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Ted Rall on Hannity and Colmes

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Did anyone see Ted Rall (editorial cartoonist) on Hannity and Colmes last night. Wow this guy is sick, sick. He made no bones of being happy Reagan was dead. Hannity absolutely blasted him right in his face and even Colmes was critical of Ralls.

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Did anyone see Ted Rall (editorial cartoonist) on Hannity and Colmes last night. Wow this guy is sick, sick. He made no bones of being happy Reagan was dead. Hannity absolutely blasted him right in his face and even Colmes was critical of Ralls.

Yeah, he's a twit! I didn't see it, but I'm not sorry. Probably would have fired me up too much. No excuse for a human being to be that way!

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I believe this is the same goofball who had the cartoon about Pat Tillman. They had him on then. He is a shock cartoonist. If there can be such a thing.

Yep, same guy. Hannity told him he just did his crap for shock value and he was a "low life in the truest meaning of the word." You're right about getting mad. if I had had him in the cross hairs at that moment there is no doubt I would have pulled the trigger. :angry:

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Rall also writes "editorials" and I use the term VERY loosely, as they are usually half-cocked rantings of someone off his meds. He actually accused Bush of ASSASINATING Sen Paul Wellstone by having the Secret Service sabotage Wellstone's plane. :blink:

What a FREAK.

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Rall also writes "editorials" and I use the term VERY loosely, as they are usually half-cocked rantings of someone off his meds. He actually accused Bush of ASSASINATING Sen Paul Wellstone by having the Secret Service sabotage Wellstone's plane. :blink:

What a FREAK.

I've never followed his work, but he sounds like an extremist nut.

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Rall also writes "editorials" and I use the term VERY loosely, as they are usually half-cocked rantings of someone off his meds.  He actually accused Bush of ASSASINATING Sen Paul Wellstone by having the Secret Service sabotage Wellstone's plane.  :blink:

What a FREAK.

I've never followed his work, but he sounds like an extremist nut.

No. "Extremist Nut" is such a cop-out. Let's call a spade a spade. He's an Ivy League-educated Left-wing Looney that's trying real hard to get his work noticed through controversy. And, he's now getting noticed like he's never been before. Apparently, he views any kind of attention as good for his career. Who knows, maybe he'll regret the pact he made with the devil to get his 15 minutes of fame? The problem I see with becoming a shock cartoonist or "artist" is that he can't retreat from this path -- anything he does in the future will have to top the last controversy. Let's review: he's denigrated the deaths of Tillman and now, Reagan. What can he do to top that?

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Rall also writes "editorials" and I use the term VERY loosely, as they are usually half-cocked rantings of someone off his meds.  He actually accused Bush of ASSASINATING Sen Paul Wellstone by having the Secret Service sabotage Wellstone's plane.   :blink:

What a FREAK.

I've never followed his work, but he sounds like an extremist nut.

No. "Extremist Nut" is such a cop-out. Let's call a spade a spade. He's an Ivy League-educated Left-wing Looney that's trying real hard to get his work noticed through controversy. And, he's now getting noticed like he's never been before. Apparently, he views any kind of attention as good for his career. Who knows, maybe he'll regret the pact he made with the devil to get his 15 minutes of fame? The problem I see with becoming a shock cartoonist or "artist" is that he can't retreat from this path -- anything he does in the future will have to top the last controversy. Let's review: he's denigrated the deaths of Tillman and now, Reagan. What can he do to top that?

No.  "Extremist Nut" is such a cop-out.

Some people are sooo extreme themselves, that they refuse to agree on anything. ;)

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Some people are sooo extreme themselves, that they refuse to agree on anything. ;)

I would be willing to venture a guess, Texas, that even you and I would agree that Rall is beyong the pale. He is the equivalent of the most wacked out right wing militia types, but he has a national platform from which to spew his "work". His "editorials" don't even contain analysis - just the ramblings that he writes down while he is off his meds.

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I'm trying to imagine any major newspaper or syndication house allowing an extreme right-wing nutbar to have a platform to publish tasteless comics and editorials, expressing similar sentiments about Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, Julian Bond or other prominent black leaders. I'm doubting there is such an instance. Seems to me those wackos are left to publishing their tripe on their own websites and underground newsletters.

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I'm trying to imagine any major newspaper or syndication house allowing an extreme right-wing nutbar to have a platform to publish tasteless comics and editorials, expressing similar sentiments about Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, Julian Bond or other prominent black leaders. I'm doubting there is such an instance. Seems to me those wackos are left to publishing their tripe on their own websites and underground newsletters.

Any idea what papers/magazines carry him/maybe a few e-mails to them would get some attention.

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Some people are sooo extreme themselves, that they refuse to agree on anything. ;)

I would be willing to venture a guess, Texas, that even you and I would agree that Rall is beyong the pale. He is the equivalent of the most wacked out right wing militia types, but he has a national platform from which to spew his "work". His "editorials" don't even contain analysis - just the ramblings that he writes down while he is off his meds.

I think its safe to say that neither of us would care to have a beer with the guy.

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Some people are sooo extreme themselves, that they refuse to agree on anything. ;)

Labeling someone "extremist" or "sooo extreme" is a cop out because it doesn't say anything other than you've bought into the PC mindset that implies simply holding a strident opinion is wrong because it deviates from the 'centrist' or 'moderate' viewpoint -- whatever that may be. It's a favorite tactic of lazy politicians because they don't have to defend their positions when they can marginalize an opponent by calling them 'extremist.' Both 'moderate' & 'extremist' are relative terms by themselves, and if used without any other context they don't really mean anything.

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. 

---Barry Goldwater in a speech at the 1964 GOP convention---

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Some people are sooo extreme themselves, that they refuse to agree on anything. ;)

Labeling someone "extremist" or "sooo extreme" is a cop out because it doesn't say anything other than you've bought into the PC mindset that implies simply holding a strident opinion is wrong because it deviates from the 'centrist' or 'moderate' viewpoint -- whatever that may be. It's a favorite tactic of lazy politicians because they don't have to defend their positions when they can marginalize an opponent by calling them 'extremist.' Both 'moderate' & 'extremist' are relative terms by themselves, and if used without any other context they don't really mean anything.

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. 

---Barry Goldwater in a speech at the 1964 GOP convention---

These comments preceded mine:

Yeah, he's a twit!
I believe this is the same goofball who had the cartoon about Pat Tillman.
... he was a "low life in the truest meaning of the word."
What a FREAK.

So you say:

No. "Extremist Nut" is such a cop-out. He's an Ivy League-educated Left-wing Looney that's trying real hard to get his work noticed through controversy.

...as if adding "Ivy League-educated Left-wing Looney" adds a certain meaningful specificity that justifies calling my comment a "copout." Goofball, twit, low life, freak, extremist, left-wing looney. Choose your own broad label for the guy. Convince yourself your's is "best." Critique another off-the cuff broad label as a grossly insufficient. Guess that's the problem with broad labels.

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