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Clinton More Popular Than Reagan?


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Libs: Clinton More Popular Than Reagan

Frustrated liberals, angry at having to spend an entire week watching the nation pay tribute to the man they derided alternately as "an amiable dunce" and a heartless autocrat, are now claiming that Bill Clinton was actually a more popular president than Ronald Reagan.

"In truth, Ronald Reagan was never as popular as he is being presented to be with Americans," writes Slate Magazine's Eric Alterman.

"As president, [he] was never even as popular as Bill Clinton during the period of Clinton’s impeachment," argues the disgruntled Democrat.

For evidence, Alterman cites a Gallup poll that tracks approval ratings for Clinton, Reagan, Carter and both Bushes to back his claims. The same poll is touted prominently on Democrats.com, a Web site run by former Clinton White House staffers and DNC veterans.

Unfortunately for Alterman and the rest of the Reagan haters, some of us still remember what the voters said when they actually got a chance to make their will known at the polls.

Clinton, for instance, never won more than 49 percent of the vote, managing that feat in 1996. And he probably never would have been president at all without Ross Perot acting as a Republican spoiler in 1992, when Clinton squeaked in with just 43 percent of the vote.

Reagan, on the other hand, trounced his two Democratic opponents in 44- and 49-state landslides.

In fact, no president in U.S. history has ever gotten more votes than Reagan did in 1984, despite the fact that the nation's population has grown by more than 30 million in the last 20 years.


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why in the world would anyone bring up this discussion/debate at this point in time?

if the contention that clinton is/was more popular than reagan is true, then you look shallow, crass & insecure...

if the contention that clinton is/was more popular than reagan is false, then you look shallow, crass & insecure...

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why in the world would anyone bring up this discussion/debate at this point in time?

if the contention that clinton is/was more popular than reagan is true, then you look shallow, crass & insecure...

if the contention that clinton is/was more popular than reagan is false, then you look shallow, crass & insecure...

So are you referring to MDM4AU for posting it? Or Newsmax for writing it?

Of course, we don't know the context of Alterman's remarks. I couldn't find an article by Alterman on that topic in Slate or anywhere else.

Unfortunately for Alterman and the rest of the Reagan haters, some of us still remember what the voters said when they actually got a chance to make their will known at the polls.

Clinton, for instance, never won more than 49 percent of the vote, managing that feat in 1996. And he probably never would have been president at all without Ross Perot acting as a Republican spoiler in 1992, when Clinton squeaked in with just 43 percent of the vote.

Reagan, on the other hand, trounced his two Democratic opponents in 44- and 49-state landslides...

Interesting how Newsmax feels compelled to respond to the fact of Clinton's higher approval ratings at all, especially with misleading facts. Clinton won in two electoral vote landslides (more than a 200 vote electoral margin), beating Dole by as many popular votes as Reagan beat Carter. Without a third party, Nixon won over 60% of the vote in 1972. With a third party in 1968, he got 43%, but a solid electoral victory.

Clinton's popularity still really gets to you guys, doesn't it?

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Clinton's popularity still really gets to you guys, doesn't it?

To hear you tell it! :rolleyes:

I just posted the article because I thought it was "interesting" that this was a topic of debate right now. Regardless of the sources of the article, right now there are those who are protesting Reagan right now outside the White House. Air America has personalities proclaiming their hate and disdain for Reagan, claiming to be happy that he is dead. Lefties are really ticked off right now that someone from the right is being shown so much admiration.

And those that claim "Clinton really gets to the Republicans" (not always phrased that way but implied very often) are the same people that Reagan and W "really get to" just the same - regardless of what they do.

Just for the record, I am not a Clinton "hater." I did not vote for him (surprise-surprise). But I don't hate him. I think he handled some things well, others not so well, got credit for somethings he did nothing to help, and got blamed for somethings he had little to do with. But that is part of being President. My biggest concern with Clinton was on a few core issues that I had a completely opposite opinion the he.

By the way, here is the article by Alterman, so you can see in what "context" he is speaking.

