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Welcome Back Coach Garner!


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Will yall be quiet!!! I'm trying to watch the news about the end of the world.

So what if we got a really great football coach and a solid recruiter. We will not need any of it when December 21st finally gets here.

Welcome back Coach Garner :wareagle:

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War Eagle! Long-time message board lurker but first post...

So I'm thinking to myself about Garner today and ponder WHAT IF Georgia had gotten one more play to get into the endzone and ended up winning the SEC Champ...GA is playing in the National Championship. Personally, I don't see any way we get Garner. Amazing how one play could have such a big impact for us. I don't want to get ahead of myself but we might look at this hire down the line and truly realize how much success he will mean for AU. It's not every day you get an alum coach who just happens to be an elite recruiter and "wants to spend the rest of his career at AU". He's 46 years old I believe.

welcome to AUF post often

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War Eagle! Long-time message board lurker but first post...

So I'm thinking to myself about Garner today and ponder WHAT IF Georgia had gotten one more play to get into the endzone and ended up winning the SEC Champ...GA is playing in the National Championship. Personally, I don't see any way we get Garner. Amazing how one play could have such a big impact for us. I don't want to get ahead of myself but we might look at this hire down the line and truly realize how much success he will mean for AU. It's not every day you get an alum coach who just happens to be an elite recruiter and "wants to spend the rest of his career at AU". He's 46 years old I believe.

welcome to AUF post often

anybody have his salary and length of contract?

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Really impressed by listening to his passion and desire to reestablish Auburn to its proper position of greatness. Also, and I know this may sound weird, but am very impressed with his professionalism towards his bosses. During his entire interview he always referred to the HC or the DC as Coach ....., never just Gus or Mark, or Todd, etc... Little things like that show a lot of loyalty and most importantly respect. A very fast way to turn around any organization be it your business or your football team is to reestablish loyalty and respect. If, and this is a big if, all the reports that have came out are true about how bad discipline has gotten under the last staff a lot of respect and loyalty to each other may need to be built back in to these young men. I am excited.

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BSPN did a short session tonight on coach garner's hiring by Auburn. Basically said his hiring was evidence that auburn is truly serious about a quick return to the top of the SEC competition.

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Really impressed by listening to his passion and desire to reestablish Auburn to its proper position of greatness. Also, and I know this may sound weird, but am very impressed with his professionalism towards his bosses. During his entire interview he always referred to the HC or the DC as Coach ....., never just Gus or Mark, or Todd, etc... Little things like that show a lot of loyalty and most importantly respect. A very fast way to turn around any organization be it your business or your football team is to reestablish loyalty and respect. If, and this is a big if, all the reports that have came out are true about how bad discipline has gotten under the last staff a lot of respect and loyalty to each other may need to be built back in to these young men. I am excited.

Nice post! One thing that has bothered me for the past four years is the lack of respect the players have shown towards the coaches in interviews. It was always Chiz or Chizik or Trooper or Troop or Malzahn or Roof, never Coach Chizik or Coach Taylor, etc. Hopefully Coach Malzahn and Coach Garner along with the other coaches can re-estabish this element of respect in our players.

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I like everything about this hire. I do find it funny that everyone wanted to get the pitchforks and torches and go after J Jacobs. To think JJ didn't have an influence in getting CRG back to AU would be crazy. I'm not saying CGM and CEJ didn't "pick" him, I just don't think he comes back except for JJ.

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Stoked to have Coach Garner back. Can you imagine if we would have gotten Coach Craig from FSU as well? 2 top 10 recruiters would have been nice.


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I like everything about this hire. I do find it funny that everyone wanted to get the pitchforks and torches and go after J Jacobs. To think JJ didn't have an influence in getting CRG back to AU would be crazy. I'm not saying CGM and CEJ didn't "pick" him, I just don't think he comes back except for JJ.

What makes you think Jay Jacobs was the reason for Garner to come back to AU?

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I like everything about this hire. I do find it funny that everyone wanted to get the pitchforks and torches and go after J Jacobs. To think JJ didn't have an influence in getting CRG back to AU would be crazy. I'm not saying CGM and CEJ didn't "pick" him, I just don't think he comes back except for JJ.

JJ is still incompetent as AU's AD and needs to be fired for the good of AU, but if he was the reason Garner came back then he deserves an "atta boy" and a new coloring book to keep him busy until a competent AD can be hired.


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No doubt about it, CGM has hit a 550 foot grandslam with hiring CRG as the DL and recruiting coordinator. CGM has made some excellent hires to his staff. He is laying the foundation for an exceptional coaching staff that will place Auburn among the top BCS schools year in and out competing for NCs.

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Love it! http://www.al.com/auburnfootball/index.ssf/2012/12/rodney_garner_returns_to_aubur.html

My favorite paragraph:

"We are going to recruit the caliber of student-athletes that we feel give us the best chance to win championships and doing it the right way with discipline, integrity and instilling in them a pride, a toughness, a competitiveness that we are going to do this over and over and over and over and over and over," Garner said.


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If I wasn't sold on CGM before, this hire just won me over! This is one of the best hires since CGC hired CGM in 2009. I think CRG is one of the best recruiters in the country. AUsome! War Eagle!

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You just have to love the fact that Coach Garner's former teammates and letterman made the trip to welcome him back to AU. There is nothing better than being an Auburn man or woman. The outpouring of admiration and respect for this man is what Auburn is all about.WDE! It sure will be an exciting time this Spring.

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Who says you can't dominate one position as a player and be ultra successful coaching a different position? Garner was a terrific O-line player, hired as our proven D-line coach.

An unusually important hire with this staff (and a good choice IMO) simply because coordinating recruiting is not one of Gus' resume highlights (e.g. he stalked Kiehl Frazier for 5 years) and Rodney has a huge track record of phenomenal recruiting coordination.

Interesting footnotes to this hire: a POSITION coach is also the assistant HEAD coach? Gus loudly repeated how much authority his coordinators would have. Wonder how DC Johnson feels about Garner reporting to him on defense while Garner's also second in command? I understand "honorary" titles....but never seen this before.

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Who says you can't dominate one position as a player and be ultra successful coaching a different position? Garner was a terrific O-line player, hired as our proven D-line coach.

An unusually important hire with this staff (and a good choice IMO) simply because coordinating recruiting is not one of Gus' resume highlights (e.g. he stalked Kiehl Frazier for 5 years) and Rodney has a huge track record of phenomenal recruiting coordination.

Interesting footnotes to this hire: a POSITION coach is also the assistant HEAD coach? Gus loudly repeated how much authority his coordinators would have. Wonder how DC Johnson feels about Garner reporting to him on defense while Garner's also second in command? I understand "honorary" titles....but never seen this before.

its common in college and the NFL for favored position coaches to carry the asst HC title. But it doesn't necessarily mean the asst coach is second in command.
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