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Waiting Out the Contract


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Our most realistic scenario at this point is waiting out Gus's contract.

I've been one of the biggest "fire him now" guys and I posted on here weeks before his extension that I hoped we wouldn't have a knee jerk reaction if he somehow managed to beat the Turds and Mutts. Then we did exactly that and gave him an unthinkable 7 year deal. The amount of money didn't surprise me but 7 years is ludicrous in college football.

Anyways, here's a look at the future in my crystal ball:

2021-22 season

Gus will be back next year plain and simple. Optics, money, covid, and a "meh" performance that just wasn't quite horrendous enough to get the boot. Love it, hate it, it's the cold hard truth.

Next year virtually everyone returns or maybe it's better to say should return barring transfers. Seth Williams likely takes his talents to the pros. No one on defense with the exception of maybe McCreary could leave early with their performance. we lose KJ Britt but we didn't really have him this year anyways. Big Kat Bryant may hang up his cleats or hope his measurables will out shine his lack of production. Maybe Schwartz goes to the combine and makes some speed loving GM nut his pants at the combine.

We have a few recruits I think will make a decent impact. DT Lee Hunter will be an upgrade on the interior and push for starting reps early. Armoni Goodwin though only 5'8" brings some depth to the running backs where we'll probably see at least one transfer (historically true). Ahari Harvey is a 4* Safety and man our DBs showed yesterday they need the help. Marquis Robinson is another 4* DT that should play early. Jaeden Roberts is a 4* OG but we don't have any amazing talent coming in at the OT position. We currently have a whopping ZERO offensive tackles signed... yay!

Overall this team should have a decent Gus year. Likely 9-3 with a bowl game loss to secure our 4 loss streak. Bama and UGA are at home so maybe we split or sweep that. Barring a miracle turn around we might have a chance in Baton Rouge next year too. We're lucky Penn State will be massively rebuilding, Akron/Georgia State/Alabama State are bought wins, and we should at the least split the Mississippi schools at home. Revenge trip to South Carolina with a new coach as well.

2022-23 season

Bo will be a senior. I doubt he leaves beforehand. DDavis could unseat him (not happening under Gus) and if he does that means we're incredibly well set at QB. Tank will still be here (have to be 3 years out of high school to enter NFL). Hudson/Capers and other current freshman receivers should be coming into their own hopefully. If the OL is serviceable we should be looking decent again. Mercer/San Jose/WKU are bought wins (3-0). Who knows with Penn State let's say we lose at home (3-1). On the road against Bama and UGA (3-3). Between LSU/Mizzou/Arkansas we win two of those (5-4). Texas A&M, Ole Miss, Miss State we should win 2 of those (7-5). Easy bowl game win for (8-5).

2023-24 season

Tank gone. Bo gone. Last year of the contract. Auburn is ready to move on. Perfect combination for a s*** show season. Regardless, even if Gus manages a 8 win season we'll be ready to move on and hopefully have drastically improved the facilities for the next guy to hit the ground running.

It sucks but barring a meltdown season I think we save the money from the buyout making it easier to pay a new guy big to come in and take the team. Use the money on making our facilities the best (or close) and hope that helps with an uptick in recruiting.

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6 minutes ago, Zeek said:

2022-23 season

Bo will be a senior. I doubt he leaves beforehand. DDavis could unseat him (not happening under Gus) and if he does that means we're incredibly well set at QB. Tank will still be here (have to be 3 years out of high school to enter NFL). Hudson/Capers and other current freshman receivers should be coming into their own hopefully. If the OL is serviceable we should be looking decent again. Mercer/San Jose/WKU are bought wins (3-0). Who knows with Penn State let's say we lose at home (3-1). On the road against Bama and UGA (3-3). Between LSU/Mizzou/Arkansas we win two of those (5-4). Texas A&M, Ole Miss, Miss State we should win 2 of those (7-5). Easy bowl game win for (8-5).

If we have those circumstances for 2022 and lose five games that HAS to be the dagger. $10.5 M remaining by then.

2024 is actually the last year of the contract, but we cannot wait til then. 2021, 22, or 23 it is.

