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Gus has No Shame


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7 minutes ago, tgrogan21 said:

I would love it if no one associated with Auburn said "BOOM!" after every minor accomplishment.

I'd be okay with it if they also said "BOING!" after every f'up.  Maybe they'd get a clue.    

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1 hour ago, gr82b4au said:

Unreal. I can’t believe he actually said that. What happens if State beat us next week? 
losing sucks. 

We won't be bowl eligible. 

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1 hour ago, AUBourne said:

He is not wrong. He normally has those out of conference cupcakes to pad his record.

He is 27-31 against Power Five teams with a winning record. 

He is wrong that a 4 loss year is "solid" at Auburn. 

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15 minutes ago, AURealist said:

I'd be okay with it if they also said "BOING!" after every f'up.  Maybe they'd get a clue.    

We'd be sounding like Tigger after 5 minutes.

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53 minutes ago, Win4AU said:

That’s pretty damning.  If I’m Allen Greene he’s in my office first thing Monday explaining himself.  Of all the things he’s said and done this may be the thing that gets him fired.  That’s not a competitive mentality 

He's done this before after losses, just not as explicit. "We played the toughest schedule in the country." "We're a work in progress." "It's not the end of the world." (After blowing the 20 point lead at LSU). 

He's always downplayed losses and made excuses. He is a loser. I say that in a literal way, not meaning to insult. He is a person calibrated to not succeeding at what he does.

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34 minutes ago, Auburn Tiger said:

Funny how that clown assumes the non-conference games are automatic wins when those teams give him all he can handle on the field. Lol. Even funnier is his admission to mediocrity. 8-4 is a solid year for someone who doesn’t expect to win championships. If that’s the case, he should also admit that he shouldn’t be making championship pay. What an asshat. 

We definitely wouldn't have beaten UNC in Atlanta.

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In retrospect of the Gus Malzahn era and his hire, Auburn did something that few schools do - they hired an inventor, not a coach. 

They brought in a guy who had a clever invention to offer in his unique offensive system (like other system architects: Leach, Hal Mumme, Paul Johnson, etc.). It wasn't his leadership, his coaching abilities, or his intangibles. It was that he had a state of the art toy.

We didn't realize at the time that there was nothing else to him.

Things may have even worked if Gus had continued to innovate. But the problem is he stopped inventing. His signature invention became public domain, and obsolete. So now we've got a guy who has literally nothing to offer us. 

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36 minutes ago, tgrogan21 said:

I would love it if no one associated with Auburn said "BOOM!" after every minor accomplishment.

Been my wish for years, it is as stale as his offense

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But it is a typical Gus season which is what he means. He just doesn't have the easy OOC games to make it look better. Gus apologists are okay with this season. They will continue to offer excuses. They will continue to defend the guy making $7 million a year and they will still not care about the players that won't reach their potential.

15 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

He is wrong that a 4 loss year is "solid" at Auburn. 


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If he had a shred of integrity, he would go to Greene and say "Obviously, I'm not the best coach for Auburn. I resign and nullify my contract, so you don't owe me anything more" and leave.



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3 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

In retrospect of the Gus Malzahn era and his hire, Auburn did something that few schools do - they hired an inventor, not a coach. 

They brought in a guy who had a clever invention to offer in his unique offensive system (like other system architects: Leach, Hal Mumme, Paul Johnson, etc.). It wasn't his leadership, his coaching abilities, or his intangibles. It was that he had a state of the art toy.

We didn't realize at the time that there was nothing else to him.

Things may have even worked if Gus had continued to innovate. But the problem is he stopped inventing. His signature invention became public domain, and obsolete. So now we've got a guy who has literally nothing to offer us. 

Remember early in his tenure when he allowed all the big time coaching staffs to come and learn his offense and at the same time he would have his coaches go to some of the shittiest programs in the country.  Showed his checkers intelligence while everyone else was playing chess.   They figured out his offense is mainly lipstick and took the good and evolved it over and over again.  A couple years later and no, none, zero coaches visited Auburn because the biggest dunce gave it all away and everyone recognized the fraud of his being referred to s a guru.

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3 minutes ago, AUBourne said:

But it is a typical Gus season which is what he means. He just doesn't have the easy OOC games to make it look better. Gus apologists are okay with this season. They will continue to offer excuses. They will continue to defend the guy making $7 million a year and they will still not care about the players that won't reach their potential.


You're not hearing me. Regardless of what Gus says or thinks, or what is his norm, a 4 loss year is not "solid" at a program like Auburn. That's why he has to go. He isn't built for a program like Auburn.

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Oh I understood your point from the jump. I agree that 4 losses per year is not acceptable at Auburn. It should be the exception not the rule. And I can't wait for fresh, competent leadership.  I just don't think Gus apologists or Allen Greene will care. Nothing will be done until the talent pool at AU is depleted and the rebuild will take years. 

20 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

You're not hearing me. Regardless of what Gus says or thinks, or what is his norm, a 4 loss year is not "solid" at a program like Auburn. That's why he has to go. He isn't built for a program like Auburn.


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26 minutes ago, AURex said:

If he had a shred of integrity, he would go to Greene and say "Obviously, I'm not the best coach for Auburn. I resign and nullify my contract, so you don't owe me anything more" and leave.



lol   i wouldnt walk away from millions  (especially knowing i would never be able to attain that type of pay day ever in my career again) 

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3 minutes ago, Mike4AU said:

What an admission by Gus that his record is padded because of wins over cupcakes.  Yes, Gus has no shame.  

If you take away the 3 cupcakes games on the schedule for the previous 7 seasons, he is not much better than 500 winning %. He is typically an 8-5 coach with 3 cupcake wins every year. 
Auburn is paying Gus Mercedes wages but getting used Chevy results. 
He must be replaced after the MSU game.

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40 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

In retrospect of the Gus Malzahn era and his hire, Auburn did something that few schools do - they hired an inventor, not a coach. 

They brought in a guy who had a clever invention to offer in his unique offensive system (like other system architects: Leach, Hal Mumme, Paul Johnson, etc.). It wasn't his leadership, his coaching abilities, or his intangibles. It was that he had a state of the art toy.

We didn't realize at the time that there was nothing else to him.

Things may have even worked if Gus had continued to innovate. But the problem is he stopped inventing. His signature invention became public domain, and obsolete. So now we've got a guy who has literally nothing to offer us. 

Excellent analogy friend. I wouldn't say he's got nothing to offer... He could easily take a G5/Independent school and be a rock star just off of his recruiting prowess. But he's getting lapped here in the SEC

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