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Left Auburn early for the draft because his mother is homeless. Can't fault a kid for that and hope everything goes well for him and his family.


Auburn RB Peyton Barber entered the NFL draft because his mom is homeless

Auburn running back Peyton Barber surprised a lot of people when he declared for the 2016 NFL draft last month. He began the season third on the Tigers’ depth chart and started only nine games in his college career.

But now Barber’s decision to enter the draft makes a lot more sense:

These kinds of stories are why it’s hard to criticize some players for leaving college early. We don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes and what kind of financial pressure these players and their families are under.

Barber rushed for 1,017 yards and scored 13 touchdowns in 2015 for Auburn. He’s projected by most media outlets to go somewhere between the fourth and sixth round.

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Goes to show you shouldn't ever judge a guy just because he comes out early. Nobody knows the player's issues or circumstances.

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Goes to show you shouldn't ever judge a guy just because he comes out early. Nobody knows the player's issues or circumstances.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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I just read it online and am so happy to see it posted here. Just makes me love him and root for him all the more although the educator in me...

Go, Peyton, go! Then go do a BO! :jossun:


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It's a sad day when a young guy like this has to take care of a parent....world has turned upside down..

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i will probably get slammed for this, but here it goes. I hate this whole situation for his mother, but I sure hope peyton doesn't get taken advantage of here. apparently he commented that this is not the first time, and it is nothing new. I pray that he doesn't find himself in similar position due to having too big of a heart. good luck peyton! we are pulling for you.

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Then go do a BO! :jossun:/>


Rip his hip out of socket and never play the same again?

But make millions playing another sport? I'd take it

I got half of it, but I think I may have done it out of order...

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Then go do a BO! :jossun:/>


Rip his hip out of socket and never play the same again?

A million positive angles to go with and you pick this one?

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I just read it online and am so happy to see it posted here. Just makes me love him and root for him all the more although the educator in me...

Go, Peyton, go! Then go do a BO! :jossun:


"Do a Bo" means, I think, come back, finish school and earn that degree.

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i will probably get slammed for this, but here it goes. I hate this whole situation for his mother, but I sure hope peyton doesn't get taken advantage of here. apparently he commented that this is not the first time, and it is nothing new. I pray that he doesn't find himself in similar position due to having too big of a heart. good luck peyton! we are pulling for you.

Well without knowing why I wouldn't judge his mom. There are individuals with master degrees living under bridges on the loop in Chicago cause they can't find work cause no position is open, they won't be hired due to their age, or they are overqualified. I remember the story on one, guy lost everything when a family member got sick, he died during one of the winters. Was too proud to take assistance or to go to a shelter and froze to death.

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You're right, Texan. kneejerk reaction from me. poorly made, first instinct post. You never know the reasons. Fortunately for her, her "homeless"ness is being offset by loving family members that have taken her in. I should have been more sensible in the matter. I do understand what a family in crisis goes through, and hope that the Barber family is able to overcome this.

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I wonder if the coaches and others were aware of his situation while he was at AU. If so looks like someone could have helped him.

Helped him? Giving Ramsey a box of food for his wife and kid and one month's rent money got Pat Dye fired. According to the NCAA, compassion is the first step towards probation.

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I wonder if the coaches and others were aware of his situation while he was at AU. If so looks like someone could have helped him.

Helped him? Giving Ramsey a box of food for his wife and kid and one month's rent money got Pat Dye fired. According to the NCAA, compassion is the first step towards probation.

Mostly diapers and baby food but all you ever heard was about Ramsey wanting steaks. it was nothing more than what a Sunday School class often gives to help struggling families where the child is doing without.

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So for Peyton Barber to be helping Auburn University bring in millions of dollars his free education and dorm should be enough, right? His mom is homeless while Gus is driving around in a $140k car which he earned off of these kid's hard physical work.

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So for Peyton Barber to be helping Auburn University bring in millions of dollars his free education and dorm should be enough, right? His mom is homeless while Gus is driving around in a $140k car which he earned on these kid's hard physical work.

The ROI on the "free educations" Auburn gives these players is sick.

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So for Peyton Barber to be helping Auburn University bring in millions of dollars his free education and dorm should be enough, right? His mom is homeless while Gus is driving around in a $140k car which he earned off of these kid's hard physical work.

He's leaving school and going to work to support his mom. Nobody forced him to play college ball. His mom could get a job to support herself, and if that's not possible could get public assistance. Peyton was getting a tremendous amount...education, housing, stipend, food, pell grant money, plus a lifetime of personal/professional connections. There were probably other ways to handle this predicament, not sure why it lead to this decision.

Some people act as though sacrifice is dirty thinking that should be avoided at all costs.

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I would classify what Gus is making as a tremendous amount. What the kids who who are sweating, bleeding, puking, and putting themselves at risk for CTE on the field from summer to December are bringing in to the program, from a monetary standpoint that is even more tremendous. I don't think any of the things you listed compare to Gus' salary of $4M/year. JMO. we can agree to disagree here.

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I would classify what Gus is making as a tremendous amount. I don't think any of the things you listed compare to $4M/year. JMO. we can agree to disagree here.

Correct, Gus is not an amateur athlete. He is at, or near, the the top of his "chosen" profession. The amount he makes or the University makes has no bearing on Peyton's situation.

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