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Bo's interceptions


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While I will give my assessment of the interterceptions, I want to caveat my assessment with the fact that I only have viewed the interceptions in real time without having an opportunity for review of the 3 interceptions.


FIRST INTERCEPTION.  Appeared to me Bo tried to force that into what appeared to be triple coverage.  This int appears to be on Bo.


SECOND INT.   Bo had to fit that one through tight window but that is expected in the SEC.  It appeared to hit the receiver in the hands chest high bounced off his hands and int.  This appears to be on receiver.


THIRD INT.  Appears it could be on Bo or just a failure to communicate between QB and Rec.  On this play it appeared that Rec was going on the inside and Bo through the pass to the outside.  This could result in Bo and the receiver not being on same page.  Receiver went in and Bo thought he was going to stay on the outside thus Bo through to outside.  Or if Bo knew the rec was going to the inside then Bo made an errant throw.

Assessment 1 int on Bo 1 int not his fault and 1 that could go either way.

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1st Int-in real time I thought it was a bad throw.   After watching a replay of the play, the defender came off his receiver and made a good play.     To me, the receiver whom the defender left just stopped and did not do anything after Bo started to scramble allowing the defender to easily make the play.   Screams to me that receivers are poorly coached.  

2nd Int - I don’t recall it 

3rd Int - I think you nailed it 

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First int you don't throw into triple coverage no matter what. It has NOTHING to do with the wr. 

I'll go with the if it hit your hand you catch it, but you can't REALLY expect a guy to catch a ball thrown hard as you can from a short distance

3 rd one it seems to me Morris feels like Bo made the mistake

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I am not qualified to critique Bo Nix or any other QB's performance on the field. However as a business manager and father of two I can tell you Bo failed miserably in his leadership role yesterday.  He was cocky and disrespectful to his team mates and coaches IMHO. He embarrassed Auburn with his childish behavior caught on national television for all to witness.  Bo needs to grow up and man up. Nothing in this life comes easy. Just because your dad was successful in life does not guarantee that you will. Either grow up Bo Nix or step aside for another young man who is willing to give it his all without the attitude you displayed for the whole world to see.

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22 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

   Screams to me that receivers are poorly coached.  


Gus has been known to get the best coaches available.    He did "steal" Kodi Burns from Arizona state

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13 minutes ago, Sully to Beasley said:

  Either grow up Bo Nix or step aside for another young man who is willing to give it his all without the attitude you displayed for the whole world to see.

Absolute truth!

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 1st INT: He is scrambling, Williams (I am thinking it was Seth) was covered. Nix was trying to get Seth in a position he wanted. Seth turned upfield and at the same time, Nix was throwing to the different spot, the DB made a play. This ball should have never been thrown to Williams.. look to your right and you have a guy open. Horn was on his game yesterday. 

2nd INT: DB made a great play and got his hands on Williams and the ball. Seth has slight (a sliver) separation and the ball was slightly behind Williams but still catchable. The thing is, the ball should have been out in front where he can catch it and run, but still Williams is not going to get a perfectly thrown ball so I wish he had gone after the ball more BUT the DB once again made a tremendous play by getting his hands in as Williams was trying to catch it.. tipped it up.. and a great play was made.  

3rd INT. This looked to me as if Williams should have gone out but he didn't. Maybe he ran the right route and Nix thought he should go out.. IDK..  Nix threw the ball to a spot where the DB was. That DB (Horn) played a great game on Seth and I think he got in Seth's head a little complied with the bad QB play etc. The thing I noticed on this play was that the DB knew the route and he went where he thought the ball was being thrown and he was right. I do not know who is at fault here as far as the route.. 

The most telling thing is that Nix continued to target Williams over and over.. need to look for the other guys. Williams will always draw the best cover guy Nix has to look for the other receivers. 

This is just as I remember it while watching. I have not gone back and looked at any of them again. I could be wrong on all three. Just my observation as I was watching it. 

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To me, its much more than the interceptions.  Its his footwork which is awful, constantly throwing off the back foot. Its the leaving tge pocket and rolling when there is no pressure, its the constant missing of the longball. He probably got away with lots of these items in highschool based on talent and level of competition,  but not in the SEC.  The interceptions are the unfortunate outcome from the itens noted above. 

