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Auburn High School vs Carver info and game thread


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Just got back from Auburn-Carver. Johnson is one of the more college-ready QB's I've ever seen in high school, not to mention his obvious physical tools. He looks like he could come in and play from day 1, assuming of course he was able to pick up the system. Surpassed all my expectations.

Foster was not as impressive. He looked lost on many plays, but perhaps Carver's mostly spread attack lessened his effectiveness. He looks like a man amongst boys though and you'd expect him to have more of an impact. Maybe just an off night.

Echols-Luper showed toughness and some speed, but I'm didn't come away with the feeling that Auburn is missing out on much there. Of course it didn't help that his offensive line was backpedalling all night, so who knows.

My two cents - All three have a bright future in the SEC, and Mr. Johnson could be a star.

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Heres another theory, Ruben did not want to hurt one of his AU boys and laid off knowing its just high school.

That theory stops when you saw how soft he played versus Carver's RBs.
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Foster should shed about 30 pounds so he can get some crispness and pop into his play. Right now he's a half-step and half-arm slow to the ball and has a real problem changing directions. Hopefully Yox will knock the excess pounds off of him.

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Foster should shed about 30 pounds so he can get some crispness and pop into his play. Right now he's a half-step and half-arm slow to the ball and has a real problem changing directions. Hopefully Yox will knock the excess pounds off of him.

Tonight is the only time he has played like that. I say no more than 10 pounds come off.
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Several notes and observations from the game:

1. Johnson is a stud. Looks quite prostyle ready, and he has wheels (obviously not the runner Cam was, but he sure did remind me of Cam on those read options where he would take it up the middle, most notably his long TD run). I genuinely think he could start for us sooner rather than later if Frazier doesn't ever progress.

2.Foster looked like a stud but was not very impressive on D. He was struggling with cramps most of the game, but managed to get better later in the game. He had at least two tackles for loss. I don't know if any of ya'll saw it but he literally picked up Carver's RB and SLAMMED him Nick Fairley style. Crazy. He also was one of the most violent blockers on offense I have ever seen. Overall, I wasn't as impressed with him as I thought I would be, but I am sure he will be fine.

3. Luper is quite the athlete, but after attending the game I can see why its probably best he doesn't come to AU. Dad is a coach, and hes a bit small. I think Blaise Taylor will be a similar situation next year.

4. We will miss you Chipper

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So, can we start Johnson tomorrow? :wareagle:

he's better than any of the QB's we have right now....

haha that's what it looks like to me also.

How can you guys make that kind of judgement? Remember what they say about apples and oranges.

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Went to the game, here's a few notes.

Saw Trey Matthews, asked him if he'd be here next year. He smiled shrugged his shoulders and said "I don't know". But said it like he did know, just wasn't telling some random stranger. Seemed like a nice enough young guy.

Ended up spending the first half standing next to a guy who said he was one of Carver's coaches (not football) and he talks to Johnson daily. We started off talking about visits and where JJ would end up. He said he had no doubt..... Auburn. His words were "it's in his heart." He said if he did go somewhere else it wouldn't be LSU or Alabama. He didn't care for Saban one on one, although he was a little better with others around. Acted like he just didn't feel it there, the same at LSU. Now another guy standing there said Miss. St. and UGA have offered (not sure if this guy knew what he was talking about), but didn't have specific stories about those schools. I asked if he'd take his visits. He said he didn't think he'd taken any yet and in his opinion he wasn't sure he would. Said he wasn't concerned about competing and was good with the offense.

He also talked about Hamilton a little. I asked if he thought he was definitely coming to AU. He said he wouldn't say definitely but it was the same, that AU was in his heart.

I asked about would SDH be concerned about competition (if he stays at MLB) with Foster ahead of him and the possibility of Tre Williams out there. He said he didn't think so based on what he knew. Also said Williams' uncle coaches for another Montgomery school and is a big AU guy and Tre comes up for the AU games.

Also Johnson stays in touch with Jason Smith.

Was a little disappointed with the game. Thought Foster would contribute more. He still looked like a man among boys for the most part. I'd sure hate to hear half of the posters on here if a running back runs right by him next year like he did tonight. don't know why he couldn't get off that block, maybe I can see it when I watch the recording.

Can't believe nobody's mentioned the Foster suplex (sp?).

Edit: typing while somebody mentioned the Foster suplex.

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Went to the game, here's a few notes.

Saw Trey Matthews, asked him if he'd be here next year. He smiled shrugged his shoulders and said "I don't know". But said it like he did know, just wasn't telling some random stranger. Seemed like a nice enough young guy.

