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3 minutes ago, abw0004 said:

I do agree that people can be like that, but from what I have been he does it in defense of himself.  But, when he does, he has a limit on how far he takes it, and never calls anyone out specifically, always to a greater group so no one feels singled out.  And then others do single him out.  

nix was pretty much called an alkie just this morning abw. i guess we can all be a little guilty.

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6 minutes ago, abw0004 said:

I do agree that people can be like that, but from what I have been he does it in defense of himself.  But, when he does, he has a limit on how far he takes it, and never calls anyone out specifically, always to a greater group so no one feels singled out.  And then others do single him out.  

Well I've given him stuff and I've been on the receiving end of his stuff as well, especially in the basketball board, you should watch more closely....

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7 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

like i said before cole i have no problem with you and enjoy most of your posts. we actually have a lot in common as some folks think we stalk these pages looking for a fight. and i am not saying that is true. i  think we just take little bull off folks.

I don't care what other people think, like in this situation now, they said I was starting fights but really I just know football very well and I saw stuff before most of the gurus that are liked.....but here we are, wasn't wrong. Never personal with me, I just know football. If I have tobe disliked for being accurate well I'm cool with that.

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2 minutes ago, nixtosanders94 said:

Well ,for my part I will try to not call him out and lay off any juvenile name calling. Thats on me.

Hell I just wish I had good friends like them 😂

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20 minutes ago, abw0004 said:

I have a genuine question for everyone railing on the sunshine pumpers: Most of you projected is to lose by double digits.  Since we lost by 3 points, we outperformed your expectations.  Why are you so bent out of shape?  Yes it was winnable, but we still did better than you thought.  

I haven’t railed on the sunshine pumpers lately, but I’ll try to answer the question.  Prospectives change when the game starts.  I for one thought we would lose, but not by double digits as Auburn LSU games typically are very close.  That being said, the game was as most of us thought as the defense was stout and the offense had it’s moments but settled for too many FGs at crucial times in the game. No killer instinct from the offense.

In the second half, the run by DJ stirred the emotions and, as many had posted, when DJ stepped out of bounds the thought was we would settle for a FG.  We run down the field get set for the run up the middle with the same RB that just ran 70+ yards and called a time out to avoid a delay of game.  After the time out, we run up the middle for 1 maybe 2 yards.  Typical Gus as the team was not prepared for the situation

Later on in the game we start to self destruct offensively with penalties that a well coached team in the 8th game of the season should not do.  There were no adjustments (why not play JG?) and yet the defense had us in the game.

It was a winnable game, but Gus.  

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36 minutes ago, abw0004 said:

I have a genuine question for everyone railing on the sunshine pumpers: Most of you projected is to lose by double digits.  Since we lost by 3 points, we outperformed your expectations.  Why are you so bent out of shape?  Yes it was winnable, but we still did better than you thought.  

I am bent out of shape because I am sick and tired of seeing championship talent get wasted away. The fact is we , as a top ten school, should never feel that inferior to LSU. We have enough talent to compete and beat each and everyone on our schedule even with a true freshman. It’s just hard for me to believe that other coaches would find ways to lose with this talent. 

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So now this thread has degenerated into arguing about how to argue about arguing. hahahahaha

I'm not going to apologize for Gus. But I am going to remind that he announced quite loudly to the world that he was returning to running the offense himself because he thought it was a mistake to have an OC actually functioning as an OC, and he could do it better. He was saying that he could do better by doing it himself, and he would be judged on his own performance.

It is not disloyal to judge his performance on his own terms. He invited it on himself.

The question is, will he actually accept responsibility for the offense he has built and coached? And even if he does, what will he do about it at the end of the season?


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But anyway I've come to the conclusion that Gus is using Bo, I don't have bad stuff to say about Bo. My anger is more at Gus

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14 hours ago, doverstutts said:

so very pristine of you, so very pathetic,too

yeah go ahead and bang on me for trying to stand up for the right thing. and all you have is taking shots instead of defending your position. lol when i see name calling i realize i struck a nerve. but please quit being mean ot me. it hurts so bad ya know?  lol

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44 minutes ago, abw0004 said:

I have a genuine question for everyone railing on the sunshine pumpers: Most of you projected is to lose by double digits.  Since we lost by 3 points, we outperformed your expectations.  Why are you so bent out of shape?  Yes it was winnable, but we still did better than you thought.  

