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The election is over. Send in the clowns!

A demonstrator attends a Pro-Trump protest outside the Maricopa County Elections Department in Phoenix on Thursday.
November 6, 2020 at 6:52 p.m. EST

The election is over. Send in the clowns!

Twitter troll Ric Grenell spent his time as President Trump’s ambassador to Germany offending that country and later proved too radioactive to be confirmed as national intelligence director. Now he’s trying to convince Nevadans that they didn’t really vote for former vice president Joe Biden.

“They continue to count illegal votes!” Grenell announced Thursday at a Las Vegas news conference. “It’s giving legal people a sense that the system is corrupt.”

His proof of this affront to “legal people”? A woman who alleges somebody voted in her name. Trouble is, she refused to sign a formal challenge, and her signature matches that of the mystery voter, officials say.

Reporters asked Grenell if he had any real evidence. “We don’t have access to the information,” he said, hastily departing. “We’re not going to take any more questions.”

In Pennsylvania, where Trump was initially leading in the tally, pro-Trump demonstrators massed in Philadelphia, chanting: “STOP THE COUNT!”

In Arizona, where Biden was leading in the tally, pro-Trump demonstrators massed in Phoenix, chanting: “COUNT THE VOTES!”

They chanted this right outside the Maricopa County Elections Department, where officials were, um, counting the votes.

In Georgia, Trump campaign lawyers marched into a Savannah courtroom to challenge 53 ballots that one Republican poll watcher claimed “may have” arrived after the deadline on Election Day. The county lawyer asked the poll watcher if he had any evidence. The poll watcher did not.

“The court finds that there is no evidence that the ballots referenced in the petition were received after 7:00 p.m.,” the judge ruled. Case dismissed.

In Michigan, the Trump campaign went to court to stop the counting because a Republican poll watcher claimed she’d heard from one unnamed election worker that another unnamed election worker had said to backdate late-arriving ballots.

“How is that not hearsay?” asked the judge. “Come on, now.” Case dismissed.

In Arizona, the Trump campaign joined a lawsuit based on a debunked Internet conspiracy theory falsely alleging that Maricopa County had invalidated ballots filled out with Sharpies. County officials point out that the voting-machine manufacturer actually recommends using Sharpies. Trump lawyers said they needed two weeks to build their case. “I don’t think that’s feasible,” the judge said.

Trump did win one ruling, allowing poll watchers to ignore pandemic restrictions and to get up close to vote counters. “Big legal win in Pennsylvania!” Trump proclaimed.

That was probably Trump’s most responsible pronouncement this week.

“Our campaign has been denied access to observe any counting in Detroit,” he said. There were more than 100 poll observers from each party in Detroit, reports NBC News’s Heidi Przybyla, who was there.

“If you count the legal votes, I easily win,” Trump said, attempting to invalidate 64 million legal ballots received before Election Day.

Trump claimed that the yet-to-be-decided states “are run in all cases by Democrats.” Georgia’s governor and secretary of state are Trump-backing Republicans.

Fuming about Pennsylvania, Trump tweeted “The OBSERVERS were not allowed, in any way, shape, or form.” His lawyers admitted in court that they had observers (at least 19, reportedly) in the room.

“STOP THE COUNT!” Trump demanded, apparently unaware that this would have instantly sealed Biden’s victory.

“Votes cannot be cast after the Poles are closed!” Trump tweeted, before taking another Krakow at the spelling.

If anything, the fraud is flowing in the other direction.

Wisconsin Republicans on Thursday “urgently” sought out volunteers to call Pennsylvania Trump supporters and tell them to send in their (now invalid) absentee ballots. The U.S. Postal Service, run by a Trump megadonor, defied a court order and failed to deliver tens of thousands of ballots on time.

And all along, Republican officials who know better have been amplifying the disinformation. “President Trump won this election,” the top House Republican, Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) declared. (Thankfully, he later said he didn’t mean it.)

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (S.C.), calling Philadelphia elections “crooked as a snake,” said he was open to Republican state legislatures throwing out the votes and awarding electoral votes to Trump. Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) expressed interest in a “do-over” election.

Such reckless words have an effect.

In Arizona, armed Trump supporters massed outside elections offices; conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) joined the protest; and members of the extremist group AZ Patriots entered elections offices uninvited, complaining about the “Sharpiegate” conspiracy.

