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Ten Passes? This is not progress!


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if JJ can relax and play IOW not hit LBs in the chest with passes then i have no problem with him playing. we were definitely overrated but I don't think we are as bad as we have played. I don't care who plays but i want some coherency in the passing game. I want the receivers to quit lolly gagging. then everything else can start falling into place. the defense is just simply the same it has been for years. the offense improving is our only hope this season.

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if JJ can relax and play IOW not hit LBs in the chest with passes then i have no problem with him playing. we were definitely overrated but I don't think we are as bad as we have played. I don't care who plays but i want some coherency in the passing game. I want the receivers to quit lolly gagging. then everything else can start falling into place. the defense is just simply the same it has been for years. the offense improving is our only hope this season.

The defense is improving. Boom has played a lot of young guys with "want to" over some lolly gagging veterans.

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The last thing I'll say about WR catching balls that hit their hands is something my old coach used to say to our team "Do you eat with those hands?". Always thought that was funny. I've started hearing the JJ rumors too. I'm more concerned with a reading the defense issue JJ has than the confidence. That's a problem that isn't fixed sitting two games.

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if JJ can relax and play IOW not hit LBs in the chest with passes then i have no problem with him playing. we were definitely overrated but I don't think we are as bad as we have played. I don't care who plays but i want some coherency in the passing game. I want the receivers to quit lolly gagging. then everything else can start falling into place. the defense is just simply the same it has been for years. the offense improving is our only hope this season.

The defense is improving. Boom has played a lot of young guys with "want to" over some lolly gagging veterans.

just going off the feel of the game and the 406 yards SJS racked up, the defense is not improving much if any.
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Johnson is more talented and it appears we ran more stuff with him in. With White it appears we are very vanilla and only attempted to pass for 1 TD in Redzone in 2 games. Atleast Duke and Ricardo caught some balls. he does have to protect the ball better but there is no way we win with Captain Checkdown at the helm.

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Johnson is more talented and it appears we ran more stuff with him in. With White it appears we are very vanilla and only attempted to pass for 1 TD in Redzone in 2 games. Atleast Duke and Ricardo caught some balls. he does have to protect the ball better but there is no way we win with Captain Checkdown at the helm.

that is kinda how I am feeling. I wanted to see Sean run around or roll out and find a receiver when the play broke down(by design really). That is what his high school tapes showed, him scrambling with eyes down field and very accurate. Not sure what we are seeing now. Sean hasn't done much that JJ couldn't do. Although what Sean is doing he is doing well, I just don't buy that he has the whole playbook at his disposal. Hopefully JJ was pulled to save his mind and confidence then when they think they have had time to reintroduce him to the game he will be ready. Yea, I know that is a very highly unlikely, maybe ridiculous, sunshine pushing, daydreaming scenario but I have nothing else to make myself feel better for the next ten days.
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Gus/R were all in with Johnson and now neither have a clue what to do. They have White running Johnson's, Cam's & Marshall's O. Which is going to get White killed. Poor planning by two people who are making over 5m a year at AU and are supposed to be offensive "genius". Gus is standing on the sidelines looking like a deer in the head lights and the players are feeding off this. Plus looks like the passing plays are predetermined on who to throw to and only one wideout is running a real route while the other just go threw the motions. RL sucks at recruiting & Gus seems to lack the closing ability than most other SEC head guys have.

Gus and RL aren't the only ones who are need to be called out. DC needs to get off his ass. His wideouts are bad. Can't run good routes and drop the ball way too much. Plus they don't or can't block. DC's recruiting isn't any better than RG's.

Grimes OL is soft and slow. Recruiting is iffy.

Horton is doing ok. PB is running hard but Roc is Mr. Spin & Fumble. One good thing is Horton is recruiting his ass off.

FWIW & IMO anyways.

I feel bad for Sean honestly because i do feel like he is going to get killed running a system he has no business running. Plus, our Oline pass blocking pretty much sucks right now. Teams are going to blitz the heck out of that kid and he has already had issues fumbling. So we could be back at the same issues with QB turnovers. I don't proclaim to have all the answers to how to fix this but i was hoping the staff would've did something a little different to try to combat some of those issues and put Sean in a good position this Saturday.

Yes, running the ball is an effective way to help him but i just don't see it providing that much help against the likes of Ole Miss, Bama and UGA. They're going to bring everybody up to the line to stop the run and blitz when Sean goes back to pass. I hate the fact that i'm down on this team this early in the season but i'd certainly welcome being 100% wrong if we can have a huge turn around by some sort of miracle.

