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How Far Do We Let ISIS Go

Proud Tiger

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War is a literal HELL on Earth. Armies (Armed forces) serve two purposes. Kill the enemy and destroy their stuff. The U.S. does this as best can be done with minimal "collateral damage". For many reasons, it is sometimes Very difficult to do. That is why,IMHO, we should never enter an armed conflict unless the goal is to achieve TOTAL Victory ASAP.

Graveyards rarely breach a peace.


DEAD TERRORIST can no longer terrorize ....... : - ) Do you honestly think these murderers want ANY type of PEACE?? SMH

They also radicalize moderates who fall for the radical rhetoric of "this is a war on Islam" or "this is a war on Arabs". You play into the hands of the radicals.

I prefer to call a murdering Islamic terrorist a MURDERING ISLAMIC TERRORIST...hmmm what do you guys call them?...

Terrorists. I do not wish to help them.

Why do we call it, the "War on Terrorism"? Do you want to change it to, the "War on Murdering Islamic Terrorism"? Would that be more, or less effective?

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Wow. Insightful commentary there.


Just as insightful as yours.

Actually, it isn't.

Your emoticon was in reply to my post on the king of Jordan. It shows that he's not just some tin horn dictator who likes to dress up in uniform, like Saddam or Qaddafi. Fidel. Hugo...

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War is a literal HELL on Earth. Armies (Armed forces) serve two purposes. Kill the enemy and destroy their stuff. The U.S. does this as best can be done with minimal "collateral damage". For many reasons, it is sometimes Very difficult to do. That is why,IMHO, we should never enter an armed conflict unless the goal is to achieve TOTAL Victory ASAP.

Graveyards rarely breach a peace.


DEAD TERRORIST can no longer terrorize ....... : - ) Do you honestly think these murderers want ANY type of PEACE?? SMH

They also radicalize moderates who fall for the radical rhetoric of "this is a war on Islam" or "this is a war on Arabs". You play into the hands of the radicals.

I prefer to call a murdering Islamic terrorist a MURDERING ISLAMIC TERRORIST...hmmm what do you guys call them?...

Terrorists. I do not wish to help them.

Why do we call it, the "War on Terrorism"? Do you want to change it to, the "War on Murdering Islamic Terrorism"? Would that be more, or less effective?

I had rather call it "Won and Done"... ;-)
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if you call it a war on terrorism then it should have been elsewhere than iraq. i think we called it "iraqi freedom". are iraqis better off today than they were in 2002? no they are much worse off. that is why more of them hate us now.

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homer - read this slowly, so you'll understand.

The ISSUE is that being discussed is that Muslims across the middle east do,in fact, generally agree and support violence, as a means of defending their religion's " honor " , as well as support Sharia law.

That isn't in debate. The polls CLEARLY show this to be true.

However, in addition to those facts, I ALSO added my personal views, as an aside.

It's great PR to buy into the notion that ISLAM means ' peace ', but the fact of the matter is, it doesn't. It means submission. To the will of Allah. And more importantly, the will of Allah, as described by MAN.

I personally will not submit. Not to Allah, God or those who follow either. THAT Is my view. I care not if you agree or not. The POINT is that Muslims across the middle east are, by a very large part NOT the kind, generous , live and let live people most of us are told they are.

Otherwise, we'd hear and see more rise up and defend their " True " nature of Islam.

Are there good, decent Muslims ? Absolutely. But their #'s are far fewer than we're being told. And I don't care if it's Obama or Shepard Smith who does the telling. I'm not buying it, one damn bit.

Is this a good time to state that you have never travelled to the Middle East?

L O L !!! Thanks. I needed that!

Well, it's necessary to spend some time with foreign people to understand them. Anyone who simply makes definitive statements about a culture or a people without ever having any direct experience with same - in their environment - is a damn fool.

I never spent any time with Nazis,but, I can safely say I would not have invited them over to my home for dinner with the wife and kids...

Nazis were Germans. Ever spent any time with Germans?

