers are really saying that he might need to drop out??? Do you have any links on that? That sounds a little fishy.

Dang Al, David got those links out pretty quick for you didn't he? ;)

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"Not only a majority of the people who served with him feel that way, but a vast and overwhelming majority," O'Neill said. He added that more than "ninety percent of the people contacted by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth responded to the request to sign their name, with only 12 declining to sign.

"Comrades who actually served with him, almost all of them, are opposed to him, and believe he would be an unfit commander in chief and intend to bring the truth of his actual record to the attention of the American people," O'Neill said.

Ouch. :o That's got to hurt worse than falling off his bike, er ... I mean falling off his snowboard, er ... I mean his windsurfer. Oh, never mind. It's going to leave mark, that's for sure.

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I am waiting to get a link for the NYT and Washington Post articles. May have to get signed up to get them. I am cruising some sites to see if they have the articles linked on their forums.

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I have talked to 5 or 6 dem friends and everyone of them says they wish the dem party would have put up someone that they would want to vote for. They probably will still vote for him, they don't like him, but he isn't GWB.

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They probably will still vote for him, they don't like him, but he isn't GWB.

THAT is the whole of the demoncratic platform for this election...... :(:(:(

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Bush isn't fit to spit shine Kerry's shoes.

"I was not prepared to shoot my eardrum out with a shotgun in order to get a deferment. Nor was I willing to go to Canada. So I chose to better myself by learning how to fly airplanes."  GWB

This is the Republican version of a "war hero."

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Bush isn't fit to spit shine Kerry's shoes.






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Bush isn't fit to spit shine Kerry's shoes.






Congratulations on your most articulate post to date. ;)

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Bush isn't fit to spit shine Kerry's shoes.






Congratulations on your most articulate post to date. ;)

Thanks. Back at ya! ;)


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kerry is a new england liberal.....thus, he has NO chance........... :rolleyes:

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Bush isn't fit to spit shine Kerry's shoes.

"I was not prepared to shoot my eardrum out with a shotgun in order to get a deferment. Nor was I willing to go to Canada. So I chose to better myself by learning how to fly airplanes."  GWB

This is the Republican version of a "war hero."

Only liberals are claiming to have a "hero" as a candidate. Republicans see it as a non-issue. It sure was a non-issue when you libs backed a draft dodger. Funny how your hate heightens your stupidity!

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I have a question.

I've heard quite a few conservatives condemn any criticism of Bush with the argument "We're at war and during wartime you don't question your commander-in-chief. That just gives comfort to the enemy and borders on treason!" [Although I'm not referring any particular individual on this board--but then I haven't read all the political posts. I tend to stick with football] The Dixie Chicks controversy was just one example of this "No criticism of Bush is appropriate or tolerated" mentality.

So my question is:

IF Kerry did manage to win in November, would these conservatives be just as loyal to him as the duly elected commander-in-chief in wartime?

..Somehow, I suspect it would suddenly become OK to criticize the CNC then.


I also suspect, since it's probable that more servicemen tend to lean toward the conservative side of the political spectrum, it's also probable that the majority of any sample of servicemen (& women) would disapprove of any liberal Democrat as Commander-in-Chief. Does that say more about the qualifications of a presidential candidate, or the biases of the population polled?

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I have a question.

I've heard quite a few conservatives condemn any criticism of Bush with the argument "We're at war and during wartime you don't question your commander-in-chief. That just gives comfort to the enemy and borders on treason!" [Although I'm not referring any particular individual on this board--but then I haven't read all the political posts. I tend to stick with football] The Dixie Chicks controversy was just one example of this "No criticism of Bush is appropriate or tolerated" mentality.

So my question is:

IF Kerry did manage to win in November, would these conservatives be just as loyal to him as the duly elected commander-in-chief in wartime?

..Somehow, I suspect it would suddenly become OK to criticize the CNC then.


I also suspect, since it's probable that more servicemen tend to lean toward the conservative side of the political spectrum, it's also probable that the majority of any sample of servicemen (& women) would disapprove of any liberal Democrat as Commander-in-Chief. Does that say more about the qualifications of a presidential candidate, or the biases of the population polled?

I for one will support our President in war. If I feel he has done this wrongly I will take that up when our troops are no longer in harms way. AT the time, I never criticized Clinton's military actions while our troops were deployed.

