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And the 2020 winner is ... dangerous distrust


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19 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

We've discussed the whole natural gas and fracturing and how Biden wants to get stop both (he's flip flopped on this so I don't know where he stands now, but he has previously wanted to ban it). Sounds great on paper to say the US is stopping the use of fossil fuels but in reality does no good if China and India for example don't make changes as well. If you really want to address global warming you need US companies to foster the newer technology in other countries. Do we need to have cleaner resources, of course. The US could be all electric right now and we'd still have many other countries polluting like crazy. But they have been saying this for years and haven't banned it, but it keeps the votes coming in so I guess ride that horse as long as you can. 

That is just one example, if you want to talk about raising the taxes on the rich only we can. At the same time we can also talk about our tax code that basically negates those raised taxes. But hey, tax the rich gets you votes so ride that horse as long as you can. Then there is ACA, which was crammed through so they could say "look we addressed healthcare." For every person it helped, it screwed over almost as many. You like it because you were on the good end of things with it. 


The R's have many hollow promises as well and their political footballs as well.


This second part is interesting and highlights part of the problem with how people think. You clearly think that it is only the Republicans fault for us not having another relief package. I am sure if I asked a hardcore conservative they would blame it all on the Dem's and Pelosi. If either side really cared about the general population they would have already had an agreement.  Both sides never really had any intention on doing anything. And there's Munchkin, which I am sure he's doing what trump told him to do since he is pouting.


You are just as brainwashed by the left as a MAGA is by trump.  You mirror how our politicians act which is only to blame the other side or say "but, the other side is worse."

Fracking? :rolleyes:

We have a looming crisis with starvation and evictions and you want to talk about fracking?

And seriously, Trump and most - if not all - MAGAs don't even accept global warming as a problem.  So I wouldn't even go there if I were you.   We must make a transition away from our dependence on fossil fuels and Biden has a serious plan to start that effort.  Republicans don't understand the problem because it's 'science'.

The reason we didn't have another relief package is McConnell, pure and simple.

And the other side - Republicans - are worse.  FAR FAR WORSE.  That's just fact.  And I have no love for Democrats but there is a HUGE difference. Their continuing support of Trump is obvious evidence for that.


You are the one who's brainwashed and still clinging to the past.


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19 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Here ya go. This is where I provided it directly to you on Wednesday. It lists several polls finding basically the same thing, and compares them to 2016, when Democrats were much more accepting of the loss. I guess you just didn't read it?


You mean same one that had 1,987 respondents where 42% self identify as democrats and 24% as independents so only 36% were actually republicans? Same one where about 50% said they don't approve of trumps performance? Maybe they are just using the 69% that think the country is off on the wrong track and misrepresenting the real facts. You would know all this if you read the document on their methodology and how they conducted this survey. But, who would want facts to get in the way of things.


Sounds more like dems think it was rigged to me. 

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33 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Fracking? :rolleyes:

We have a looming crisis with starvation and evictions and you want to talk about fracking?

And seriously, Trump and most - if not all - MAGAs don't even accept global warming as a problem.  So I wouldn't even go there if I were you.   We must make a transition away from our dependence on fossil fuels and Biden has a serious plan to start that effort.  Republicans don't understand the problem because it's 'science'.

The reason we didn't have another relief package is McConnell, pure and simple.

And the other side - Republicans - are worse.  FAR FAR WORSE.  That's just fact.  And I hav e no love for Democratsbut there is a HUGE difference. Their continuing support of Trump is obvious evidence for that.


You are the one who's brainwashed and still clinging to the past.


LMAO, you love nothing but democrats. 


Yeah and you asked for examples and I provided some for you....and yes it is fracturing. 


Kinda like Dub did when he had a meltdown?


We don't have another deal because one side wanted 3.4 trillion in aid and the other what about 1 trillion at first and then both sides got petty and pointed the finger. 

