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Wins vs Loses -- What would satisfy you?


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Just curious what everyone's mood is.  Where does Auburn need to finish for you to declare the season a success?  Not really looking for a litany of if's and but's, just simply numbers.

For me it would 9-3.

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There's always gotta be 1 "if" in my mind...

I'm okay with 7-8 wins IF at least one is thUga or uat.

If they lose both, even 10-11 wins are "empty" to me....but I admit, that's just me.

GOTTA beat at least 1 of them EVERY year.

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i am going with 9 wins and a good bowl......

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My head says 9-3 for the season but my heart says 16-0

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1 minute ago, jared52 said:

16-0. I'm never satisfied.

Given that we can only play a max 15 games, I can understand why you're never satisfied. 

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Just now, aujeff11 said:

Given that we can only play a max 15 games, I can understand why you're never satisfied. 

You got the joke! Well done. 

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3 minutes ago, AUIH1 said:

9 regular season wins with one of those against uga or spuat.



I know we haven't beaten Georgia without NC teams in just a bout over a decade, so it's sad we have to put a team like Geogia with a new dtaff and TF QB on up there with Bama. 

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6 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

I know we haven't beaten Georgia without NC teams in just a bout over a decade, so it's sad we have to put a team like Geogia with a new dtaff and TF QB on up there with Bama. 

Just a personal preference.  uga is our 2nd biggest rival and the way they have just abused us for most of the last decade is ridiculous.  This season, beating LSU would be a bigger accomplishment since I think LSU will be the 3rd best team on our schedule after spuat and Clemson.


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10 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

I know we haven't beaten Georgia without NC teams in just a bout over a decade, so it's sad we have to put a team like Geogia with a new dtaff and TF QB on up there with Bama. 

For many of us who grew up in Ga (I grew up less than an hour from Athens) the thUga game is right up with uat every year, regardless of recent history.

ThUga fans are basically bammers without the trophies...

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I have to see how we play, then I can make a decision on if we are playing to our potential or not. Of course never losing to teams like Kentucky, vandy, etc

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3 minutes ago, cole256 said:

I have to see how we play, then I can make a decision on if we are playing to our potential or not. Of course never losing to teams like Kentucky, vandy, etc

If we play to our potential what win total would it take for you? just curious

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It doesn't matter which season we're talking about or what the previous season's results were to me. I don't always expect 10 wins but if it's less than 10 wins I'm not satisfied. 

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Well it depends. If we played great against lsu I wouldn't say we should've lost to arky. But I also look at our progression through the season. But I don't think I'd have too much negative to say if we won 9 games

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1 hour ago, DAG said:

7 Wins:

Arkansas State



Miss St


Alabama A&M


We should win All of these games. No excuses

I imagine we can win our bowl game too.  Everything else is a plus

Losing to any of these guys is unsatisfactory.

If we were to beat LSU my expectations rise to beating Ole Miss, thUGA, and Bama.

Surely we can get to 9 wins.  8 mildly disappointed. 7 and I'm looking with a very jaundiced eye at our staff.

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10 minutes ago, AUGoo said:

Losing to any of these guys is unsatisfactory.

If we were to beat LSU my expectations rise to beating Ole Miss, thUGA, and Bama.

Surely we can get to 9 wins.  8 mildly disappointed. 7 and I'm looking with a very jaundiced eye at our staff.

I think out of all them, UGA gives us the best chance of having a 9 win season. 

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9 wins. I think our greatest chance for an upset is Clemson. Early in the season every one is rusty. We may be favored against UGA this year. We WILL BEAT Arky. Mark my words!

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Just now, tombigbeetiger said:

if we finish 8-5, i'll be more than satisfied with the job malzahn did....won't happen, though....we'll finish 5-7


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