But after all, I am an "evil-conservative, war-monger" so this answer will be poo-pooed by a number of liberals on this board. :roll:

It's a no win situation for those conservatives that answer this.

Let's flip the question:

What liberals will support Kerry, under similar circumstances, that have been hating on Bush?

Again, a no win for those that answer, but you get my point...

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I have a question.

I've heard quite a few conservatives condemn any criticism of Bush with the argument "We're at war and during wartime you don't question your commander-in-chief. That just gives comfort to the enemy and borders on treason!"  [Although I'm not referring any particular individual on this board--but then I haven't read all the political posts.  I tend to stick with football] The Dixie Chicks controversy was just one example of this "No criticism of Bush is appropriate or tolerated" mentality.

So my question is: 

IF Kerry did manage to win in November, would these conservatives be just as loyal to him as the duly elected commander-in-chief in wartime?

..Somehow, I suspect it would suddenly become OK to criticize the CNC then.


I also suspect, since it's probable that more servicemen tend to lean toward the conservative side of the political spectrum, it's also probable that the majority of any sample of servicemen (& women) would disapprove of any liberal Democrat as Commander-in-Chief.  Does that say more about the qualifications of a presidential candidate, or the biases of the population polled?

The main problem I had with the Dixie Chicks was making their statement while in Europe. Since I don't buy their CD's or go to their concerts there was no way for me to exercise my right NOT to buy. Freedom is a two way street. She had the freedom to say whatever she wanted. US citizens had every right to NOT buy the DC's product. Plain and simple.

If Kerry were elected I would do for him exactly what I did for President Clinton. I prayed that Clinton would be a much better President than I thought possible. He succeeded in some areas and fell far short in others.

I might also turn that around and ask, which liberal has supported President Bush in ANYTHING? It has been pure hatred and rancor spewed continuously for the past 3 1/2 years.

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If Kerry were to be elected, I would support him in the war on terror. IF he waged a war on terror. This war will last for a VERY long time and we need someone to lead it regardless of his political affiliation. However, my main criticism of the Democrats right now is that as a party they are opposing this war. I believe it is a war that needs to be fought. We cannot send a weak image to the world right now. I want us to pull out of Iraq as soon as it is appropriate and then Take a while off before we drop a few more vile dictators. If Kerry does this, I'll have no complaints of him as Com. and Chief.

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If Kerry were to be elected, I would support him in the war on terror. IF he waged a war on terror. This war will last for a VERY long time and we need someone to lead it regardless of his political affiliation. However, my main criticism of the Democrats right now is that as a party they are opposing this war.

Which war?

I think most Americans, liberal or conservative, supported a war on terror & defending ourselves after the naked aggression of 9/11.

What liberals mostly object to, in my opinion, is turning a justified war against Osama Bin Laden & his terrorist cronnies into a war on Iraq, when the case for WMD and/or Saddam Hussein's support of Bin Laden was never demonstated to our satisfaction.

I understood and supported the Afghan war--it was the obvious response to Al Quaeda & their clear allies/harborers, the Taliban. The justifications for the war in Iraq were much more vague and nebulous.

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What liberals mostly object to, in my opinion, is turning a justified war against Osama Bin Laden & his terrorist cronnies into a war on Iraq, when the case for WMD and/or Saddam Hussein's support of Bin Laden was never demonstated to our satisfaction.

I understood and supported the Afghan war--it was the obvious response to Al Quaeda & their clear allies/harborers, the Taliban. The justifications for the war in Iraq were much more vague and nebulous.

Alright. Does anyone think that Saddam Huessein likes America? Does anyone think Saddam Huessein has not sponsored terrorist acts? After 9/11 we said loud and clear that we would no longer tolerate anyone practicing terrorism, harboring known terrorists, or funding terrorists. Did Iraq fall into any of those three catagories?! Yes, I think so.

I do not fully agree with GWB's tactics in bringing us to war, and I believe he was way too vague, but I believe it is a just war. The man needed to be removed. The footholds of democracy are being layed as we speak. And in the next 10 years or so, we will have a very thankful Iraq that will help us in spreading peace throught the Arab nations. It is all part of GWB's future plans.

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