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Kudos to Sen. Hollings of SC

Tiger Al

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With 760 dead in Iraq and over 3,000 maimed for life, home folks continue to argue why we are in Iraq -- and how to get out.

Now everyone knows what was not the cause. Even President Bush acknowledges that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. Listing the 45 countries where al-Qaida was operating on September 11 (70 cells in the U.S.), the State Department did not list Iraq. Richard Clarke, in "Against All Enemies," tells how the United States had not received any threat of terrorism for 10 years from Saddam at the time of our invasion.

On Page 231, John McLaughlin of the CIA verifies this to Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. In 1993, President Clinton responded to Saddam's attempt on the life of President George H.W. Bush by putting a missile down on Saddam's intelligence headquarters in Baghdad. Not a big kill, but Saddam got the message -- monkey around with the United States and a missile lands on his head. Of course there were no weapons of mass destruction. Israel's intelligence, Mossad, knows what's going on in Iraq. They are the best. They have to know.

Israel's survival depends on knowing. Israel long since would have taken us to the weapons of mass destruction if there were any or if they had been removed. With Iraq no threat, why invade a sovereign country? The answer: President Bush's policy to secure Israel.

Led by Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Charles Krauthammer, for years there has been a domino school of thought that the way to guarantee Israel's security is to spread democracy in the area. Wolfowitz wrote: "The United States may not be able to lead countries through the door of democracy, but where that door is locked shut by a totalitarian deadbolt, American power may be the only way to open it up." And on another occasion: Iraq as "the first Arab democracy ... would cast a very large shadow, starting with Syria and Iran but across the whole Arab world." Three weeks before the invasion, President Bush stated: "A new regime in Iraq would serve as a dramatic and inspiring example for freedom for other nations in the region."

Every president since 1947 has made a futile attempt to help Israel negotiate peace. But no leadership has surfaced amongst the Palestinians that can make a binding agreement. President Bush realized his chances at negotiation were no better. He came to office imbued with one thought -- re-election. Bush felt tax cuts would hold his crowd together and spreading democracy in the Mideast to secure Israel would take the Jewish vote from the Democrats. You don't come to town and announce your Israel policy is to invade Iraq. But George W. Bush, as stated by former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and others, started laying the groundwork to invade Iraq days after inauguration. And, without any Iraq connection to 9/11, within weeks he had the Pentagon outlining a plan to invade Iraq. He was determined.

President Bush thought taking Iraq would be easy. Wolfowitz said it would take only seven days. Vice President Cheney believed we would be greeted as liberators. But Cheney's man, Chalabi, made a mess of the de-Baathification of Iraq by dismissing Republican Guard leadership and Sunni leaders who soon joined with the insurgents. Worst of all, we tried to secure Iraq with too few troops.

In 1966 in South Vietnam, with a population of 16,543,000, Gen. William C. Westmoreland, with 535,000 U.S. troops was still asking for more. In Iraq with a population of 24,683,000, Gen. John Abizaid with only 135,000 troops can barely secure the troops much less the country. If the troops are there to fight, they are too few. If there to die, they are too many. To secure Iraq we need more troops -- at least 100,000 more. The only way to get the United Nations back in Iraq is to make the country secure. Once back, the French, Germans and others will join with the U.N. to take over.

With President Bush's domino policy in the Mideast gone awry, he keeps shouting, "Terrorism War." Terrorism is a method, not a war. We don't call the Crimean War with the Charge of the Light Brigade the Cavalry War. Or World War II the Blitzkrieg War. There is terrorism in Northern Ireland against the Brits. There is terrorism in India and in Pakistan. In the Mideast, terrorism is a separate problem to be defeated by diplomacy and negotiation, not militarily. Here, might does not make right -- right makes might. Acting militarily, we have created more terrorism than we have eliminated.

Ernest Hollings is South Carolina's senior U.S. senator.


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I couldn't have said it better. He hit the nail on the head.

Way to go boss!!! :cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:

Thanks TigerAl for posting this!!!

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I couldn't have said it better. He hit the nail on the head.

Way to go boss!!! :cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:

Thanks TigerAl for posting this!!!

Six more years...six more years...six more years...six more years!!!

Tell him I said so!

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:rolleyes: You guys just can't get past the same old arguments can you? You still believe we should have just turned our heads and pretend that men, women, and children were not being tortured, raped, and butchered. Did you guys go against Clinton when he sent us to Bosnia and Somolia to stop the killing and suffering? Please tell me how this is different. Can't you get past the politics of at all and just see the humanitarian side of it?
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:rolleyes: You guys just can't get past the same old arguments can you? You still believe we should have just turned our heads and pretend that men, women, and children were not being tortured, raped, and butchered. Did you guys go against Clinton when he sent us to Bosnia and Somilia to stop the killing and suffering? Please tell me how this is different. Can't you get past the politics of at all and just see the humanitarian side of it?

In a word no.