What you’re seeing this week is the product of a forty year right-wing campaign to brand the media as unpatriotic.  In truth, Ronald Reagan was never as popular as he is being presented to be with Americans.  As president, was never even as popular as Bill Clinton during the period of Clinton’s impeachment.  http://msnbc.msn.com/id/3449870/ 

There are links to stats and polls and articles regarding his arguement, but does anyone really care about Clinton's popularity right now? Really? He has been gone for nearly 4 years. The 40th President of the US just died, and there is a sitting President running against a Dem. Candidate that is not a Clinton.

Alterman simply has a chip on his shoulder. End of story. :roll:

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Heard on the radio and also in Drudge that it is rumored that Clinton is upset because he is not on the list to speak at Reagan's funeral. How funny. It was brought up that Clinton's book came out this week, but Reagan's death has overshadowed all the publicity and alot of Clinton's interviews were canceled. Why the heck would Clinton expect to speak at Reagan's funeral?

Oh, speaking of Clinton's popularity, are you just talking about the popularity he has with liberals and leader's of other nations that want the US to bow down and do what they want? Sorry, but I served under Clinton's term, and his was not a very popular CIC among the military. However, he was our CIC and we did what we were told and did it proudly, regardless of political stance.

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Heard on the radio and also in Drudge that it is rumored that Clinton is upset because he is not on the list to speak at Reagan's funeral. How funny. It was brought up that Clinton's book came out this week, but Reagan's death has overshadowed all the publicity and alot of Clinton's interviews were canceled. Why the heck would Clinton expect to speak at Reagan's funeral?

Oh, speaking of Clinton's popularity, are you just talking about the popularity he has with liberals and leader's of other nations that want the US to bow down and do what they want? Sorry, but I served under Clinton's term, and his was not a very popular CIC among the military. However, he was our CIC and we did what we were told and did it proudly, regardless of political stance.

Is this what you're referring to?



Former President Bill Clinton has privately expressed anger he has apparently been left off the speakers list of Friday's Reagan State Funeral, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"President Clinton really held out all hope the funeral would be a nonpartisan event, like Nixon's was," a top Clinton source said on Tuesday morning. "He's angry and disappointed neither he nor President Carter have been asked to speak, as of yet."

The top source says Clinton has been critical that both Bush presidents will address the crowd gathered at National Cathedral.

Nixon's vice president Gerald Ford did not speak at Nixon's funeral.

Clinton's inner circle is convinced Nancy Reagan has personally shut out Clinton from any high-profile participation.

"It is a state funeral, using tax dollars," the top Clinton insider explained.

Former President George H.W. Bush, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney will join President Bush in eulogizing Ronald Reagan, Reagan's office announced. Presiding over the service will be former Sen. John Danforth of Missouri, who is an ordained Episcopal priest. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and the Rabbi Harold Kusher will give readings, while Irish tenor Ronan Tynan will sing.

The eulogy is being prepared by President Bush's chief speechwriter, Michael Gerson, who also wrote the president's moving speech for a memorial service in the same cathedral after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.


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I saw that yesterday, but I reserve comment on any stories from Drudge or Newsmax unless it's a link to a more mainstream news site. Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice...

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Some key Democrats make me sick. Daschle and Pelosi have gone out of their way to make glowing statements about Reagan. Guess that means the only Republicans they like are dead ones.

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Some key Democrats make me sick. Daschle and Pelosi have gone out of their way to make glowing statements about Reagan. Guess that means the only Republicans they like are dead ones.

Now PT, you can't have it both ways.

I think it showed class for them to stand up and say some nice words about our former President. IMO, it is not the time or place to be debating his policy. A man that served this country just died from a very dibilitating disease. Whether you agreed or disagreed with his policy, he deserves respect. You would have been very pissed if they had stood up and talked about all of the things they disagreed with him on, or called him a bad President. They do the opposite, and it appears that doesn't please you either. What do you want?

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Some key Democrats make me sick. Daschle and Pelosi have gone out of their way to make glowing statements about Reagan. Guess that means the only Republicans they like are dead ones.

Now PT, you can't have it both ways.

I think it showed class for them to stand up and say some nice words about our former President. IMO, it is not the time or place to be debating his policy. A man that served this country just died from a very dibilitating disease. Whether you agreed or disagreed with his policy, he deserves respect. You would have been very pissed if they had stood up and talked about all of the things they disagreed with him on, or called him a bad President. They do the opposite, and it appears that doesn't please you either. What do you want?

