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Welcome Back Coach Garner!


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We NEEDED this hire. Finally, an A-Plus recruiter! This staff is finally starting to show some recruiting prowess. I still wish he would bring back Trooper and Luper. Then we would have the finest recruiting staff in the country.

Well he knows how good they are and yet he chose not to keep them. You think there might be a reason for that?
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I wonder if this will affect the Ruben Foster recruitment. Wasn't he considering UGA?

It will affect all the current possible commits but how it will is the unknown. It is nothing short of spectacular for AU regardless of who we get/don't get right now.

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Awesome, Kickerman! Short, sweet, to the point. The day any team hires to please individual recruits is the day the sun DOESN'T set orange and blue...

Sevenlee...so many of your posts come up with....SOMETHING. Why?



Does anyone know why Lawson didn't like Georgia, folks on TOS are making it sound like he has something against Garner and with the hire it is going to hurt are chances with Lawson...............

ELITOR ...ANYONE know anything about this?

There is not one recruit that is worth as much as having him back at AU. This did nothing to hurt us.

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This should for sure increase our chances on getting Foster to re-commit...A LB's best friend on the field is the D-lineman...with what we alreay have on the team, and what we can still pick up in recruiting, plus you factor in adding Garner, recruiting is starting to shape up. I also wonder what this means for Lemonier.....

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Most definitely, CoolTigger! But some will never cease believing they know more about working alongside anyone--the good, the bad, and the ugly--in particular for three years than does CGM. Once again, that is once of the most brilliant reasons for hiring CGM in the first place.

Each entitled to his/her opinion, we are also each WISE to consider the source. I'm always especially appreciative of actual fact PLUS game knowledge and "half full." Sunshine pumper, maybe, but at this point, why not?

We NEEDED this hire. Finally, an A-Plus recruiter! This staff is finally starting to show some recruiting prowess. I still wish he would bring back Trooper and Luper. Then we would have the finest recruiting staff in the country.

Well he knows how good they are and yet he chose not to keep them. You think there might be a reason for that?

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Here is a link to a June 2012 AJC article about RG. I am thankful that GM brought this man to AU. We needed a MAN like this, not just a coach or recruiting coordinator!


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Learning of their relationship, former Tigers’ coach Tommy Tuberville appealed to Belcher as a middle man to help lure Garner back to The Plains several years ago.

That was a great article. It's funny how that coaches use boosters, friends, family members etc to make things happen that you never hear about.

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War Eagle! Long-time message board lurker but first post...

So I'm thinking to myself about Garner today and ponder WHAT IF Georgia had gotten one more play to get into the endzone and ended up winning the SEC Champ...GA is playing in the National Championship. Personally, I don't see any way we get Garner. Amazing how one play could have such a big impact for us. I don't want to get ahead of myself but we might look at this hire down the line and truly realize how much success he will mean for AU. It's not every day you get an alum coach who just happens to be an elite recruiter and "wants to spend the rest of his career at AU". He's 46 years old I believe.

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Link to presser: http://www.al.com/auburnfootball/index.ssf/2012/12/rodney_garner_on_return_to_aub.html

Just listen to this and if there are any doubts about AU and what it means to true Auburn people, RG will clear that up for you.


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Link to presser: http://www.al.com/au...urn_to_aub.html

Just listen to this and if there are any doubts about AU and what it means to true Auburn people, RG will clear that up for you.


I watched that one i think, was looking for the entire one with Gus speaking too.
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That's good news. He need Rodney getting ready to hit the road to recruiting.

makes no sense seeing as how we are in a dead period.

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Link to presser: http://www.al.com/auburnfootball/index.ssf/2012/12/rodney_garner_on_return_to_aub.html

Just listen to this and if there are any doubts about AU and what it means to true Auburn people, RG will clear that up for you.


Having a guy like that on this coaching staff really gives me hope that better days are ahead.

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This should for sure increase our chances on getting Foster to re-commit...A LB's best friend on the field is the D-lineman...with what we alreay have on the team, and what we can still pick up in recruiting, plus you factor in adding Garner, recruiting is starting to shape up. I also wonder what this means for Lemonier.....

This will be pretty interesting to see, initially I never really thought about this. Hopefully he'll be back.

Absolutely great to see Coach Garner back. Many great things are in the near future.

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LOL the AJC is saying that Garner was the recruiter 10 years ago but in recent years Bobo has taken over. :-\/>

Funny, that is not what UGA recruits have said. LOL

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