If we lose because we're beaten fine. If we lose because we can't do anything on offense after our D balls out and look just as inept as always, then...

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2 minutes ago, AURex said:

So now this thread has degenerated into arguing about how to argue about arguing. hahahahaha

I'm not going to apologize for Gus. But I am going to remind that he announced quite loudly to the world that he was returning to running the offense himself because he thought it was a mistake to have an OC actually functioning as an OC, and he could do it better. He was saying that he could do better by doing it himself, and he would be judged on his own performance.

It is not disloyal to judge his performance on his own terms. He invited it on himself.

The question is, will he actually accept responsibility for the offense he has built and coached? And even if he does, what will he do about it at the end of the season?


rex! you just showed a ton of class with your talking points and how you said them.

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1 minute ago, nixtosanders94 said:

That was very well done by the Rexanator. Im taking notes!

nix i absolutely expect you to call me out if i cross the line. i expect to be held to the same standards as everyone else...........

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Just now, aubiefifty said:

nix i absolutely expect you to call me out if i cross the line. i expect to be held to the same standards as everyone else...........

Same here sir. I deserve to be called out sometimes. I own it. 

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15 minutes ago, nixtosanders94 said:

Same here sir. I deserve to be called out sometimes. I own it. 

And that’s why you are loved. We got into it before and we handled it privately. Emotions can get the better of all of us.

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1 minute ago, DAG said:

And that’s why you are loved. We got into it before and we handled it privately. Emotions can get the better of all of us.

Thanks DAG..Imma hot head when it comes to this program. Love Auburn too much. I appreciate you backing me down that day! And big shout to @around4ever for doing the same last night!

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13 hours ago, nixtosanders94 said:

You have a very selective memory my friend. I’ve taken as much as I’ve given from those two and watched them rail on others that disagree with them. Mikey gets real quiet after a game like this but he’ll pop back up in a day or so and call out all those who disagree with him. This aint a one way street here as much as you wanna paint it that way. 64 and mikey can be huge jackasses too and plenty of folks on here will back me up on that Im sure. I understand you probably aren’t happy with Gus and are just being loyal. But they question everyone’s loyalty constantly just by saying one negative thing about Gus. I’m negative because I’ve watched this same sh## show for most of the last 6 seasons. If mikey and 64 enjoy this type of ball then more power to them.

There are a lot of people on the "Sunshine" side that are very outright abusive with language but I think its more endemic of a bigger problem:

The fact that we have sides to begin with. I remember someone saying that "Gus polarizes a fanbase like no other" and I am seeing that. We don't need all these factions and sides. People should be able to have a diversity of opinions without being lumped into a side. We should all just be concerned fans that have a varying spectrum of opinions. The problem with being lumped into sides is that the sides tend to characterize the other sides in the MOST EXTREME of ways, attributing the characteristics of the most fringe aspects of that side to the moderate bases. This causes the moderates to move FURTHER away from the other side and the middle to the more extreme edges. In laymen's terms: Its a self-fulfilling prophecy.

13 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

I realize Bo struggled tonight. but instead of saying Bo struggled they say:

"Well, its race."

I've literally seen no one throw this around. This is probably one of the most erroneous mischaracterizations of an argument or viewpoint. I don't know how you perceive what people say but this is probably the most proof that I can get on the fact that you're aggregating opinions that you see elsewhere here. I haven't seen that on this board nor do I know any long-time or even recreational poster who thinks that. Are you looking on twitter? Are you talking to someone IRL who says this? Or are you taking the opinions of the people who create an account on gameday to make one post seriously and attributing them to those who question Bo?

I don't know, but this is off the mark.


"Well Bo is not that good, but the PTB want him to start over a more qualified QB."

