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Soros Backed Group Fires Operative After Attack

Proud Tiger

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An operative for a George Soros backed group is fired after alleged attack on GOP campaign manager. These groups have been encouraging violence so this should come as no surprise.


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I love how Fox always finds a way to bring up the Soros bogeyman.  The year he gave the most, he accounted for about 10% of their donations.  Last cycle it was about 2%.  But gotta scare the old folks somehow I guess.

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20 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I love how Fox always finds a way to bring up the Soros bogeyman.  The year he gave the most, he accounted for about 10% of their donations.  Last cycle it was about 2%.  But gotta scare the old folks somehow I guess.

Speaking of Soros


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43 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I love how Fox always finds a way to bring up the Soros bogeyman.  The year he gave the most, he accounted for about 10% of their donations.  Last cycle it was about 2%.  But gotta scare the old folks somehow I guess.

Link to these numbers? I doubt many people have any clue where Soros spends his money. You sure don't. Must be nice to be young, naive and in denial. It's not just FOX, maybe these other outlets will broaden your horizon of what is reality.





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27 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

Link to these numbers? I doubt many people have any clue where Soros spends his money. You sure don't.

Easy peasy: https://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/lookup2.php?strID=C00492140&cycle=2018

You can look up any year.  The years they cited, you can see their total donations.  Divide his contributions by the total.

Any other wrongly confident, smartass questions you'd like to ask?


27 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

Must be nice to be young, naive and in denial. It's not just FOX, maybe these other outlets will broaden your horizon of what is reality.




Daily Wire and Breitbart are Fox News on a bender and a concussion, respectively.

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8 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

Easy peasy: https://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/lookup2.php?strID=C00492140&cycle=2018

You can look up any year.  The years they cited, you can see their total donations.  Divide his contributions by the total.

Any other wrongly confident, smartass questions you'd like to ask?


Daily Wire and Breitbart are Fox News on a bender and a concussion, respectively.

Must be nice to be young and math literate. ;)

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12 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

Easy peasy: https://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/lookup2.php?strID=C00492140&cycle=2018

You can look up any year.  The years they cited, you can see their total donations.  Divide his contributions by the total.


These expenditures by American Bridge are barely a drop in the bucket of the money Soros spends on his causes. Nice try along with your usual cutesies but no cigar.

FYI here is more on the subject guy. Guess he is OK with you.


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20 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

These expenditures by American Bridge are barely a drop in the bucket of the money Soros spends on his causes. Nice try along with your usual cutesies but no cigar.

Ah, the well-used Proud Tiger tactic of changing his argument midstream when he gets owned by facts.

I simply pointed out that saying American Bridge is "Soros backed" is rather silly when his "backing" amounts to somewhere between 2 and 10% of their overall donations and you questioned it.  You asked for proof and I gave it to you.  


20 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

You'll do much better if you stop trying to make other people's arguments for them.  I can point out the holes and fallacies in your statements about him without him being "OK" with me.

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4 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Ah, the well-used Proud Tiger tactic of changing his argument midstream when he gets owned by facts.

I simply pointed out that saying American Bridge is "Soros backed" is rather silly when his "backing" amounts to somewhere between 2 and 10% of their overall donations and you questioned it.  You asked for proof and I gave it to you.  


You'll do much better if you stop trying to make other people's arguments for them.  I can point out the holes and fallacies in your statements about him without him being "OK" with me.

I didn't change anything midstream. Just trying to educate you a little. But you rationalize anything you don't like. You have a yellow ribbon tied around a box with your opinions and perspective of reality inside.You don't let anybody penetrate that. I  used to be that way when I was younger.  The ribbon will come untied one day and it will hurt at the time but you will ultimately be better off for it. Until then......cheers.

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13 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

I didn't change anything midstream. Just trying to educate you a little. But you rationalize anything you don't like. You have a yellow ribbon tied around a box with your opinions and perspective of reality inside.You don't let anybody penetrate that. I  used to be that way when I was younger.  The ribbon will come untied one day and it will hurt at the time but you will ultimately be better off for it. Until then......cheers.