(And that was perilously close to another non sequitur.)

I am 1/4 German and I spend lots of time with myself and other family members with the same lineage. Does that retroactively make the Nazis more kindhearted and peace loving? If so, we need to kick barry in gear and with his pen and cell phone he could start a "bring a Radical Muslim home" program,,,,,while there would be a chance for great carnage, what with all the raping-beheadings-crucifixions-burning people alive etc...at least we could say we "spent time with them" without the need to travel to the middle east. <extreme use of sarcasm applied>.......

Another non sequitur. I'm seeing a definate trend here.

The rest is just mindless blather.

Translation: darn it! I hate it when WT is right!

You can't defend your post and you know it. If you want to try, let's go:

  1. I am 1/4 German and I spend lots of time with myself and other family members with the same lineage.
  2. Does that retroactively make the Nazis more kindhearted and peace loving?
  3. If so, we need to kick barry in gear and with his pen and cell phone he could start a "bring a Radical Muslim home" program,,,,,while there would be a chance for great carnage, what with all the raping-beheadings-crucifixions-burning people alive etc...at least we could say we "spent time with them" without the need to travel to the middle east. <extreme use of sarcasm applied>.......

This will be easy. You get a pass on sentence 3 - the aforementioned blather - because it's sarcasm. (It's still blather though.)

So all you have to do is explain 1 and 2. They make no sense to me.

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I want to give 2 quotes from another forum & you tell me what you think...

Double standards. The media makes a good story out of that one pilot and you will hear about it for weeks and weeks but you will never hear about all the Muslim women, children, babies, men and elderly people being burned alive while they are sleeping or just minding their own business and not bothering anyone.

I call that hypocrisy of the West.

if burning people alive is barbaric, and against islam, where is the equal condemnation against the many victims of bombings by not only Jordan, but other "Muslim nations"?

why are you not also condemning the incessant bombings (bombings result in people being burned alive and then being buried under rubble) that the USA, UK, French etc have conducted on Muslims over the past 12 years or so?

Everything's relative.

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War is a literal HELL on Earth. Armies (Armed forces) serve two purposes. Kill the enemy and destroy their stuff. The U.S. does this as best can be done with minimal "collateral damage". For many reasons, it is sometimes Very difficult to do. That is why,IMHO, we should never enter an armed conflict unless the goal is to achieve TOTAL Victory ASAP.

Graveyards rarely breach a peace.


DEAD TERRORIST can no longer terrorize ....... : - ) Do you honestly think these murderers want ANY type of PEACE?? SMH

Is that question directed to Mims?

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War is a literal HELL on Earth. Armies (Armed forces) serve two purposes. Kill the enemy and destroy their stuff. The U.S. does this as best can be done with minimal "collateral damage". For many reasons, it is sometimes Very difficult to do. That is why,IMHO, we should never enter an armed conflict unless the goal is to achieve TOTAL Victory ASAP.

Graveyards rarely breach a peace.


DEAD TERRORIST can no longer terrorize ....... : - ) Do you honestly think these murderers want ANY type of PEACE?? SMH

Is that question directed to Mims?

LOL. I actually used the phrase from some literature from long ago I cannot remember anymore.

It was a man arguing against a dictatorship and their evil ways after having murdered many smaller lands. Someone from the crowd argued "but they preach that they only want peace" .... and the speaker retorted with "of course, graveyards rarely breach a peace"

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homer - read this slowly, so you'll understand.

The ISSUE is that being discussed is that Muslims across the middle east do,in fact, generally agree and support violence, as a means of defending their religion's " honor " , as well as support Sharia law.

That isn't in debate. The polls CLEARLY show this to be true.

However, in addition to those facts, I ALSO added my personal views, as an aside.

It's great PR to buy into the notion that ISLAM means ' peace ', but the fact of the matter is, it doesn't. It means submission. To the will of Allah. And more importantly, the will of Allah, as described by MAN.

