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The strange “reality” of Trump World


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6 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

It’s amazing what things are categorized as accomplishments:


"So what do we win?"

"Jack s***"


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10 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

It’s amazing what things are categorized as accomplishments:


Huh. So I guess some Trump supporters are ok with the "everybody-gets-a-trophy, pansy lib" mentality after all?

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On 11/7/2020 at 10:48 PM, TexasTiger said:

It’s amazing what things are categorized as accomplishments:

I count replacing nearly 300 federal judges with conservative jurists, including three on the supreme court as a very fine accomplishment.

Reversing many of Obama's executive orders rocks, and bringing the beginnings of peace to the Middle East is something most recent presidents have tried and failed to accomplish. I wonder how long before he's awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for those efforts?

Then there's prison reform, permanent help for the HBCU's and the hugely successful enterprise zones in poverty areas, for those interested in equal opportunity.

Also, not getting us into any new wars is something that's been hard for previous presidents to do.

Then, there are the roughly half-million lives President Trump saved by quickly installing measures against the virus. Had he listened to the Democrats, there would be at least a half-million more dead, probably even more than that. (See Pelosi's "Go to a street party in Chinatown" and New York mayor De blasio advising people to "go ride the subway and enjoy our fine restaurants. Don't believe Trump's fear mongering")

All in all, it was a very successful term by a political outsider. I'm proud to have voted for him twice.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:


It's very understandable why people wouldn't wear a Biden hat. Congratulations, you've elected someone whose supporters are already ashamed of him.

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On 11/7/2020 at 10:48 PM, TexasTiger said:

It’s amazing what things are categorized as accomplishments:


That's pretty funny! You've got to love moral victories!

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5 hours ago, Mikey said:

It's very understandable why people wouldn't wear a Biden hat. Congratulations, you've elected someone whose supporters are already ashamed of him.

His voters aren’t into false idols like you guys.

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9 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

His voters aren’t into false idols like you guys.

Not into idols, we simply reject the party of "free stuff for everybody"

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On 11/8/2020 at 9:35 AM, Leftfield said:

Huh. So I guess some Trump supporters are ok with the "everybody-gets-a-trophy, pansy lib" mentality after all?

Doubtful, but you knew that already.

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24 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

His statement is ridiculous all by itself.

You obviously didn't watch the Slimeocrat primary debates. Their main effort was to try to out free stuff the person next to them. Free college, free medicare, free housing, free monthly stipend without working, on and on they went.

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21 minutes ago, Mikey said:

You obviously didn't watch the Slimeocrat primary debates. Their main effort was to try to out free stuff the person next to them. Free college, free medicare, free housing, free monthly stipend without working, on and on they went.

And yet the guy who won the nomination and then the Presidency failed go endorse any of that.

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12 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

And yet the guy who won the nomination and then the Presidency failed go endorse any of that.

So, is he lying now or was he lying when he promised all the free stuff? Because he was promising it on the primary stage. Probably a similar situation to the Green New Deal, says he's for it when speaking in California, says he's against it when he's speaking in America.

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On 11/9/2020 at 8:17 AM, Mikey said:

It's very understandable why people wouldn't wear a Biden hat. Congratulations, you've elected someone whose supporters are already ashamed of him.

again you blow smoke out of your ass. i saw people believing in hope again. i saw people dancing in the streets.i saw people crying with tears of joy. the only joy you can find in all this is hoping bidens trips up somewhere so you can laugh at him. biden will never be the piece of garbage trump is. words matter. character matters. try it sometime.

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8 hours ago, Mikey said:

You obviously didn't watch the Slimeocrat primary debates. Their main effort was to try to out free stuff the person next to them. Free college, free medicare, free housing, free monthly stipend without working, on and on they went.

Who won that primary?

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7 hours ago, Mikey said:

So, is he lying now or was he lying when he promised all the free stuff? Because he was promising it on the primary stage. Probably a similar situation to the Green New Deal, says he's for it when speaking in California, says he's against it when he's speaking in America.

Link to those “promises?” Or are you just lying again?

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On 11/9/2020 at 11:18 PM, Mikey said:

Not into idols, we simply reject the party of "free stuff for everybody"

You can reject one party without turning yourself into a quivering groupie for the other candidate.  Like, there's actually this huge swath of middle ground between supporting one and not being a temple prostitute for the other.

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1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

Link to those “promises?” Or are you just lying again?

Link to the primary debates? You should have watched them when you had a chance.

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

You can reject one party without turning yourself into a quivering groupie for the other candidate.  Like, there's actually this huge swath of middle ground between supporting one and not being a temple prostitute for the other.

Accurate statement. Now all you have to do is identify any quivering groupies on this board.

Again, this election shouldn't have been about Biden vs. Trump, though the media and partisans apparently managed to make it just that for barely enough voters. It should have been about what type of government we'll have going forward. Apparently, slightly less than half the voting population realized that and voted accordingly. Slightly more than half got swept up in personalities voted that way. Sad but true.

In any case, the alleged Blue Wave and the predicted landslide have been proven to be myths.

4 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

again you blow smoke out of your ass. i saw people believing in hope again. i saw people dancing in the streets.i saw people crying with tears of joy. the only joy you can find in all this is hoping bidens trips up somewhere so you can laugh at him. biden will never be the piece of garbage trump is. words matter. character matters. try it sometime.

If character mattered there would have been different tickets for both parties. Pence might have survived some test of character, had there been one. The other three major candidates would have failed miserably.

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11 hours ago, Mikey said:

So, is he lying now or was he lying when he promised all the free stuff? Because he was promising it on the primary stage. Probably a similar situation to the Green New Deal, says he's for it when speaking in California, says he's against it when he's speaking in America.

Again, show where he promised a bunch of free stuff.  Don't just throw **** against the wall because it makes you feel good.  Actually show your work with regards to Biden.  Because he was against Medicare for All, free college for all, etc etc

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