How do you think that people came to this opinion?  Has Gus done ANYTHING to quell this by giving us more than coach speak about why he leaves Nix in?Seeing the coaches constantly field a LESS EXPERIENCED QB who has routinely struggled and continues to struggle over an older QB with a more befitting skillset to that coaches mold while being given NO insight into that decision is what leads people to believe this. If Gus would of told us objectively why he has reduced Gatewood's role to nothing while Bo goes out and flounders on national TV under Gus' incompetence then I would think a lot of these arguments would have been put to rest. The connection of the board to the Nix family idea and the Auburn Family idea is unmistakable and further more, its GREAT MARKETING for the university. Almost every game we see some sort of talk about the "Nix Story" and how its like a 'dream come true' and all of that good stuff. The thing is, this isn't wild speculating, this isn't some conspiracy, this isn't bitter JG fan talk, this is GOOD BUSINESS SENSE. 

I think many people would be MORE than happy to think that this wasn't the case if we could just get some explanation of the events rather than bone-headedness.

"He can't play."

Again, this is a fringe opinion by nameless accounts, twitter users, and probably people IRL.

"He sucks"

Refer to my above opinion.

It just pisses me off. We knew the kid was going to struggle......... And I am sorry that is not supporting the kid. I know you guys will not agree with me. Being constructive is one thing, but insults and attacks make me question some fans true honor and love for auburn and in my eyes is another thing entirely. it is petty. But that's me...

Yes we knew the kid was going to struggle. That's why IT MAKES SENSE TO HAVE HIM REDSHIRT AND DEVELOP BEFORE THRUSTING HIM INTO ACTION IN A TOUGH DEFENSIVE CONFERENCE.  But the inexplicable rationale to continually put the kid in these compromising positions with no support or apparent coaching is NOT SUPPORTING the kid. A coach is supposed to consider the well-being of his players and this is not looking at the well-being of Bo. Us pointing that out is SUPPORTING Bo's long-term development. But YOU fans who consistently waffle between saying that "Gus doesn't know what he is doing" and "We should trust Gus' evaluations" are what annoy me to no end. If you love Auburn...

*Deep Negro Spiritual Exhale*


12 hours ago, bigbird said:

When one doubles down on the inexcusable and continue the arguments with petty slights of their own, then anything in return is fair game.

Couldn't have said it better myself.... Its a "Holier Than Thou" attitude that is so undeserved and literally is a mutation of the "No True Scotsman Fallacy."

7 hours ago, Momma Worm said:

Im still here.... Im just TIRED...  LITERALLY️So I have no comments at all. 

 I hear you. I think we're all a bit peeved but its MINOR compared to anything that you're experiencing or going through. And I can only imagine the players. 

5 hours ago, kevon67 said:

This one was easily winnable.......probably the lesser LSU defense Auburn has faced in the last 15 years.......and Auburn with a wealth of talent on offense and far more options at receiver than in 2010.......Is Gus really gonna close the season with we did the best we could with a true freshman QB? God I hope not.

That is what should sting the most. This was Gus' game to lose and he lost it in spectacular fashion as well as pissing away ANY chance of being in the playoffs *(Which at 6-1) we had a chance of if we beat LSU.... This offensive firepower that we have is going to waste and people don't even see that. Everyone says "Develop Bo for the future." Then put him on the bench and develop him in practice and give your amazing weapons and suffocating defense some chance to go for the BIG one. This was as much of a WIN NOW situation that we could have expected. If this were the NFL, the GM and coach in charge of this personnel decision would be served their walking papers and players would be dialing their agents to get out of it. 

4 hours ago, Barnacle said:

Agree with 90% of your posts, but this is the furthest thing from an objective fact.

I hope it is, but sadly I'm not seeing ANY justification or rationale that actually fits this. And playing politics doesn't just have to involve the board. It can consist of scheming to keep your job shielded by something other than putting the best football product on the field and winning. If you have some alternative means then let me see it otherwise the "Objective Fact" that Gus is playing politics stands. 

4 hours ago, JWShewmake said:

Ok,  I'll take the bait.  You guys who want to blow the program up, always want to blow the program up over something. You are never satisfied and always look for something to grab hold of to unravel things.  