I personally will not submit. Not to Allah, God or those who follow either. THAT Is my view. I care not if you agree or not. The POINT is that Muslims across the middle east are, by a very large part NOT the kind, generous , live and let live people most of us are told they are.

Otherwise, we'd hear and see more rise up and defend their " True " nature of Islam.

Are there good, decent Muslims ? Absolutely. But their #'s are far fewer than we're being told. And I don't care if it's Obama or Shepard Smith who does the telling. I'm not buying it, one damn bit.

Is this a good time to state that you have never travelled to the Middle East?

L O L !!! Thanks. I needed that!

Well, it's necessary to spend some time with foreign people to understand them. Anyone who simply makes definitive statements about a culture or a people without ever having any direct experience with same - in their environment - is a damn fool.

I never spent any time with Nazis,but, I can safely say I would not have invited them over to my home for dinner with the wife and kids...

Nazis were Germans. Ever spent any time with Germans?

(And that was perilously close to another non sequitur.)

I am 1/4 German and I spend lots of time with myself and other family members with the same lineage. Does that retroactively make the Nazis more kindhearted and peace loving? If so, we need to kick barry in gear and with his pen and cell phone he could start a "bring a Radical Muslim home" program,,,,,while there would be a chance for great carnage, what with all the raping-beheadings-crucifixions-burning people alive etc...at least we could say we "spent time with them" without the need to travel to the middle east. <extreme use of sarcasm applied>.......

Another non sequitur. I'm seeing a definate trend here.

The rest is just mindless blather.

Translation: darn it! I hate it when WT is right!

You can't defend your post and you know it. If you want to try, let's go:

  1. I am 1/4 German and I spend lots of time with myself and other family members with the same lineage.
  2. Does that retroactively make the Nazis more kindhearted and peace loving?
  3. If so, we need to kick barry in gear and with his pen and cell phone he could start a "bring a Radical Muslim home" program,,,,,while there would be a chance for great carnage, what with all the raping-beheadings-crucifixions-burning people alive etc...at least we could say we "spent time with them" without the need to travel to the middle east. <extreme use of sarcasm applied>.......

This will be easy. You get a pass on sentence 3 - the aforementioned blather - because it's sarcasm. (It's still blather though.)

So all you have to do is explain 1 and 2. They make no sense to me.

That doesn't suprize me in the least. And I do not have the time or patience for THAT exercise in futility. ( throw in a non sequitur in there somewhere to allow you to entertain yourself)...Have a great day homey Claus!
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homer - read this slowly, so you'll understand.

The ISSUE is that being discussed is that Muslims across the middle east do,in fact, generally agree and support violence, as a means of defending their religion's " honor " , as well as support Sharia law.

That isn't in debate. The polls CLEARLY show this to be true.

However, in addition to those facts, I ALSO added my personal views, as an aside.

It's great PR to buy into the notion that ISLAM means ' peace ', but the fact of the matter is, it doesn't. It means submission. To the will of Allah. And more importantly, the will of Allah, as described by MAN.

I personally will not submit. Not to Allah, God or those who follow either. THAT Is my view. I care not if you agree or not. The POINT is that Muslims across the middle east are, by a very large part NOT the kind, generous , live and let live people most of us are told they are.

Otherwise, we'd hear and see more rise up and defend their " True " nature of Islam.

Are there good, decent Muslims ? Absolutely. But their #'s are far fewer than we're being told. And I don't care if it's Obama or Shepard Smith who does the telling. I'm not buying it, one damn bit.

Is this a good time to state that you have never travelled to the Middle East?

L O L !!! Thanks. I needed that!

Well, it's necessary to spend some time with foreign people to understand them. Anyone who simply makes definitive statements about a culture or a people without ever having any direct experience with same - in their environment - is a damn fool.

I never spent any time with Nazis,but, I can safely say I would not have invited them over to my home for dinner with the wife and kids...

Nazis were Germans. Ever spent any time with Germans?

(And that was perilously close to another non sequitur.)