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8 minutes ago, Zeek said:

Next year virtually everyone returns or maybe it's better to say should return barring transfers. Seth Williams likely takes his talents to the pros. No one on defense with the exception of maybe McCreary could leave early with their performance

My guess is we will lose several defenders leaving early. Look for Sherwood, Smoke, and McClain to go. Not saying they should, but likely will. 

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8 minutes ago, Zeek said:

Our most realistic scenario at this point is waiting out Gus's contract.

I've been one of the biggest "fire him now" guys and I posted on here weeks before his extension that I hoped we wouldn't have a knee jerk reaction if he somehow managed to beat the Turds and Mutts. Then we did exactly that and gave him an unthinkable 7 year deal. The amount of money didn't surprise me but 7 years is ludicrous in college football.

Anyways, here's a look at the future in my crystal ball:

2021-22 season

Gus will be back next year plain and simple. Optics, money, covid, and a "meh" performance that just wasn't quite horrendous enough to get the boot. Love it, hate it, it's the cold hard truth.

Next year virtually everyone returns or maybe it's better to say should return barring transfers. Seth Williams likely takes his talents to the pros. No one on defense with the exception of maybe McCreary could leave early with their performance. we lose KJ Britt but we didn't really have him this year anyways. Big Kat Bryant may hang up his cleats or hope his measurables will out shine his lack of production. Maybe Schwartz goes to the combine and makes some speed loving GM nut his pants at the combine.

We have a few recruits I think will make a decent impact. DT Lee Hunter will be an upgrade on the interior and push for starting reps early. Armoni Goodwin though only 5'8" brings some depth to the running backs where we'll probably see at least one transfer (historically true). Ahari Harvey is a 4* Safety and man our DBs showed yesterday they need the help. Marquis Robinson is another 4* DT that should play early. Jaeden Roberts is a 4* OG but we don't have any amazing talent coming in at the OT position. We currently have a whopping ZERO offensive tackles signed... yay!

Overall this team should have a decent Gus year. Likely 9-3 with a bowl game loss to secure our 4 loss streak. Bama and UGA are at home so maybe we split or sweep that. Barring a miracle turn around we might have a chance in Baton Rouge next year too. We're lucky Penn State will be massively rebuilding, Akron/Georgia State/Alabama State are bought wins, and we should at the least split the Mississippi schools at home. Revenge trip to South Carolina with a new coach as well.

2022-23 season

Bo will be a senior. I doubt he leaves beforehand. DDavis could unseat him (not happening under Gus) and if he does that means we're incredibly well set at QB. Tank will still be here (have to be 3 years out of high school to enter NFL). Hudson/Capers and other current freshman receivers should be coming into their own hopefully. If the OL is serviceable we should be looking decent again. Mercer/San Jose/WKU are bought wins (3-0). Who knows with Penn State let's say we lose at home (3-1). On the road against Bama and UGA (3-3). Between LSU/Mizzou/Arkansas we win two of those (5-4). Texas A&M, Ole Miss, Miss State we should win 2 of those (7-5). Easy bowl game win for (8-5).

2023-24 season

Tank gone. Bo gone. Last year of the contract. Auburn is ready to move on. Perfect combination for a s*** show season. Regardless, even if Gus manages a 8 win season we'll be ready to move on and hopefully have drastically improved the facilities for the next guy to hit the ground running.

It sucks but barring a meltdown season I think we save the money from the buyout making it easier to pay a new guy big to come in and take the team. Use the money on making our facilities the best (or close) and hope that helps with an uptick in recruiting.

One thing you're missing:  Gus will ask for an extension of his contract long before the last year of it to counter all of the "negative recruiting."   Should be quite an interesting conversation(!)

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1 minute ago, AUloggerhead said:

One thing you're missing:  Gus will ask for an extension of his contract long before the last year of it to counter all of the "negative recruiting."   Should be quite an interesting conversation(!)

Getting embarrassed by Georgia and Bama while miraculously losing to SCar does enough negative recruiting lol 

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2 minutes ago, AUloggerhead said:

One thing you're missing:  Gus will ask for an extension of his contract long before the last year of it to counter all of the "negative recruiting."   Should be quite an interesting conversation(!)