Several years ago Charles Barkley made a comment that Auburn would never be able to compete year in and year out with Alabama. He said that they had the money in their program and the tradition and that Auburn would never replace them as the top team in the state. I was offended by his statements, but I have come to understand what he meant.  He wasn't saying that Auburn wouldn't beat them in some years or even that at times we wouldn't string several years together and beat them in consecutive years.  You can read an article in the Montgomery Advertiser some years ago that explained what the author called the Crimson Mafia to understand the organization behind the Alabama program.  You only have to go back to when Pat Dye was hired, a guy who coached in that program, who understands the way the Al mafia works when he said something to the effect of "You can beat Alabama, but you just can't beat them all the time" to know the reach of the Crimson Mafia.  Saban has their program humming and he has the mafia laser focused to provide whatever support he needs.  If Saban is recruiting a kid from the Auburn area and the kid says if I play for another school other than Auburn, I want my mamma and my daughter to be able to watch me and so if I sign with someone else my mamma is going to need to move to that town which means she will need a job and a place to live, the mafia is there to make that happen.

So you have Alabama with the mafia and you have LSU and Georgia with the benefit of lotteries that will pay the tuition of any player who wants to walkon and who doesn't get a scholarship that we are competing against for talent.  When you consider what we are competing against in the SEC, I believe Gus has done the best at putting together a group of coaches who ensure we always have a top ten recruiting class.

So my point is this: you guys want to blow the program up for the sake of blowing it up and for what?  In this environment who are you going to get who will be better.  Sure your argument is that anybody would be better, but you can't be sure of that.  So what are you going to do when the next guy doesn't meet your unreal expectations, blow the program up again?  Concentrate on getting your own life in order before you expend your energy on trying to remake the Auburn program.  I have been around to see what happens when we constantly make changes to compete and it has never worked the way it was intended.  But then of course you guys have run a big time program and know best.


I don't think you get the position that we're in because while you have provided some realistic statements that probably are true, the fact of the matter with this season is: 

AUBURN IS IN A POSITION TALENT-WISE to compete with Bama and we have been the past 3 years. Guess why we haven't been winning..... 


The constant of this coaching staff is POOR COACHING AND PREP. Not talent. We have had the coffers overflowing as far as talent and resource is concerned but most of it either sits on the bench or is mismanaged and made to work in a manner that is counter-intuitive to its best usage. Our offense's best form? The LSU team we played last night. (4-5 Wide, spread out and bunched formations, detached big-men from the LOS, & running outside zone from the gun. 50/50 run-pass distributions, multi-level passing concepts, pass tags on the back-end, putting your best players in multiple positions and formations contrary to their regular usage to take advantage of spacing and matchups.)  Even the NFL which is the most STUBBORN League on earth as far as change is concerned has figured this out and has shucked many of its antiquated practices, so WHAT MAKES THIS COACHING STAFF (Gus primarily) HAVE THE UNMITIGATED GALL TO BELIEVE THAT THEY DON'T NEED TO MAKE LIKEWISE ADJUSTMENTS THAT THE REST OF THIS LEAGUE HAS. 

You say we want to blow everything up? You may be right, but it should have been blown up years ago before the extension was offered because what we have is an abundance of talent that has been built up through constant fan devotion and its being rewarded with horrid management. The only thing that really doesn't need to go is the defensive staff because they've been GREAT especially in the face of our offensive staff's boneheadedness.

2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

sorry but are you not the person that started the thread about how auburn coaches screwed joey? that is not very objective to me. it was in such bad taste it seems to have been deleted. joey chose to stay. he even chose to address that a week or two to go saying he was all in. so while you seem like a nice guy i do believe your personal feelings still cloud the facts. show me a link where what you claim is true. and i am not sure how football players are wasting their time when they chose to be there. also from all i have heard or read is that the players love gus. so maybe we all need to be more objective. and i do not mean this as mean or starting anything. i am just addressing your comments made to me which is fair.