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10 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

You mean same one that had 1,987 respondents where 42% self identify as democrats and 24% as independents so only 36% were actually republicans? Same one where about 50% said they don't approve of trumps performance? Maybe they are just using the 69% that think the country is off on the wrong track and misrepresenting the real facts. You would know all this if you read the document on their methodology and how they conducted this survey. But, who would want facts to get in the way of things.

Sounds more like dems think it was rigged to me. 


12 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

You mean same one that had 1,987 respondents where 42% self identify as democrats and 24% as independents so only 36% were actually republicans? Same one where about 50% said they don't approve of trumps performance? Maybe they are just using the 69% that think the country is off on the wrong track and misrepresenting the real facts. You would know all this if you read the document on their methodology and how they conducted this survey. But, who would want facts to get in the way of things.

Sounds more like dems think it was rigged to me. 

There were three polls listed. Which one are you referring to?

Also, what did you just respond with that disputes that 67-73% of the Republicans polled, depending on which poll, don't trust the election results?

Can you provide any polls showing that Republicans mostly trust that it was a fair election?

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2 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

LMAO, you love nothing but democrats. 

You got a better alternative to Republicans and Trump?


2 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

Yeah and you asked for examples and I provided some for you....and yes it is fracturing. 

I don't even understand how fracking is an example of what you were talking about.

Quote: "You know, like all those Democrats that pander to everyone and act like they are for the people and throw out ideas and policies that look good on paper so they claim the high road when in reality means nothing."


2 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:


Kinda like Dub did when he had a meltdown?

Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about here.


2 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

We don't have another deal because one side wanted 3.4 trillion in aid and the other what about 1 trillion at first and then both sides got petty and pointed the finger. 

".....Nevertheless, the Democratic-controlled House, which impeached Trump in December, passed a relief package in May that would have pumped $3 trillion more into Trump’s economy and even empowered the president to send additional $1,200 stimulus checks to voters. When Republicans insisted that $3 trillion was too generous, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who recently said Trump is so terrifying that he's giving her sleepless nights, went back, cut out hundreds of millions of dollars and had her caucus pass a $2.2 trillion compromise that also could have given Trump a bipartisan victory before the election.

Republicans have still said no. The White House negotiating position before Tuesday was that Trump wouldn’t accept anything larger than $1.6 trillion—and it’s never been clear whether Senate Republicans would be willing or able to pass any new stimulus at all. In any case, Trump now seems to have killed off efforts by his own negotiators to get at least some help to laid-off workers and struggling small businesses before the election, although he promised on Twitter to pass “a major Stimulus Bill” after he wins.

What in the name of zero-sum politics is going on? The economic knock on Trump is that he governs mainly to pump up the Dow, but in this case Wall Street is clamoring for more stimulus. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is practically begging Congress to prop up the recovery, and double-dip recessions aren’t usually advantageous for incumbent presidents. But the negotiations, which were in trouble because Republicans refused to pour as much cash into the Trump economy as Democrats wanted, have now been scuttled by Trump himself....."


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Just now, McLoofus said:


There were three polls listed. Which one are you referring to?

Also, what did you just respond with that disputes that 67-73% of the Republicans polled, depending on which poll, don't trust the election results?

Can you provide any polls showing that Republicans mostly trust that it was a fair election?

I am responding to the politico poll you posted which happens be the same one that the article homer provided linked to.


The information I provided is right there provided by politico just have to read the entire article. Out of that 1987 polled, only 715 identify as republicans. 680 people think the election outcome was unfair so assuming that all 680 were republican that would be 95% think it was rigged. And 1049 of the 1987 respondents voted for Biden. They don't break it down to how many of the 715 think it is rigged. But, to say that 70% of republicans think this election was rigged because of a survey that doesn't even back that up and only 36% of the people identify as republican is comical.



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5 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

I am responding to the politico poll you posted which happens be the same one that the article homer provided linked to.


The information I provided is right there provided by politico just have to read the entire article. Out of that 1987 polled, only 715 identify as republicans. 680 people think the election outcome was unfair so assuming that all 680 were republican that would be 95% think it was rigged. And 1049 of the 1987 respondents voted for Biden. They don't break it down to how many of the 715 think it is rigged. But, to say that 70% of republicans think this election was rigged because of a survey that doesn't even back that up and only 36% of the people identify as republican is comical.