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I agree with you PT..... but he's finally the senior senator from SC, LOL

I lived in SC for 14 years and never really understood it; people laughed at him, joked about him but still voted for him..... good to be back in Alabama where the politics is so simple and straightforward (joking, of course)

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I agree with you PT..... but he's finally the senior senator from SC, LOL

I lived in SC for 14 years and never really understood it; people laughed at him, joked about him but still voted for him..... good to be back in Alabama where the politics is so simple and straightforward (joking, of course)

Read my lips...S E N I O R I T Y....that spells Seniority. Ranking members get the great jobs and perks.

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I agree with you PT..... but he's finally the senior senator from SC, LOL

I lived in SC for 14 years and never really understood it; people laughed at him, joked about him but still voted for him.....  good to be back in Alabama where the politics is so simple and straightforward (joking, of course)

I sure am glad you put that "just joking" comment at the end of your post. :lol:

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Poor Fritz is getting senile. Of course he never has been the brightest star in the sky. :D

Whatever PT. :rolleyes:

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Poor Fritz is getting senile. Of course he never has been the brightest star in the sky. :D

Whatever PT. :rolleyes:

Was Strom Thurmond's nickname 'Fritz?"

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Poor Fritz is getting senile. Of course he never has been the brightest star in the sky. :D

Whatever PT. :rolleyes:

channoc.....I work in the space program and spent 6 years at NASA HQ. During that time I had a lot of interface with the Hill including Sen. Hollings office. I can only tell you he made a lot of public statements about the space program, and the Space Shuttle in particular, that were plain wrong. To be nice I will simply say his statements were misinformed. So If he makes such statements about things I know about, I can only take other things he says with a grain of salt. ;)

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In 1966 in South Vietnam, with a population of 16,543,000, Gen. William C. Westmoreland, with 535,000 U.S. troops was still asking for more. In Iraq with a population of 24,683,000, Gen. John Abizaid with only 135,000 troops can barely secure the troops much less the country. If the troops are there to fight, they are too few. If there to die, they are too many. To secure Iraq we need more troops -- at least 100,000 more. The only way to get the United Nations back in Iraq is to make the country secure. Once back, the French, Germans and others will join with the U.N. to take over.

Just another damn fool demoncrat comparing apples and oranges. VM was a TOTALLY different scenario. Once again we got a demoncrat trying to "scare" us into voting against the republicans. And you know that the republicans have ALREADY taken away ALL of the benefits for old people. Same tactic, different lie!

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In 1966 in South Vietnam, with a population of 16,543,000, Gen. William C. Westmoreland, with 535,000 U.S. troops was still asking for more. In Iraq with a population of 24,683,000, Gen. John Abizaid with only 135,000 troops can barely secure the troops much less the country. If the troops are there to fight, they are too few. If there to die, they are too many. To secure Iraq we need more troops -- at least 100,000 more. The only way to get the United Nations back in Iraq is to make the country secure. Once back, the French, Germans and others will join with the U.N. to take over.

Just another damn fool demoncrat comparing apples and oranges. VM was a TOTALLY different scenario. Once again we got a demoncrat trying to "scare" us into voting against the republicans. And you know that the republicans have ALREADY taken away ALL of the benefits for old people. Same tactic, different lie!

Yeah and don't you love the part about how when WE make Iraq more secure THEN the French, Germans and others will join with the UN to TAKE OVER. So the coalition gets their guys killed so the cowards and hypocrits can come take over. How can one read this and not get angry? How do such people keep getting reelected? :angry:

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  • 1 month later...

Just thought you might want to see the follow up article that appeared in today's The State Newspaper.


Why we’re in Iraq, part two


Guest columnist

Peoples the world around have a history of culture and religion. In the Mideast, the religion is predominantly Muslim and the culture tribal. The Muslim religion is strong, i.e., those that don’t conform are considered infidels; those of a tribal culture look for tribal leadership, not democracy. We liberated Kuwait, but it immediately rejected democracy.

In 1996, a task force was formed in Jerusalem including Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser. They submitted a plan for Israel to incoming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Clean Break. It proposed that negotiations with the Palestinians be cut off and, instead, the Mideast be made friendly to Israel by democratizing it. First Lebanon would be bombed, then Syria invaded on the pretext of weapons of mass destruction. Afterward, Saddam Hussein was to be removed in Iraq and replaced with a Hashemite ruler favorable to Israel.

The plan was rejected by Netanyahu, so Perle started working for a similar approach to the Mideast for the United States. Taking on the support of Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Stephen Cambone, Scooter Libby, Donald Rumsfeld et al., he enlisted the support of the Project for the New American Century.

The plan hit paydirt with the election of George W. Bush. Perle took on the Defense Policy Board. Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Feith became one, two and three at the Defense Department, and Cheney as vice president took Scooter Libby and David Wurmser as his deputies. Clean Break was streamlined to go directly into Iraq.