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Bottom line qb play was the main reason for the loss yesterday.

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28 minutes ago, auburn4ever said:

After watching Bo throw those 3 picks, he had that look again. A scared and lost deer in headlights.

Hard to believe it but he was fine as long as the play calls were high percentage. After the 1st Quarter, he began to fall apart. Is this another Jeremy Johnson situation? If so we are in for 2-1/2 more years of the same because Gus will never make a change.

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1 hour ago, cole256 said:

First int you don't throw into triple coverage no matter what. It has NOTHING to do with the wr.  

I'll go with the if it hit your hand you catch it, but you can't REALLY expect a guy to catch a ball thrown hard as you can from a short distance 

3 rd one it seems to me Morris feels like Bo made the mistake 

Hey Cole,

You think we're far enough along I could post what I think about the Nix guy without getting harassed? :lol: 

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3 minutes ago, creed said:

Bottom line qb play was the main reason for the loss yesterday.

Absolutely. Even as bad as everything was...we could have squeezed out a win without encouraging USC with 21 gift points!

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2 hours ago, AuMarine said:

 1st INT: He is scrambling, Williams (I am thinking it was Seth) was covered. Nix was trying to get Seth in a position he wanted. Seth turned upfield and at the same time, Nix was throwing to the different spot, the DB made a play. This ball should have never been thrown to Williams.. look to your right and you have a guy open. Horn was on his game yesterday. 

2nd INT: DB made a great play and got his hands on Williams and the ball. Seth has slight (a sliver) separation and the ball was slightly behind Williams but still catchable. The thing is, the ball should have been out in front where he can catch it and run, but still Williams is not going to get a perfectly thrown ball so I wish he had gone after the ball more BUT the DB once again made a tremendous play by getting his hands in as Williams was trying to catch it.. tipped it up.. and a great play was made.  

3rd INT. This looked to me as if Williams should have gone out but he didn't. Maybe he ran the right route and Nix thought he should go out.. IDK..  Nix threw the ball to a spot where the DB was. That DB (Horn) played a great game on Seth and I think he got in Seth's head a little complied with the bad QB play etc. The thing I noticed on this play was that the DB knew the route and he went where he thought the ball was being thrown and he was right. I do not know who is at fault here as far as the route.. 

The most telling thing is that Nix continued to target Williams over and over.. need to look for the other guys. Williams will always draw the best cover guy Nix has to look for the other receivers. 

This is just as I remember it while watching. I have not gone back and looked at any of them again. I could be wrong on all three. Just my observation as I was watching it. 

I can't comment on the 3rd INT because I didn't see it. The 1st and 2nd INT were both on Nix. The first being because he threw it to a WR who was covered. The 2nd I put on Nix because he threw it very late and behind Seth. Seth beat his man and the ball should have been thrown when/before he made his cut. Nix waited until Seth was open, then threw it behind him where the Seth had to stop. The DB was able to make a play simply because Nix was late and inaccurate.

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1 hour ago, creed said:

Bottom line qb play was the main reason for the loss yesterday.

Maybe, but the defense was a close second. Those three interception didn't have to turn into automatic touchdowns. 

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1 hour ago, AubFanCT said:

To me, its much more than the interceptions.  Its his footwork which is awful, constantly throwing off the back foot. Its the leaving tge pocket and rolling when there is no pressure, its the constant missing of the longball. He probably got away with lots of these items in highschool based on talent and level of competition,  but not in the SEC.  The interceptions are the unfortunate outcome from the itens noted above. 

All of the above equals vastly overrated. 

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Yeah, I can forgive the interceptions. I don’t care if he throws thirty of them in a game. I’ll be frustrated alongside the player and not at the player. The part I will never get behind is the spoiled, entitled attitude he showed yesterday. That’s when I get frustrated AT the player.