What about the other two surveys?

As for the math in the politico poll, it might not be spelled out for you but it's pretty easy to figure out.

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11 minutes ago, homersapien said:

You got a better alternative to Republicans and Trump?


I don't even understand how fracking is an example of what you were talking about.

Quote: "You know, like all those Democrats that pander to everyone and act like they are for the people and throw out ideas and policies that look good on paper so they claim the high road when in reality means nothing."


Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about here.


".....Nevertheless, the Democratic-controlled House, which impeached Trump in December, passed a relief package in May that would have pumped $3 trillion more into Trump’s economy and even empowered the president to send additional $1,200 stimulus checks to voters. When Republicans insisted that $3 trillion was too generous, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who recently said Trump is so terrifying that he's giving her sleepless nights, went back, cut out hundreds of millions of dollars and had her caucus pass a $2.2 trillion compromise that also could have given Trump a bipartisan victory before the election.

Republicans have still said no. The White House negotiating position before Tuesday was that Trump wouldn’t accept anything larger than $1.6 trillion—and it’s never been clear whether Senate Republicans would be willing or able to pass any new stimulus at all. In any case, Trump now seems to have killed off efforts by his own negotiators to get at least some help to laid-off workers and struggling small businesses before the election, although he promised on Twitter to pass “a major Stimulus Bill” after he wins.

What in the name of zero-sum politics is going on? The economic knock on Trump is that he governs mainly to pump up the Dow, but in this case Wall Street is clamoring for more stimulus. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is practically begging Congress to prop up the recovery, and double-dip recessions aren’t usually advantageous for incumbent presidents. But the negotiations, which were in trouble because Republicans refused to pour as much cash into the Trump economy as Democrats wanted, have now been scuttled by Trump himself....."


That first part.......cutting out fracking for example or when a dem politician says end fossil fuels in the US so we can save the planet is great for getting votes but isn't going to translate to much if we don't get other countries up to speed on clean technology.  Like my friend who thought he was doing something good by buying the new "eco friendly" iPhone with reduced packaging that ended up ordering a charger they eliminated to reduce the packaging. Sounds great, but wrong way of doing things. 


Go back and reread this thread then you  will see what I mean by Dub and having a meltdown.

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1 hour ago, McLoofus said:

What about the other two surveys?

As for the math in the politico poll, it might not be spelled out for you but it's pretty easy to figure out.


You didn't even read the documents on the politico poll. It spells everything out and if you actually read it you will see that what I am say is correct. Which poll do we believe? The other ones or the politico poll that doesn't back up what you claim? Both are facts right? Then which one is the real fact? 

I have attached the actual document in case anyone wants to look at it. 


As far as math goes, it was actually 40% R's (last line in the document), which is 794 respondents. So to go your route to claim that I am missing something the sample size for 74,000,000 trump voters needs to be way higher otherwise this survey doesn't even reach 80% confidence.download.pdf


On further review another document shows shows a break down with 68% but the sample size is about 3 times too small to be anything meaningful. A sample size of 794 is roughly 75% confidence interval. 

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40 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:


You didn't even read the documents on the politico poll. It spells everything out and if you actually read it you will see that what I am say is correct. Which poll do we believe? The other ones or the politico poll that doesn't back up what you claim? Both are facts right? Then which one is the real fact? 

I have attached the actual document in case anyone wants to look at it. 


As far as math goes, it was actually 34% R's, which is 672 respondents. So to go your route to claim that I am missing something the sample size for 74,000,000 trump voters needs to be way higher otherwise this survey doesn't even reach 80% confidence.download.pdf

Exactly what I expected from you. Thanks.

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15 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Exactly what I expected from you. Thanks.

You sound like a child, getting mad and taking your toys and leaving the sandbox to go home. LMAO You proved what Bird has been trying to say in this thread about people such as the way you act. 