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SW has played better then JJ period. He has played better without having practiced with the First team until 2 weeks ago and never having played a down of college football till two weeks ago. The long pass to Smith may not have been perfect but it was catchable that is a receivers job. Often times long passes are not perfect even with great QB's good receivers have time to adjust on a long pass.Duke had a chance to make the kind of catch he made routinely last year and he failed. Was SW perfect no but all QB's need their receivers to help them.

If as some say the issue is there is only one receiver really running a route on any play that is a coaching issue not a QB issue. No coach should ever hang out a QB without multiple routes on any passing situation. We have 2 weeks before our next game lets hope we open the O up enough to see if SW can do the job. So far we haven't seen enough to brag on SW or criticize him as playing calling hasn't allowed him to show if he is great adequate, so so, or bad.

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if JJ can relax and play IOW not hit LBs in the chest with passes then i have no problem with him playing. we were definitely overrated but I don't think we are as bad as we have played. I don't care who plays but i want some coherency in the passing game. I want the receivers to quit lolly gagging. then everything else can start falling into place. the defense is just simply the same it has been for years. the offense improving is our only hope this season.

Agree. I think confidence and momentum play a big role. I might be wrong but i think this defense is better than the 2013 defense we went to the national championship with. That's not saying a lot because both are still not good but the 2013 defense was able to dig in and do what was needed to allow us a another shot at a championship. The offense of course had a lot to do with that but when you have good leaders and very confident you can contend with any team and dominate on offense; i think guys level of play rises.

We had several players on the 2013 defense team that wouldn't have cracked many teams two deep in the SEC. We were extremely thin at LB and DB. I just think the entire demeanor of this team changed when the QB position went to crap and it's going to take a lot to get back to the mindset before we started the season. No one envisioned this and clearly there was not a back up plan.

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Outside of the LSU game, the number of points the D has surrendered in each game should lead to easy wins for AU. Especially under Gus.

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yeah I believe if sean was capable and had a full understanding of the playbook he would have won the game versus Miss State. Hopefully we get whoever is the starter ready to throw the ball a lot more in the saddle. we need more pass rush on defense there is no way Lawson should have impacted the defense this much if so we need to recruit 2 or 3 guys just like him because kennion is still too light and not aggressive enough. He was forced to play in my opinion because of Lawson injury. The good news is even if he returns we should have him again next season.

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I think some overestimate the improvement that can occur in a week.

Dude it's ugly. Players aren't buying into what the coaches are doing and the coaches don't trust the players. Gus is convinced that if the players will execute his offense he can beat anyone but it looks like the rest of the NCAA had figured out how to stop Gus as of right now. Gus's ego is the problem. This is going to get ugly. IMO.

Personally, I never thought Gus was an "offensive guru" in the same sense that others did. Gus understands the obvious for his system: good execution, simplicity, plus tempo, equals success. If you eliminate any of those three elements, the results vary greatly. 2013's offense was a great combination of all three; once they found it, no one could really deal with it. They were not held to under 30 points a single time after the LSU loss, and the reason is simple: there were established threats all over the field, and execution was great. A team cannot really consistently execute a ridiculously complicated offense at high tempo. Gus is not the type of coach that can craft an offense that is consistently successful without tempo.

Gus' ego is the HUNH. He wrote the definitive book on the subject, and I cannot believe that he has abandoned that philosophy. That is the philosophy Auburn bought when he was hired. Gus' offense does not work without tempo AND execution, nor do I think he really expects it to. It is not designed to march down the field slowly at 3-4 yards per play. It is designed to hammer away with whatever is working and then bust things open with big plays, where the tempo is the element that keeps that happening long enough for the defense to wear away under the pressure. His book speaks of creating a 5th quarter via tempo, and that is what he believes.

I do not think Gus is a run-first, play-action coach, and I think his offenses at multiple locations demonstrate that. I do think that he likes to use what is working, whether it is rushing or passing, and open it up from there. Ultimately, as is the case with any offense, it will not work if the entire unit does not execute it well consistently.

I do not think the NCAA has figured out his offense, I think it is more an issue of his offense does not work when tempo AND execution are not present. An offensive strategy that is predicated upon using tempo, eye candy, and execution to force the defense into making mistakes will not work well when basically all three are missing on a regular basis.

Very Nice Synopsis!

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yeah I believe if sean was capable and had a full understanding of the playbook he would have won the game versus Miss State. Hopefully we get whoever is the starter ready to throw the ball a lot more in the saddle. we need more pass rush on defense there is no way Lawson should have impacted the defense this much if so we need to recruit 2 or 3 guys just like him because kennion is still too light and not aggressive enough. He was forced to play in my opinion because of Lawson injury. The good news is even if he returns we should have him again next season.

