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Ranking SEC Offensive Lines ... AU #4!


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According to Chris Lowe.

1. USCe

2. aTm

3. LSU

4. AU




8. UF


10. UGA


12. ARKY

13. TENN

14. UK

I'd rank us #1. Hope our guys are reading these rankings!

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I do believe USC, Auburn, and LSU are the top 3 in some order. I just think our group plays together better than the other groups. Maybe they have some standout individual linemen, but so do we.

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I do believe USC, Auburn, and LSU are the top 3 in some order. I just think our group plays together better than the other groups. Maybe they have some standout individual linemen, but so do we.

I do think all 3 are good -- aTm as well. But I agree with you. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SEASON TO START!!!!

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Opinions make pre-season football fun. I would think AU has the best returning line in SEC. 4th? This is why you play the games. Will AU lead SEC again in rushing?

I think we do lead again, and that we make a big jump in passing!

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We'll have our chance to prove Chris Lowe wrong. :wareagle:

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If y'all think south carolina's o line is on up there with auburn, they must have a great one. I didnt pay much attention to USCe last year I really wouldnt know.

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If y'all think south carolina's o line is on up there with auburn, they must have a great one. I didnt pay much attention to USCe last year

Paying more attention since we play them this season. I tend to agree with Sumlin -- Spurrier is being quiet ... too quiet. Will be interesting to watch USCe early on against aTm and UGA.

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I don't think there will be three better O-lines in the country than AU--much less the conference. Too much talent and experience coming back to not be dominant.

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Lowe's list is hilarious.

Must have inked it with a BiC on an industry standard breakroom napkin used for his Krispy Kreme casserole from lunch.

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I believe most experts would rate our OL as the best for running game, but maybe not so much for passing game.

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Bet if you go back to last year he had us at the bottom of the SEC for the OL. How did that work out ? At least he will look a little better this year when we finish at the top again. Remember these guys are entertainers, trying to get hits, they know less about college football than the average fan. "We coming" and there is not a thing that all these doomsday predictors can do about it. This time we win it all. WDE

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I have more of a problem with this ranking than any of ESPN's other rankings so far. We return 5 guys that have all started multiple games last season, when our line was dominant. We have possibly the best center in the nation.

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I think this is South Carolina's last chance for a NC under Spurrier.

He's gonna have a pretty huge talent drop off from attrition with 2010-2013

Essentially the Golden era of South Carolina football

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I have more of a problem with this ranking than any of ESPN's other rankings so far. We return 5 guys that have all started multiple games last season, when our line was dominant. We have possibly the best center in the nation.

Among those 5 who started multiple games last year, we have a pair of three year starters returning, two others who started multiple games in each of the past two seasons, and a freshman All-American from a year ago. In fairness, Greg Robinson was considered the cornerstone of the O-line, so his early departure leaves a void for those who don't follow the team closely, which I feel sure is why we are rated 4th in the first place...but still, Lowe has never really impressed me a whole lot. :laugh:

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Our line should be one of the best if not the best in the SEC and all of college football this year. A&M is getting love because they have one of the highest rated kids for the NFL draft in their Oline again this year. One kid does not make up a whole like though. USC returns 4 of 5 lineman, so they will be stout. LSU is always pretty good.

Let's show them on the field though. I like our chances.

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Low is dumb as they come. Dude couldn't judge wet paper bags.

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Low is dumb as they come. Dude couldn't judge wet paper bags.

"Judge his way out of a wet paper bag."

It's hard to take a journalist seriously that calls himself a blogger but made his first electronic communication on a rotary phone.

That, and he's a monumental bamr buttsuck.

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Low is dumb as they come. Dude couldn't judge wet paper bags.

"Judge his way out of a wet paper bag."

It's hard to take a journalist seriously that calls himself a blogger but made his first electronic communication on a rotary phone.

That, and he's a monumental bamr buttsuck.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Bravo!

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