I am 1/4 German and I spend lots of time with myself and other family members with the same lineage. Does that retroactively make the Nazis more kindhearted and peace loving? If so, we need to kick barry in gear and with his pen and cell phone he could start a "bring a Radical Muslim home" program,,,,,while there would be a chance for great carnage, what with all the raping-beheadings-crucifixions-burning people alive etc...at least we could say we "spent time with them" without the need to travel to the middle east. <extreme use of sarcasm applied>.......

Another non sequitur. I'm seeing a definate trend here.

The rest is just mindless blather.

Translation: darn it! I hate it when WT is right!

You can't defend your post and you know it. If you want to try, let's go:

  1. I am 1/4 German and I spend lots of time with myself and other family members with the same lineage.
  2. Does that retroactively make the Nazis more kindhearted and peace loving?
  3. If so, we need to kick barry in gear and with his pen and cell phone he could start a "bring a Radical Muslim home" program,,,,,while there would be a chance for great carnage, what with all the raping-beheadings-crucifixions-burning people alive etc...at least we could say we "spent time with them" without the need to travel to the middle east. <extreme use of sarcasm applied>.......

This will be easy. You get a pass on sentence 3 - the aforementioned blather - because it's sarcasm. (It's still blather though.)

So all you have to do is explain 1 and 2. They make no sense to me.

That doesn't suprize me in the least. And I do not have the time or patience for THAT exercise in futility. ( throw in a non sequitur in there somewhere to allow you to entertain yourself)...Have a great day homey Claus!

Yeah, just like I said. You can't defend your posts. This is just a stage for you to spout random nonsense.

Ease up a little. I agree with you but, WT is obviously making an effort to be much more civil. Don't kill his spirit.

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homer - read this slowly, so you'll understand.

The ISSUE is that being discussed is that Muslims across the middle east do,in fact, generally agree and support violence, as a means of defending their religion's " honor " , as well as support Sharia law.

That isn't in debate. The polls CLEARLY show this to be true.

However, in addition to those facts, I ALSO added my personal views, as an aside.

It's great PR to buy into the notion that ISLAM means ' peace ', but the fact of the matter is, it doesn't. It means submission. To the will of Allah. And more importantly, the will of Allah, as described by MAN.

I personally will not submit. Not to Allah, God or those who follow either. THAT Is my view. I care not if you agree or not. The POINT is that Muslims across the middle east are, by a very large part NOT the kind, generous , live and let live people most of us are told they are.

Otherwise, we'd hear and see more rise up and defend their " True " nature of Islam.

Are there good, decent Muslims ? Absolutely. But their #'s are far fewer than we're being told. And I don't care if it's Obama or Shepard Smith who does the telling. I'm not buying it, one damn bit.

Is this a good time to state that you have never travelled to the Middle East?

L O L !!! Thanks. I needed that!

Well, it's necessary to spend some time with foreign people to understand them. Anyone who simply makes definitive statements about a culture or a people without ever having any direct experience with same - in their environment - is a damn fool.

I never spent any time with Nazis,but, I can safely say I would not have invited them over to my home for dinner with the wife and kids...

Nazis were Germans. Ever spent any time with Germans?

(And that was perilously close to another non sequitur.)

I am 1/4 German and I spend lots of time with myself and other family members with the same lineage. Does that retroactively make the Nazis more kindhearted and peace loving? If so, we need to kick barry in gear and with his pen and cell phone he could start a "bring a Radical Muslim home" program,,,,,while there would be a chance for great carnage, what with all the raping-beheadings-crucifixions-burning people alive etc...at least we could say we "spent time with them" without the need to travel to the middle east. <extreme use of sarcasm applied>.......

Another non sequitur. I'm seeing a definate trend here.

The rest is just mindless blather.

Translation: darn it! I hate it when WT is right!