In California, a man who threatened a mass shooting if Biden wins was taken into custody Friday, the Los Angeles Times reported.

And in Philadelphia, two men face firearms charges after police found them outside the vote-counting center Thursday night; they had an AR-16 and 60 rounds of ammunition in their car, festooned with QAnon conspiracy symbols. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that police had been alerted that the suspects aimed to “straighten things out” with the vote counting.

It’s time for Republicans to “straighten things out” — before this clown show turns dark.



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2 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

The conservative commentator that originally posted this and got the whole thing rolling retracted his claim and admitted it was wrong.  Stop doubting everything that doesn't fit your narrative.

It doesn't make sense because you're believing rumors.

Also, the links to voter registration numbers almost all came directly from each state's Secretary of State or official elections website.  Are they all biased too?


K, before I say something that gets me banned. I should know better there’s no debating with people on the other side in politics. If the roles were reversed, i can guarantee half this political forum would implode. I knew better than to post here, just know my living will get worse with Biden as president. Hope everyone that has been rooting for Biden knows that.

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2 minutes ago, Maverick.AU said:

K, before I say something that gets me banned. I should know better there’s no debating with people on the other side in politics. If the roles were reversed, i can guarantee half this political forum would implode. I knew better than to post here, just know my living will get worse with Biden as president. Hope everyone that has been rooting for Biden knows that.

Look, I don't really care what how you think the other side would react.  Deal with what *is* being claimed right now and then compare it to basic factchecking and research.  It's bull****.  Just admit you bought into inaccurate info and stop pushing it.

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Just now, TitanTiger said:

Look, I don't really care what how you think the other side would react.  Deal with what *is* being claimed right now and then compare it to basic factchecking and research.  It's bull****.  Just admit you bought into inaccurate info and stop pushing it.

Nope I’m not, I don’t think everything on the democratic side is as clean as “you” think it to be, and you won’t make me believe that. Of course you don’t care how the other side react lol, if this was reversed it would be a National scandal and would be on cnn 24/7

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2 minutes ago, Maverick.AU said:

Nope I’m not, I don’t think everything on the democratic side is as clean as “you” think it to be, and you won’t make me believe that. Of course you don’t care how the other side react lol, if this was reversed it would be a National scandal and would be on cnn 24/7

I hate scandals like counting votes of American citizens.  Just hate em.  Put everyone who voted in jail!

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1 minute ago, Maverick.AU said:

Nope I’m not, I don’t think everything on the democratic side is as clean as “you” think it to be, and you won’t make me believe that. Of course you don’t care how the other side react lol, if this was reversed it would be a National scandal and would be on cnn 24/7

You're moving the goalposts.  If you have specific claims, put them out there for examination and show some evidence.  But *these* claims are horse***t that you bought into.

And again, it's irrelevant what you think the other side would do it the roles were reversed. They aren't reversed and one side is making this s*** up.

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Just now, TitanTiger said:

You're moving the goalposts.  If you have specific claims, put them out there for examination and show some evidence.  But *these* claims are horse***t that you bought into.

And again, it's irrelevant what you think the other side would do it the roles were reversed. They aren't reversed and one side is making this s*** up.

Again, if the Democrats were so good at cheating, why didn't they cheat their way to Senate control too?  Seems kind of dumb not to do that.

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8 minutes ago, Maverick.AU said:

K, before I say something that gets me banned. I should know better there’s no debating with people on the other side in politics. If the roles were reversed, i can guarantee half this political forum would implode. I knew better than to post here, just know my living will get worse with Biden as president. Hope everyone that has been rooting for Biden knows that.

I thought you said you didn't know what Biden's policies are. Right after you said he's been hiding in his basement. Which is exactly what trump told you to say. 

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1 minute ago, McLoofus said:

I thought you said you didn't know what Biden's policies are. Right after you said he's been hiding in his basement. Which is exactly what trump told you to say. 

Ya know loof, I know it was a mistake posting here, Bc a lot of people in this forum I don’t agree on a lick in politics but I agree on with a lot of other stuff. Make sure u think about that next time we speak since you’re basically calling me a “trump puppet”

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3 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

Again, if the Democrats were so good at cheating, why didn't they cheat their way to Senate control too?  Seems kind of dumb not to do that.

Seriously.  You have the power to rig an election, but you choose to do it in a way where it drags out 3 days past Election Day, with tight margins, you lose House seats and don't take the Senate.  Yeah, that sounds like a real sharp bunch there.