Your other link references back to the same poll. Which as I pointed out doesn't have enough of a sample size for 74 million voters. You should know that right? It is pretty easy math right? (Just throwing back that snarky attitude of yours.)

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On 11/28/2020 at 11:16 PM, AUDub said:

Coming from you, a guy that liked posts defending a post ACCUSING HUNTER BIDEN OF RAPING A MINOR, I will consider this a compliment.

I assume liberalism is shorthand for not being an a**hole.  

Never drunk post Ben. Having done so myself I can advise against it. Word.

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On 11/29/2020 at 7:51 PM, TitanTiger said:

We have a bit more happening here than just “differing opinions.” We literally have had idiots here who saw no issue with floating rape and incest accusations out there involving a still teenaged girl because apparently there are no lines that can’t be crossed when there’s a liberal to defeat. And others that acted like it was just run of the mill political rough and tumble. Don't minimize. 

My recollection is that someone posted info that was supposedly from Hunter Biden's laptop that included information about Hunter Biden's niece. No one called out the person who posted it and AuDub went ballistic about it several days later. That is completely different from "idiots who saw no issue  with floating rape and incest accusations". But I may be biased.

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On 11/28/2020 at 11:28 PM, AUDub said:

I wish I had an opponent that could argue a stance like an adult. 

Starts with you being an adult Ben. Like a handful of others here, that used to be a real thing. I wish you the best in recovery.

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On 11/28/2020 at 11:57 PM, AUDub said:

Guys, I'm done here. Bird's bull**** got a like from another mod, along with 6 other posters I'm at the end of my rope trying to press decency onto indecent people, especially people in power here like Golf. This is what this forum is now: majority morons with a smattering of decent posters, and the only decent people with any power in the poli board are Titan and Tex.

I just can't do it anymore. My temper and disposition won't allow it. We have one deeply flawed side, and the other thinks that shoes go on the head rather than the feet and that accusing your political opponents of rape/inciting riots/finagling with the election process is cool. There's just no point.

Titan, do your damndest to keep this forum from devolving into s***. Some of your mods need to be reined in. 

Good luck, my ideological fellows and reasonable ideological opponents.

Later.  Been a fun decade.

What? Press decency on indecent people? Surely you jest?

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If AUDub or anyone else from the left had expressed similar outrage at what the left exposed Brett Kavanaugh's children to during his confirmation hearing then you would not seem as much like hypocrites.

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43 minutes ago, Grumps said:

If AUDub or anyone else from the left had expressed similar outrage at what the left exposed Brett Kavanaugh's children to during his confirmation hearing then you would not seem as much like hypocrites.

You think hearing that your dad was accused of sexual assault, as bad as that is, is on the same level as having people think you as a teenaged girl had sex with your uncle?  And that the level of seriousness with which to take the allegation was similar?  

With one, we had a person willing to go on the record and appear before Congress to make her accusation - it was something that could not be ignored.  On the other we have far right idiots passing the information around on blog sites and dingbats like SocialCircle sharing it on average Joe message boards like this one.  

Kavanaugh is a grown man and a legal expert who can defend himself.  How would a teenage girl have the maturity and experience to be able to do the same?

Kavanaugh's kids possibly hearing what their dad was accused of, as unfortunate as that is, something is not on the same level as a teenage girl being accused of participating in incest.  Nor was it something that you could just ignore when you're about to put a man on the highest court in the land for a lifetime appointment.  But there is ZERO reason to be spreading this Hunter Biden rumor that has no basis in anything.

This is the kind of crap that irritates me.  Some of you pick the weirdest things to put on equal footing.  

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Wow! What a revealing thread this has been. SMDH

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1 hour ago, Grumps said:

If AUDub or anyone else from the left had expressed similar outrage at what the left exposed Brett Kavanaugh's children to during his confirmation hearing then you would not seem as much like hypocrites.

Also, Dub did offer this critique about how people were treating Kavanaugh's family:


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1 minute ago, ShocksMyBrain said:

Is it though?

Likely depends on perspective.

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