Sooooo...because SW lost his first game ever played in college then he is not capable? I agree with you other points, but that one is flawed logic. There may be reasons to consider whether he is capable or not, but losing 1 game is not one of them.

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I never thought I would say this....but I have ZERO confidence after watching them play last week that Malzahn is going to be able to get this offense on track. ZERO.

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yeah I believe if sean was capable and had a full understanding of the playbook he would have won the game versus Miss State.

That's completely ridiculous...

Hopefully we get whoever is the starter ready to throw the ball a lot more in the saddle. we need more pass rush on defense there is no way Lawson should have impacted the defense this much if so we need to recruit 2 or 3 guys just like him because kennion is still too light and not aggressive enough. He was forced to play in my opinion because of Lawson injury. The good news is even if he returns we should have him again next season.

Holy run on sentence and lack of punctuation.
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yeah I believe if sean was capable and had a full understanding of the playbook he would have won the game versus Miss State.

That's completely ridiculous...

Hopefully we get whoever is the starter ready to throw the ball a lot more in the saddle. we need more pass rush on defense there is no way Lawson should have impacted the defense this much if so we need to recruit 2 or 3 guys just like him because kennion is still too light and not aggressive enough. He was forced to play in my opinion because of Lawson injury. The good news is even if he returns we should have him again next season.

Holy run on sentence and lack of punctuation.

No disrespect WT but who gives a flying heck about run on and punctuation. Auburn is in a drowning pool

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yeah I believe if sean was capable and had a full understanding of the playbook he would have won the game versus Miss State.

That's completely ridiculous...

Hopefully we get whoever is the starter ready to throw the ball a lot more in the saddle. we need more pass rush on defense there is no way Lawson should have impacted the defense this much if so we need to recruit 2 or 3 guys just like him because kennion is still too light and not aggressive enough. He was forced to play in my opinion because of Lawson injury. The good news is even if he returns we should have him again next season.

Holy run on sentence and lack of punctuation.

Careful there. I got trampled on here last week for making fun of a post I had to read about 10 times just to understand what it was saying because of the nonsensical grammar/punctuation, LOL.

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This entire site has went to crap...it's like everyone has an answer...Gus a man who has been a career coach is all

of sudden incompetent. Gus not only can't coach he can't recruit, neither can Lashlee, or DC for that matter. Gus can't call plays anymore, RL is dead weight, receivers suck, lbs suck, basically everything is crap. Black hole may as well come swallow up the program the way some of you are acting

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I tell you a problem, people act you can't both praise and critique a player at the same position. Like it has to be sw the greatest and jj is horrible or vice versa. Or if you say barber is great you have to say roc is a disappointment....I don't get that. I think it started with Sammie and duke last year. But that's an opinion

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With the way AU's passing game (or lack thereof) looks, I'm beginning to suspect that Gandalf the Grey makes an appearance on the practice field (where a "great week of practice" - that doesn't quite seem to translate into results in the game - occurs) every day!


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This entire site has went to crap...it's like everyone has an answer...Gus a man who has been a career coach is all

of sudden incompetent. Gus not only can't coach he can't recruit, neither can Lashlee, or DC for that matter. Gus can't call plays anymore, RL is dead weight, receivers suck, lbs suck, basically everything is crap. Black hole may as well come swallow up the program the way some of you are acting

I tell you a problem, people act you can't both praise and critique a player at the same position. Like it has to be sw the greatest and jj is horrible or vice versa. Or if you say barber is great you have to say roc is a disappointment....I don't get that. I think it started with Sammie and duke last year. But that's an opinion

Not a lot of nuanced thinking on the boards, especially right after a loss, and nearl loss, or a win by insufficient margin. It's a feeding frenzy for negatigers, and it puts the posi-s on edge.

The morale is low all around. Folks see how we've performed so far and can't see too many more wins this season. Really, who'd have thought winning against UK wasn't a given? Yet, now, who's confident we're going to win? That's a long way to fall and have folks acting rational.

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Ive the black hole winning the turnover battle and the game. Auburn looked better though.

With the way AU's passing game (or lack thereof) looks, I'm beginning to suspect that Gandalf the Grey makes an appearance on the practice field (where a "great week of practice" - that doesn't quite seem to translate into results in the game - occurs) every day!


Appreciate the levity.

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This entire site has went to crap...it's like everyone has an answer...Gus a man who has been a career coach is all

of sudden incompetent. Gus not only can't coach he can't recruit, neither can Lashlee, or DC for that matter. Gus can't call plays anymore, RL is dead weight, receivers suck, lbs suck, basically everything is crap. Black hole may as well come swallow up the program the way some of you are acting

Wait till the names of the kids who want to transfer start to come out.

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