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Just now, Maverick.AU said:

Ya know loof, I know it was a mistake posting here, Bc a lot of people in this forum I don’t agree on a lick in politics but I agree on with a lot of other stuff. Make sure u think about that next time we speak since you’re basically calling me a “trump puppet”

Your mistake wasn't posting here or that you and others don't share the same political views.  You wandered in here spreading unresearched junk you saw on social media or some other forum and because it fit your presuppositions about Democrats, you chomped on that hook like a large mouthed bass.  Your mistake was not doing a little research before believing and spreading made up nonsense.  You're welcome to be here, to hold your political views, and engage in discussion.  But if you make claims, you'd better be able to back them up,

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Just now, TitanTiger said:

Your mistake wasn't posting here or that you and others don't share the same political views.  You wandered in here spreading unresearched junk you saw on social media or some other forum and because it fit your presuppositions about Democrats, you chomped on that hook like a large mouthed bass.  Your mistake was not doing a little research before believing and spreading made up nonsense.  You're welcome to be here, to hold your political views, and engage in discussion.  But if you make claims, you'd better be able to back them up,

I did nothing of the sort but ok keep going off TT

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11 minutes ago, Maverick.AU said:

Nope I’m not, I don’t think everything on the democratic side is as clean as “you” think it to be, and you won’t make me believe that. Of course you don’t care how the other side react lol, if this was reversed it would be a National scandal and would be on cnn 24/7

My God, man. Even the GOP leadership is asking Trump to show proof of voter fraud because they think he's just stirring up s**t right now. You're going to believe rumors on social media before the leadership of the Republican party?

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Just now, Maverick.AU said:

I did nothing of the sort but ok keep going off TT

The details of how you came across the info might not be spot on, but what you did with it is 100% spot on.  That you can't admit that and take the "L" makes me think it's probably best that you stick to sports.

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Just now, TitanTiger said:

The details of how you came across the info might not be spot on, but what you did with it is 100% spot on.  That you can't admit that and take the "L" makes me think it's probably best that you stick to sports.

Nah, not taking the L and won’t care to be posting here anymore. Literally all it is here is a bunch of hypocritical liberals. Peace out 

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Just now, Maverick.AU said:

Ya know loof, I know it was a mistake posting here, Bc a lot of people in this forum I don’t agree on a lick in politics but I agree on with a lot of other stuff. Make sure u think about that next time we speak since you’re basically calling me a “trump puppet”

You are regurgitating his talking points and using his language. You need to own that.

Back to Biden's policies that will make your life worse. What are they, and why do you know what they are when, as you said, his voters don't? 

Have you considered that trump's aren't best for others, and that is why they voted for Biden? Or should *they* vote for *your* best interests?

Further to Titan's response above, I make mistakes posting in here all the time. I like to think I acknowledge a lot of them. But my mistakes were saying the wrong thing. I didn't make a mistake by conversating with people with whom I disagree. If we're telling each other what we need to think about, that's what I'm going to tell you that you need to think about.

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1 minute ago, Maverick.AU said:

Nah, not taking the L and won’t care to be posting here anymore. Literally all it is here is a bunch of hypocritical liberals. Peace out 


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2 minutes ago, Maverick.AU said:

Nah, not taking the L and won’t care to be posting here anymore. Literally all it is here is a bunch of hypocritical liberals. Peace out 

You took the L whether you can admit it to yourself or not.

Good riddance.

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Just now, McLoofus said:

You are regurgitating his talking points and using his language. You need to own that.

Back to Biden's policies that will make your life worse. What are they, and why do you know what they are when, as you said, his voters don't? 

Have you considered that trump's aren't best for others, and that is why they voted for Biden? Or should *they* vote for *your* best interests?

Further to Titan's response above, I make mistakes posting in here all the time. I like to think I acknowledge a lot of them. But my mistakes were saying the wrong thing. I didn't make a mistake by conversating with people with whom I disagree. If we're telling each other what we need to think about, that's what I'm going to tell you that you need to think about.

i respect u loof and totally get what you’re saying, I had a response typed up but ya know, sports is my thing, I know what I believe and this part of the forum is not intersectional with my life like football is. I’ll leave it at that and take my leave. 

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2 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

You took the L whether you can admit it to yourself or not.

Good riddance.

Keep piling on like the strong men you are!💪🏼

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