I’m actually looking for Gus to start the trial balloon floating at the end of this season to gauge interest.  Let’s see how AD Green handles that.

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This is the dumbest idea ever.

When was the last time a major program just let a coach's contract expire? The reason why it never happens is because of the obvious: doing that would be a program killer. You can't endure that many consecutive years of open ineptitude. The fanbase won't endure it. The recruits won't endure it. Worse yet, you are signalling to the entire world that winning isn't a priority at Auburn anymore. Momentum and perception is what drives this sport; your idea is to openly throw all of that in the garbage...so that you can save a few dollars of what isn't even your own money? What is the upside of your grand scheme here? You want to endure another 4 years of every HS coach in the region lowering us to a bottom tier SEC school? Really? 

No, they cant - and won't - let his contract just run out. 

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2 minutes ago, AUloggerhead said:

One thing you're missing:  Gus will ask for an extension of his contract long before the last year of it to counter all of the "negative recruiting."   Should be quite an interesting conversation(!)


You’re right!  But the image in my mind of Gus knocking on Allen’s door and explaining how giving him an extension is in the best interest of the University is hilarious!

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Oh Gus will use the COVID-19 as an excuses as to why this season didn't go as planed. I can hear his freakin BS now. Give me one more year and I'll have the Tigers back playing for the SEC Championship in 2021.

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16 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

I’m actually looking for Gus to start the trial balloon floating at the end of this season to gauge interest.  Let’s see how AD Green handles that.

This is probably not the year for that but hopefully Green would wish him well and tell him to take his hot air and go. 

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If Auburn don't get rid of Gus now, some jerk will give a 5 year extension to his contract and a lot  more $. Please make move while we can.

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16 minutes ago, AUpreacherman22 said:

I still hope that the PTB miraculously come to their senses and fire him today!   But honestly I expect him to be here until Dec. of 2022.  (Man, it was depressing to type that.  😰)

Well, there would still be two more years left on the contract, but only $10.5 M left. So, 2022 (especially being an even year and thus meaning sure losses to UAT and UGA as long as Gus is here) is really the sweet spot to do the deed.

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The only way Gus retains his job after next season is if he convinces EVERY key starter that is a possible graduate or draftee to stay. If we lose any of Britt, Seth, Schwartz, McCreary, etc then he’s gone. If he gets everyone back and we go through a normal year, then it could potentially be a big season.

We get Alabama & Georgia at home, the OL will have reps together, Chad Morris will have a full offseason to implement his system, and he could potentially have talent & depth at every position. 

This recruiting class is already a bust. The biggest recruiting job he can do is convince this team to all come back. Otherwise, he gets bought out in December, 2021.

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Next year will be Gus's last unless he miraculously wins the division and actually puts a competent product out there against Georgia and Alabama. 

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5 minutes ago, gr82be said:

This is probably not the year for that but hopefully Green would wish him well and tell him to take his hot air and go. 

I agree that he won’t negotiate this year, but I think he will start laying the ground work this off season.  Promising a much improved season in 2021 to negotiate something between the last game of the season and the SECCG.  It’s been done before.

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Auburn won't go 9-3 next year. All of y'all should have learned by now that the 7 million dollar offensive genius will turn out 4 to 5 loses EVERY YEAR.

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4 minutes ago, WalkingCarpet said:

Next year will be Gus's last unless he miraculously wins the division and actually puts a competent product out there against Georgia and Alabama. 

So here is what I have been thinking about. Everybody since Bo signed has kind of looked at 2021 as the best year to make a run. The roster sets up very well, potentially. 

So Gus talks most of this year's class into coming back. We have a year where we go 11-1 maybe losing to one of our 3 rivals (probably a bad LSU team) and we sweep the rest. Make the SEC championship. Maybe even win and potential playoff. But lets just say for now Win the West. 

Recruiting this year has tanked. We have no elite OT. We are not even top 25 class. Let's say next year we get back into top 15, but again...we have a bunch of project OL and zero Elite guys or true OT prospects. Same story, right? 

So the question is...How does that play out if he managed to put it together for one year but nothing else changes? That scares me. He would be coming for an extension then. Heck why would he not. You just won the west, maybe even SEC. We as fans see the writing on the wall that this is at best a once in 5-6 year opportunity. Do we give to him? Do we not? It would look bad optic wise to some if we don't give him the extension. 