You can't defend your post and you know it. If you want to try, let's go:

  1. I am 1/4 German and I spend lots of time with myself and other family members with the same lineage.
  2. Does that retroactively make the Nazis more kindhearted and peace loving?
  3. If so, we need to kick barry in gear and with his pen and cell phone he could start a "bring a Radical Muslim home" program,,,,,while there would be a chance for great carnage, what with all the raping-beheadings-crucifixions-burning people alive etc...at least we could say we "spent time with them" without the need to travel to the middle east. <extreme use of sarcasm applied>.......

This will be easy. You get a pass on sentence 3 - the aforementioned blather - because it's sarcasm. (It's still blather though.)

So all you have to do is explain 1 and 2. They make no sense to me.

That doesn't suprize me in the least. And I do not have the time or patience for THAT exercise in futility. ( throw in a non sequitur in there somewhere to allow you to entertain yourself)...Have a great day homey Claus!

Yeah, just like I said. You can't defend your posts. This is just a stage for you to spout random nonsense.

Ease up a little. I agree with you but, WT is obviously making an effort to be much more civil. Don't kill his spirit.

I don't care. If he's not prepared to take responsibility for your posts we don't need him IMO. I am tired of the nonsense.

I've come to the conclusion that the more you let it slide, the more you will get. I'm going to challenge it when it suits me.

Come on. It's a step. It is obvious he is trying very hard. You have to give him credit. You are taking the Republican foreign policy attitude. I'm not trying to tell you what to do. Don't want to play hall monitor. I'm just asking you to acknowledge his effort and, employ a little consideration for it. Please, as a favor.

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homer - read this slowly, so you'll understand.

The ISSUE is that being discussed is that Muslims across the middle east do,in fact, generally agree and support violence, as a means of defending their religion's " honor " , as well as support Sharia law.

That isn't in debate. The polls CLEARLY show this to be true.

However, in addition to those facts, I ALSO added my personal views, as an aside.

It's great PR to buy into the notion that ISLAM means ' peace ', but the fact of the matter is, it doesn't. It means submission. To the will of Allah. And more importantly, the will of Allah, as described by MAN.

I personally will not submit. Not to Allah, God or those who follow either. THAT Is my view. I care not if you agree or not. The POINT is that Muslims across the middle east are, by a very large part NOT the kind, generous , live and let live people most of us are told they are.

Otherwise, we'd hear and see more rise up and defend their " True " nature of Islam.

Are there good, decent Muslims ? Absolutely. But their #'s are far fewer than we're being told. And I don't care if it's Obama or Shepard Smith who does the telling. I'm not buying it, one damn bit.

Is this a good time to state that you have never travelled to the Middle East?

L O L !!! Thanks. I needed that!

Well, it's necessary to spend some time with foreign people to understand them. Anyone who simply makes definitive statements about a culture or a people without ever having any direct experience with same - in their environment - is a damn fool.

I never spent any time with Nazis,but, I can safely say I would not have invited them over to my home for dinner with the wife and kids...

Nazis were Germans. Ever spent any time with Germans?

(And that was perilously close to another non sequitur.)

I am 1/4 German and I spend lots of time with myself and other family members with the same lineage. Does that retroactively make the Nazis more kindhearted and peace loving? If so, we need to kick barry in gear and with his pen and cell phone he could start a "bring a Radical Muslim home" program,,,,,while there would be a chance for great carnage, what with all the raping-beheadings-crucifixions-burning people alive etc...at least we could say we "spent time with them" without the need to travel to the middle east. <extreme use of sarcasm applied>.......

Another non sequitur. I'm seeing a definate trend here.

The rest is just mindless blather.

Translation: darn it! I hate it when WT is right!

You can't defend your post and you know it. If you want to try, let's go:

  1. I am 1/4 German and I spend lots of time with myself and other family members with the same lineage.
  2. Does that retroactively make the Nazis more kindhearted and peace loving?
  3. If so, we need to kick barry in gear and with his pen and cell phone he could start a "bring a Radical Muslim home" program,,,,,while there would be a chance for great carnage, what with all the raping-beheadings-crucifixions-burning people alive etc...at least we could say we "spent time with them" without the need to travel to the middle east. <extreme use of sarcasm applied>.......

