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Trouble in Bernie Land

Proud Tiger

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Well, well well.......now it's Bernie's turn in the sexual harassment barrel. But he has a great excuse for ignoring it.....I was too busy..LMAO


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He doesn't get a pass.  If this happened under his watch, it's on him.  Just like when a college football coach claims ignorance to me about violations.  Your program, your problem.

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1 hour ago, Brad_ATX said:

He doesn't get a pass.  If this happened under his watch, it's on him.  Just like when a college football coach claims ignorance to me about violations.  Your program, your problem.

I agree but why the "if'? It was clearly on his watch.

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3 hours ago, Proud Tiger said:

Well, well well.......now it's Bernie's turn in the sexual harassment barrel. But he has a great excuse for ignoring it.....I was too busy..LMAO


I may have missed it in the article, but were these issues brought to Bernie's attention during the campaign?

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1) It probably happened. 
2) It is pervasive in politics and especially in Washington DC.
3) Bernie Sanders has made enemies in high places for the success of his campaign in 2016. He is blamed for costing HRC the election at least in part.
4) When you scare those in charge, you will be dealt with. 

Bernie and his wife have been drug thru the wringer since 2016. The problems they have are not made up, they are of their own doing, BUT others are here to insure that they are derailed or at least highly damaged before 2020 campaign starts. 

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3 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

1) It probably happened. 
2) It is pervasive in politics and especially in Washington DC.
3) Bernie Sanders has made enemies in high places for the success of his campaign in 2016. He is blamed for costing HRC the election at least in part.
4) When you scare those in charge, you will be dealt with. 

Bernie and his wife have been drug thru the wringer since 2016. The problems they have are not made up, they are of their own doing, BUT others are here to insure that they are derailed or at least highly damaged before 2020 campaign starts. ---kind of like the hate Trump crowd?

Click on the line that says what people are talking about. JMHO but Bernie has no chance in 2020. The Dems will go after new blood just like they did with Obama.

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18 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

Kind of like the hate Trump crowd?

No. Trump drags himself through the mud and claims victim. While lying about everything he speaks about.

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15 hours ago, HVAU said:

I may have missed it in the article, but were these issues brought to Bernie's attention during the campaign?

Nothing in the article says it was.

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21 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Nothing in the article says it was.

Just my opinion here, but if these issues were not brought to his attention I don't see him as being culpable in any mishandling.  On the other hand, if the issues were brought to his attention and were not dealt with he is completely culpable and should be held to the same standards as others that have turned a blind eye to such sexual misconduct.

A clear distinction should also be made, however, that people like Kavanaugh, Franken, Weinstein, Spacey, Trump, Rose etc. were accused of being the perpetrators of sexual harassment, misconduct or assault.  If Bernie facilitated such treatment of female staff, he was wrong to do so, but we should also avoid making the false equivalences so favored by the participants of these threads.

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6 minutes ago, HVAU said:

Just my opinion here, but if these issues were not brought to his attention I don't see him as being culpable in any mishandling.  On the other hand, if the issues were brought to his attention and were not dealt with he is completely culpable and should be held to the same standards as others that have turned a blind eye to such sexual misconduct.

A clear distinction should also be made, however, that people like Kavanaugh, Franken, Weinstein, Spacey, Trump, Rose etc. were accused of being the perpetrators of sexual harassment, misconduct or assault.  If Bernie facilitated such treatment of female staff, he was wrong to do so, but we should also avoid making the false equivalences so favored by the participants of these threads.

If some folks here couldn't make false equivalencies, they'd only have one post a year.

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Looks like it was at least one of Bernie's presidential advisers who is guilty. Since there were several witnesses it's hard to imagine no one told Bernie.


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31 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

Looks like it was at least one of Bernie's presidential advisers who is guilty. Since there were several witnesses it's hard to imagine no one told Bernie.


No it's not.

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