I am and this is an objective observation... What do you call it? Do you think that Joey has benefited from not being used when he would have been ideal in lieu of:


What you call bad taste, I call concern for a player who placed his trust in the words of a coaching staff that has not even done a modicum of what the HC has been getting on the podium and telling people he would do. You also seem to not understand what "Saying the right thing even though its not the actual case" is. Its a good tactic for JG even though it may not represent how he truly feels... He is doing the right thing by the team, but the coaches are definitely not doing the right thing by JG. Remember when we were at the GL and Joey was prepping to go in and Gus pulled him back? What did we walk away with? Nothing. (Or maybe 3. I can't remember.) Now in earlier games back when JG had the option to transfer mid-season, that was JG package territory. And when we did see the JG package for the ONE PLAY it was featured in, guess where it was:

THE SAME LOCATION. RED ZONE, 2nd Down after a failed attempt at the GL.

I guess my other topic was deleted... But it had nothing but factual arguments and rational speculation using facts versus just opinion, and regurgitated punditry-class basic narratives. That's telling and pretty disappointing. I called it as I saw it and supported EACH AND EVERY ASSERTION WITH FACT AND FOOTBALL KNOWLEDGE. Guess it rocked the boat too much.... Telling.

You want to see the link of where what I state is true? How about you dismount your HIGH HORSE (In more ways than one) and watch the game like the rest of us common folks. But you'll just continue to swallow media swill and curated interviews because its confirmation bias for your lazy and ill-conceived views of reality. That's fine by me but don't try and take the high road and say "yOur PeRSonAl fEeLiNGs sTiLl cLoUD The fActS" when I'm by far on of the most-analytics based posters left here. (Especially when you're one of the most liable to wear your emotions on your sleeves and make off the cuff statements based on an arbitrary and altered perception of ACTUAL EVENTS. That's intellectual laziness of the highest order.) 

Let me tell you something, articles that you read are not reality. Yes I'm sure players like Gus because from what I know and had seen of him during my brief stint with the team, he is a nice and personable guy. But let me tell you something, players talk and have convos outside of the locker room in safer places where they can really voice their discontent and those are where the REAL feelings of what their believe lie. Not everyone is happy with their usage, not everyone likes what is going down. Are they going to tell the media that for it to be published in an article for you to read and then lazily post as if its the word of law? No. For obvious reasons that I shouldn't need to explain....

Fans like you make me SICK because you are the type to argue "players shouldn't get paid because they are getting full tuition paid for and they chose that life." Yes the players CHOSE to come hear because they were 'sold' this school by recruiting promises by a coach that comes and courts them when they have the leverage to make a choice. Guess what its called when someone makes you a promise that they break. A LIE. Which basically invalidates the choice that you made because you didn't receive what you were promised by the person or party you placed your trust in. 

When you buy a car that a salesman sells you and they tell you all the benefits to choosing the car and how its great and will run a long time and it turns out that its a lemon and they lied to you, I don't think you say "Well, I made the choice to get this car so I guess I can't complain and i'll just drive it." No, you get pissed and try and get your investment back. Guess that signing an NLI is for a player:

AN INVESTMENT. Its an investment that is based on a promise to be used in a certain way or given a certain role should the player fulfill certain criteria. When you fulfill that criteria and aren't rewarded with what was promised then that's THE SAME AS BEING SOLD A LEMON. 

That's why I have NOTHING BUT CONTEMPT for fans like you because most of the time you don't understand ANYTHING that players go through and the extra struggles associated with playing for a school that is supposed to put your best interests at heart and trust coaching staff. That trust isn't always awarded but your type wants to only trust what media and pundit class says about a situation and ignore facts and not realize when KIDS are being taken advantage of by adults who make millions and put their own interests above those of the players they're responsible for. And then when something unfavorable happens to the player, be that a life-altering injury that occurs from exposing a player in circumstances that they should have never been in, wasting eligibility and burning redshirts out of incompetence (like we did last year), or jeopardizing a future of a player needlessly, you just shrug and say "The player made the choice to come and play here. And from all the articles I have read, that player has never said anything bad about the coach or made it known they were unhappy." but let the player come out on twitter or tell the media something about their discontent and you'll come out and call the player "Selfish" or be the first to say "We don't need him, he wasn't a true Auburn man." Funny thing is, that's the truest content you'll read online. Not watered down coach-speak or coach-appeasing player-speak. 