This will be easy. You get a pass on sentence 3 - the aforementioned blather - because it's sarcasm. (It's still blather though.)

So all you have to do is explain 1 and 2. They make no sense to me.

That doesn't suprize me in the least. And I do not have the time or patience for THAT exercise in futility. ( throw in a non sequitur in there somewhere to allow you to entertain yourself)...Have a great day homey Claus!

Yeah, just like I said. You can't defend your posts. This is just a stage for you to spout random nonsense.

Ease up a little. I agree with you but, WT is obviously making an effort to be much more civil. Don't kill his spirit.

Thanks for the effort Ichy. My "spirit" is fine!! :-) Have a great evening!
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I'm not sure I have ever seen a forum quite so quote happy.

oh, and to keep on topic... Nazis are bad, Germans are cool.

Its those darn Atlantis libertarians-that are at the core of all problems!!! (And I don't mean GA)...
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Well for the next two years they will have essentially free reign. Unless we can talk them to death nobody is actually going to stop them. We're the only ones who can. Unfortunately we have the modern day version of Neville Chamberlain. His narcissistic personality leads him to believe that the sheer force of his personality will cause the bad guys to come around and act right.

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Well for the next two years they will have essentially free reign. Unless we can talk them to death nobody is actually going to stop them. We're the only ones who can. Unfortunately we have the modern day version of Neville Chamberlain. His narcissistic personality leads him to believe that the sheer force of his personality will cause the bad guys to come around and act right.

There's that meme again. I wonder what it's origin was?

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Well for the next two years they will have essentially free reign. Unless we can talk them to death nobody is actually going to stop them. We're the only ones who can. Unfortunately we have the modern day version of Neville Chamberlain. His narcissistic personality leads him to believe that the sheer force of his personality will cause the bad guys to come around and act right.

Neville Chamberlain, Nazis, Crusades? And the obligatory "narcissist" comment.

Welcome back CT. How was the recruiting forum?

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Well for the next two years they will have essentially free reign. Unless we can talk them to death nobody is actually going to stop them. We're the only ones who can. Unfortunately we have the modern day version of Neville Chamberlain. His narcissistic personality leads him to believe that the sheer force of his personality will cause the bad guys to come around and act right.

There's that meme again. I wonder what it's origin was?

Well homer all you have to do is just study the man and you can figure that out. It's not hard. It's only part of the equation. Another, maybe bigger part, is the fact that he just simply doesn't believe in American and Western civilization being inherently good. Go back to his speech in Berlin. He called himself a citizen of the world. That was done for a reason. He has a giant chip on his shoulders about this country. In his mind we are the bad guys. He completely mischaracterized the crusades and what it was about. We can try and decipher the reasons all day long. Bottom line is that as long as he is in the white house, nothing of any substance is going to be done about ISIS, Putin or any other bad guy in the world and these people know it.
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Well for the next two years they will have essentially free reign. Unless we can talk them to death nobody is actually going to stop them. We're the only ones who can. Unfortunately we have the modern day version of Neville Chamberlain. His narcissistic personality leads him to believe that the sheer force of his personality will cause the bad guys to come around and act right.

How about reading this thread and get back to me. If you think they have free reign...... well just read the thread. http://www.aufamily.com/forums/topic/143836-strategic-patience/

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Ichy. I respect you. But, what the heck do you mean conquer all of them? (Scratching my head)...

You have to see beyond defeating ISIS. You have to realize the goal is to end terrorism. We crushed Al Qaeda (at least in Iraq) but, in only a few years and, thanks to Assad and Maliki, we are right back where we started with ISIS.

Ultimately the leaders of Arab nations have to rein in their own radical clerics. There is a duality there that has to end. You will still have to deal with Iran but, at least they will then be isolated.