PT, everyone here can see exactly what you did and it shocks no one because it's one of your favorite arrows in the quiver.

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22 hours ago, Proud Tiger said:

Link to these numbers? I doubt many people have any clue where Soros spends his money. You sure don't. Must be nice to be young, naive and in denial. It's not just FOX, maybe these other outlets will broaden your horizon of what is reality.





It's the Jewish cabal PT.  

Very secretive. :rolleyes:

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I seriously don't get the obsession with Soros. He's hardly as powerful as the conservative outlets make him seem. I could go on an on about the Republican donors that have far more influence on their party than Soros has on his. Koch brothers just to name two.

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18 hours ago, channonc said:

I seriously don't get the obsession with Soros. He's hardly as powerful as the conservative outlets make him seem. I could go on an on about the Republican donors that have far more influence on their party than Soros has on his. Koch brothers just to name two.

Everybody loves a boogeyman. Speaking out against the War in Iraq and donating to groups opposing W got him put on a lot of shitlists, and it has snowballed from there. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/17/2018 at 9:12 PM, Proud Tiger said:

Link to these numbers? I doubt many people have any clue where Soros spends his money. You sure don't. Must be nice to be young, naive and in denial. It's not just FOX, maybe these other outlets will broaden your horizon of what is reality.




Proud, Love you man, and we go way back but...I wont even soil my monitor by clicking on any od those three. Fox, DW, and Breitbart? PT you have to up your game here. No one is going to those sites. They openly twist and mangle reporting to suit the audience. I am not saying that there isnt some of that going on everywhere, but I havent watched Fox in 13-15 years. I would never reference the other two for any reason.  I dont go on Alternet, and many other sites either. I pick and choose on even buzzfeed. They can be worse than most in an instant and be as good as it gets next article.

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7 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Proud, Love you man, and we go way back but...I wont even soil my monitor by clicking on any od those three. Fox, DW, and Breitbart? PT you have to up your game here. No one is going to those sites. They openly twist and mangle reporting to suit the audience. I am not saying that there isnt some of that going on everywhere, but I havent watched Fox in 13-15 years. I would never reference the other two for any reason.  I dont go on Alternet, and many other sites either. I pick and choose on even buzzfeed. They can be worse than most in an instant and be as good as it gets next article.

Not sure why you brought this up again since it is 2 months old and we discussed it back in October. Not sure why you hate FOX so much. It happens to be my favorite site for news since they usually have stuff first. And they continue to be the #1 in cable news so  I'm not in some minority contrary to your belief that "no one is going to those sites." Sure they make mistakes. All media does. I could give you a couple of links to recent ones but no need. And I would note I never go to DW or Breitbart either unless I click on a link someone else posts or in doing a Google search about something.

You like others seem to pooh pooh Soros influence. I happen to believe it is more than meets the eye. He is an evil person. I respect your opinions even if I don't agree and hope you would do the same in return.

P.S.----I'm sure you won't be happy that former FOXNews journalist and current State Dept. spokeswoman Heather Nauert has been nominated to replace Nikki Hayley as our ambassador to the U.N.. Here's a link from the NYT rather than Fox for you;D


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22 hours ago, Proud Tiger said:

Not sure why you brought this up again since it is 2 months old and we discussed it back in October. Not sure why you hate FOX so much. It happens to be my favorite site for news since they usually have stuff first. And they continue to be the #1 in cable news so  I'm not in some minority contrary to your belief that "no one is going to those sites." Sure they make mistakes. All media does. I could give you a couple of links to recent ones but no need. And I would note I never go to DW or Breitbart either unless I click on a link someone else posts or in doing a Google search about something.

You like others seem to pooh pooh Soros influence. I happen to believe it is more than meets the eye. He is an evil person. I respect your opinions even if I don't agree and hope you would do the same in return.

P.S.----I'm sure you won't be happy that former FOXNews journalist and current State Dept. spokeswoman Heather Nauert has been nominated to replace Nikki Hayley as our ambassador to the U.N.. Here's a link from the NYT rather than Fox for you;D


"evil person"   ??

Good grief.

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