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European Countries Committing Suicide?

Proud Tiger

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Modern conservatism in one image.


Did Errope make it through the night?

The continent of Europe made it through the night and will continue to do so. Sadly, their various historical cultures did not.

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too bad for ICHY, i have the perfect reply...

as,jmndabsd, askjdh akljdsbh asoiduahd lakjdashdklasjdn al;sjkdhns kl;asjdh l;askh!!! sdkfj? ksdjh ksjdfh nsdiuyt klsjdfh??? ikuyhr alkujhe roi, .... iuht?

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Modern conservatism in one image.


Did Errope make it through the night?

IDK if you'll take the word of one who is living through this or not, but maybe you can...

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Modern conservatism in one image.


Did Errope make it through the night?

IDK if you'll take the word of one who is living through this or not, but maybe you can...


France just kicked out a bunch of Romas and gypsies not even four or five years ago. Looks like they are going to kick out the migrants too.

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Proud Tiggy needs to dust off that New Years resolution.

I'm thrilled you are keeping tabs. I'm flattered. Care to point out how?

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The refugee situation is creating chaos across Europe. Do we want this in America?


Didn't you post this a few months ago?


Yeah, you did.


Good catch. Glad you are keeping up with me. my memory isn't what it used to be. But it is still very relevant and a major issue to deal with. It's a tough thing trying to balance care for these people vs. the reality of the potential outcome. Already one in five Americans today are immigrants or children of immigrants.

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Shove the " migrants " off to England then, let them deal w/ it all.

Just great.

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...Already one in five Americans today are immigrants or children of immigrants.

While this may be accurate math--I haven't looked it up myself and will defer to you on that stat--I fail to see why it matters. Immigrants, per se, are a non-threat and a non-issue. [Criminals or terrorist of any persuasion are a different story, but the vast majority of immigrants are NOT criminals or terrorists!]

Everyone in this country not 100% Native American is of foreign descent, if not specifically 1st or 2nd generation. And pretty much every arriving ethnic/cultural group was looked down upon by those people already here.

I just don't get xenophobia:

I like to explore other cultures. I like/prefer my own cultural roots, but a 'mono-cultural' life would be a boring life to me. I like to expand my horizons. I like to learn. I like to hear what other people think, what other cultures believe. I like to explore another culture's food, humor, art, celebrations, traditions, etc.

Living and working in a college town, I enjoy learning from our international students. In nearly 62 years of life, I have yet to meet a single foreigner that tried to force his or her culture upon me, shoved it down my throat, or wanted to force me to give up my own (including Muslims & Mexicans I've known, if that's the particular fear these days). And I am certainly adult enough and intelligent enough to enjoy the best another culture has to offer without being dragged down by the worst of said culture or forgetting the best and worst of my own.

(Not to mention that my faith teaches me to treat all people the same...I don't attempt to tell others what their faith should teach them.)

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...Already one in five Americans today are immigrants or children of immigrants.

While this may be accurate math--I haven't looked it up myself and will defer to you on that stat--I fail to see why it matters. Immigrants, per se, are a non-threat and a non-issue. [Criminals or terrorist of any persuasion are a different story, but the vast majority of immigrants are NOT criminals or terrorists!]

Everyone in this country not 100% Native American is of foreign descent, if not specifically 1st or 2nd generation. And pretty much every arriving ethnic/cultural group was looked down upon by those people already here.

I just don't get xenophobia:

I like to explore other cultures. I like/prefer my own cultural roots, but a 'mono-cultural' life would be a boring life to me. I like to expand my horizons. I like to learn. I like to hear what other people think, what other cultures believe. I like to explore another culture's food, humor, art, celebrations, traditions, etc.

Living and working in a college town, I enjoy learning from our international students. In nearly 62 years of life, I have yet to meet a single foreigner that tried to force his or her culture upon me, shoved it down my throat, or wanted to force me to give up my own (including Muslims & Mexicans I've known, if that's the particular fear these days). And I am certainly adult enough and intelligent enough to enjoy the best another culture has to offer without being dragged down by the worst of said culture or forgetting the best and worst of my own.

(Not to mention that my faith teaches me to treat all people the same...I don't attempt to tell others what their faith should teach them.)

You obviously don't embody the necessary aspects that cause xenophobia: Fear, resentment, hate, lack of empathy, greed and ignorance.

As an aside, I had a nice talk with the owner of a Persian restaurant I ate at today. One of the things I discovered is they pronounce Iran with the accent on the first syllable: I' ran

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Umm, if this is an 'agenda', then so be it. Don't act as if that's a bad thing.

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