I would have been more impressed had they just SHUT UP. If you didn't like him when he was alive, don't use his death as an opportunity to make yourself look human. God knows these two are not.

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I saw that yesterday, but I reserve comment on any stories from Drudge or Newsmax unless it's a link to a more mainstream news site. Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice...

That is why I said it was "rumored". I read the drudge report, but I am not a kool-aid drinker either. :lol:

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Some key Democrats make me sick. Daschle and Pelosi have gone out of their way to make glowing statements about Reagan. Guess that means the only Republicans they like are dead ones.

Now PT, you can't have it both ways.

I think it showed class for them to stand up and say some nice words about our former President. IMO, it is not the time or place to be debating his policy. A man that served this country just died from a very dibilitating disease. Whether you agreed or disagreed with his policy, he deserves respect. You would have been very pissed if they had stood up and talked about all of the things they disagreed with him on, or called him a bad President. They do the opposite, and it appears that doesn't please you either. What do you want?

I would have been more impressed had they just SHUT UP. If you didn't like him when he was alive, don't use his death as an opportunity to make yourself look human. God knows these two are not.

Telling yourself your opponents aren't even human, makes you what, exactly?...Morally superior? God knows this? Really?

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Some key Democrats make me sick. Daschle and Pelosi have gone out of their way to make glowing statements about Reagan. Guess that means the only Republicans they like are dead ones.

Now PT, you can't have it both ways.

I think it showed class for them to stand up and say some nice words about our former President. IMO, it is not the time or place to be debating his policy. A man that served this country just died from a very dibilitating disease. Whether you agreed or disagreed with his policy, he deserves respect. You would have been very pissed if they had stood up and talked about all of the things they disagreed with him on, or called him a bad President. They do the opposite, and it appears that doesn't please you either. What do you want?

I would have been more impressed had they just SHUT UP. If you didn't like him when he was alive, don't use his death as an opportunity to make yourself look human. God knows these two are not.

Telling yourself your opponents aren't even human, makes you what, exactly?...Morally superior? God knows this? Really?


I tend to think they are just another of Satan's instruments. But that's just me. Now go and help them kill a fetus or something.

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Some key Democrats make me sick. Daschle and Pelosi have gone out of their way to make glowing statements about Reagan. Guess that means the only Republicans they like are dead ones.

Now PT, you can't have it both ways.

I think it showed class for them to stand up and say some nice words about our former President. IMO, it is not the time or place to be debating his policy. A man that served this country just died from a very dibilitating disease. Whether you agreed or disagreed with his policy, he deserves respect. You would have been very pissed if they had stood up and talked about all of the things they disagreed with him on, or called him a bad President. They do the opposite, and it appears that doesn't please you either. What do you want?

I would have been more impressed had they just SHUT UP. If you didn't like him when he was alive, don't use his death as an opportunity to make yourself look human. God knows these two are not.

Telling yourself your opponents aren't even human, makes you what, exactly?...Morally superior? God knows this? Really?


I tend to think they are just another of Satan's instruments. But that's just me. Now go and help them kill a fetus or something.

I think gallup can put you down in the "solid for Bush" camp. Dems should use your responses in ads to seal the deal with swing voters. "If you think like this guy, you should vote for Bush."

Keep going!

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Some key Democrats make me sick. Daschle and Pelosi have gone out of their way to make glowing statements about Reagan. Guess that means the only Republicans they like are dead ones.

Now PT, you can't have it both ways.

I think it showed class for them to stand up and say some nice words about our former President. IMO, it is not the time or place to be debating his policy. A man that served this country just died from a very dibilitating disease. Whether you agreed or disagreed with his policy, he deserves respect. You would have been very pissed if they had stood up and talked about all of the things they disagreed with him on, or called him a bad President. They do the opposite, and it appears that doesn't please you either. What do you want?


I for one was pleasantly surprised to hear some of the leading dems speak kindly of President Reagan's passing. I'm sure that some of it was heartfelt and truly sincere.