Anyway, this is a war that Arabs should be fighting if you ever want it to end. If we do it for them, we will be doing it over and over again for the foreseeable future. Unless, our strategy is to conquer and occupy. And, that doesn't just mean Iraq. All of these countries have some radical clerics. I believe they are the real problem. Them, and the political leaders who are afraid to confront them.

All merely my opinion, of course.

I think this is the head of the nail. Problem is, the leaders in the Arab world don't want get involved with the U.S. for fear of the local retaliation from the radicals and thus maintain the status quo to "minimize" casualties in their land by not agitating the radicals or they are just nor equipped and funded enough to handle it on their own? Yes, they are a large part of the problem, b/c they refuse to take action to help solve the problems in the middle east.

Maybe part of Iraq not being in better is kind of the same mentality?? Now that fewer U.S. troops are there , they don't want to rock the boat with the radicals for fear of what they would do or what they would do worse in their own towns and cities.

I don't think there is EVER going to be an end to terrorism, up until the Lord returns, no more than police can completely curb crime. As hard as local police work at stopping crime, for everyone they pick up there are several more doing the same or worse. War on terrorism is and will continue to be a part of life as we know it. As soon as U.S. forces, Jordan forces, or whoever take out 50 of them in a convoy, there will be 100 more coming off their training fields. I say identify, find, locate and utterly DESTROY their training facilities, if you want to really start making a dent in their efforts. Continue to squeeze down on tracking and isolating their financing streams, too.

A HUGE storm is brewing the middle east as the other nations must decide when they have had enough and they are ready to fight back for the women and children. The U.S. should and will continue to protect the homeland from any and all threats!!

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I truly believe the actions of ISIS over the last few months will ultimately lead to their downfall. Jordan is just the first one to go all in. You can thank an overzealous leadership of ISIS for this turn of events.

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emt....I sure hope you are right. But another American hostage has been killed and the WH says ISIS has more. Less a two years ago I walked the streets of Cairo and smaller Egyptian towns day and night w/o great worry. I wouldn't do it today for sure let alone in other countries. I would even be afraid in Amman and off the beat towns in Jordan. Anyone who thinks they know all the place ISIS is lurking is kidding themselves.

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Well for the next two years they will have essentially free reign. Unless we can talk them to death nobody is actually going to stop them. We're the only ones who can. Unfortunately we have the modern day version of Neville Chamberlain. His narcissistic personality leads him to believe that the sheer force of his personality will cause the bad guys to come around and act right.

There's that meme again. I wonder what it's origin was?

Well homer all you have to do is just study the man and you can figure that out. It's not hard. It's only part of the equation. Another, maybe bigger part, is the fact that he just simply doesn't believe in American and Western civilization being inherently good. Go back to his speech in Berlin. He called himself a citizen of the world. That was done for a reason. He has a giant chip on his shoulders about this country. In his mind we are the bad guys. He completely mischaracterized the crusades and what it was about. We can try and decipher the reasons all day long. Bottom line is that as long as he is in the white house, nothing of any substance is going to be done about ISIS, Putin or any other bad guy in the world and these people know it.

What a bunch of delusional BS that is. :no: Obama hates America. :-\ (It's also a little pathetic.)

Trust me, I am fairly familiar with personality disorders and I never would even have thought of referring to Obama as a narcissist.

There was a period a while back where every ODS-sufferer on the forum incorporated narcissist in their rants. Never use to hear it, then is becomes a "standard" in their repertoire. It seemed spontaneous, but I know it got started somewhere.

Was it Rush? :dunno:

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Well for the next two years they will have essentially free reign. Unless we can talk them to death nobody is actually going to stop them. We're the only ones who can. Unfortunately we have the modern day version of Neville Chamberlain. His narcissistic personality leads him to believe that the sheer force of his personality will cause the bad guys to come around and act right.

How about reading this thread and get back to me. If you think they have free reign...... well just read the thread. http://www.aufamily....tegic-patience/

Yeah, seriously. I hate drive-by ODS rants. ;D

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