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Proud Tiger

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Leaders and dignitaries of the European Union; representatives of our NATO Alliance; distinguished guests: We meet here at a moment of testing for Europe and the United States, and for the international order that we have worked for generations to build.

Throughout human history, societies have grappled with fundamental questions of how to organize themselves, the proper relationship between the individual and the state, the best means to resolve inevitable conflicts between states. And it was here in Europe, through centuries of struggle -- through war and Enlightenment, repression and revolution -- that a particular set of ideals began to emerge: The belief that through conscience and free will, each of us has the right to live as we choose. The belief that power is derived from the consent of the governed, and that laws and institutions should be established to protect that understanding. And those ideas eventually inspired a band of colonialists across an ocean, and they wrote them into the founding documents that still guide America today, including the simple truth that all men -- and women -- are created equal.

But those ideals have also been tested -- here in Europe and around the world. Those ideals have often been threatened by an older, more traditional view of power. This alternative vision argues that ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs, that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign. Often, this alternative vision roots itself in the notion that by virtue of race or faith or ethnicity, some are inherently superior to others, and that individual identity must be defined by "us" versus "them," or that national greatness must flow not by what a people stand for, but by what they are against.

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And your point is?

The video is doctored. Did you even bother to read my post or the link I shared?

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How is the video doctored? Maybe it is your text that is doctored.

I'm disappointed, Proud. Surely you're smart enough not to believe that.

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Ben,,,,,How do you know NoNonsense.com isn't a WH spin machine? Just kidding. OK I concede and will delete the thread if I can. That's for sure more than Obama would do.

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Ben,,,,,How do you know NoNonsense.com isn't a WH spin machine? Just kidding. OK I concede and will delete the thread if I can. That's for sure more than Obama would do.

Can't just take ownership without an Obama dig.

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He deserves every dig he gets.

He obviously didn't deserve the one you started this stupid thread with. Did he?


In the grand scheme of things I doubt very seriously this thread much matters. The Supreme Court's 12th 9- 0 unanimous decision in 18 months against oblamma does.

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I cannot argue with you Blue. However, several of those rulings are related to NSA surveillance programs. That's no excuse but, it is worth noting that it was born from policy continued from the previous administration.

And, according to he National Review, it is actually 13 unanimous rulings against the administration. I have no idea why Obama is so loyal to Holder.

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I cannot argue with you Blue. However, several of those rulings are related to NSA surveillance programs. That's no excuse but, it is worth noting that it was born from policy continued from the previous administration.

And, according to he National Review, it is actually 13 unanimous rulings against the administration. I have no idea why Obama is so loyal to Holder.

In the grand scheme of things Holder is worse than obama. Neither are particularly interested in performance of duty within the limits of the law but when an AG politicizes everything like Holder has lawlessness abounds

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Twenty, twenty, twenty four hours to go I wanna be deleted

Nothin' to do, no where to go, oh, I wanna be deleted...


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Ben should have quoted it. BAD BEN!! >:(

I figured the link in my first post and quoting him in my subsequent posts would be more than enough to reconstruct the thread :dunno::P

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Ben should have quoted it. BAD BEN!! >:(

I figured the link in my first post and quoting him in my subsequent posts would be more than enough to reconstruct the thread :dunno::P

Yeah, right. And Lois Lerner's computer "crashed" too. :-\

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