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Baltimore - All charges dropped in Gray case.


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Prosecutors have dropped the remaining charges against Baltimore police officers in the death of Freddie Gray, bringing an end to the case without a conviction.


who didn't see this coming? Well, seems Moseby's case wasn't as strong as she promised.

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7 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Now what? 

Nothing.  The writing was on the wall.  The judge wasn't going to convict anyone in this case of so much as causing a hangnail.  It was futile to keep going.

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7 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Nothing.  The writing was on the wall.  The judge wasn't going to convict anyone in this case of so much as causing a hangnail.  It was futile to keep going.

You know why? The law is really not that esoteric. Getting convictions requires evidence and Moseby's team had none. Its really quite simple and predictable. I told you this would probably happen from the very beginning when she filed her charges well before the evidence was even in. SHe was pandering to an angry mob hoping to launch a political career. Now she may have to fight to keep from getting disbarred.

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Mosby  doubles down ...

Marilyn Mosby Blasts Police Corruption After Charges Dropped Against  Freddie Gray Officers



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Just another one of many cases making the point on how you can kill a black man and not get in trouble in some cases

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13 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Just another one of many cases making the point on how you can kill a black man and not get in trouble

To be fair in this case Cole, if you charged the cops with a lessor charge of some kind of culpability then you have something. But murder? That was a stretch from the outset. Simply put, this was a blunder by you know who.

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46 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Just another one of many cases making the point on how you can kill a black man and not get in trouble in some cases

Yep, oh so many cases. 


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