But whatever. I'm over it. Believe what you want, enjoy another middling season while you continue to try and be "A true Auburn fan" and pathologize continual mediocre deployment of extraordinary resources.


I'm about done with this board... Later. If anyone wants to see my posts, check me on twitter because I'm out. 

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4 hours ago, PigskinPat said:

I loved the determination and fire your son ran with yesterday. I just wished he’d gotten A LOT more opportunities to do so.

Thanks so much! 

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4 minutes ago, Malcolm_FleX48 said:

There are a lot of people on the "Sunshine" side that are very outright abusive with language but I think its more endemic of a bigger problem:

The fact that we have sides to begin with. I remember someone saying that "Gus polarizes a fanbase like no other" and I am seeing that. We don't need all these factions and sides. People should be able to have a diversity of opinions without being lumped into a side. We should all just be concerned fans that have a varying spectrum of opinions. The problem with being lumped into sides is that the sides tend to characterize the other sides in the MOST EXTREME of ways, attributing the characteristics of the most fringe aspects of that side to the moderate bases. This causes the moderates to move FURTHER away from the other side and the middle to the more extreme edges. In laymen's terms: Its a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Yes we knew the kid was going to struggle. That's why IT MAKES SENSE TO HAVE HIM REDSHIRT AND DEVELOP BEFORE THRUSTING HIM INTO ACTION IN A TOUGH DEFENSIVE CONFERENCE.  But the inexplicable rationale to continually put the kid in these compromising positions with no support or apparent coaching is NOT SUPPORTING the kid. A coach is supposed to consider the well-being of his players and this is not looking at the well-being of Bo. Us pointing that out is SUPPORTING Bo's long-term development. But YOU fans who consistently waffle between saying that "Gus doesn't know what he is doing" and "We should trust Gus' evaluations" are what annoy me to no end. If you love Auburn...

*Deep Negro Spiritual Inhale*


Couldn't have said it better myself.... Its a "Holier Than Thou" attitude that is so undeserved and literally is a mutation of the "No True Scotsman Fallacy."

 I hear you. I think we're all a bit peeved but its MINOR compared to anything that you're experiencing or going through. And I can only imagine the players. 

That is what should sting the most. This was Gus' game to lose and he lost it in spectacular fashion as well as pissing away ANY chance of being in the playoffs *(Which at 6-1) we had a chance of if we beat LSU.... This offensive firepower that we have is going to waste and people don't even see that. Everyone says "Develop Bo for the future." Then put him on the bench and develop him in practice and give your amazing weapons and suffocating defense some chance to go for the BIG one. This was as much of a WIN NOW situation that we could have expected. If this were the NFL, the GM and coach in charge of this personnel decision would be served their walking papers and players would be dialing their agents to get out of it. 

I hope it is, but sadly I'm not seeing ANY justification or rationale that actually fits this. And playing politics doesn't just have to involve the board. It can consist of scheming to keep your job shielded by something other than putting the best football product on the field and winning. If you have some alternative means then let me see it otherwise the "Objective Fact" that Gus is playing politics stands. 

I don't think you get the position that we're in because while you have provided some realistic statements that probably are true, the fact of the matter with this season is: 

AUBURN IS IN A POSITION TALENT-WISE to compete with Bama and we have been the past 3 years. Guess why we haven't been winning..... 


The constant of this coaching staff is POOR COACHING AND PREP. Not talent. We have had the coffers overflowing as far as talent and resource is concerned but most of it either sits on the bench or is mismanaged and made to work in a manner that is counter-intuitive to its best usage. Our offense's best form? The LSU team we played last night. (4-5 Wide, spread out and bunched formations, detached big-men from the LOS, & running outside zone from the gun. 50/50 run-pass distributions, multi-level passing concepts, pass tags on the back-end, putting your best players in multiple positions and formations contrary to their regular usage to take advantage of spacing and matchups.)  Even the NFL which is the most STUBBORN League on earth as far as change is concerned has figured this out and has shucked many of its antiquated practices, so WHAT MAKES THIS COACHING STAFF (Gus primarily) HAVE THE UNMITIGATED GALL TO BELIEVE THAT THEY DON'T NEED TO MAKE LIKEWISE ADJUSTMENTS THAT THE REST OF THIS LEAGUE HAS. 