Ended up spending the first half standing next to a guy who said he was one of Carver's coaches (not football) and he talks to Johnson daily. We started off talking about visits and where JJ would end up. He said he had no doubt..... Auburn. His words were "it's in his heart." He said if he did go somewhere else it wouldn't be LSU or Alabama. He didn't care for Saban one on one, although he was a little better with others around. Acted like he just didn't feel it there, the same at LSU. Now another guy standing there said Miss. St. and UGA have offered (not sure if this guy knew what he was talking about), but didn't have specific stories about those schools. I asked if he'd take his visits. He said he didn't think he'd taken any yet and in his opinion he wasn't sure he would. Said he wasn't concerned about competing and was good with the offense.

He also talked about Hamilton a little. I asked if he thought he was definitely coming to AU. He said he wouldn't say definitely but it was the same, that AU was in his heart.

I asked about would SDH be concerned about competition (if he stays at MLB) with Foster ahead of him and the possibility of Tre Williams out there. He said he didn't think so based on what he knew. Also said Williams' uncle coaches for another Montgomery school and is a big AU guy and Tre comes up for the AU games.

Also Johnson stays in touch with Jason Smith.

Was a little disappointed with the game. Thought Foster would contribute more. He still looked like a man among boys for the most part. I'd sure hate to hear half of the posters on here if a running back runs right by him next year like he did tonight. don't know why he couldn't get off that block, maybe I can see it when I watch the recording.

Can't believe nobody's mentioned the Foster suplex (sp?).

Edit: typing while somebody mentioned the Foster suplex.

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I really hate to hear this about Foster. I think this might be the first time I've ready anything that was not raving on how he looked during the game. Is this something to be concerned about for the future? I read where the posters seem to think he had hamstring and issues with cramps most of the game. In addition, it seemed as though he improved as the game went forward.Do you guys think it was more of the scheme that kept Foster from having a huge impact? Do you really think he is having trouble with going from sideline to sideline? From the film I've watched on RF, he looks nothing less than spectacular. Does anybody see this as something that may be a long term problem for him?

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I really hate to hear this about Foster. I think this might be the first time I've ready anything that was not raving on how he looked during the game. Is this something to be concerned about for the future? I read where the posters seem to think he had hamstring and issues with cramps most of the game. In addition, it seemed as though he improved as the game went forward.Do you guys think it was more of the scheme that kept Foster from having a huge impact? Do you really think he is having trouble with going from sideline to sideline? From the film I've watched on RF, he looks nothing less than spectacular. Does anybody see this as something that may be a long term problem for him?

I watched the game. I think Carver's offense didn't allow him to make many plays. He missed a few tackles, but he put pressure on JJ when they blitzed him. Also, I think he was cramped up most of the night.

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I watched the game and to me it looked like Carver used Foster's aggressiveness against him. I don't think Auburn High was prepared for Carver. I think they were tremendously out coached. PLEASE NO MORE REUBEN FOSTER AT RUNNING BACK!!!!!! JJ was on point most of the night, I really like his decision making. Got some great guy's coming in next year! War Eagle

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Recorded the game and watched it late last night. Just a few observations:

  1. Carver was obviously better prepared. -Coaching
  2. Johnson looked awesome. Great grasp of the offense, fluid in the pocket, gets the ball out quick, and showed his athleticism.
  3. The knock on Foster has been his ability to defend the pass and play in space. He was mainly a blitzing LBer at Troup and he's being asked to play more within the defense at Auburn. He did look stiff in the hips, but I think playing with better pad level will help.
  4. Shaun Dion Hamilton was impressive.
  5. Carver's front 7 was a huge mismatch for the Auburn OL.
  6. Auburn should have thrown the ball more. Misdirection was a novel idea to slow down that Carver D, but not very effective if you cannot stop the penetration.

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Thanks dudes! Man JJ looked sharp. Kid is going to be a force. Is he a vocal leader or a lead by example kind of guy? Hope he is vocal.

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I really hate to hear this about Foster. I think this might be the first time I've ready anything that was not raving on how he looked during the game. Is this something to be concerned about for the future? I read where the posters seem to think he had hamstring and issues with cramps most of the game. In addition, it seemed as though he improved as the game went forward.Do you guys think it was more of the scheme that kept Foster from having a huge impact? Do you really think he is having trouble with going from sideline to sideline? From the film I've watched on RF, he looks nothing less than spectacular. Does anybody see this as something that may be a long term problem for him?

Since he has knee issues it's possible.
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I watched the game from a TV set. I thought JJ was the real deal. I thought RF played out of control. He will need to reel it in before he gets to college. It is obvious RF has the talent; it was not very visable on Friday. He had his moments, but he was quickly taking himself out of many plays by not breaking down and not being in control.

I think with more coaching he will be very, very good. When he does hit someone, it has to hurt. Watching this game though made me wonder if he was ready to step right in and start. I think he needs some coaching still.

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Most freshman LB's need coaching, and I agree that RF needs to be coached up....but I also think coming in early will help him a ton.

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Most freshman LB's need coaching, and I agree that RF needs to be coached up....but I also think coming in early will help him a ton.

I've never heard that Foster was a candidate for early enrollment. I don't think that's in the cards for him.

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