On the other hand, ... my cynicism meter is red-lining as I can't help but feel that the majority of these pols know it would be political suicide to publicly speak ill of Reagan so soon after his death. I predict the platitudes & flowery praise from the opposition party will subside soon after Reagan is buried. If I'm wrong, and all this outpouring of ... (dare I say it?) ... respect is to be believed, then maybe Sen Bill Frist's bill to rename the Pentagon in memory of Ronald Reagan will sail through the Congress with the kind of real bipartisan support the dems often talk about but never deliver. Care to take any bets on this?

Wednesday, June 9, 2004 10:43 p.m. EDT

Frist: Rename Pentagon After Reagan

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is planning to introduce legislation to rename the Pentagon after Ronald Reagan in honor of Reagan's decision to rebuild the military in the 1980s after years of neglect and downsizing.

The Tennessee Republican plans to attach an amendment to the next defense appropriations bill, NBC-TV's Washington affiliate reported Wednesday.

The amendment, which proposes that the Pentagon be called "The Ronald Reagan Defense Building," will be debated over the next couple of weeks when the bill goes back to the Senate floor.

Frist's office said he hoped the Senate debate would help to gauge reaction to the plan.

Reagan's defense buildup is credited with turning President Carter's "hollow military" into the world's premier fighting force, equipped with state-of-the-art weapons technology.

Writing in the New York Post on Wednesday, military analyst Ralph Peters said the impact of Reagan's election on U.S. defense readiness was almost immediate.

An Army private at the time, he noted: "When I returned to Germany in late 1981, the change in the quality and morale of the 'dirty boots' Army was already unmistakable. Even before the new equipment began arriving, the Army was regaining its fighting spirit."

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"The Ronald Reagan Defense Building"

That just sounds stupid and should not receive more than Bill Frists' vote! Why do we need to rename the Pentagon?

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I think a little more time needs to pass before we decide how to commemorate him any further than the airport and aircraft carriers that bear his name. I wouldn't mind seeing him on currency, but not right away. And "The Ronald Reagan Defense Building" is too much of a mouthful. "The Pentagon" is imbedded in our brains and shouldn't be renamed. Maybe one day they can build a "Reagan Memorial" or something, I don't know.

For now, let's just bask in this rarest of times of national unity and absence of partisan rancor.

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Yeah, stop trying to name everything after the man. It is way too early, and somethings just don't need to be chaned, like the PENTAGON.


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"The Ronald Reagan Defense Building"

That just sounds stupid and should not receive more than Bill Frists' vote! Why do we need to rename the Pentagon?

You're right -- we don't have to ever rename anything forever. :roll: The point of Frist's gesture is to honor the memory of Reagan after his decision to rebuild the military in the 1980s after years of neglect and downsizing. The Reagan buildup of the military was unprecedented. The Pentagon was built during WWII to consolidate all the various offices of the War Dept which were scattered all over D.C. It's an office building for crying out loud, and one without an officially dedicated name. Office buildings are often named after prominent people. Name someone more prominent than Reagan that did more for rebuilding & restoring the military since 1943. If the Pentagon is named to honor Reagan, no one will ever forget it still has 5 sides and is referred to as The Pentagon.

Some of you are acting like you've never heard of a building/facility having more than one name before. Ever hear of Samford Stadium at Hitchcock Field at Plainsman Park? Or how about Ben Hill Griffin Stadium at Florida Field (aka The Swamp?)

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slick willy was and IS a totally classless draft dodgin' LIAR who lacks integrity.

President Reagan was a STATESMAN. He respected the office to the point that he would not even remove his jacket or tie in the Oval office.

I wonder.....did slick willy have on his jacket during Monnica's visits????????????

liberals.....natures idiots. :poke:

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President Reagan was a STATESMAN. He respected the office to the point that he would not even remove his jacket or tie in the Oval office.

Not even for his naps ?? :blink:

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President Reagan was a STATESMAN. He respected the office to the point that he would not even remove his jacket or tie in the Oval office.

Not even for his naps ?? :blink:

Nothing wrong with a nap. In fact if Slick Willie had taken a few power naps instead of getting a few powerBJ's he might have avoided problems. :rolleyes:

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