You say we want to blow everything up? You may be right, but it should have been blown up years ago before the extension was offered because what we have is an abundance of talent that has been built up through constant fan devotion and its being rewarded with horrid management. The only thing that really doesn't need to go is the defensive staff because they've been GREAT especially in the face of our offensive staff's boneheadedness.

I am and this is an objective observation... What do you call it? Do you think that Joey has benefited from not being used when he would have been ideal in lieu of:


What you call bad taste, I call concern for a player who placed his trust in the words of a coaching staff that has not even done a modicum of what the HC has been getting on the podium and telling people he would do. You also seem to not understand what "Saying the right thing even though its not the actual case" is. Its a good tactic for JG even though it may not represent how he truly feels... He is doing the right thing by the team, but the coaches are definitely not doing the right thing by JG. Remember when we were at the GL and Joey was prepping to go in and Gus pulled him back? What did we walk away with? Nothing. (Or maybe 3. I can't remember.) Now in earlier games back when JG had the option to transfer mid-season, that was JG package territory. And when we did see the JG package for the ONE PLAY it was featured in, guess where it was:

THE SAME LOCATION. RED ZONE, 2nd Down after a failed attempt at the GL.

I guess my other topic was deleted... But it had nothing but factual arguments and rational speculation using facts versus just opinion, and regurgitated punditry-class basic narratives. That's telling and pretty disappointing. I called it as I saw it and supported EACH AND EVERY ASSERTION WITH FACT AND FOOTBALL KNOWLEDGE. Guess it rocked the boat too much.... Telling.

You want to see the link of where what I state is true? How about you dismount your HIGH HORSE (In more ways than one) and watch the game like the rest of us common folks. But you'll just continue to swallow media swill and curated interviews because its confirmation bias for your lazy and ill-conceived views of reality. That's fine by me but don't try and take the high road and say "yOur PeRSonAl fEeLiNGs sTiLl cLoUD The fActS" when I'm by far on of the most-analytics based posters left here. (Especially when you're one of the most liable to wear your emotions on your sleeves and make off the cuff statements based on an arbitrary and altered perception of ACTUAL EVENTS. That's intellectual laziness of the highest order.) 

Let me tell you something, articles that you read are not reality. Yes I'm sure players like Gus because from what I know and had seen of him during my brief stint with the team, he is a nice and personable guy. But let me tell you something, players talk and have convos outside of the locker room in safer places where they can really voice their discontent and those are where the REAL feelings of what their believe lie. Not everyone is happy with their usage, not everyone likes what is going down. Are they going to tell the media that for it to be published in an article for you to read and then lazily post as if its the word of law? No. For obvious reasons that I shouldn't need to explain....

Fans like you make me SICK because you are the type to argue "players shouldn't get paid because they are getting full tuition paid for and they chose that life." Yes the players CHOSE to come hear because they were 'sold' this school by recruiting promises by a coach that comes and courts them when they have the leverage to make a choice. Guess what its called when someone makes you a promise that they break. A LIE. Which basically invalidates the choice that you made because you didn't receive what you were promised by the person or party you placed your trust in. 

When you buy a car that a salesman sells you and they tell you all the benefits to choosing the car and how its great and will run a long time and it turns out that its a lemon and they lied to you, I don't think you say "Well, I made the choice to get this car so I guess I can't complain and i'll just drive it." No, you get pissed and try and get your investment back. Guess that signing an NLI is for a player:

AN INVESTMENT. Its an investment that is based on a promise to be used in a certain way or given a certain role should the player fulfill certain criteria. When you fulfill that criteria and aren't rewarded with what was promised then that's THE SAME AS BEING SOLD A LEMON. 

