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Jordan Rodgers Breakdown of Offense


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Thanks for sharing. . Georgia rushed four and five guys. Frustrating to hear that, see that he didn't have ability to adjust protection.

Bo admitted things were moving to fast for him. 



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I remember reading that same bit about the game slowing down for him in camp. That was against our defense. The Georgia QB can say the same thing. Very concerning because I thought Bo was going to be past that issue this year. 

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5 minutes ago, gr82be said:

I remember reading that same bit about the game slowing down for him in camp. That was against our defense. The Georgia QB can say the same thing. Very concerning because I thought Bo was going to be past that issue this year. 

He will always be a true freshman 

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16 minutes ago, gr82be said:

I remember reading that same bit about the game slowing down for him in camp. That was against our defense. The Georgia QB can say the same thing. Very concerning because I thought Bo was going to be past that issue this year. 

But you have to take into account what Rodgers said.  The game slows down when you know you can trust protection.  Until Bo fully knows that he's going to be upright, it's hard for the game to slow down.

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2 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

But you have to take into account what Rodgers said.  The game slows down when you know you can trust protection.  Until Bo fully knows that he's going to be upright, it's hard for the game to slow down.

Unfortunately going against the twos in practice gave Morris false confidence in that fact. You're right about what you say. I'm a Bo Nix fan so I'm pulling for him big time. I just got my hopes up that he was past it but I also, somehow, let myself think the OL might be better than it is showing so far. 

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51 minutes ago, gr82be said:

I remember reading that same bit about the game slowing down for him in camp. That was against our defense. The Georgia QB can say the same thing. Very concerning because I thought Bo was going to be past that issue this year. 

Practicing against our defense is a joke.

everyone knows the plays, that why we always have a great week of practice.

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he's saying what everybody has been saying for years. terrible route schemes that don't give the QB a chance. it's about match ups and scheme.  something Gus et al. don't seem to consider. some use the term "Mickey Mouse" or "high school".  wonder why it's so infrequent that a WR is just WIDE open in this offense? why the QB is always throwing to a covered WR?

What Rodgers doesn't understand is that most of the receivers are just decoys. no intention of looking to throw to them.  that's why Tank just goes out and sits down. turn to the middle and he just might get open. not in Gus' plan.   Bo is looking to throw to 1 and only 1 guy.  

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So everything JR said makes absolute since. It has baffled me for years how much control  , or lack of, our QBs have. We were doing audibles and checks, changing protections when i was in the 9th grade. As the QB, i had the ability to check any play based off the defense. This was in the 90s. QBs are much more advanced now then they were then. It is baffling. QBs have to have control. 

Remember when Cam was talked about how little he knew coming out of College. I mean....I would bet money Bo Nix had more coaching and more power in the offense his sophmore year of HS than he does right now. Just a few weeks ago he made a statement to a beatwriter..something along the lines of Gus and Chad were teaching him to go through safety reads and progressions....like.....WHY WEREN"T YOU DOING THAT ALREADY. Give me a break. 

I agree he has to get better....but JR makes a dang good point of how it is very hard for him to be able to get better, when he isn't able to trust that he is protected. 

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Nix should be one of the best Qb Auburn has ever had. He’s been coached by daddy since he could walk.

sadly high school football and all the accolades don’t translate well to sec football and Gus  5 play offense. All the opponents have figured it out.

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9 minutes ago, jAUSon said:

Yall relax. Coach needs about 2 more games to see what we got. Then they'll hit the gas.


so we will be what 1-4, 2-3?

he still hasn’t figured out Special teams.

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Pretty damning that it’s something so simple.  Is it Gus, Chad, Bicknell who isn’t teaching what seem like basic 101 blocking?  Is it the Qb or center who should see this?  Seems pretty correctable but embarrassing that you’d have to be called out like this.  I’ve said it in other posts but I hated this play on 3rd and 3.  Auburn called it multiple times with different RBs going wide to run a hitch.  

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Sooo....we have poor O coaching, teaching and development all wrapped in 1 play.  Rinse and repeat.  

Will someone connected please show this clip to Gus and Chad?  If JR can quickly dissect our O, imagine how much laughter the egomaniacal opposing D coaches have while watching us. 

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7 hours ago, alexava said:

Can we make sure gus and chad sees this?

I'd rather Green and Harbert see it 

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9 hours ago, jAUSon said:

Yall relax. Coach needs about 2 more games to see what we got. Then they'll hit the gas.


"After we whoop Arkansas by 5 touchdowns I bet you won't be begging for P.J. Fleck" - Auburn boomers

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Jordan Rodgers is like the cool version of Jesse Palmer. He's really grown on me and can explain the game in wonderful detail to the uninitiated. Hair gel and all.


Just finished the video. A few thoughts:

1. Great content. Wouldn't mind seeing more of this every week.

2. Offense looks even worse when broken down. Everything looks bad. WTF were those routes? Prime example of Gus caring more about scheme than personnel. 

3. Not only are they at a talent disadvantage, the poor coaching sets them up for failure at every position. The OL not having a clue or adjusting on field is a titanic size red flag

4. Why would you ever commit to Auburn if you play offense? Looks like a circus out there.

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16 minutes ago, woodford said:

Jordan Rodgers is like the cool version of Jesse Palmer. He's really grown on me and can explain the game in wonderful detail to the uninitiated. Hair gel and all.



I agree. He came in a little hot, but has reigned it in a little and has really grown into a pretty good, objective analyst.

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Just now, bigbird said:

I agree. He came in a little hot, but has reigned it in a little and has really grown into a pretty good, objective analyst.

Looks like he's trying to get ahead of McIlroy. I know I'll catch hell for this, but I enjoy Greg as an analyst. He's a very smart dude.

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2 minutes ago, woodford said:

Looks like he's trying to get ahead of McIlroy. I know I'll catch hell for this, but I enjoy Greg as an analyst. He's a very smart dude.

I do too. 

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