Iraq, as a threat to the United States, was all contrived. Richard Clarke stated in his book, Against All Enemies, with John McLaughlin of the CIA confirming, that there was no evidence or intelligence of “Iraqi support for terrorism against the United States” from 1993 until 2003 when we invaded. The State Department on 9/11 had a list of 45 countries wherein al Qaeda was operating. While the United States was listed, it didn’t list the country of Iraq.

President Bush must have known that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We have no al Qaeda, no weapons of mass destruction and no terrorism from Iraq; we were intentionally misled by the Bush administration.

Which explains why President-elect Bush sought a briefing on Iraq from Defense Secretary William Cohen in January before taking the oath of office and why Iraq was the principal concern at his first National Security Council meeting — all before 9/11. When 9/11 occurred, we knew immediately that it was caused by Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan. Within days we were not only going into Afghanistan, but President Bush was asking for a plan to invade Iraq — even though Iraq had no involvement.

After 15 months, Iraq has yet to be secured. Its borders were left open after “mission accomplished,” allowing terrorists throughout the Mideast to come join with the insurgents to reek havoc. As a result, our troops are hunkered down, going out to trouble spots and escorting convoys.

In the war against terrorism, we’ve given the terrorists a cause and created more terrorism. Even though Saddam is gone, the majority of the Iraqi people want us gone. We have proven ourselves “infidels.” With more than 800 GIs killed, 5,000 maimed for life and a cost of $200 billion, come now the generals in command, both Richard Myers and John Abizaid, saying we can’t win. Back home the cover of The New Republic magazine asks, “Were We Wrong?”

Walking guard duty tonight in Baghdad, a G.I. wonders why he should lose his life when his commander says he can’t win and the people back home can’t make up their mind. Unfortunately, the peoples of the world haven’t changed their minds. They are still against us. Heretofore, the world looked to the United States to do the right thing. No more. The United States has lost its moral authority.

Mr. Hollings is South Carolina’s senior senator.

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Sorry channon - I know he is your boss, but he forgot the talking point about how we started the Iraq war so GWB could give all the oil to his buddies from Texas. Did anyone post the "Part One" to this article? You know, the one where Sen Hollings says we went to war in Iraq so GWB could steal Jewish votes from the Democrats?

President Bush realized his chances at negotiation were no better. He came to office imbued with one thought — re-election. Bush felt tax cuts would hold his crowd together and spreading democracy in the Mideast to secure Israel would take the Jewish vote from the Democrats.

Zero credibility with me after that Part One... Did Pres Bush actually tell the good Senator that this was his one thought? Honestly, it DOES sound to me like Sen Hollings IS following the Democratic talking point regarding mindless Bush-bashing through rumor, inuendo and downright manipulation of the facts.

Why We Are In Iraq

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Way to go Fritz. Encourage our enemies and demoralize our troops who are on the front line while you sit in South Carolina and fire away like a terrorist sniper. :ph34r:

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Unfortunately for those in SC, Fritz (that is Hollings nickname, nothing to do with old Strom), was prematurely senile! Sometime around 1990, when the Beavis and Butthead thing was on TV, someone in the local Greenville, SC media interviewed him about the decadence on TV and he went on a tear, calling them Beavis and Butthole. I thought I was going to choke laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When he was governor of SC and his term was up, he backed up a moving van and took all the office furniture that was paid for with taxpayer money. The state had to sue, if I remember correctly to get him to return it.

FRITZ..... sounds like a well earned nickname!!!!

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that's quite the article, chann...you must be very proud.


Support ALL of america, not just the demoncrats. I can tell you that the number of republicans is growing daily in SC. And with poiticians like this, we can see why.

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Latest from Senator Hollings: " Yes, if we NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS, WE WILL HAVE PEACE IN OUR TIME."

Sorry Channonc, hope they dont have to engrave this on his headstone.

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Latyest from Senator Hollings: " Yes, if we NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS, WE WILL HAVE PEACE IN OUR TIME."

Sorry Channonc, hope they dont have to engrave this on his headstone.

We've only had one President who has really negotiated with terrorists and we just gave him a rousing sendoff. Fortunately, they didn't engrave that on his tombstone.

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Latyest from Senator Hollings: " Yes, if we NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS, WE WILL HAVE PEACE IN OUR TIME."

Sorry Channonc, hope they dont have to engrave this on his headstone.

We've only had one President who has really negotiated with terrorists and we just gave him a rousing sendoff. Fortunately, they didn't engrave that on his tombstone.

So let me get this right......The Dems now say Reagan, and dealing with Terrorists, was right? :lol:

They will write on his tombstone, "Defeated Communism without starting a shooting war to do it. Peace through strength...etc."

Face it. The guy will be remembered for being the greatest President since FDR.

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"Defeated Communism without starting a shooting war to do it. Peace through strength...etc."

Do you think they could at least put in little bitty letters on there somewhere, "Pope John Paul II and Lech Walesa played minor roles, also???" :blink::blink::blink:

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