That's why I have NOTHING BUT CONTEMPT for fans like you because most of the time you don't understand ANYTHING that players go through and the extra struggles associated with playing for a school that is supposed to put your best interests at heart and trust coaching staff. That trust isn't always awarded but your type wants to only trust what media and pundit class says about a situation and ignore facts and not realize when KIDS are being taken advantage of by adults who make millions and put their own interests above those of the players they're responsible for. And then when something unfavorable happens to the player, be that a life-altering injury that occurs from exposing a player in circumstances that they should have never been in, wasting eligibility and burning redshirts out of incompetence (like we did last year), or jeopardizing a future of a player needlessly, you just shrug and say "The player made the choice to come and play here. And from all the articles I have read, that player has never said anything bad about the coach or made it known they were unhappy." but let the player come out on twitter or tell the media something about their discontent and you'll come out and call the player "Selfish" or be the first to say "We don't need him, he wasn't a true Auburn man." Funny thing is, that's the truest content you'll read online. Not watered down coach-speak or coach-appeasing player-speak. 

But whatever. I'm over it. Believe what you want, enjoy another middling season while you continue to try and be "A true Auburn fan" and pathologize continual mediocre deployment of extraordinary resources. I'm about done here... Later. If anyone wants to see my posts, check me on twitter because I'm out.

Well said all around. We definitely shouldn’t have factions but frankly the one group is getting smaller and smaller and I believe most want whats best for Auburn.

I don’t understand how long they want to give the guy before we start over?

And I cannot believe that Shewmake guy still signs all his posts! 

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16 hours ago, ChltteTiger said:

Give the rest of us (the majority) some reason to think there is hope that Gus will "get it turned around" and challenge in November for the SEC title again next year.


Lets hear it. We are waiting.

Not a Gus apologist, but far from a Gus hater either. I would call Gus a good but not great coach. That’s why we have only finished first in the SECW 2 times in Gus’s 6 years (though we came close in one other year). Still, 1/3 of his seasons have ended with us at the top of the SECW despite Saban’s unprecedented success. That’s not an indicator of a bad coach. 

We came within 3 points of beating the team that’s probably winning the NC this year. We did it on the road in a place we haven’t won in for 2 decades, with a true frosh at QB, a terrible OL, and the refs handicapping our defense. I don’t think anyone thought the LSU game was going to be a win going into the season. I actually projected that as our 1 sure loss. So I don’t understand what everyone is so pissed about. We performed better than the handicappers and experts expected, and, had the officiating been fair, we would have taken them out.

If we scheduled a game with the NE patriots and lost by three, there are some folks on this forum that would complain and call for Malzahn’s head. What’s odd is that this is so predictable now days. If a team doesn’t win every game, the fans want the head coach gone and the starting QB replaced. I’ve seen this on every SEC forum, and on at least two professional forums, including the Green Bay Packers. (Yes, there are packer fans that have called for Aaron Rodgers to be benched after losses.)

As for winning the rest of the year, we will at least get to 8 regular season wins. After watching UGA this year, I think we’ll beat them, especially since we have them at home. With Bama at home, we have a chance. We could end the regular season with as high as 10 wins. That’s not something to be upset over in the hardest division in CFB.

As for next year, we are quality offensive line coaching away from being a championship caliber team. Had we been able to run the ball, our offense wouldnt be dependent on a freshman QB. Grimes needs to go, and we need to find some high profile JUCO offensive linemen. The athletic department needs to give Gus whatever it takes to find a good OL coach.

Im going to get in front of these comments before they happen. I know there are some diehard wacko Gus haters on this forum that unrealistically expect us to win every game in every season. These are the same folks that compare us to Bama rather than comparing us to our own history. I know those people are going to downvote, laugh, or otherwise ridicule this post, and replies from those folks will be riddled with inflated expectations, impatience, and whiny comments that are not grounded in reality. Looking forward to the dumpster fire...

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16 minutes ago, Malcolm_FleX48 said:

I hope it is, but sadly I'm not seeing ANY justification or rationale that actually fits this. And playing politics doesn't just have to involve the board. It can consist of scheming to keep your job shielded by something other than putting the best football product on the field and winning. If you have some alternative means then let me see it otherwise the "Objective Fact" that Gus is playing politics stands. 

This is your opinion. Without proof, there's nothing objective about it. 

But like I said earlier, I agree with almost everything else you've said. We don't need to argue with each other about politics. 

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