I have never rooted for AU to lose nor will I, but that is a bit of a pickle. 


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3 minutes ago, Tigerpro2a said:

So here is what I have been thinking about. Everybody since Bo signed has kind of looked at 2021 as the best year to make a run. The roster sets up very well, potentially. 

So Gus talks most of this year's class into coming back. We have a year where we go 11-1 maybe losing to one of our 3 rivals (probably a bad LSU team) and we sweep the rest. Make the SEC championship. Maybe even win and potential playoff. But lets just say for now Win the West. 

Recruiting this year has tanked. We have no elite OT. We are not even top 25 class. Let's say next year we get back into top 15, but again...we have a bunch of project OL and zero Elite guys or true OT prospects. Same story, right? 

So the question is...How does that play out if he managed to put it together for one year but nothing else changes? That scares me. He would be coming for an extension then. Heck why would he not. You just won the west, maybe even SEC. We as fans see the writing on the wall that this is at best a once in 5-6 year opportunity. Do we give to him? Do we not? It would look bad optic wise to some if we don't give him the extension. 

I have never rooted for AU to lose nor will I, but that is a bit of a pickle. 


How does the roster set up very well? 

Our WR positions aren't going to improve more than this year? Running back still needs an offensive line as we saw again on Saturday. There will be experience but it's still the same offense we've seen outside of the first two games. 

Look for a drop off next year. IMO. 

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8 minutes ago, Tigerpro2a said:

So here is what I have been thinking about. Everybody since Bo signed has kind of looked at 2021 as the best year to make a run. The roster sets up very well, potentially. 

So Gus talks most of this year's class into coming back. We have a year where we go 11-1 maybe losing to one of our 3 rivals (probably a bad LSU team) and we sweep the rest. Make the SEC championship. Maybe even win and potential playoff. But lets just say for now Win the West. 

Recruiting this year has tanked. We have no elite OT. We are not even top 25 class. Let's say next year we get back into top 15, but again...we have a bunch of project OL and zero Elite guys or true OT prospects. Same story, right? 

So the question is...How does that play out if he managed to put it together for one year but nothing else changes? That scares me. He would be coming for an extension then. Heck why would he not. You just won the west, maybe even SEC. We as fans see the writing on the wall that this is at best a once in 5-6 year opportunity. Do we give to him? Do we not? It would look bad optic wise to some if we don't give him the extension. 

I have never rooted for AU to lose nor will I, but that is a bit of a pickle. 


If he wins the west next year he would have finally hit the bar as far as what is expected and required of him based on his CURRENT contract. Auburn fans make this more difficult than it really is. Just because he win the west one year does not mean he deserves a new extension with loads of millions of dollars. 

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2 minutes ago, Randman5000 said:

How does the roster set up very well? 

Our WR positions aren't going to improve more than this year? Running back still needs an offensive line as we saw again on Saturday. There will be experience but it's still the same offense we've seen outside of the first two games. 

Look for a drop off next year. IMO. 

There is a chance the OL improves next year with Council back, a healthy Zierer (?), maybe Coffee adds weight, and the Harvard guy at center.  WR is going to take a big hit and I just don’t understand Shed taking snaps away from Capers and Hudson...going to need to get those guys ready.  Maybe we finally see some production out of the TE spot with the Oklahoma guy coming in.

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1 minute ago, DAG said:

If he wins the west next year he would have finally hit the bar as far as what is expected and required of him based on his CURRENT contract. Auburn fans make this more difficult than it really is. Just because he win the west one year does not mean he deserves a new extension with loads of millions of dollars. 

I 100% agree. Heck even if he won a natty next year I do not think he would deserve an extension. It would be a fluke....but if you or myself were making the decision he wouldn't be here, nor would he have gotten the contract he has now. It would be the most JABA thing ever for that to happen and I could see PTB doing that. Honestly, If it were me, I would say "Gus...I am happy that you finally put it together and I feel like you actually earned your check this year. Good job. I will always be happy to give you a reference. Come back to visit anytime. Peace" and fire him. 

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