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Last 5 year recruiting rankings


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9 hours ago, McLoofus said:

-Talent doesn't guarantee you championships, but no talent guarantees no championships.

-I'd really love to know how loosening NIL and transfer restrictions will make the rich suddenly get richer. 

I know I used that phrase in another thread and I feel it has some merit once the NIL takes effect. The literal rich are already buying players for their chosen school. If it goes above board they will continue to push the limits and then I could see even more elite talent heading their way. What's to stop a booster from paying a recruit to not go to a rival if their school doesn't have room for them. Just as I type that it probably happens more than I ever thought about. Basically I just don't think guys who bend rules are going to stop bending them and some have deeper pockets than others. 

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2 hours ago, GwillMac6 said:

Failure? I do not think so. 10 wins in 3 of his 5 seasons at Michigan. With a 9 win season this past season.  But now Overrated and failing to live up to his own hype? Absolutely. I just do not think Michigan is as great of a job as the national media makes it out to be. The gap is A LOT further from Ohio State to Michigan than it is Alabama to Auburn. Michigan has 1 national title since 1948 (97). And yet the national media treats it like it is some top tier blue blood. 

Hasn’t beaten tOSU since he has been there. I lived in Michigan and interact with these folks everyday here in Milwaukee . They consider him a failure . Let me ask you this, do you consider Gus a failure based on his overall tenure at Auburn? People up here don’t but based on what we are paying him and what he is getting , most people do. It is no different than how UM feels about coach Jim. And quite frankly he should be able to win 9-10 games a year.

They play two terrible OOC games then you add Indiana , Maryland , Nebraska , Illinois, Rutgers , Purdue 

I mean come on. There are three teams he really should have to get up for: Wisconsin, Penn State and tOSU. 

Iowa plays hard but UM should be beating them majority of the time. They don’t even consider Michigan State a true rival. 

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8 hours ago, japantiger said:

Then your premise is ranking rules?  That is, if you are #1, then you will automatically beat #2?  There's no tier like many propose; that is, average ranking per recruiting class member above 90 means  you are in the Super Elite class.  Recruiting rules all?  There's no development involved?  

It makes a difference but it's not the end all be all... Bama is a recruiting juggernaut, hasn't helped them vs Auburn multiple times.

For example, Bama and UGA are not just 1 and 2, but are far above third place in terms of skill recruited. While they are fielding great teams every year, it's not a guarantee that the NC is going to one of them.

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10 hours ago, gr82be said:

Basically I just don't think guys who bend rules are going to stop bending them and some have deeper pockets than others.

Oh, no, nobody's going to stop cheating. I don't think anyone's proposing that lifting restrictions on what the players can do and earn is a solution to cheating. As long as there are rules, people will break them. Apologies. I shouldn't have brought that conversation over here.

I'll rephrase:

-Talent doesn't guarantee championships, but no talent guarantees no championships

-Almost all of elite talent is divided among a very select few schools 


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4 minutes ago, Tigerpro2a said:

Recruiting rankings remind me of an old Deer Hunting quote my dad used to tell me. 

"Big Bucks can rub small trees, but small bucks cant rub large trees."


"No coach can win consistently without superior talent. Some can't win with it, but nobody can win without it." John Wooden from his book "They Call Me Coach".

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4 hours ago, Mikey said:

"No coach can win consistently without superior talent. Some can't win with it, but nobody can win without it." John Wooden from his book "They Call Me Coach".

Wooden should know better than anyone!!!! lol. He did not start winning big at UCLA till Sam Gilbert started buying him elite players.

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