The interceptions are meaningless when a player’s attitude is childish. Coaches are here to develop skill, sure, but at the end of the day, they should develop our players’ character first and foremost. I love when we win, but if our players act out the way they did when we are losing or making mistakes, I can no longer support it or defend them. Tells me there is no accountability on the team. Leaders take accountability when mistakes are made. Our coach doesn’t seem to want to do that (hence his broken record press conferences after a loss; the guy blames everything but himself), so I’m inclined to believe two things here:

1. Gus is not a leader.

2. Our players may be learning that kind of behavior from the man in charge.

When I see the unchecked, churlish entitlement I saw on our sidelines yesterday, I believe Nix is very aware that he is beyond reproach, and that is 100% coaching. If Gus is worth his salt about pouring into these students, he would have addressed those terrible attitudes immediately. But he didn’t. We can’t expect an impotent leader to train up leaders. It doesn’t work that way. Attitudes are infectious. Leadership is inspiring and rallying. What we saw yesterday was quite literally the exact opposite on the sideline. The head-scratching last drive is just a symptom of the larger issue of selfish entitlement unfolding in our program. I mean, it makes sense that our program exudes that behavior given the Gus’s great grift of 2017.

I hate the loss to be sure. But I hate even more the poor sportsmanship I saw yesterday all game long. It’s weak minded and behavior, and our players let USC live rent free in their heads the whole game. I will not support the attitudes I saw yesterday, and I’ll never support a coach who allows it. For all we say about Gus’s character off the field, I didn’t see much of that pouring into these kids yesterday. I believe our character is revealed, in part at least, in how we do our jobs and how we handle adversity, and it says a lot about the character of a coach who allows that behavior in their program. 

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the 2nd interception was bullet thrown behind williams. yes it's possible that catch could be made. it's also possible that that kind of ball will be picked off. Nix continously threw low or behind the recievers, That one was on the qb too. Nix stood in the pocket more. perhaps doing somehting that he wasn't accustomed to threw off his entire game.

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I am not going to try and defend the results yesterday, they were horrible and stand on their own.  What I will try and tamper a little bit is the character criticism of both CGM and Bo.  I am not going to broach the topic of whether or not it is time for a change at HC, we all have our opinions and mine is as irrelevant as any other ones.  However, one area I have surely not seen as an issue during CGM’s tenure is character development on the team.  I’ve thought over the years that our players have done a good job of staying out of trouble and being ambassadors of the university.  Yesterday’s game was the first time I’ve witnessed that level of behavior, even in other bad losses - and it is concerning, but not a trend.   

As  for Bo, he is clearly young, but as a QB and a second year starter needs to rise above that.  It was clear Seth was getting frustrated as well, and he also exhibited some less than desirable behavior.  As a QB though, sometimes you have to take the blame (even if it’s not really your fault) during a game to calm your teammates down. That’s part of the “fun” of being QB1 - the highs  are really good, the lows we’ll not so much.   What I did see from Bo that I liked was his continued drive to try and win.  Almost ( and maybe beyond) a fault he put more and more weight on his own shoulders & feet to get the ball into the end zone.   Love the drive, but it takes a team and a great QB is about making those around you great as well.  I’m a long way from throwing in the towel on Bo, but this game can either be something he grows and learns from, or it can haunt him going forward.  Hoping for the former, and not the later.  

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2 hours ago, Mims44 said:

Hey Cole,

You think we're far enough along I could post what I think about the Nix guy without getting harassed? :lol: 

I'm sure you can. It's in now. Where the freak were you when I was being reamed for being right!

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I have been critical of Bo's mechanics and decision making since last year. But the loss yesterday was not just on Bo. Capers just flat out dropped a couple of catches -- one was when he was wide open with lots of yards to run. And sometimes it was the receiver not making the correct route cut. And when a QB scrambles, receivers are supposed to work back towards him to give him a target.

Another issue that never gets mentioned is the field. Bo is something like 8-1 at home (I haven't fact checked that.) But every field is different. Some slope more than others, some are slower/faster than others. A lot of Bo's passes yesterday were short and I was surprised to see so many falling short, wondering if the field had anything to do with it.

All that said, Bo had a terrible game and the receivers didn't help him out much either.


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38 minutes ago, AURex said:

But the loss yesterday was not just on Bo.

Very rarely has any loss been strictly placed on Bo. 

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